Hamas and the Annihilation of the Jews

Below is MC’s latest update from Sderot, with an extensive preface about the nature and history of Hamas.

‘Hamas, Hamas, all Jews to the gas’

Hamas and the Annihilation of the Jews

by MC

Hamas is a ‘brotherhood’ that seeks solely to kill Jews, as commanded by Islamic scripture: Koran, Hadith and Sunna. Whilst parts of the Koran may condemn murder, these parts are usually from the Mecca period, and thus often quoted to the infidel as a claim to innocence and peaceful intention, but are abrogated in favour of the violence of the Medina period.

Like calling Jews ‘Christ-killers’ (as happened to me just a few years ago), Muslims are very aware that Mohammad was fatally poisoned by one of his captured Jewish sex slaves.

In the Mecca period, the ‘holy land’ was acknowledged as Jewish. In the Medina period the good Muslim was instructed to behead all Jews and Christians.

Abrogation is a device used in Islam to iron out the many contradictions in the Koran, which is an incredibly confusing document and gives rise to at least four schools of interpretation. Sufism is the least violent, and it is this that the Sunni and Shia will use to convey peaceful religious doctrines to the enemy whilst planning his more violent demise.

Islam is not a religion as we in the West understand religion. It is a tyrannical form of theocratic government more akin to a 20th-century dictatorship. Life is not sacred in Islam, and the ends justify the means (amorality). Haj Amin al-Husseini and Hassan al-Banna, the founders of the PLO/Hamas, were indeed acolytes of Adolf Hitler, and later fell into the Marx/Lenin/Stalin camp of the Communist International.

The top leaders of these organisations trained under KGB supervision. They are anti-Israel and anti-American, but will happily accept the American taxpayer’s gold.

Hamas (and Gaza) are entirely financed from outside the country. It has taken 7th October to expose the deep, deep Jew-hatred that motivates states such as Spain, Norway, the UK and Belgium to readily finance the extermination of Jooz. These states say that they do not want to be seen as anti-Jew, but their actions towards the Jewish State of Israel are reprehensible and probably driven by their Globalist/Satanic desire to remove Torah from the scenario.

The US Administration, too, says one thing, but does another. O’Biden supposedly supports Israel’s right to defend itself, but is at the same time making sure that Israel cannot win. He has started three wars on his watch: Ukraine by embargoing Nordstream 2, Israel by donating $6 billion to Iran, and Guyana by removing sanctions from Venezuela.

Only Israel gets loaded with responsibility for ‘civilian casualties’. Collateral damage in the US-led bombing of Zagreb were swept under the carpet. Where are the howls of rage as Hamas fighters violate Jewish women and children, violate the Helsinki accords, and destroy agricultural property?

Hamas uses its citizens (and ours) as human shields. By law this becomes their crime and their responsibility — except when fighting Jooz, it seems. In the Koranic context this is ‘ethical’, and thus in a multicultural society must be given the same credibility as Judeo-Christian values, if not more, because Judeo-Christian value are those of the dreaded white male supremacy context.

The President of Harvard University appears to think that allowing Hamas supporters to incite genocide (of Jews) in her bailiwick an acceptable ‘context’, and falls under ‘free speech’. And so it may be, but it also begs the question as to whether she considers any incitement to genocide of African Americans on her campus as ‘free speech’ as well. In 1923, when writing Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler advocated genocide of Jews. Was this free speech as well? We don’t know if there will be another genocide of Jews. In Hitler’s case the taking of action on the so called ‘free speech’ took ten years to put into effect. Is the President of Harvard so prescient as to know this will or won’t happen, or is she just a progressive Nazi proxy wriggling to evade the consequences of her anti-Semitism (or negligence)?

Those members of staff who preach Jew-hatred to their students should be dismissed with immediate effect, they can then appeal and maybe make a case for their innocence, as happens with other overt forms of racism (except anti-white racism).

