International Law or Sordid Double Standards

As the bloody conflict in Gaza rages, the more important war is the propaganda war, which Hamas is handily winning, thanks to the help of Western progressives, especially in the universities. Our Israeli correspondent MC sends his observations on these grim events.

International Law or Sordid Double Standards

by MC

Nobody applies ‘international laws, rules and standards’ to Hamas, and we must ask ourselves: Why not?

The first obvious answer is that Hamas is a terrorist group and just does not care about ‘infidel’ morality. Their standards are defined in the Koran, the Sunnah and the Hadith, not in anything coming out of Geneva.

In Europe prior to the Treaty of Westphalia, the whole of the continent was torn apart by religions which were, in fact, political entities, and which recognized no national boundaries. For each religious sect, Catholic and Protestant alike, the ends — i.e. absolute power over the other — justified the means used to get it. Forget do as you would be done by.

That had to stop, and the religious zeal (and personal ambition) eventually had to be tempered by biblical imperatives to ‘love your enemies’. In Christianity the central character was truly a man of peace. Trying to justify a barbaric war of mass extermination against another ‘Christian’ sect proved to be impossible, and the men of conscience finally prevailed.

Thus “Jaw Jaw, not War War” became important.

The wars of the 20th century dictators followed. WW1 was a war of trenches, machine guns and artillery, with a an act of gross stupidity at its beginning. Not so much the assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand, but the follow-up assumption that the Serbian government did it, and the terrible ultimatum issued by Austria-Hungary on the assumption of said ‘guilt’.

The WW2 was the result of the Central Powers failing to learn the lessons of the first war. The Nazis combined a sense of victimhood and resentment arising from WW1 with a schadenfreude of an immortal, undefeatable mythological Volk proclaiming the Germanic people’s right to rule, enslave, occupy and exterminate. To generally play god…

But Islam does not go by Christian norms, and the separation of mosque and state is not even contemplated.

Many people do not believe that the events of 7th October actually took place. I do; I was there. I heard the massacre in Sderot and I saw the aftermath. My son was about three minutes behind the pickup trucks loaded with AK-shooting terrorists.

He was in shock for a week.

Many blame nationalism for WW2, and have striven ever since for globalist socialism based on Marxist principles. But what if the ‘nationalism’ in National Socialism was actually benign, and that it was the ‘socialism’ part that caused all the problems and the huge death toll? It is only then we can suddenly understand that global Marxism is a catastrophe of epic proportions and that the utopia it is meant to bring is nothing but a cruel and impossible pipe dream.

Somehow the global socialists (Marxists) believe that part of their pathway to bliss means exterminating the jooz (and many other low socio-economic groups as well), and Hamas are doing exactly that, so all cheer the Hamas genocide. So the rules of civilization just do not apply to Jew-killers .

I believe in free speech, but I do not believe in free rein, and Hamas are being given a free rein. Nobody is hauling senior Hamas operatives before the ICC, because their vile war crimes against jooz (and Christians) are not recognized, and are deemed to be garbage disposal legitimate.

Serbians indicted by the ICC died in custody. They were indicted for crimes against Muslims, but the courts were hard-pressed to even define those crimes that they supposedly committed. There is little evidence that thousands were murdered at Srebrenica. Only 400 bodies were found, and they were killed in the battle for the city. The ‘thousands’ were never found (and it appears that some were even seen walking around a few months later).

Islam promotes lies and deceit, and the whole Palestinian ‘narrative’ is one of those deceits. There is a treatise in Latin dated from 1695 that describes the Holy Land as being mainly Jewish with Christian enclaves in Nazareth and Bethlehem, and a few Muslims scattered around.

The book is Palaestina ex Monumentis Veteribus Illustrata by Adriaan Reland. It is written in Latin. In 1695 Reland described what was then called Palestine. This book alone disproves the whole accusation of the settlement and colonization (occupation) of ‘Palestinian land’ as ignorant mythology pushed by a malicious group of civil servants and politicians in the West. They include such names as St. John Philby, Ernest Bevan and Anthony Eden, at one time a British Foreign Minister.

