A Small Country Far Away

Our Israeli correspondent MC sends an update from Sderot, preceded by a reflection on the history of appeasement.

British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain shakes hands with German Chancellor Adolf Hitler in Munich, September 1938

A Small Country Far Away

by MC

Most people who are blind to Hamas’ atrocities probably think along the lines of Israel being “a small nation, far away”, with little understanding that Hamas is only as far away as the nearest CAIR or Muslim Council office. When Chamberlain waved his piece of paper in 1938, everybody (except the Czechs) heaved a sigh of relief.

What the world did not understand was that the Nazis (and all other socialists) are liars, and deceit is part and parcel of being a social humanist as well as being an Islamist.

Lying is a natural way of life. One reason the Ten Commandments were so revolutionary was that they forbade both ‘false witness’ and murder.

A corollary to the Ten Commandments and Torah is that every word and action that we take adds to or changes Creation and thus can we be judged at the appropriate time.

Kibbutz Beeri was a ‘socialist’ kibbutz as kibbutzim go, but Hamas is no respecter of any Western political nuances. The ‘useful idiots’ are always disposable once they become ‘useless idiots’, maybe even dangerous idiots, because they think they are deserving of rewards and privileges.

Both Communism and Nazism had the tendency to make that reward a bullet in the back of the neck…

Jews have been with us for some thousands of years. Thus there must be something unique behind Jewish culture. Those who do not believe that God is behind that culture should appreciate that there must be something special at the root of Judaism that makes it so persistent.

Secular humanists should take note: Socialism failed in France and turned to mass murder. It failed in Russia and turned to mass murder. It failed in Germany and turned to mass murder. Same with Cambodia and Cuba. Chinese communism resorted to mass murder even before firmly in power.

Is there a noticeable trend here? One would think not, judging by the avidity with which people try to repeat the socialist ‘experiment’ and hope for different results.

But Islam is probably the biggest mass slaughterer of all time, and we call it a “Religion of Peace”. Is this existential irony a part of that same insanity?

Those Ivy League universities which allow the persecution of Jews because woke-fake propaganda says that Jews are colonialists and settlers should read the real history of Israel and the Jews. The idea of the modern “Jewish Homeland” entered international law with the San Remo treaty in 1922. This treaty was included in the United Nations Charter under article 80, so EVERY signatory of the United Nations Charter accepted that Israel has the right to exist.

Gaza and “Judea and Samaria” were illegally occupied by Egypt and Jordan respectively when the world left Israel to the wolves and vultures in the 1948 War of Independence, when the Arab world tried to continue the work of the Holocaust, but were beaten back.

There has always been Jewish occupation of the land. If you dig a hole in Israel you find mainly Jewish, but also Roman, Philistine or Canaanite remains, but not ‘Palestinian’, because the current iteration of ‘Palestine’ was only invented in 1963.

Arabs come from Arabia as the name implies, and it is these Arabs which are the colonisers and settlers. But Wokism and its associated projections are only interested in skin colour. It is orientated towards ‘underdogism’, and Arabs are darkish and perpetually claim underdog status as a means of deceiving the infidel.

Underdogism is a modern propaganda exercise first practised by the North Vietnamese communists. By claiming victimhood they were able to win over many (emotional) Americans into anti-war useful-idiotism. The ‘draft dodgers’ wanted to hide their guilty consciences, and this was a wonderful opportunity to obfuscate their guilt. They quickly and selfishly proceeded to turn a victory into defeat.

At the wokist intersection between women’s rights and Muslim underdogism, there has to be some fancy footwork to keep built-in Islamic misogyny safely swept under the carpet. Those children and adult females that were brutalised, raped and murdered on 10/7 were not important in wokist terms: they were ‘white’ Israeli Jews (or other ‘white supremacist’) females who deserved to be violated by poor Palestinian underdogist victims.

Such are the warped consciences of Ivy League academia and student bodies.