By financing an organisation that exists solely to kill Jews, the world, especially its secular elites, expresses its hatred of GOD. Don’t get me wrong: I see this war as a spiritual war where the forces of Satan are trying to annihilate people who believe that in the beginning GOD created. Secular humanism wants to erase Judeo-Christianity in toto, and in spite of this, Jews have persistently survived annihilation for millennia. But always remember that the track record of secular humanism is disastrous, whether it be in the French revolution, or in Treblinka, or in Communist Chinese labour camps.

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Yesterday we went to Ashdod to pick up clothing collected and donated to Hope for Sderot by various charity groups around the world. Ashdod is one of the biggest ports in Israel. We also stopped to buy thermal underwear for the soldiers (I hope the girls don’t mind wearing men’s longjohns).

The war is looking as if it will go on for months as they chase the Hamas leadership through tunnel and border crossing. The ‘civilian’ aid has been shown to be a cover for arms smugglers and is thus a vehicle for Hamas’ survival of the siege. We can thank the Biden Administration for that, and for the Israeli soldiers who will die because of it.

The support for Hamas’ atrocities around the world is polarising socialists into two groups, the wokerati who use terms like ‘occupation’, ‘colonialism’ and ‘Jewish bankers’. And those who, with a bit more nous, wonder about the assumption that groups like Hamas operate in a middle eastern vacuum.

ISIS brought that same hatred of Jews and Christians to the shores of Europe and the US. In Europe where guns are forbidden to law-abiding citizens, they did an enormous amount of damage. In the US they were essentially restricted to so called ‘gun-free zones’. It is useful for terrorists when governments create automatic soft targets, assuming that nice people like Hamas and ISIS terrorists will comply with their wishes. One pistol-armed cop in Austin, Texas was able to foil a full-blown ISIS attack, and those kibbutzim who were able to mobilize their militias survived…

Hamas is in the USA in the form of CAIR, and US schools have shown themselves to be particularly vulnerable — see Beslan in Russia. Terrorists do not perceive children as sacred; they see them as emotional torque wrenches to twist the nuts off of you and me.

I would say to Biden and his cronies (Obama?), “Lay off Israel, look to the safety of your own vulnerable people instead”. Let’s put it straight: Islam is anti-GOD. It is a vicious wolf with a benign fleece. We need to stop listening to Islam’s pathetic bleating and look at Islam’s fangs instead. Islam is waging war all over the world, of the fifty or so hot spots, the so-called ‘religion of peace’ is the aggressor in over 90% of them.

I personally think Western Civilisation is worth fighting for, and saving. If that means I have to be a racist/Islamophobic white supremacist male, then so be it. Far better than being a useless idiot, sitting on my fat a*** and hoping that the cavalry will come charging over the hill.

MC lives in the southern Israeli city of Sderot. For his previous essays, see the MC Archives.

15 thoughts on “Hamas and the Annihilation of the Jews

  1. MC: Thank for another articulate essay. You don’t need to accept the terminology of Israel’s detractors, such as “racist” and “white supremacist.” Those terms are linguistic weapons of the left, and of collectivist, unyielding ideologies, such as Islam. Just be an Israeli, living in your own land, as it was meant to be. When originally formed (the first time, after the Exodus, not the second time, in 1948), Israel came with a Users Manual. All the instructions are right there, and are quite clear about Israel’s claim to its land, and what Israel must do to survive in a harsh world.

  2. You are correct MC, the Whirled, and I-slam, are of the mind that if the world is rid of Jews (I’m 1/8) then it will be rid of the keepers of the Torah and by extension the Lord God Himself. In the Book of Ezekiel, Chapters 36-40, we read how the Lord has laid out the future, which is quite likely at our doorstep. Like the spoiled brat who wants more when he already has enough, so are those who are in authority as they lead everyone else down the primrose path to perdition. Stay tuned for the ultimate oxymoron, as the elite hide themselves from “The Wrath of the Lamb.” I have never seen a wrathful lamb MC, have you?

