Not Quite the Götterdämmerung I Expected

Update: Thank you all for your kind words. That was not quite the response I expected!

Your comments have given me a lot to think about for future twentieth-anniversary posts.

We’ll be coming up on the twentieth anniversary of Gates of Vienna later this year, and the process of preparing for an anniversary post has induced a sort of reverie in me as I contemplate the events of the past two decades.

Things have changed a lot, both externally and internally. I often feel like I’m too old to be doing this sort of thing. I’m over seventy now, and should be relaxing somewhere pleasant, enjoying the time that remains to me before I shuffle off this mortal coil.

And I sometimes feel like I’m close to burning out — I’ve just seen too way much information, most of it horrible. I wish I could return to the naïve, idealistic state of mind that I had when I started this job, but, alas, that’s not an option. Once you walk through the door of greater awareness, there’s no turning back. And, worst of all, I don’t think I’ve reached the limit of ghastly understanding. It seems likely that the worst is yet to come.

I’ve been working with Vlad for more than fifteen years now, and he says he’s feeling the pressure of burnout, too. We talk on the phone fairly frequently about all this stuff, in an effort to keep each other sane. With mixed results.

Anyway… for the time being, I’ll continue trawling through the hideous news every day and presenting it here, for your delectation (or horror, as the case may be).

The worst part of the recollection process is the growing awareness that all my efforts at Counterjihad have for naught. It’s been coming on gradually, and has intensified over the past few years, as the incidence of jihad in Europe has increased to the point where I can’t cover it all. It used to be that I could post about every major incident when it occurred, but that’s no longer possible — most of the stories get relegated to the news feed, if I have any coverage of them at all. There are just too many of them.

As Islamization has increased, the persecution of those who criticize it — or even just point it out — has intensified concomitantly. A number of Europeans that I worked with have been prosecuted; once again, I can’t keep track of them all. Many of them have now ceased their Counterjihad activities — when the choice is between losing your livelihood and giving up your Islamophobia, it’s not surprising that people decide to quit this line of work. If I actually lived in Europe, I might well have been driven out of it myself.

I used to think that making more people aware of what’s happening would help turn the tide. If a critical mass of understanding could only be reached, especially among elected representatives, the process of Islamization might be reversible. Back in 2007 and 2008 I said I thought we had a window of ten or fifteen years in which to begin the process of reversal. Unfortunately, that window has now closed. The demographics of Western Europe have passed the point of no return. The white natives are having fewer children, while the Muslims are having more, and all the while additional “asylum seekers” are pouring in. Tomorrow belongs to them.

Central and Eastern Europe may well be able to avoid the worst, at least for a while, but Western European countries will metamorphose into Muslim societies. Sweden, the UK, the Netherlands, and France will be the first to become Islamic republics, with Germany, Austria, Spain, and Italy following close behind. It’s too late to stop the process; it’s only a matter of time.

No one in a position of political power will take action against the inevitable. Anyone who is inclined to oppose Islamization finds out as soon as he rises high enough in the hierarchy that opposition is not permitted. The order comes down from above, and you either give up your opposition (relevant example: Giorgia Meloni), or your career comes to an end. There are always multiple ways to make an independent-minded politician an offer he can’t refuse. I can’t say exactly who the shadowy unelected globalists are who give the orders, but they’re out there giving them. Their gravitational influence is large enough to shift the orbits of our elected leaders.

As we approach 2050, the Islamization process will intensify to the point where civil strife will break out in Western Europe. If nuclear war can somehow be avoided, it may be possible for white enclaves to form where the worst of the Islamic excesses are kept at bay. However, based on the current demographics, the Caliphate will have control of the major cities. If the welfare jizya ceases to flow to the urban ghettos, then the Muslims living there will have to resort to razzias, which is their traditional way of dealing with privation. We can expect well-armed masses of them to descend on the suburbs and rural areas, where they can rape and pillage to their hearts’ content.

They will have the arms, and, sad to say, they will have more military-age men than the white natives will. By that time most of the remaining whites will be geezers. Thus we can expect that their enclaves will gradually shrink, while the culturally enriched sharia banlieues will gradually expand.

And that’s just the Islamization aspect of the coming collapse. One of the ghastly realizations I’ve come to during the past two decades is that Islamization is just one tool in the demonic toolbox accessed by our globalist masters. The culture wars that are raging all across the West feature several other lytic agents designed to break down traditional societies and render them unable to resist the planned apocalypse — Build Back Better, the Great Reset, or whatever they choose to call it.

The most recent destructive fad is the “trans” craze, which is dissolving every social institution it touches so rapidly that it’s hard to take in what’s happening. And that’s certainly not the last such craze — it’s already clear that bestiality, polygamy, incest, and pedophilia are coming up soon. For all I know, necrophilia, necrophagia, and cannibalism may be next on the menu. Cannibals have rights, too!