Yes, it was true that many of the early Bolsheviks were atheists of Jewish descent, and maybe even Lenin himself. But by 1930 they were all airbrushed out of the picture. The same in Germany, where hereditary Jews were prime movers in the 1919 almost-revolution.

But Lenin told Trotsky that he could not be Lenin’s successor because the Russian people would not accept a Jew in the top position, so they got Stalin instead…

The mandate period was driven by this fear of ‘Jewish Bolshevism’ in a highly sensitive area, sited across the communications route to India. The British preferred a majority Muslim Arab Palestine, and allowed migrants from all over the Muslim world. Jews, however, had to pay £1,000 to gain legal entry to the land mandated to them by the League of Nations.

Thus today we have a very nasty paternalism whereby Western states seem to believe they have a say in the running of Israel, and in particular, in holding the PA and Hamas to different standards than they do Israel. The whole idea of ‘disproportionate response’ becomes grossly anti-Semitic when it is only applied to one side. The key word here is ‘response’. Somehow, only the Jewish ‘response’ is relevant. The original Muslim action that provoked this ‘response’ can then be swept under the political carpet, because jooz deserve everything that’s coming to them.

CUNY’s and Harvard’s responses to their on campus anti-Semitism is quite sickening. The slightest implication of criticism against a QWERTY will result in expulsion, but please go ahead and intimidate Jews all you like; that’s free speech…

I support free speech, but I abhor the double standards. You cannot put your name to a public document supporting Hamas’ barbarism and then expect to hide from the consequences, just as I have to live with the consequences of this document I am writing, good or bad. As for the historical ignorance from a supposed academic elite, it does make one wonder what universities actually do.

Universities are full of ‘woke’ placements, and it shows in the disgraceful conduct that is now commonplace. Harvard has an abysmal record on free speech, but chooses Hamas’ barbarism on which to make its stand.

MC lives in the southern Israeli city of Sderot. For his previous essays, see the MC Archives.

32 thoughts on “International Law or Sordid Double Standards

  1. MC: Israel loses the information war whenever Israel attempts to counter leftist rhetoric using leftist language. Words such as “humantiarian” and “cease fire” are leftist weapons, when deployed against Israel. Israeli leaders and spokesmen should never utter these words when explaining or defending Israel’s military actions. Nor should Israel acknowledge external expressions of “concern” about international law.

    • The ‘Jewish’ response to propaganda has always been poor, and Israel is no exception.

      I think this is because the average Jew thinks he is dealing with Christianity not Atheism The West, especially Europe, if it has a religion, it is one of atheistic amorality where the ends justify the means, and TRUTH is whatever you want it to be.

      Rabbinical Judaism has its roots in thousands of years of Rabbinical interpretation and opinion, dating back to the Babylon Talmud. Doctrine, once established by the Rabbinate is impossible to overturn so Judaism is bogged down by Tradition (as in Fiddler on the Roof)

      To give up Tradition is to sever oneself from family and friends, and few undertake this (bt to become a secular (Atheist) Jew is acceptable duh!

      Thus your point is valid, Israel loses the propaganda game because they always let the enemy control the dialogue.

      Ex-Jews wrote the books that the enemy uses, Lies are attractive, but TRUTH is not.

      • That Babylonian Talmud was written by the Jesuits. Jews had NOTHING to do with it. Jesuits also created the lie of the Secret Rapture. That group of men are the assassims for the Roman cult. They have created many hoaxes since they were founded amd they have educated every dictator using their motto – The End Justifies the Means.

        Furthermore, there is no such thing as an ex-Jew.

