On Friday I wrote about the latest ukase from the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia, which once again orders parishes to shut down church services, this time because of the Omicron variant.
Paul Ashley asked the following question in the comments:
How will the diocese punish a parish for simply ignoring their pathetic and cowardly edict?
While formulating an answer, I started thinking about the larger issues. Below is an adapted and expanded version of my response.
They can’t call in the state police to arrest people. They don’t have a Swiss Guard. Their only leverage is that ultimately they own the church real estate.
They could commence a legal process to return the plant to direct diocesan control, and evict the heretics. But that would be very expensive and time-consuming, and they could not be certain of success. As far as I know, there is nothing in the canons of the national church that grants the bishop the authority to exercise such dictatorial control over the parishes. She has arrogated unto herself powers the ECUSA doesn’t grant her.
Furthermore, the case would be litigated in the civil courts, which may not be all that interested in what the diocese thinks are its inherent powers.
That’s why I argued, during the heated discussion that preceded the breakup of our church, that we should flip the bird to the bishop and continue to hold services as the congregation saw fit. The vestry, however, had been fully assimilated into the Covid Borg, and voted to obey the bishop. That caused a schism — we, the unassimilated, were in the majority, but it made no difference. So we formed a dissident congregation that meets in a private home. The priest and the organist are part of our little group.
The rump, so to speak, of the original congregation consists of obedient masked and jabbed people who are deathly afraid of Corona. They do what the bishop tells them, and shut down when commanded. I think there are four or maybe five of them.
There were also several people who quit attending church of any sort as a result of the toxic conflict over the issue. They have withdrawn completely.
That’s what Covid did to my little church — it destroyed it. And I’m paranoid enough to believe that was one of the purposes of it.
For the last fifty years or so, the globalists that aim to create the New World Order have been employing various strategies to introduce what I call lytic agents into Western culture. The purpose is to break it down into smaller and smaller parts, to dissolve the traditional social order.
For decades the principal lytic agent employed was mass immigration, and especially Muslim immigration. That’s why this blog was founded more than seventeen years ago, to agitate against that process.
The Powers That Be had evidently observed what happens in places like Nigeria when the percentage of Muslims in the population passes a tipping point. The old social structures are gradually destroyed, sharia law is implemented, and from then on the Prophet PBUH rules with an iron fist.
The average Muslim in existing Islamic societies is not all that bright, and has a volatile temperament. This renders him susceptible to manipulation and control by Islamic despots, which for centuries has been the typical political arrangement in Muslim countries.
I can only assume that the globalists have calculated that they can do the same thing with the newly-Islamized cultures of the West, once the existing order has been thoroughly dissolved. Heck, they might even convert — what difference would it make? They don’t have to believe all that stuff, and the despots in charge don’t have to follow the rules; they can drink and smoke all they like, so long as they’re out of the public eye. And, as a further inducement, the men at the top of the pyramid get to keep large harems of nubile females (or catamites, if that’s more to their taste). As for the women — well, they’ll be out of luck. But progressive chicks don’t seem to have caught on to that fact yet.
As of 2020, however, Islam as a favored lytic agent has been exchanged for SARS-CoV-2. The NWO folks seemed to have determined that it has a superior capability to destroy traditional Western culture, and have pulled out all the stops to make it do just that.
Christianity, even in these degraded times, is the strongest bastion of Western culture, especially here in the United States. The earlier socialist-communist infiltration of the mainstream denominations comes in handy now — the leadership of the organized churches can implement policies that have the effect of destroying their institutions as functioning entities, driving out members who really believe in God and the mission of Jesus Christ. Those left behind in the shells of the churches are obedient drones, functionally indistinguishable from the apparatchiks who occupy the academy, the media, the government, and other major institutions. The institutional Church will become a walking corpse.
If my little dissident congregation is any indication of the larger processes at work, real Christianity — the vital, active force that has existed continuously for two thousand years — will be driven underground, and persecuted when it dares to show its face in public.
And that’s a hopeful sign, because Christianity thrives under persecution. That’s why it is spreading so widely in China.
If history is any guidance, real Christianity — the vital, active force that has existed continuously for two thousand years — is a bloody business: None of the worldly kingdoms, that have been and are ruled by “The Powers that Be” – like real christianity.
It is almost as if there is a real struggle between Jesus Christ and his sheep, and the King of This World?
Did you know that the Mighty and Powerful Lightning bearing Jupiter, also known as Zeus, or the storm god Baal, was also known as Marduk in the ancient Babylon?
In fact – Marduk has at least 50 names, one of which is Malah, as it says in the Babylonian epic of creation – Enuma Elish:
“76 Sirsir-Malah( they named him secondly—so be it—
77 Tia-mat was his boat, he was her sailor.”
Long story short, right before he died on the Cross, Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Eli, Eli ??
Allah Allah??
You know what they say: There is no god but Allah… That may be why they translated “Eli” into “God” – because he is God – The God of this World.
And what is his game?
Matthew 16:23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.