And there are probably even more bizarre fads coming up, ones that we can’t even conceive of yet. “Furries”, for example. Up until a few years ago, I had never even heard of the craze, and couldn’t have imagined it. Yet now it’s being mainstreamed and is wreaking havoc, at least in parts of the USA. Animal rights for all!

Many forms of mental illness have been de-stigmatized and normalized. The Zeitgeist views them as superior, and approval of them has become mandatory in a lot of places. Misgendering someone can end your career, or even put you behind bars.

And if all this culture-destroying madness clashes with Islam, then so much the better! The resulting violent conflict will do that much more to destroy traditional society, and render our shared public spaces unusable. Constant low-level intercommunal violence will justify greater police powers, more surveillance, more control. And mostly it will be the white remnant who are controlled, with culture-enriching thugs forming the bulk of the local police and paramilitaries that maintain what passes for public order. Instead of Alex and his Droogs, it will be Ahmed and his Assassins putting the boot in when unfortunate citizens run afoul of them. Muslims have always specialized in Ultraviolence.

I’ve been dreading the apocalypse, but this is not quite the apocalypse I expected. It’s like 1984, Brave New World, and Blade Runner all rolled into one.

People in my age bracket are unlikely to live long enough to see whether these predictions will come true, but people in their thirties and forties will. Whatever form the dénouement eventually takes, it will arrive before 2050.

Contemplating all of the above has made me even more determined to enjoy the small pleasures that are left to me. I live in a rural backwater, where the small towns and villages are still a delight to walk or drive through. The streets are still peaceful. People are still friendly, and treat strangers kindly. The supermarkets are still stocked with an abundance of (increasingly expensive) consumables.

I’ll continue to savor each glorious day, even while recognizing that it will all be over relatively soon.

Our freedom as free lances
Advances towards its end;
The earth compels, upon it
Sonnets and birds descend;
And soon, my friend,
We shall have no time for dances.

The sky was good for flying
Defying the church bells
And every evil iron
Siren and what it tells:
The earth compels,
We are dying, Egypt, dying

And not expecting pardon,
Hardened in heart anew,
But glad to have sat under
Thunder and rain with you,
And grateful too
For sunlight on the garden.

— Louis MacNeice, from “The Sunlight on the Garden”

62 thoughts on “Not Quite the Götterdämmerung I Expected

  1. “it’s already clear that bestiality, polygamy, incest, and pedophilia are coming up soon”

    “I’m waiting for the democrats to take on necrophilia (deceased Obamericans are consenting adults, too!), and later, cannibalism. As history’s proven, as soon as those two groups—necrophiles and cannibals—declare themselves victims and The Party’s focus group testing reveals empathy, the wait’ll come to an end.” —posted to fb (March 2019)

    Remember: If people make you sick, you just need to cook ’em longer.

  2. The work that you two did – and the work that you continue to do, day in and day out, keeps me doing what I do.

    Different aspects of the fight but allied in the hope and perseverance that the West can be saved.

    KBO, as Churchill used to say.

    It has been – and remains – an honor and a privilege to stand and fight next to you.

      • Our inheritance is not limited to what is handed down to us genetically from our ancestors. Our inheritance can be what Jesus provided for us if we believe the Word and put it to work. 
        The enemy may try to cause sudden surprises to catch us unaware and knock us down, but God is faithful. His Word is true no matter what the circumstances look like. 

  3. When they called me to the FSB and didn’t tell me why, I was very scared. I thought what kind of counter-jihad or “insulting the feelings of believers” was (yes, once atheistic Russia now lives according to Sharia law). And she was preparing for dire consequences. But this was just “discrediting the army.”

    “Islam” is rarely dissected on the World Wide Web these days. IslamWatch is abandoned. Many bloggers either died or disappeared somewhere more than 10 years ago.
    But the baton of counter-jihad was picked up by the Indians. They write articles in their clumsy English and reveal to us the terrible pages of the history of the conquest of India.

    Stay strong until the end, Baron!

    • @ Elena

      Re: “But the baton of counter-jihad was picked up by the Indians. They write articles in their clumsy English and reveal to us the terrible pages of the history of the conquest of India.”

      The Indians and their brethren know full-well the awful toll paid by their ancestors when the soldiers of Allah conquered that part of Asia around five centuries ago.

      Will and Ariel Durant, in their “The Story of Civilization,” contend that the Mughal Empire’s putting to the sword an estimated eighty million Hindus and other non-Muslims during their reign of terror ranks as the single greatest act of genocide in human history.

