A Letter to the Cousins

Our English correspondent Seneca III addresses his latest remarks to his American cousins.

A Letter to the Cousins

by Seneca III

On this side of the pond and then on over the ditch to Europe, there is increasing chaos. The political classes, the academics and the politicians we have elected are scrambling around and promoting this DEI excrement which has turned so much of our national socio-economic landscapes into moral wildernesses by selling out to these ‘new citizens’, the so called ‘immigrants’ and ‘refugees’ who are in fact illegally-entered black and brown criminals (mostly Muslim) from every failed country on earth. They are slowly and violently taking over the streets, public spaces and public transport across the continent.

Stabbings, street robberies, rape gangs and shootings are now an unwelcome integral part of our way of life, and parts of several major cities such as Londonistan, which is now minority white, are infested with dangerous no-go areas unsafe even in daylight. At night they become war zones where different factions, races and gangs fight it out for control. Europe, with a couple of notable exceptions, is much the same.

In Aberdeen, Shell’s headquarters were targeted today with orange paint as Just Stop Oil activists claimed responsibility. They seem not to understand that the Universe, even if only to the extent of the thirteen-billion-year time/distance limited horizons we can presently observe, is huge beyond our comprehension. It is deep, complicated, profoundly mysterious and interconnected in ways we do not yet understand… if we ever will. That Extinction Rebellion and its various analogues should presume to tell us how it works on our cosmological microscale and that we are responsible for perfectly natural events smacks of the destructive knee-jerk response of simple-minded children.

We still do not know if solar activity and climate are constructive partners or destructive antagonists, for our collective life span is too short compared with that of Mother Sun. Homo sapiens sapiens still has a long way to go to complete its evolution into Homo solaris and even further to Homo stellaris, but one wonders how those far-distant descendants of ours will look back and view the twitterings of these gullible drones so taken in by the great global warming/carbon tax scam.

With much time on my hands these days, this redneck from over the pond has used it to keep a beady eye on you guys and I have a subliminal feeling that a major geopolitical sea change is underway over there. It’s hard to pin down amidst the furore surrounding Trump, the November presidential election and what will happen after, but there are some clues to be found in these snippets I have picked up during my interweb meanderings:

1.   Remington has confirmed it will shut its massive firearms factory this month in Ilion, New York, and head to Georgia.
2.   Members of the Tennessee National Guard are heading for deployment to the southern U.S. border (Texas?).
3.   There are unsubstantiated rumours that Colt Firearms are going to relocate to Texas now that they have been acquired by new owners/management following a bankruptcy. A Czech firearms manufacturer buying Colt Holding Co. is delaying plans for a new production site in Arkansas as it focuses on Connecticut, but will not soon increase the West Hartford workforce of 300, a top executive said Monday.

All of this brings to my mind the social, political and geographic North-South divide immediately prior to your Civil War. I hope this is not the case, but if it is then all I can say is stay safe and put your trust in God.

— Seneca III, still in what’s left of Middle England on this 6th day of March in the year of our Lord 2024

For links to previous essays by Seneca III, see the Seneca III Archives.

8 thoughts on “A Letter to the Cousins

  1. Stop Oil and Extinction rebellion are just media propaganda arms of the globalists. The propaganda industry today is multifaceted unlike Hitler’s brown shirts. I think there was only one disruptive violent tribe they set in motion. Our globalists are much more sophisticated they have a disruptive tribe to stir up every section of society. Stop Oil and Extinction rebellion are paid to do what they are doing and are mostly too ignorant for any critical thinking, a symptom of poor quality mass education systems which are getting worse in the west every year as we fall down the PISA tables while the global south rises. Will we become “neanderthals again”? Will our self hatred make us turn ourselves into uneducated, uncivilised morons? Ouch!
    Muslims and illegals crossing your southern border are deliberately designed to target the US. They are being pushed and transported in by the rich in your own country, that’s who you should hate.
    The people who you should be venting on are in government or advising them,; Obama, Tony Blair, etc etc.
    We are being distracted by the tactics rather than trying to attack the plan by educating people and voting the criminals out.

    • Factionalism serves the interests of the ruling class; as always, if they can set one faction or group in society against another, the chances are lessened that the people will unite against them after figuring out that they all share a common adversary.