Right before the end of the world – people will be marrying (having sex) and eating and drinking: Like beasts. Is that his game?
“Please allow me to introduce myself
I’m a man of wealth and taste
I’ve been around for a long, long years
Stole million man’s soul an faith”
Just a quick note on Allah and Eli:
Allah = Al + Elah (or Eli) and it means “The God” (a particular God).
Elah (Eli) = God, a general term for God.
Any god can be called Elah. But Allah is a special one and it is not the Biblical God, or god of Abraham as stated in the book of Genesis.
So Eli cannot be translated into Allah. Not the same thing.
(I really appreciate your posts and specially this one)
Thank you for your reply, and let me put forth some more conjectures 🙂
The God of the Bible is the Father in Heaven, and Jesus Christ is his son. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But…
Abraham was born into a Chaldean family, and his birth name was Abram. Chaldeans are said to be excellent people, who according to the book of Job 1:17, are commanded by Satan – the “adversary” of God the Father. Now – why is he the Adversary of the Father?
Matthew 21:33 “Hear another parable: There was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country: And when the time of the fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it. And the husbandmen took his servants, and beat one, and killed another, and stoned another. Again, he sent other servants more than the first: and they did unto them likewise. But last of all he sent unto them his son, saying, They will reverence my son. But when the husbandmen saw the son, they said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and let us seize on his inheritance. And they caught him, and cast him out of the vineyard, and slew him. When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto those husbandmen?”
This parable has been said to the chief priests and Pharisees – the very people that Jesus calls “serpents” and “generation of vipers”.
It is my conjecture that they are serpents and a generation of vipers, because they serve the ruler of this world, spoken of by Jesus in John 14:30, for example.
And the Ruler of this world is none other than the Chief God of this fallen world – the Serpent. And Serpent is not a man created in the image of God, he is a beast of the field.
PS: The Father in heaven – his name is not “Eli”. Therefore, Jesus on the Cross was not saying “Father why hast thou forsaken me?” – he vas calling some “God” – but not the God of the Bible. My conjecture is – that that God is the god of this world. Who else could it be?
Rec from iran
Who cares who allah is
A criminal like his mohamed the
@ Baron
Re: “For the last fifty years or so, the globalists that aim to create the New World Order have been employing various strategies to introduce what I call lytic agents into Western culture. The purpose is to break it down into smaller and smaller parts, to dissolve the traditional social order.”
Yes, that’s the focal point of their methodology. You’re hit the proverbial nail on the head. It also explains the near-hysterical defense of the indefensible (Islamic jihad and whose who wage it) by the western elites.
Re: “The average Muslim in existing Islamic societies is not all that bright, and has a volatile temperament. This renders him susceptible to manipulation and control by Islamic despots, which for centuries has been the typical political arrangement in Muslim countries.”
“Consanguinity,” better known as “cousin marriage,” has been a part of traditional Middle Eastern tribal societies for centuries, eons even. Marriages are done to strengthen the clan or tribe, and not on the basis genetic fitness – try using that term in those circles! However harmless it sounds, this phenomenon has done irreparable damage to the genetic make-up of many individuals in that part of the world, damage that will take generations to undo. If indeed it is undone.There are plenty of powerful people, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, who profit from the status quo and do not wish to see it altered.
Re: “I can only assume that the globalists have calculated that they can do the same thing with the newly-Islamized cultures of the West, once the existing order has been thoroughly dissolved. Heck, they might even convert — what difference would it make? They don’t have to believe all that stuff, and the despots in charge don’t have to follow the rules; they can drink and smoke all they like, so long as they’re out of the public eye. And, as a further inducement, the men at the top of the pyramid get to keep large harems of nubile females.”
The globalist elites are riding the Islamic tiger, in the belief that they can control him. But what is to prevent that tiger from turning upon them when the time is ripe? The prophet himself, Mohammed, spoke of making false or temporary truces with the infidels in order to serve the interests of the umma, fully knowing that these agreements would be broken as soon as the usefulness of the unbelievers was done. Perhaps we might then call these dupes “the useful idiots of Islam.”
Baron, you are quite right that Islam may become the new creed or religion of the new world order. It may already be happening. The believers themselves have stated that theirs is a creed of conquest and the globalist oligarchs may see themselves in that same mold. In any case, I have seen with my own eyes,the propensity of people of the political left to be lured into converting to Islam. It is fashionable, even chic, to do so in certain circles, not unlike the 1960s generation and its flirtation with the faiths of India and eastern mysticism.
Some converts wake-up and do come to their senses, but alas, too late they realize that – like the “Hotel California” of that famous Eagles song, you can check in any time you want, but you can never leave. Except feet first….
I see the same thing: Many people will have no trouble converting to Islam. They see Christianity as stupid and crazy, but recognize some need for “religion” – and Islam can give them that.