      Even if the Durant’s estimate was off by an order of magnitude, it still ranks the Mughal Empire alongside the worst and most-vicious regimes of the 20th century. And their estimate may in fact be more-accurate that anyone might find comfortable. The savagery of man toward his fellow man is apparently bottomless…

  4. Baron, for once I disagree with you. The Counter Jihad has worked, although you don’t see it yet. People are leaving this revolting “religion” in droves. The future is Christian and we are having families. My son has four children. Apostasy from Islam now out numbers birth rates and the Imams are worried, as they shoud be.

  5. Thank you for this reflection and diagnosis. Ultimately, we are dealing with human stupidity–White stupidity in this case. Because of the stupidity of the demos, democracy evolves into kakistocracy, which is what we have now, with our rulers in each and every one of our countries with rare exceptions like Hungary forming the Club of Loons, Looters, Morons, and Traitors that speeds up the destruction instead of forestalling it.

    Because of that, all our civilization is capable of is a periodical quantum jump from the (+) pole to the (-) pole, and back again 50-100 years later. Germany for instance, was Nazi and remains Nazi– if one looks at it through the right prism. All they have done is switched polarities so that what was (+) is now (-) and vice versa. Once they were the master race and now they are the servant race to their black, brown, and especially Muslim masters. Once it was German bombs and Zyklon B on the others; now it’s Semtex, blades, AK-47, and systemic rape on the Germans. The process in the UK is similar.

    Therein also lies our consolation; we, the waning Boomers may go into the night with the certainty that our warnings will be heeded and our countries and communities–at least some of them–will go back to what they were before the night set. Unfortunately, what we cannot achieve now by persuasion, will be achieved by what Solzhenitsyn called “the pitiless crowbar of events” and I call the 2 x 4 of history. Or, if you would, Enoch Powell’s rivers of blood. There will be trials and tribulations of Biblical proportions, and I mean it in the secular sense.

    Which means that the best course of action is enjoying and being grateful for what we still have and some stretch of future generations will not until Dark Ages 2.0 have passed. And preparing our descendants for what’s coming.

  6. Re: “The worst part of the recollection process is the growing awareness that all my efforts at Counterjihad have for naught. It’s been coming on gradually, and has intensified over the past few years, as the incidence of jihad in Europe has increased to the point where I can’t cover it all. ”

    Baron, and Vlad, too… your efforts most-certainly have not been for naught. You may believe this, but you only suffer from the gift/burden of possessing foresight and perception that most people do not.

    As a historian, I often tell people with whom I converse about the subject that to study/learn history is a gift, but it carries with it the burden of knowing. I’ve studied history of various kinds for more than fifty years now, and there are things I wish I could unlearn or unsee, things I wish I didn’t know… but as you stated yourself, once you walk through that door, there is no turning back. You have “eaten of the tree of knowledge of good and evil,” and there is no undoing it.

    One day, probably after we here are dead-and-gone, when the history of this time and its chroniclers is written, your name will be amongst them in a place of honor.

    All civilizations have life cycles, and none escape the inevitable corruption and decline which follow their earlier stability, prosperity and success. It is in the nature of things, and always has been. Whether or not the West and its great achievements can be saved, remains an open question, but it is of immense value that you have taken the time to record what has happened and also to explain – or attempt to explain – how it transpired.

    When you feel the world is too much with you, maybe it is time to go outside and watch the sun set, or to listen to the birds sing, or to appreciate the flowers and blooms of spring… I know these things have a restorative effect on me, and perhaps they will with you as well…

  7. Re: “One of the ghastly realizations I’ve come to during the past two decades is that Islamization is just one tool in the demonic toolbox accessed by our globalist masters. The culture wars that are raging all across the West feature several other lytic agents designed to break down traditional societies and render them unable to resist the planned apocalypse — Build Back Better, the Great Reset, or whatever they choose to call it.”

    Special Ops types have a saying in their community, “The event is the test…” which means that sometimes, when a catastrophe occurs, there isn’t time to train and prepare the means to handle it; one must simply undergo the experience and one either survives or not.

    What we’re living through now is something like that, I think. By which I mean that the portentous events unfolding around us are something none of us has ever experienced before, not even the people trying to make it all happen. As historians Strauss & Howe would say, we’re in the midst of a fourth-turning, and the only way one can know what lies on the other side of such a transformation is to emerge from it.

    It is pretty much an open secret now that the globalist elites & ruling class are subjecting the rest of humanity to what may be termed “serial crises,” one calamity after another, one crisis after another, in the hopes of battering ordinary people into acquiescing to world government.

    The picture is made murky, however, by naturally-occurring events – such as the destruction of the fiat money/debt-based system of the West, and the tension and hostility flaring up between the emerging BRICS alliance and the West. It is still much too soon to tell definitively which players belong to which team with anything like certainty… disinformation, propaganda and controlled opposition are everywhere. It’s a regular hall of mirrors, and it is filled with smoke….