      • MC: Even “Fiddler on the Roof” is fake tradition, if you know a lot about Sholem Alecheim and about Yiddish literature and Yiddish theater in America. There is an entire culture of largely Amerian Jewish nostalgia for the old Yiddish culture in Russia that did not actually exist. Bittersweet memories of the “good old days” (which were anything but good) in Tsarist Russia and the Pale of Settlement have clouded many American Jew’s ability to think clearly.

    • Israel was historically a socialist country and close to half of the country still is. This accounts for the serial cliff-hanger elections. So using leftist rhetoric is a habit even in the Israeli Right. For that matter, it is a habit in the American Right.

  2. You nailed it, and I would say it’s the same for White South Africans who get constantly blamed for all the short-comings of the ruling ANC.
    Our infrastructure is buggered, Water, Electricity, Roads, Bridges… you name it and it’s most likely gone or going and it’s the WHITE MANS fault.
    And then there are the Farm-attacks in which they torture you and your family slowly to death over hours, which of course aren’t happening, if one goes according to the Leftist Western Press.
    That must be such a relief for the victims, they only, through their guilty conscious, dreamed about it because of their ingrained racism.

    Also White South Africans cannot claim Asylum in any Western Country either.

    At least Jews are still allowed to do that, but for how much longer is anyone’s guess.
    (I wonder if White South African Jews are exempt when the kak hits the fan?)

    • I am i constant contact with Africaaners and to an extent with English speakers.

      Again, it is the ‘narrative’ that is the killer. The ANC is a communist proxy and is thus above criticism. Communists always look for a (political) crack into which they can insert a crowbar.

      Apartheid, was not a brilliant solution to cultural fault lines, but it kept the peace until Joe Slovo stuck his crowbar in. The inevitable result is yet another ‘socialist’ disaster, Socialism is Satan’s tool to cause chaos and political mayhem. Societies need clever productive people, socialists kill productive people and wonder why it just does not work.

      Many socialists are clever people, but they tend to be unproductive, thus requiring special treatment and privilege. They are parasites.

    • I left Cape Town for Belize in 2001. Now living in the Netherlands. Uruguay is also open to SAns and you dont need to have heaps of money. Just a viable plan. And some Spanish helps.

    • Having just arrived to Joberg, I am actually not shocked by the load shedding or water cut off’s, it is what happens when kaffers take over anything, the graft and corruption would make any politician in the west blush with envy. This truly is the wild west and the opportunity here is bloody spectacular. Security and other training to Afrikaner’s is going to be well worth it. Amazing how a once 1st world western country can be turned into a 3rd world s***hole in less than 20 years. Looks like any black run democratic city in the US.

  3. The farm attacks in South Africa exemplify the same barbarism we saw in Be’eri. The same barbarism we saw in Rwanda.

  4. A couple of things to MC…

    First of all, when you say that ONLY the EARLY communist era was over represented by Jews, that is not true. The Frankfurt school was almost 100% Jewish, the whole woke and cancel culture is driven by them. As long the Jews living in Israel do not recognize, that there is another group of communist/globalist Jews living outside of their border and they want to destroy the western world (including Israel), they will not get much sympathy from the citizens of such western countries. I can only give you numbers from Hungary: most migrant importing NGO is under Jewish leadership and their activists/media are also overwhelmingly Jewish. (+70% at least). Also it is hard to feel for Israel, when I can see videos daily from Rabbis celebrating the destruction of the white race by Islam, calling them brothers. It would be much easier to support you, if Israel would have hunt down Jewish dominated organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League. It would have helped if Mossad eliminates George Soros. None of this happened and the Jews could not help themselves to slam Viktor Orban an antisemitic, when he named George Soros as the primary organizer of illegal muslim migration into Europe.
    We Hungarians know, what danger Islam represents. We suffered a 150 year war with them. But we also had a communists-Jewish terror revolution in 1918, then +40 years of soviet occupation where the first part, ended in the revolution 1956. The Hungarian Gestapo: ÁVH (State Protection Office) was also close to 100% Jewish. They terrorized the population with such methods, Baron would never allow me to write it down here. These are facts, you can check them out in Budapest the House of Terror museum which was the HQ of the ÁVH.