As usual, the privileged elite pass their ignorant judgements on those unable to defend themselves. Democrats always preach ‘redistribution’ whilst amassing their own private family fortunes.

Judeo-Christianity has worked for thousands of years. We Jews are still here, but those ardent academic ignoramuses worship a death cult (socialism) that has had so many failures over the last few hundred years. Is this plain stupidity or just Einsteinian madness (or both)?

Applying Lysenkoism to history creates fantasy and fairy tales, it is hard enough to find truth in the past when the victor writes the history, let alone a legacy laced with Lysenko…

Socialism gives encouragement to Lysenkoite fantasy, but then, socialism keeps reinventing itself in different guises: tribalism, welfareism, kibbutzism, even in some forms of Christianity. These small patches of socialism are the result of hardship forcing people to gather together to face the problems of defence and producing enough food as a communal effort. Joseph’s seven fat years and seven years of starvation are a good example.

But things go wrong when the successful tribe makes the evolutionary jump from micro-socialism (which works) to expansionist macro-socialism, which is disastrous. Islam did this; even in its tribal form it was authoritarian and violent, there was no room for dissent or free will.

Muslims gain credibility not by individual productive hard work, but by Jihad, by making war on the unbeliever. One can loot the unbeliever by taking all the welfare payments one can, legally and illegally, and thus impoverish him. This places a huge burden on productive members of society causing internal turbulence, all without lifting a weapon.

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Sderot is still not quiet. The children are back at school and most of the shops are open, but one can still hear the firefights on a daily basis.

We sit here wondering if Hamas has some kind of Samson option. Could they have some of Saddam Hussein’s missing binary nerve gas? Or maybe an Iranian dirty bomb?

Most Israelis agree that O’Biden is a twit, but a dangerous one, and with an alternative agenda. That he has basically won the Democrat Caucus says a lot about the DNC.

One assumes that Zero is still calling the White House shots, and Jill swings while Brandon dodders in the basement dungeon. The SOTU address brought no comfort to us — just an incoherent wishy-washy mess of pottage from the supposed leader of the Western World to whom the Muslims of Michigan are more important than preserving world peace. If the world lets Hamas get away with 10/7, then we can only expect more and worse across the Christian world.

Muslims follow their own rules if allowed to, and the failure of the West to batten down on Islam and its pernicious Qur’an has now meant that nations surrender to the religion of submission.

Islam promotes violent aggression. It does not acknowledge any national boundaries; borders are a purely Judeo-Christian concept. Foot-in-the-door-dawa such that the authorities are fearful of what extremism comes next. Judeo-Christian societies historically needed relatively little policing effort, but have now proved to be unable to cope with a violent tribal culture group in their midst.

So instead of confronting, they appease, and Israel is just another “small country far away”.

MC lives in the southern Israeli city of Sderot. For his previous essays, see the MC Archives.

20 thoughts on “A Small Country Far Away

  1. The “Small country far away” – Bohemia, Czechia, whatever you want to call it, has existed within its set borders for over 1000 years. The Nazis made a grave mistake when they moved the border stones – that’s the action that drew the infamous reaction – moving 3 million “germans” out of Bohemia after WWII.

    As my Grandfather said – “They all (the Germans) greeted each other “Heil Hitler”” and that’s why they were pushed out.

    Anyhow – contrary to popular belief – the rare Germans who didn’t become “Hitler Worshippers” had not been moved out of the country, I know many of their descendants, who live in Czech Republic, but their families have not been “moved out”.

    It is a popular joke in the Czech Republic that in fact – the Germans who had been relocated to Germany “won”, but those who stayed “lost” – having to live under communism for another 4o years.

    Anyhow. That’s not what I wanted to talk about.

    What I wanted to talk about are the beautiful Czech towns and cities that had not been bombed to the ground by the Luftwaffe.

    For that’s what would have happened had we fought the Germans, in 1938.