    I had hoped to live out my life in peace-and-quiet, but events may conspire to prevent that from happening. Time will certainly tell…

    Baron, I am with you: Thank heavens for small towns! At least some of those haven’t lost their minds!

    • “I had hoped to live out my life in peace-and-quiet…”

      Sorry, but “HAHAHAHAHA”. Have you read any history? When does that occur, exactly?

      OP: rest when needed, but never give up. I started reading American founding documents in the 80’s and especially 90’s and found myself looking around for the revolution which should have been occurring but wasn’t. Financial bubbles being blown to keep people thinking we were prosperous, but of course we weren’t. Tried waking people up back then avail.

      Now, finally, the regime of steadily falling interest rates (easy money) is over. All the other crap is being used as coup-de-gras. The elite either believe they will survive and rule, or they hope to also die. No other explanation is possible.

      • They can only rule if they control the money. It is why they are so afraid of BitCoin. They will offer a CBDC as their ‘solution’ which if the world rejects it in its various forms will be their ends.

  8. Please hang on, Baron: you’re doing the best job out of there of documenting the problem, and at the very least, it will be historically useful.

    It’s extremely important work.

    I’m not sure that things won’t “blow” before 2050. I expect that in Sweden, it’ll blow in about 10 years, likely triggered by an economic recession. Much of a economically productive native population will probably leave for Denmark and Norway at that point, causing a snowball effect, as taxes get raised even more on the remaining ones, etc.

    • Yes, I expect some sort of catastrophic social/political convulsion before 2050. The de-industrialization West is about to thrust hundreds of millions of people into poverty, people who had previously lived comfortable, prosperous lives. To make matters worse, their poverty and misery will be increased by the forced adoption of “green” technologies, which cannot possibly work as touted.

      This is not a recipe for maintaining a stable civil order. Suddenly millions of people will have nothing left to lose, which makes them far more difficult to control.

      The fact that so many of those newly impoverished white people will be elderly means that a huge number of them will simply die. That’s the part I don’t like to think about. My schadenfreude doesn’t extend to relishing the deaths of millions, although I realize that there are many other people who do exactly that, who look forward with anticipatory glee to all the suffering and death that lies ahead, as if it were some sort of just comeuppance for those with whom they disagree.

  9. I know how you feel about this burn-out, since I’m feeling the same and I’m only more intensely in this for the last 10 years or so and I think Vlad reigned me in 7 years ago or so an the flood of information – mostly horrible – has increased to a daily Deluge that is threatening to drown me sometimes if I wouldn’t go away for a couple of days or weeks into the wild.
    And even then I’m dreading to come home and see my inbox.
    I also have to remind myself that I’m not doing this for myself, but for my girls and hopefully their offspring, so that they can live in a better world free from these Monsters.
    And even then, if we can achieve this, we need to be extremely vigilant to make sure that such monsters never will be able to reach such influence and power.

  10. In your 70s, Baron. You are just a youngster. At 87 I am still in for a good fight. The older and crankier I get, the more I fight (almost all on the keyboard now – unfortunately).

  11. I have been reading you for years,I don’t post cause I can’t get words right sometimes,just to let you know I thank you for all your hard work,so please be safe and thank you once again.

  12. Two major problems;

    1. Government officials are complicit claiming they care about their people when they clearly don’t and care about something more like bribe money or blackmail. You know this when they claim they are going to do something and don’t. It could be easily fixed by cutting off the welfare but they get rich via diverting welfare to rich businesses providing migrants services. Those clamouring for more migrants are supermarket chains, department stores, hardware chains, building companies etc.
    2. White people bought the population bomb narrative and “Peter Panism” and don’t have children. Governments don’t support them either. If they all had 5 kids the battle would turn in 20 years. Look at the increase in the Amish population in the last 20 years. They have increased to nearly 1 million.

    • Not to mention the 72 million abortions carried out in the USA so far and the Netherlands having exceeded 10 million,, only to be replaced by immigrant parasitic rubbish.

    • [insult redacted]!
      How the young whites can have more than one or max 2 children when the re is no social support for families with children.
      The support is given only for single moms , and we pay for it.
      The poor moms that are middle class must work because one salary is insufficient to rise the children.
      Then , we care about educating, whites like to be smart and educated most of the middle class and self respect whites, I mean.
      For the monkeys they do not care how many they have and how they do or not go to school.
      Many and low IQ mostly.
      Why are you condemning the whites?
      Why are we in Need to be reproductive cows?
      This is so stupid,.. the same song,,, no reproduction of vei, no kids, oi vei !
      Have you asked yourself actually why that is?