    • As long the Jews living in Israel do not recognize, that there is another group of communist/globalist Jews living outside of their border and they want to destroy the western world (including Israel)

      Israeli Jews recognize this peefectly. They are all too familiar with secular, leftist, usually American Jews, who spout pious advice on dealing with the Palestinians which is so ludicrously bad that one knows not where to begin refuting it. There are plenty of Jewish-sounding organizations which love Hamas terrorists more anything else. One does not, however, respond to such folly by murdering those taken by it.

      Jews are often an integral part of social movements, but tbey have no inborn innoculation to mad folly. They are a key part of the woke movement. They are also part of the reaction to it, e.g. Alex Berenson, Bret Weinstein, Ezra Levant, @wokal_distance, iirc.

    • Well, Jews (especially Ashkenazi) are smart people; their contribution to the arts, culture and science is out of all proportion to their numbers. According to the latest figures, tiny Israel (population around 7 million, not all Jewish) has three of the top 100 univesities in the world. They should be celebrated!

      Except… clever and intellectual people in general tend to migrate to the political Left. In some cases, out of idealism (democratic socialists); in others, undoubtedly, a conviction that as virtue and righteousness must be on their side, they have a right to impose their views (communists, fascists of various stripes, and today’s followers of the “woke” agenda).

      • Yes, I’ve often said that communism is a disease that primarily afflicts intellectuals, which is why Jews are so often over-represented among communists.

        Corollary: intelligence is over-rated.

    • If you read carefully and within the context, there was no exclusivity implied. I am setting a scenario as to why, the British, in the 20s and thirties, did not want a Jewish state across their communications routes to India.

      Britain was mandated in 1922 to create a ‘Jewish State’ They violated that mandate; they created a ‘Palestinian’ state instead (now Jordan) and failed to allow substantial Jewish immigration into what is now Israel.

      AH was not the only politician to see Jews and Bolshevism as one and the same thing in the politics of the era..

      Britain set the double standard by ignoring the League of Nations which then allowed Italy, Japan and Germany to do the same. It was Britain who first showed the world that the League was toothless.

  5. There are no rules of warfare.
    Yes, there are the Hague Rules (1895+1905) or the Geneva Conventions but in reality nobody cares.

    Yes, that includes even the “good” side.

    I know I will ruffle more than a few feathers but lets look at WWII.

    If you look at wikipedia, you will find entries for warcrimes by all sides of WWII, not only German or Japan, but also the Allied side.

    Yes, the Allies decried Germany when they were throwing bombs at other cities, but were the Allies better?

    I believe in the proverb: If you say you are better, then your actions must prove it.

    The US Norden bombsight had an accuracy of 310 meters. So, I look at bombed german cities and look if all bombs fell within 310 meters of military factories, railroadlines, mainstreets.
    And the answer is NO.
    (And if you go 100% with the proverb I mentioned then the Allies wouldnt have bombed even one german city. Why didnt Churchill loose a few pounds of weight, invite Hitler to a peace meeting involving the bigshots of the Nazi-regime, strap a few pounds of explosives to his body and go BOOM?)

    Or the Allies decried that Hitler never kept the treaties.
    What about the Berlin Declaration of 1945 (germany continues to exist in the borders of 1938) or the UN Declaration (Expelling people and stealing territory is forbidden)?
    You know the answer.

    So, the reality is: The rules apply only when you loose.

    So to get back to topic:
    Only when Israel wins, the press will very suddenly remember the atrocities of the HAMAS, not one second before.
    And it also applies to the South Africans.

    And to answer Hellequins last question:
    Nope, they will not, because their skin colour is not black. It is more white.