  3. Is Ryan Gosling a re-incarnation of Haj Amin al-Husseini?
    If they ever make a WWII Movie with al-Husseini in it, they could cast him for the role.
    The resemblance is uncanny.

  4. “The war is looking as if it will go on for months…”

    I think that this war will go on until the nuclear warheads fly…

    Both sides have enough “live videos” of the atrocities commited by “the other side” that there is a guaranteed chain reaction of vendeta – motivated violence, and boom!

    As we say in Czech Republic: “There was no time ask who is who, the order was clear, shoot!”

    • What you call atrocities is war by another name. as far as I am concerned, the Israelis are losing men at atrocious rate, they should be using artillery and MLRS systems to route out these bloody savages and then go in, they are playing this insane nicey nice war which causes them to lose men unnecessarily. In other words, their tactics suck.

  5. The hajjis have a saying, about which they are perfectly serious: “First we take care of Saturday, then we take care of Sunday…” By which they mean the Jews, whose sabbath is Saturday, and Christians, whose sabbath is Sunday.

    Non-Muslims, however they identify themselves ~ whether Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, or atheistic non-believer ~ had better realize that to a devout Muslim, all of them are nothing more than kafirs, infidels whom their prophet has commanded must be converted to Islam, enslaved, or slain.

    These beliefs have been settled doctrine within Islam since the time of Mohammed 1,400 years ago, and have been reaffirmed many times since then by the ulema (wise old men of Islam) at al-Azar University in Cairo, Egypt, the seat of Islamic jurisprudence for more a thousand years.

    The historical record clearly shows that Islam as an entity has the blood of more humans on its hands than any other – some 270 million souls slain by the soldiers of Allah over the last fourteen hundred years.

    Moreover, the greatest single act of genocide in human history was also carried by the Muslims in what is now the Indian subcontinent during the 1500s, when the Mughal Empire slew an estimated fifty million Hindus and other non-Muslims.

    Finally, the Muslims are the greatest and most-prolific slavers in history. They have taken more slaves, and bought/sold/traded more of them than anyone else, and the margin isn’t even close.

    Most modern non-Muslims are utterly unaware that it is only in the 21st century that the last nations on earth to practice human chattel bondage and slavery finally made the practice illegal. And even though de jure slavery is illegal in these places, de facto, it is still widely practiced across the Islamic world. Just not as openly or in plain sight.

    Some jihadist groups, like the Janjanweed tribesmen of the Sudan, are notorious for raiding non-Muslim villages for the purpose of capturing and enslaving young non-Muslim girls and young women.

    The raids and violence against non-Muslims in the Sudan became so bad that the non-Muslims had to split off and form their own nation, the South Sudan, to obtain a degree of safety. They also armed themselves against the raiders, who still attack them to this day.

    These lines of historical and other evidence all point to one thing: Islam is a clear and present danger to human civilization, and must be stopped no matter the cost.

    • Actually the death toll over 1400 years is nearly one billion. I obtained these figures from actual historical records. Islam must be totally eradicated from Earth-all and every trace. No holds barred. It is us or these parasites and blood suckers and I especially include the Europeans that “reverted” to this craven Satanic filth.

      • @ Bishop Guy Leven-Torres

        Re: “Actually the death toll over 1400 years is nearly one billion. I obtained these figures from actual historical records.”

        Yes, but which records? Establishing precise values for numbers which have been compiled, for lack of a better term, over so many centuries is problematical to say the least. Record-keeping in those times was not always done, and when it was done, it was not always done properly, accurately or reliably. And that does not even take into account errors made in the historical record since then.

        I used the figure of two-hundred seventy million deaths as it was reported in Will and Ariel Durant’s “The Story of Civilization,” but that is certainly not the only estimate which has been made. Their work is generally regarded as reliable, but the younger set might reject it as not being up-to-date. Not sure…

        I would regard that figure as very conservative, though, so where the actual value lies is open to question.