  13. Ditto what CA says.
    Your efforts, struggles, and trials are not without benefit. You may not know who or how, but you are not wasting your time and thought. There are very few voices speaking the truth.

  14. Allow me to also thank you for your work on narrating and reporting these events. As an American living in Tyrol Austria for some years now, I too have seen a marked corrosion of the society (mostly for the very reasons everyone has articulated here). My personal consolation comes from believing there is a greater power in charge – much greater than anything the likes of Schwab, Soros, van der Leyen, OBiden, et al. That of course is the Christian God.

    Fr. Chris Alar from the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy (SPringfield, Massachussets) has a very enlighteding 3-part podcast on what, dear readers, is sure to unfold. I encourage all rational men of goodwill to watch with an open mind. Part 1 at:

  15. I’ve always believed that things will have to get a whole lot worse before they can get any better. And up until a few years ago, things kinda trudged along as normal. True, there was a steady stream of cultural enrichers washing up on our shores, but at least the economies were working fairly well and people could for the most part get by without having to count every single penny.

    This has changed. And every day more and more people are joining the ranks of the poor and are having to choose between food, paying ever increasing bills or coughing up money for rent and mortgages.

    The rate of the influx of cultural enrichers has also sped up dramatically and is now practically on steroids. Every day illegal aliens stroll across wide open borders with the full blessing of our “elected” representatives. And as if this wasn’t bad enough, Soviet-style behavioural norms and nefarious “hate speech” laws are being rammed down our throats.

    All of these things have turned our former safe and homogeneous societies into crime ridden hellholes, and I guess that was the goal from day one by those who pull the strings. Divide and conquer is their main strategy and it is very effective.

    So are we rushing headlong toward the breaking point that has to be reached in order for things to finally change, or will things just continue to trudge along without any resistance from a demoralised, downtrodden and over conditioned native population?

    Who knows?

    But if it is one thing that history has taught us, it is that when things finally start to change, they tend to do so quickly. And especially when people are pushed too far too fast. And the only thing that is necessary for profound changes to occur is a dedicated minority.

    The rudderless and mostly clueless majority never achieves anything. It’s always the minority that drive things forward, for better or for worse. That will also be the case in the west when things come to a head at some stage.

    Yes, there are lots of military age young males pouring into our lands, but who’s to say that they will turn into hardened soldiers? They could just as easily end up as cannon fodder when the bullets starts to fly.

    My gut instinct tells me that most of these people have zero military training and next to no tactical and strategic warfare knowledge. Some do, but most of them don’t. And let’s not forget that there are millions of military age indigenous males in Europe and America with extensive military experience, who would prove to be a formidable force to be reckoned with if a hostile army should decide to attack.

    And who’s to say that these foreign military aged males will be able to get their hands on any weapons if a conflict breaks out? And who’s to say that they will be able to organise and fight? What if they simply deteriorate into Haiti-like militias, as is the norm with armies comprised of African males? Such militias are no match for a well trained western army.

    And if they get their hands on any weapons will they be willing to fight? The norm is for people to flee war zones, not rush toward them.

    I believe that if things get to this stage, the armed forces, especially in Europe will engage in military coups and rid themselves of the politicians who created this god awful mess. Or they could of course decide to continue to back their masters and decide to quell any rebellion instigated by indigenous patriots. That would mean a continuation of the current treasonous policies and a significant trimming of the fuse of the demographic time-bomb that we’re all sitting on.

    But all is not lost if this happens. People are extremely adaptable and can change their behaviours on a dime if the conditions are right. People who are deemed soft and weak at the moment, could easily turn into mean killing machines if the situation requires it. Human nature dictates that if your life is in peril, your behaviour has to change, and you have to do whatever is necessary in order to survive.

    Would access to guns be a problem? I don’t think so. Despite oppressive gun laws, there are still lots of weapons in private ownership all over Europe, and military depots can easily be raided if people need quick access to arms.

    And last but not least, cultural enrichers tend to live in big cities, and more specifically tend to be crammed inside a handful of neighbourhoods comprising a very modest geographic area. That’s not a good spot to be in during times of war, and especially not if the enemy encircle these and start implementing siege tactics. No provisions getting in or out, power and water supply being cut and the population continually shelled from surrounding vantage points.

    In such scenarios it’s game over relatively quickly, something that history has shown us time and time again.

    Things such as humanoid robots, drones and other future technological advances could also turn the scales in the indigenous armies’ favour. In fact there are multitudes of factors that come into play, it’s not simply a numbers game.

    Regardless of how things pan out, I certainly hope that things will go our way, and I pray that our descendants get to inhabit societies that they truly deserve. I also hope that our enemies, whether they are foreign or domestic get their just dessert.