    Czechoslovakia was a real winner of the World War II. In 1945 our cities were unharmed, factories still running – though rumour has it Rockefellers and Fords and other “Western Industrialists” send the last bomber fleets to bomb Pilsen and other major Factories when the war was already over.

    There is simply very little doubt that the “US Capitalists paid the US Air Force to destroy their “Czechoslovak Competition” – at the very end of the war. But other than that – Czechoslovakia didn’t lose its core population, cities stayed intact, economy was OK…

    And then we were given over to the Communist Block. A fate that was decided in Yalta between Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin.

    This is a hard pill to swallow for many Czechs even to this day, because these days we are raised believing we should have fought the Germans in 1938, and we could have, we had the fortifications, the tanks, 1 million man Army…

    …but the truth is – had we “fought” – Bohemia would be totally destroyed by the Luftwaffe and the end result is uncertain.

    So we didn’t fight. And we survived the war rather untouched, compared to everybody else, producing bombs for London and Guns for Kriegsmarine…

    One last thing I will say, something rather politically incorrect, but there is also a saying going around that the Nazis were evil bastards, the Nazi laws were evil, but still – everything was done “according to the law” and the Nazis were not corrupt (talking about your average, everyday Nazi, not the top)

    The Nazis were evil but they left us with the most advanced factories and production facilities in Europe…

    And then the Communists took over. Stole all the property of the people, stole all the factories… And the Communists, being evil lawless bastards as they are actually damaged Czechoslovak Industry beyond the point of recovery.

    Its just another perspective, I guess. I know that the Czechoslovak Jews would say a different story about the Nazis, but this is what it was like for average Czech worker bee.

    Now let me ask you a question: Should Czechoslovakia fight the Germans in 1938? Knowing that we are integral part of the Holy Empire of the German Nation for 1000 years? Knowing that we would lose all our beautiful cities? And for what? For the Glory of Czechoslovakia?

    “Beg to report, sir, I’m as glad as I can be,” replied the
    good soldier Schweik. “It’ll be a grand thing if you and
    me was to fall together fighting for the Emperor and his


    • Czechoslovakia had 51 divisions and many (I think about 1200) Skoda tanks, which, had Britain and France been prepared to fight, would have left the Germans with the dreaded 2 front war. Hitler would have backed down…..

      It never occurred to me that, having been betrayed by UK and France, that Czechoslovakia was in any position to fight especially with Tiso in the wings waiting to take Slovakia out of the partnership. It is interesting to see Schumer and now Pres. Biden justifying meddling in Israeli politics, It seems to be what National Socialists do.

      • Yes, Czechoslovakia was disadvantaged but it was still in a position to fight, especially because it had large stores of ammunition, I heard Czechoslovakia had orders of magnitude more ammunition than the Germans, actually, which was the strategy planned for the possible war – to make Germans bleed out on our fortifications.

        The Germans, however, did have better airforce, and the 3 million sudeten Germans within our borders.

        A lot of Czechs would tell you that we should have fought, I would too until some time ago when I realised that “not fighting” was not so bad after all. For the average Czech – that is…

    • @ Barn Swallow

      Re: “Now let me ask you a question: Should Czechoslovakia fight the Germans in 1938?”

      A similar debate goes on even today in another European nation which faced a similar dilemma in the Second World War era. I am speaking of Denmark.

      Like Czechoslovakia, she bordered Germany – and unlike nations such as Poland which were devastated during the war, the tiny kingdom survived with virtually all of her cultural and civilization treasures intact.

      There was an active resistance movement or underground during the war, but it took some time before it grew large-enough and strong-enough to exert its influence.

      Hitler and the Nazi Party viewed Scandinavians as fellow Aryans and wanted to make Denmark something of a showplace among occupied nations. For this reason, the iron fist of the regime was at first hidden inside a velvet glove.