        Where did you get your number? From what source?

        It would not surprise me if the actual figure was higher than that listed by the Durants.

        • Guesstimates are all that can be expected but precise numbers are irrelevant. The crux of the matter is 1) The numbers are universally agreed to as huge as compared to any other ideology, and 2) There is nothing in Mohammedanism that even tangentially questions the morality of any of the slaving or butchery that said ideology fosters. It is a bully’s wet dream. More than Naziism, more even than Communism, it is a societal moral Get Out of Jail Free card for the most horrific acts that a psychopath can conceive, as long as the victims are the Other.

          If George Soros’s seething hatred of and desire to see all humanity suffer could be distilled and conjured into a religion it would look exactly like Mohammedanism. It corrupts all it comes into contact with, and all who gaze upon it come away feeling unclean.

  6. Geopolitics sometimes results in “strange bedfellows,” to use the old saying, and nowhere is this more true than in the case of the communists and Islam. How did this unusual and largely unforeseen alliance happen and why?

    On the surface of things, it would hard to find two ideologies and movements more dissimilar than Islam and communism. In particular, the post-modern Cultural Marxist or ‘woke’ forms of socialism. But if one looks deeper, one finds that there are some important similarities, too, as well as a substantial overlapping of goals.

    In large measure, the communists and Muslims are allies of convenience. The aphorism applies: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend…”

    Islamic doctrine under sharia law permits, even encourages, temporary alliances which benefit the faith ~ and even allows such agreements with enemies or rivals if necessary. The believers can always unilaterally abolish the truce whenever it benefits them.

    The communists are convenient friends for the time being, because they share Islam’s historical animus and hatred of western civilization and Christianity. Both systems of belief are dedicated to wiping them out. Once that happens, we may see a dramatic rearrangement of things, but time will tell what happens.

    One clue, however, to the future state of affairs between Islam and its communist friends in the West, is to be found in the early adopters… western converts to Islam who come from a hard socialist or communist background and who have already said the shahada and converted to the “one true faith,” becoming Muslims themselves. This is already quite common on university campuses, not just among the students, but faculty as well.

    The “Red-Green Alliance” is very real, and evidence of it is easy to find in plain sight if one looks for it. The American Democrat Party, which is now hard socialist/communist in character, has among its prominent members the “Squad,” so-called, which is composed of Congressional representatives Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley, and Tlaib. Omar and Tlaib are Muslims, and the other two are hardcore socialists.

    • It is rather natural that they should eventually merge. Both Socialism and Mohammedanism institutionally value coercive power above all else. They both attract likeminded individuals and reward pathological behavior while shunning/ostracizing any restraint that rises above the level of temporary transactional cunning.

      I’m surprised that most of the U.S.’s and Europe’s politicians and other members of the WEF, or Hydra if you will, have not said the Shahada, or perhaps they have in private. After all, the outward trappings, ostentatiously kneeling/bowing to prayer etc., are perfectly suited for virtue signaling performance theatre and even a cursory reading of the koran shows what a laughable sham of a religion it is, so there is no serious belief required beyond the natural self-regard of a psychopath.

      • Not to put too fine a point on it: don’t listen to the rhetoric or absorb the posturing performance, but rather consider what pathological needs they both amplify and fulfill/reward in the human psyche.

        “Birds of a feather flock together.”

    • Totally Wrong – Marx’ parents were Jews who converted to Christianity, Marx never practiced Judaism in his life, but he did win prizes for his (early) Christianity.

      If Lenin had Jewish forbears, he was at least 75% Christian. That should tell you how dangerous ‘Christians’ (Atheists) are!

      Lenin told Trotsky (who was Jewish) that he could not lead the Party after Lenin’s death because the party rank and file would never accept a Jew as party Leader. So we got Stalin, a ‘Christian’, instead.

      It is imbecilic to try and smear Judaism in this fashion.

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