    There are still plenty of tall oak trees with thick, sturdy limbs in both Europe and America….

    • The Ukraine situation has taught me one thing. Training is over rated. If one is willing to accept mass attacks and has the edge in body count, training is a wasted effort.

  16. The idea that you are not making a difference is nonsense. I understand your reaction to the failure of the current system to correct the problem, but you are speaking of a failed political system that has to collapse. The transition will be painful and the cure will certainly not come from them.

    For all the awful problems that exist with the political left and the damage they have done, I have to admire their strategy. They simply eroded the existing system from within. It was a long game that paid off through first corrupting and demoralizing the existing system.

    The key to destroying Islam is to do the same. People like Jay Smith or David Wood are doing the most damage. They are exposing the lies of the SIN (Standard Islamic Narrative). Whether this succeeds in time is what is in question, but the damage to Islam has been done and more people will take up the cause. It is just a matter of time.

    You are making a difference because you have educated people like me who in turn do more research on the subject. I in turn have engaged in conversation with Muslims (via the internet). While these conversations may not appear fruitful at first, they plant seeds of doubt, and like the political left, start the rot from within. Look at what is happening in Iran if you doubt me. A huge percentage of the country has left Islam (although many superficially say they are still “Muslim”). That’s what victory looks like, not the polarizing division of white verses arab or European traditionalism verses something else.

    Europe is going to permanently change. There is no stopping that and there is no point trying to continue a tradition that even the current population no longer believe in. Ultimately there are two big forces that will push all people, safety and freedom. That is the unstoppable force.

  17. Thank you for doing all you’ve done, but our elites live in a bubble and never listen to anyone on the outside. I thought it would be a simple matter to remind leftists of what happened to Iranian leftists when Muslims took over in 1979. To my surprise, none of them knew about the butchering of leftists, and some were very resistant to my bringing it up. Similarly, the other day some gay guy was complaining that people were telling him not to support Hamas because it is homophobic. Instead of taking their advice, he complained that calling Hamas homophobic was itself homophobic.

    A month ago or so I stumbled across a YouTube video by a secularist declaring that the world was turning more and more secular all the time. Every commenter was a secularist who agreed. I jumped in and pointed out how they were all in denial, that Western Europe was likely to be under Islamic law in a few decades, after which they will be gunning for us Americans. So far, no responses, except from someone who had lived in a Muslim country and agreed with me.

    Oddly enough, the Muslims will have a tougher time in the U.K. than elsewhere in Europe. This is because there are non-Muslim immigrants there — Hindus and third-world Christians — who will have no qualms about fighting back. A couple years ago there were sporadic riots for about three weeks between Hindus and Pakistanis in northern England because of a cricket match. In Germany, by contrast, it’s been nothing but Muslims coming in, so they are doomed.

  18. Dear Baron:

    Your little essay has been much on my mind. Perhaps we are all too heavy on analysis and not giving enough weight to what we are experiencing. I am grateful for your black pill words.

    I think those commenters here who say it was not in vain are right. It’s hard to say what may come of it, and a black swan event can turn things around… once the mycelium is in place.

    But your words resonate.

    My own perspective on this is that we took a turn awhile back, that has not served us well. Like the POVs we ostensibly oppose, we dwell on negatives. Mainstream news is full of murders and fires and disasters and how awful people are to each other. But so is our news. It’s not healthy.

    Our attention is the most precious treasure we the living have. And yet we throw it in the direction of what we don’t want. What you feed, grows. Please notice. We endlessly draw each other’s attention to darkness. Oh look at that insanity! Even more insane than yesterday! Look at that disconnection from reality! Oh look at that nonsense! Look at those brazen lies! Pay attention to the mutilations! Look at that evil! Look at that ugliness! Get a load of that BS! Over and over and over. Day in, day out.

    I know… we have wanted to help each other see. And we have seen. But there comes a time when a person who has seen has to say, enough! I know now, and if I am to live counter to that, I have to give my gift of attention instead to the good, the beautiful, the true… the real, the sane, the whole.

    I am thinking… the cultures that built all the churches and cathedrals in the old days, they did not focus on all the ones that fell down. They celebrated the ones which rose and stood. That’s what viable civilizations do.

    Much love, and gratitude for all this blog has sent my way —


  19. Hello Baron, I tried to post it, but I got a connection timeout. I try to post it, but please erase if a double post.

    I understand your feelings Baron about having achieved nothing.
    I tried to wake up my leftwing loony sister by asking her how she could follow Merkel if in her youth she was totally anti-state.
    She never answered. I am the conspiracy theorist, the nazi, the fascist, the unbeliever, the trans rights denier etc.