    I remember the saying of a Nazi (I think it was George Lincoln Rockwell) who said: In the final battle, the colour of your skin is the colour of your uniform.
    Could he look into the future? Or as his side is saying: Looking beyond the corner.

    • Alex Lund: True! When the dust settles, the only narrative that matters is the narrative of the winner.

    • Arond the time of the fall of France (June 1940), Rooseveldt appealed to the combatants to avoid bombing civilian targets. A couple of months later however, a German bomber, separated from its formation and over cloud, dumped its bombs and ran for home. Unfortunately they fell on London, and killed civilians.

      Within 48 hours, the RAF bombed Berlin; one suspects the Brits were awaiting an excuse. Certainly the Brits and the US were already aware of the importance of long-range strategic bombers, while the Nazis regarded their Luftwaffe primarily as a close-support arm of the army; even then, Hitler was a terrible strategist (for which we should all be grateful).

      The Norden bombsight was not so accurate, and useless at night or through cloud (which is common over NW Europe, as I can testify!)

      • Quite correct – the Americans eventually gave up on hitting targets in daylight using the NBS and decided to do what the Brits had been doing in Germany, and so they firebombed Tokyo at night in 1945.

        Two books you might find interesting: Black Snow and The Road to Gomorrah: Britain’s War 1939-1945.

    • Churchill wrote in his third volume of the history of WW2:

      “. . . at this moment I knew the United States was in the war, up to the neck and in to the death. So we had won after all! . . . How long the war would last or in what fashion it would end no man could tell, nor did I at this moment care. Once again in our long Island history we should emerge, however mauled or mutilated, safe and victorious. We should not be wiped out. Our history would not come to an end. We might not even have to die as individuals. Hitler’s fate was sealed. Mussolini’s fate was sealed. As for the Japanese, they would be ground to power. All the rest was merely the proper application of overwhelming force.”

      And there it is. No talk of a “proportionate” response – the objective was to defeat the enemy. Period. That meant “the proper application of overwhelming force.”

      As it was with the Brits and the Americans during the second world war, so it is today with the Israelis. There is an enemy that has to be defeated, and as history shows us, the way to do that is through “the proper application of overwhelming force.”

      • “And there it is. No talk of a “proportionate” response – the objective was to defeat the enemy. Period. That meant “the proper application of overwhelming force.”
        As it was with the Brits and the Americans during the second world war, so it is today with the Israelis. There is an enemy that has to be defeated, and as history shows us, the way to do that is through “the proper application of overwhelming force.””

        Sadly, history keeps repeating itself and only the names and dates change….BECAUSE only the names and dates change. And the Jews, of all people, outta’ve learned this by now. But, clearly, they’ve not.

        Today, the Brits and the Americans’re led by infantile Bolsheviks (aka commie-toddlers), who’d sooner disarm and turn machine-guns on their own [patriotic] citizens than to right the [brutal] wrongs of their [multi-Coloured] comrades; and Churchill—little known by today’s youth—is just another dead, “white man”.

        Ammo-up, moral and religious people, I fear constitutions will no longer save us; we’re gonna need overwhelming force to survive.

  6. Lesser known historic details and connecting lines (in case of doubt, look it up for yourself).
    French Freemasons and Jacobin’s (revolutionaries even before the French Revolution which they instigated) -> Young Italy and Carbonari (led by Italian Freemasons, who were under the influence or even control of French Freemasonry) -> Young Serbia and the “Black Hand” – who killed the Austrian Archduke (maybe only a “cover name” meant to sound dark and menacing, but named after the original “Black hand-racket”, common in Italy and immigrant circles in the USA at that time).
    The Serbian Black Hand was led by Dragutin Dimitrijevic, also a Freemason with the pseudonym “Apis” – like the sacred ancient Egyptian bull, a symbol used by Freemasons, may also refer to his position as head of the Black Hand, like the head of a Beehive (Apis and Bee, terms used at that time) -> Young Turks “Committee of Union and Progress” (Armenian Genocide), look up Emmanuel Carasso, also a Freemason and a Dönme (ie. Sabbatean-Frankist).