      The Danish government had not increased the size of the royal military, believing that such an act would be seen as provocative in Berlin. They also signed a non-aggression pact with Germany less than a year before they were invaded, an agreement Berlin later honored only as long as it was convenient for them.

      The Danes actually downsized their forces somewhat, in the naive belief that this would signal Herr Hitler that they meant no harm. In fact, they instead sent a message that they would be low-hanging fruit easily plucked from the tree. Which is precisely what happened.

      Operation Weserübung – Süd (South) went off like clockwork. Before dawn on April 9th 1940, German forces rolled into Denmark without warning, paratroops dropped and seized key airfields, communications facilities, and the like and German cargo ships in Danish ports disgorged more troops from their holds, and the Kriegsmarine landed troops at key points around the nation.

      The Danish army put up token resistance along the Jutland border with Germany, but quickly, it was apparent to the Danish government that they were outmatched, and they were ordered to lay down their arms. In return for recognizing the occupation government, the Germans permitted King Christian X to remain on his throne.

      Denmark had been seized in a well-timed and executed coup de main in less than twenty-four hours.

      Denmark, like Holland, was not ideal defensive terrain. The nation is mostly flat or near sea level in elevation, and does not have any mountain ranges or large expanses of forest in which partisans might take refuge. It has thousands of miles of coastline, a fact which was later vital to the success of Allied and resistance operations there, but that terrain feature could not offset her disadvantages nor her proximity to Germany proper.

      Operation Weserübung – Nord was the invasion of Norway, Denmark’s neighbor to the north. It proved a tougher nut to crack since the Norwegians were far-enough away to have some warning of the attack – albeit only a few precious minutes or hours – and their nation made much better terrain for the defense than did Denmark, consisting of numerous mountain ranges, plateaus, ravines, fjords, lakes and rivers, as well as large expanses of well-forested wilderness.

      Revisionist historians in Denmark have since argued that it is a stain upon the national honor that the thousand-year old Danish kingdom did not resist to a greater degree, but this is delusional thinking.

      Germany was orders of magnitude larger, more-populous and her military was much larger, better-trained and more-modern than that of tiny Denmark. It also had combat experience gained in Poland.

      Like the Czechs, the Danes found effective ways of resisting occupation other than direct conventional military force.

      Working in concert with the highly-secret XX (Twenty or Double-Cross) committee in Britain, the Special Operations Executive and other clandestine organizations, the Danish resistance tied down a large number of German troops that could have been used elsewhere, and their colleagues in Norway did the same.

      Even after the invasion of Normandy in June, 1944, Hitler and his high-command still kept large occupation forces stationed in Scandinavia, i.e., occupied Norway and Denmark, so effective had been the ongoing intelligence ruse that the Anglo-American allies planned to invade there.

      To return to modern times, I hear that the Czech Republic and Slovakia are beautiful. I’d love to visit some day. My mother visited Czechoslovakia years ago, and always spoke highly of it.

    • Re: “One last thing I will say, something rather politically incorrect, but there is also a saying going around that the Nazis were evil bastards, the Nazi laws were evil, but still – everything was done “according to the law” and the Nazis were not corrupt (talking about your average, everyday Nazi, not the top)”

      “The Nazis were evil but they left us with the most advanced factories and production facilities in Europe…”

      As you know, the Czech arms industry – heavy industry of all types, really – was known and highly-respected around the world. Skoda Works, and all of the others. Czech arms engineers and designers were among the world’s best in the interwar period, as proven by such legendary designs as the famous British Bren gun, which was actually designed by the Czechs as the ZGB33 light machine gun.

      “And then the Communists took over. Stole all the property of the people, stole all the factories… And the Communists, being evil lawless bastards as they are actually damaged Czechoslovak Industry beyond the point of recovery.”

      The fascists were characterized in the 1930s as “making the trains on time,” and this is probably true – but of course it doesn’t excuse in any way, shape or form the horrific crimes committed by them throughout the pre-war and wartime eras. It merely points to the fact that Italy under Mussolini and Germany under Hitler were arguably more-efficient and well-run than their counterpart in the USSR.