    And if I look at the people I have contact with (and I wouldnt call them friends because if I would only share one bit of my true thoughts I would be a pariah at once) I am resigned to the end.
    Yes, I wish for a turnaround but there is nothing to see that leads into this direction. so I only hope to be there when the piper must be paid by all those leftwing loonies and the sheeple who just follow orders. And I hope that Soros and his ilk get their desserts too.

    I recently found a book, that in the free parts you can read on Amazon describes how our society will look if it continues this way:

    From Her Eyes a Doctrine (English Edition) by Ash Donaldson

    I hoped for
    The Great Cleansing, The 2020 Mass Expulsion of Muslims from Europe by Peter ten Hoopen
    but it wont happen.

    • “I HOPED [my emphasis] for The Great Cleansing, The 2020 Mass Expulsion of Muslims from Europe by Peter ten Hoopen but it wont happen.”

      Remember: God—in whatever form you view deities in—helps those who HELP THEMSELVES. The good guys’re LOSING because the ‘toddlers—WHO’LL BREAK ANY LAW AND TELL ANY LIE IN THEIR BLIND PURSUIT OF “SOCIAL JUSTICE” (FOR PERSONAL GAIN)—have taken (note: past tense) ACTION to implement their plan, whilst we just TALK (present tense) about the loss of ours.

      Oh, and hope is NOT a reliable strategy….and all that jazz.

  20. As the good Baron has pointed out, the invaders have weapons and young men to use them. While the natives also have weapons and trained men and women, the invaders have something we do not:
    They have leaders who will order and lead the attack.
    I have lived and served with muslims and have learned from them. The lessons I have tattooed onto my heart are “The Straw that broke The Camel’s Back” and “The Camel’s Nose In The Tent”. These are not charming fairytales; they are a military strategy. Little by little, step by step, over decades or centuries, they over-whelm their enemies until “the unbelievers” are killed or enslaved.

  21. This situation isn’t going to last until 2050. No way.

    There’s a passage in Hemingway where someone is asked how he became bankrupt. He told them, “Gradually, then suddenly.”

    I think the Trump phenomenon has acted as an accelerant, so the “gradually” part of the project is over, and the fun and games are about to start very shortly.

    When that happens, it’ll spread.

  22. “this is not quite the apocalypse I expected. It’s like 1984, Brave New World, and Blade Runner all rolled into one.”

    Based on history, as well as our current trajectory, many (myself included) have reckoned our future end-state to be more akin to the final events of “Zardoz” rather than either of the above. But time’ll tell.

    “As Predicted (and it’s scary how easy it’s become to predict progressives’ next moves towards Frankfurt school “utopia” (i.e., Zardoz))….” —posted to fb (Aug 2018)

    “Zardoz: The Metaphoric Preview of Obamerica” —posted to fb (Jan 2021)

  23. As for the United Kingdom, the next generation will bring in the puppet Starmer, who is in the pocket of the Islamic faction of his party. Once this useful idiot has served his purpose and the transition period is over, the Labour Party will get rid of Starmer and give the top job to Sadiq Kahn. Then the Islamisation of the UK will proceed apace, you’d better believe it.

    So 2050 ?? Try next year. Maybe the year after.

  24. Thank you sooo much for your steadfastness and perseverance to produce this blog. It’s part of my daily reading for many years. I m in South Africa and the marching of Islam is happening in our neighbouring Mozambique’s Northern territories. Also sure it’s imbedded in our societies here as well. We can only inform and encourage each other to continue to warn. Kind Regards.

  25. I think one of our problems has been an inability to identify the true enemy. That is to say, we who are able to think rationally and act morally have found it difficult, if not impossible, to believe that other people would deliberately set out to infiltrate and destroy our societies, holding hands all the time with the practitioners of the “religion of peace.” So we did not fight back by against the true enemy, because we could not, and therefore did not, believe that enemy could exist.

    • That begins in private life. If you are being tormented by a severely personality-disturbed person, you will find out that most people, including relatives and friends, will not support you, will make light of what you are going through, and refuse to believe that such malice exists.

      It’s a blight on our world.

  26. “In 1974, Sean Connery made one of the worst and most profound movies in cinematic history: “Zardoz”. I saw the flick with a friend and we left the cinema feeling robbed (“You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll kiss two bucks goodbye.” —Friend), but like we’d just seen a preview of our future. Then, in 2008, with the election of President Affirmative Action, it dawned on me that Zardoz was actually a prescient and accurate preview of Obamerica, complete with its two distinct civilizations—one of “fashionable, sexually-ambiguous intellectual CONSUMERS (“Eternals”)”; and the other of “natural, school-of-hard-knocks deplorable PRODUCERS (“Brutals”)”.