The problem is probably even deeper, because from what I have seen – the Mosques in the western world give usury-free loans, and they believe that usury is a “Judeo-Christian thing” and therefore Islam is “better”
The same goes for “Brotherhood”. The “Christian brotherhood” is being systematicly destroyed, while at the same time, go to any mosque and see – they accept anyone and everyone, and they give you that nice “brotherhood feeling” – you can find help there, you can borrow money there…
In my part of the world – Bohemia – this service used to be provided by “Pubs”. Pubs were places where you could go and talk all you want, find help, and even borrow money… But the New World Order seems to be hell bent on destroying Pubs everywhere!
The western sheep are led to the Mosque – the only place left which will provide brotherly companionship and help.
Booze proves to us that God loves us and wants us to be happy. Islam, the devil’s religion seeks to destroy all that is right and good in the world. The godless left can convert and use islam to try to rid the world of the rest of us, but they will find soon enough, it is not nice to make the European man angry, it will be their undoing, for once that anger of ours is unleashed of it’s full potential, we will get Old Testament on steroids on the heathens with a vengeance.
A study of the first three chapters of the Book of the Revelation will illustrate the history of the Church from its beginnings as a persecuted cult or sect in First Century Rome to a social dynamic complete with approved institutions and edifices that had Jesus Christ knocking on the door asking to be allowed admittance into that which was His by virtue of His Blood having paid the price of fellowship with Him and the Father.
What you have described as being the condition of your fellowship is sadly typical of what is referred to as Main-Stream Protestantism. The extent of the apostasy is generally the same everywhere in this country because people have placed their faith in a building that doesn’t expect very much from them and have left Jesus Christ who expects a living relationship with those who are called by His Name as being too inconvenient for them.
All this began with the League of Nations and continued with v.2, the UN, as the Church sold out to the god of this world. The victory was nearly complete with radio and cheap recordings luring young people away from their parent’s churches and into a licentious lifestyle that was anything but boring. But then we started asking questions that the powers-that-be didn’t want to answer. Chief among them was which is greater, Biblical Doctrine or denominational dogma? The answer of course was biblical doctrine with Chuck Smith and John MacArthur making very good cases while they faced the collective wrath of the establishment denominations.
So now it’s End Game. The plug can very easily be pulled so that online access can be curtailed if not eliminated. A covid aerosol can be placed at the input to the climate control machinery. Even better yet, follow in Canada’s footsteps and declare the Bible a myth and anyone who believes in such myths as deluded and in needs of confinement to a mental institution. However, those of us who are in Christ and have been anxiously awaiting His return for us will get the last giggle when His Trumpet sounds and His Angel shouts, “Come up here!” I wouldn’t wish what will follow on my worst enemy, yet I know that Christ is in complete authority, and nothing will occur without His permission, and that includes the worst that Satan has for us.
My heritage is somewhat mixed, my father was a non-practising methodist, my mother a semi convinced RC who married out, her father was a Jewish convert to RC who spent some twenty years of his life in a mental institution for ‘religious mania’.
From school I picked up the CofE/Anglican/Episcopal tradition.
At about the age of 10/11 I decided that the bible had the answers, but this proved very difficult in practise because those who should have been able to guide me were not very interested in a little boy who believed what was in their view was mythology; helping the poor, the drunks and the drugees was much more imporant.
It was as a Midshipman (Ensign) on HMS Kent that I met John, a chaplain who believed as I did and who introduced me to the NCF as a network of believers in the fleet.
I was medically discharged as a Lieutenant but stayed in contact, and became aware of a small CofE congregation who had broken free of the restriction of the bish (of Portsmouth etc.) – we were practicing for a performance of the Owen’s “Come Together” when the news broke that the bish was closing us down – we were following proscribed scripture and not prescribed CofE doctrine,
The CofE was penetrated in the first decade of the 20th century by exponents of the ‘social gospel’ (communism) based on Dawinian beliefs rather than any belief in Yah.
In the late 30’s Arch bish Temple as the Arch bish of Cantabury (a political appointment) hammered the last few nails into the coffin of the CofE as an evangelical force of the Gospel of Jesus. The dictates of the bish (any bish) abrogated the authority of the bible and the words of Yahushua.
Then came the ecumenical movement, after all, we all worship the same god don’t we?
Now even Bramah seems to have been included in the pantheon of the monotheist (sic).
I beleive in an unchanging God, and the validity of ALL the scriptures including Psalm 119 that tells us that Torah does not change and is everlasting, and also that Jesus was a Torah keeping Jew.
see Matt 5 v 18 – and be very careful how you translate the Greek word pleroo
I don’t believe that Yah changed his mind and ‘changed’ the Torah and the covenants, “There is nothing new under the sun” says Solomon; there is no ‘new’ covenant only a renewed covenant, the words new and renew are the same in Hebrew…..
MC, the communist believes in communism not Darwinian theory. Interesting that you go from a good church going boy to the Jewish faith, but then again, with the heretic Anglican church I can see why you had a crisis of faith.
Why do tyrants hate Christianity so much? Probably because you can’t really subjugate people who don’t fear death.