      A final point about the Axis powers of that now long-ago war: As evil as those regimes were, i.e., Imperial Japan, Nazi Germany, and fascist Italy, you didn’t see/hear them calling men women and women men, as we are now seeing in the 21st century world in certain places. It appears that modern forms of tyranny are even worse than the older forms of the 20th century, at least in certain ways. Human evil, it seems, is eternal, but the forms it takes are ever-shifting.

      This fact was perhaps both a blessing and a curse for the Czechs when it came to Hitler and Germany. Since the regime wanted the cooperation of these facilities and their skilled work-forces, this may have sparred some harm to them. But since this was one of the main prizes sought by Berlin, it may also have sealed the fate of Czechoslovakia as a target of the regime.

      • Yes, and it is not like the Czechs would approve of the Nazi government.

        Just few cases in point – you know the “Death Transports” – when they took people naked into a cattle railway cars in -20C winter and with open doors slowly rolled around the countryside – and the people would be falling off the cattle cars frozen as they went…

        These things passed around where my Grandmother lived when she was young. She told me that the locals managed to save one or two men from those Death transports but 99% of them died. It was a form of execution by cold.

        I had worked in Norway and there I heard similar stories, how the Germans made Russian PoW’s dig fortresses into the coastal rocks of Norway without feeding them. The Norwegians had to feed the Russians so that the Russians could make German Fortresses while slowly dying by excess labour. They hate Germans in those places in Norway to this day, which I find a bit surprising.

        But that’s the way it is, I guess, because the Nazis did kill and steal also – only they did it from their “enemies” in order to make “their own” richer. So in this way the Naziism could work in a clockwork and timely fashion – as a wealth extraction machine.

        Heute Europa, Morgen die Welt.

        I have also worked in Danmark, Danmark is a funny country with smiling people, a sand dune in the Baltic. From what I figured the Danes consider the Germans to be a bigger brother who is also sometimes a bully.

        That is basically the same sentiment as in Bohemia.

        The “subconscious history” – I don’t know what to call it – begun when the Slavic tribes in our area united against the Germans from the west who intruded into the Bohemian/Moravian/Pannonian territory in order to demand taxes in form of gold and cattle.

        If you read some “pan slavic” authors it’s like the warlike Germans constantly want to enslave us “peaceful slaves”.

        Maybe there is some truth in it, though, the true perspective must include the building of first fortified cities and castles – which is the German Nobility stuff, and the peasants of the land, who are necessary to keep the castles up and running.

        Moving the former Hitler Worshippers – all 3 million of them – out of Bohemia/Moravia – was justified, IMHO, because these 3 million of our “neighbors” seriously planned to move all 6 million of us “Czechs” out to Siberia, beyond the Urals… Not very “love your neighbor” like from our fellow Germans. The relocation of the Sudeten Germans back to their beloved Germany was therefore seriously justified, IMHO, in eye for an eye kind of fashion, justified…

        But we now know that the towns and villages that had lost their core population in this “forced relocation” suffered as if you threw a bomb in there.

        Once a beautiful farm loses its owner, it degrades to ruins very quickly, surprisingly quickly, because you know who comes first? Yes the Gipsies!

        As it turns out – Czechs who did have property didn’t come in droves to take the german property. But people who don’t have property – these are first to show up when there is free farm, after those relocated Germans, free farm for taking…

        And then – Officially, Czechoslovakia is one of the few countries that voted Communists in the government in democratic elections. But who knows. One thing is for sure – together with the Red Army came NKVD commandos with lists, and they killed thousands of people in secret murders all across the country. The son of the first president Masaryk – who was very important political figure at that time – jumped off the window in an apparent suicide.