  7. “CUNY’s and Harvard’s responses to their on campus anti-Semitism is quite sickening. The slightest implication of criticism against a QWERTY will result in expulsion, but please go ahead and intimidate Jews all you like; that’s free speech…”

    I didn’t go to Harvard but I did go to a University – and I see this question a bit differently. To be honest – I have witnessed both sides of this coin and the way I see this is that it was exactly that “accusations of antisemitism” whenever criticism of some Jews came up – Mein Kampf being forbidden to read, Holocaust deniers being inprisoned, and a constant barrage of stories from the Concentration Camps and about the Crystal Night – today is the anniversary, btw…

    What I want to say is that in my eyes it is exactly this “official” – “antisemitism forbidden” that gave the ground for the “rebel culture” of the young students who don’t believe the Jooz had suffered anything at all…

    Therefore – it is not, in my view, some kind of inherent hatred against the Jews – it is plain and simple “pendullum swing”. Young people rebel against the elders and don’t trust the old people’s stories, because all they had seen was a strong “political correctness” around the Jews – that political correctness is now being rebelled against by the young university students.

    So – who’s to blame?

    We all know that Islam is no fun. But at least they have their “current martyrs” – not some girl who had to hide during the WWII. That train has gone. This is a brand new battle. One that is going to end up in WWIII and a time of trouble such as there never was, nor shall ever be again.

    In my humble opinion, I hope that I am wrong, but what I see today is unchained escalation of the conflicts around the world – including Israel and Palestine, and if no one comes to bring about some peace – this escalation of violence will only get worse and worse. It is a chain reaction, if nobody stops it. And Israel, today, does not look like the party interested in stopping it.

  8. As Machiavelli said,

    “Therefore, you must know that there are two modes of fighting: one in accordance with the laws, the other with force. The first is proper to man, the second to beasts. But because the first, in many cases, is not sufficient, it becomes necessary to have recourse to the second: therefore, a prince must know how to make good use of the natures of both the beast and the man. This rule was taught to princes symbolically by the writers of antiquity: they recounted how Achilles and many others of those ancient princes were given to Chiron the centaur to be raised and cared for under his discipline. This can only mean that, having a half-beast and half-man as a teacher, a prince must know how to employ the nature of the one and the other; for the one without the other is not lasting.

    Since, then, a prince must know how to make use of the nature of the beast, he should choose from among the beasts the fox and the lion; for the lion cannot defend itself from traps, while the fox cannot protect itself from the wolves. It is therefore necessary to be a fox, in order to recognise the traps, and a lion, in order to frighten the wolves . . .”

    • “a prince must know how to make use of the nature of the beast, he should choose from among the beasts the fox and the lion; for the lion cannot defend itself from traps, while the fox cannot protect itself from the wolves. It is therefore necessary to be a fox, in order to recognise the traps, and a lion, in order to frighten the wolves”

      And to those who pitch prayer and/or peaceful protest as the remedy to correct civilizational wrongs, I say never’ve truer words been spoken than those above.

      Machiavelli [correctly] details the difference between, say, a Ted Cruz or Ron DeSantis and a Donald Trump. The former make truly impassionate speeches and accurate policy statements, whilst the latter—like him or not (I don’t)—generally, GETS [solid waste] DONE.

  9. Quite the dialog and I learned a few things. If you want to make any political platform choices all you need to do is pick and jooz.
    Yes, I can say that as my great-grandmother was a jew so I have 1/8 Jewishness floating around in the DNA

  10. “In Europe prior to the Treaty of Westphalia, the whole of the continent was torn apart by religions which were, in fact, political entities…”

    They still are! Not the same players in their deadly embrace as back then, but the principle runs much deeper and does not change.

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