    Zardoz in a nutshell…
    In a matriarchal, post-apocalyptic future, the world’s inhabited by two civilizations: “Eternals”—wealthy, cerebral sexually-ambiguous beings, who live in isolation and spend their time sashying around curtain-festooned castles and lush gardens in slow, dreamy modern-dance-steps because….well, they’re too intellectually sophisticated to actually DO anything else; and “Brutals”—the masses, who live off the land and provide for all of the Eternals’ needs. Zardoz—a flying stone head-mask thingy meant to portray a deity—maintains the Eternals’ enforcement arm, the Exterminators, with an unlimited supply of weapons to terrorize & subjugate the Brutals.

    Of course, Zardoz can be viewed as a simple warning about the inevitable downsides of blind, cult-like faiths that demand sacrifice to a collective. Nevertheless, today, the film’s central theme feels especially prescient considering Harris/biden’s “Build Back Better” (i.e., “Great Reset”) repackeged scam that we’re being asked to accept with blind, cult-like faith. So I reckon Boorman, the film’s producer, was actually a prophet.
    It’s noteworthy that, late in the film we learn that Zardoz, the supposed deity, is actually a sham. It, or HE, as it turned out, was just an Eternal who was tasked with controlling the Exterminators to insure the constant supply of food and goods required by the Eternals. And, eventually, we also learn that Zardoz is simply a clever portmanteau of “Wizard of Oz”.

    I reckon if the film hadn’t been so poorly done, more people would’ve seen and heeded its clear and obvious warning: Always pay attention to the man behind the curtain. Remember: The “great and powerful” Zardoz is just the same ol’ snake-oil salesman hawking the same ol’ toxic potion in shiny, new bottles covered with ambiguously hopeful words intended solely to TAKE something of value FROM you and GIVE it to THEM.” —posted to fb (Jan 2021)

    Just fyi for inquiring minds..

  27. Thank you, Baron, for keeping this site going and telling all who will listen, the truth of what’s going on. I appreciate your hard work and have been reading here for years.

    We look to be lost to the invading hordes, unless Jesus Christ decides to intervene on our behalf. Pray for that. I live in hope of Him returning. The antichrist the person no doubt stands at the door, waiting for his cue to enter and announce himself. Then all hell will break loose.

  28. i just dont think the muslims neither the indians are any way closer to power in the west now than ever. there are huge amount of them who could be brought in in many different ways, but the elites is mainly made by AntiChristians and AntLogos (which may change their definitions in time but are usually freemasons, other satan worshippers, and mostly jews). in good times they will just normalize faggotry and transpeople while at the same time import milions of easily controllable foreigners; but they also control and can stop the narrative any time they want by makeing artificial economic crisis, terrorist attacks, nationalist wars and pandemics, anytime they please and they will do that again if they feel their power in threatened.

  29. Don’t despair, Baron.

    Yes, things are bad, and they are getting worse, but there is a great deal of ruin in a nation. We’re still very far from the point of no return. Perhaps we’ve passed the point at which the west can be restored without armed conflict, but it’s not true that the outcome of that conflict is foreordained. The pusillanimity and weakness which are now extolled as the highest of virtues can disappear a lot faster than you’d think.

    Consider the Jews – two millennia of permanent helplessness, yet within a generation they learned to fight as well as any nation in Europe, and are now the most warlike nation in the West. “Gradually, then suddenly” also applies to the counter-jihad movement.

    And you should not underestimate your own contribution. Yes, some of the old sites have gone down, but others have stepped up to replace them. For example,

    Who knows how many you might have inspired? And you were there in the early days, you were one of the first to stand up and speak the truth. The Voice in the Wilderness must always feel lonely.

    • “Consider the Jews – two millennia of permanent helplessness, yet within a generation they learned to fight as well as any nation in Europe, and are now the most warlike nation in the West.”

      I believe your point is noteworthy….but ONLY in reference to those Jews who’ve LEARNED hard lessons [of reality] from the irrationality of their [theoretical] mistakes.

      It goes without saying that, in spite of the long history of the Jewish people, MOST modern Jews, especially those within the US and UK, have learnt little or nothing from their ancestors’ mistakes; and [mistakenly] continue to FEEL that civilized behaviour always begets civilized behavior.

      Just fyi: Israel’s not “in the West”.

  30. I appreciate and respect you greatly. I pray for you often, and please know that your work matters deeply to so many!

    With appreciation,

    Amy Mek

  31. The only chance we have (at the moment) of really changing the whole situation around is if Donald Trump names his VP and makes it clear that they will have absolute freedom to do whatever they want.

    And that VP’s name is . . .


    TRUMP/MUSK 24!

  32. You need a pause, Ned – and wait until the urge to write is impossible to resist.
    That goes for all kinds of “burnt out”. And if it doent not come, then – alas!

    Thats what I do whenever I feel like you do.

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