        The Communists took the most advanced factories in the world, and then they made the same cars and the same motorcycles – the most advanced engines of the 1950’s – and they kept on making them for another 40 years…

        Unfortunately there are no happy ends in this story 🙂

    • Barn, that was great answer
      I agree with what cehoslovakia did
      România was worse
      They where forced to fight till Stalingrad with the Germans
      So the Russians took for decades all the goods from România
      Russians where u civilized wild bastards
      We hate them
      But now we hate Americans

  2. Don’t worry MC, just be patient. Jesus will haul us out of here before it really hits the fan. When Islam goes after Israel to wipe it off the map they themselves will be wiped off the map. Read Ezekiel, Chapters 37-40. Yeah, it’s about ready to hit the fan after having been brewed in the lab for at least 60 years that I know of, (have a drink of No God, 80 proof, no chaser needed).

    • Omg just stop with the religion
      Brainwashed puppets
      Explain to me what your god did when so many good people have horrible lives and horrible people have it all great
      Your god is silent , is it now..,

      • It’s faith, in God and His Word which has been proven true beyond all probability of happenstance. “Shall a nation be born in a day?” Isaiah, written 2750 years ago, described Israel’s overnight birth in 1948. Ask MC, he could quote you chapter and verse.

      • The argument of a child. Daddy is supposed to fix everything. This world is not the Kingdom of God but the province of men. We make our bed. God has instructed Man as to how to go about it. It is up to us to grow the wisdom to not turn it into a hell.

  3. MC: Excellent commentary. Now, what is Bibi going to do? Take Rafiah, or let JoeBama dictate Israel’s every move? Is the Bibi/JoeBama conflict just political theater, or, will the JoeBama White House and State Department finally achieve their dream of cutting Israel loose and forcing the “two-state solution” down Israel’s throat?

    • I don’t know what Bibi will do, The USA has always been unpredictable vis-a-vis Israel, Republican Administrations are normally supportive, Dem admins. are unreliable.

      This current administration is positively lethal!

      I agree with both Bibi and Gantz that Hamas has to be destroyed, but Israel cannot take on the USA even with its currently qwerty dominated military. Like the Czechs in 1938, we may not have any options and we might not be consulted even.

  4. Israel with its Zionist mentality is not becoming a “mass murderer” itself as well, when more than 13500 Palestinian Children has been murdered in less than five months since the last 7th of October?
    And now every now and then military from the IDF just shoot Palestinian children for fun, the latest a 12-year-old child that was killed for a Zionist sniper just for fun. Moreover, the Zionist Ex minister Itamar Ben Gvir request that the sniper that killed the boy deserve to be awarded with a “prize”.
    What kind of monsters can say and do these atrocities to innocent Children?

    • Do you remember how the North Vietnamese propaganda particularly attacked the US Army body count figures and accused the soldiers of counting pigs and chickens?

      When It was all over, not only were the army figures proved correct, but were actually under counted by two thirds.

      Your figures don’t add up, please verify them and state your sources. Gaza Health Ministry perhaps?

      Of course, since brave Hamas soldiers hide behind Gazan children, by international law you should be blaming Hamas for these children’s demise.

      What is a Zionist? Is it one who defends his/her country against those who rape, pillage and burn babies in ovens?

      I was there, my son fought in the war and I know takkiya when I see it

    • “And now every now and then military from the IDF just shoot Palestinian children for fun, the latest a 12-year-old child that was killed for a Zionist sniper just for fun.”

      First, war is hell.
      Second, can you cite your reference for “the latest a 12-year-old child that was killed for a Zionist sniper JUST FOR FUN [emphasis mine]”?

    • You go ahead and believe those GD savages of islam over the civilized people of Israel, frankly speaking, those Israeli’s are far to nice, for if I was in charge, you would be asking, what Gaza, for I would use anything and everything including napalm to make sure none are left to raise a hand against Israel ever again, dead enemies and good enemies. I don’t give a rats azz how many of theirs die, it’s called war, and war is dirty, nasty business, so save your bloody sympathy for those that deserve it.

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