      “Divide and rule” has been a staple in their tool-kit for a long time, for this reason….

  2. Britain has not fallen yet. But it will.

    In 1961, the population of London was 97.7% white British. By the last census in 2021, it was only 36.8% white British. This in the capital city of Great Britain!

    This is not natural. It is not normal. Such a population transfer in the capital city of a country does not normally happen even after defeat in a war. The great replacement is real, and it is happening. The white British population of London has been declining inexorably since the 1960s, and it will not get better. Even in 2001 the white British were still a majority, 59.8%, in just 20 years they crashed to a minority of a little over a third of the population. Is there any way back? I can’t see it. Our “Conservative” government allowed immigration of 1.4 million in 2022. I doubt the figures for 2023 will be any better. Britain is being hollowed out. It is hard to see a future for this country. Well, not if you have the misfortune to be white.

    • 10 to 1 will fail when the 1 is of high intelligence and finally gets “pissed off”. Not be be banal but you’re right, unless, “White Britain” internally proclaims in the words of Popeye the Sailor. “That’s all I can stands and I CAN’T STANDS NO MORE”.

    • Re: “This is not natural. It is not normal. Such a population transfer in the capital city of a country does not normally happen even after defeat in a war. The great replacement is real, and it is happening. The white British population of London has been declining inexorably since the 1960s, and it will not get better.”

      The draconian censorship and anti-free speech laws being considered and enacted in places like Great Britain are not for the protection of “migrants” or to sooth the allegedly hurt feelings of those people. The powers-that-be do not care about those things.

      What they do care about is preventing the native populace at large from noticing the transformation happening to their country and expressing disapproval of it. This is what the censorship is actually about: Preventing the population from protesting what is being done to them, and in so doing, crushing resistance before it has a chance to spread.

  3. Not so much a north/south divide. Something more complex. Red/blue, city/rural, based/woke. Something along those lines. If/when it kicks off, it will be something never seen before. I believe Matt Bracken said it best “Bosnia x Rwanda x2”.

    • “Not so much a north/south divide. Something more complex….I believe Matt Bracken said it best “Bosnia x Rwanda x2”.”

      I believe you (and Matt) are correct….and not alone in your premise.

      A friend and author (of repute) in London has been trying to publish a book detailing the shrinking population of actual Britons in Britain, but no UK/EU publisher’s willing to touch it for fear of government retaliation.

      Increasingly, it appears that Western civilization is [blindly] following San Francisco into a very dark place led by infantile Bolsheviks with very plump Pampers.


      “The US is NOT headed for Civil War!

      However, we’re definitely on a crash-coarse for armed conflict, just not one separated by a geographic dividing line. Think: Bosnia, not Gettysburg.

      During the US Civil War, the country was severely divided over three principal issues: states’ rights; the right of individual states to secede from the union; and “Bleeding Kansas”—whether new states would be permitted to choose whether to implement slavery or not. On virtually all other issues of law and morality, the country was in complete—Judeo-Christian, constitutional—lock-step.

      Today, however, hyphenated- and non-hyphenated Americans can’t even agree on the definitions of “victim” and “victimizer”—the basic building blocks of law and morality; and the foundational moral and legal tenets around which healthy civilizations must coalesce. And therein lies the difference….and the great danger. When civilizations forced to live amongst one another lack any shared foundational understandings—with radically contrasting and, on one side, ever-“evolving” views of right versus wrong, good versus bad, success versus failure, legal versus illegal—they must inevitably and unavoidably find themselves confronted with three options: Assimilate, Separate or Assassinate (i.e., go to war); and history offers no other solutions that I’m aware of.

      With one side armed with the Bill of Rights and the rule of law, and the other actively working to erase them, I fear we’re on a divisive and chaotic carnival ride that isn’t likely to end where it began.
      Watch this space..” —posted to fb (June 2020)

  4. Have you ever seen a forest fire Seneca? I have, it burned to within 12 feet of my cabin. The fire started from a spark that was never identified and torched 15,000 acres, 500 homes and two people. We forest people knew it was coming, and those who had prepared by mitigating their property fared better than those who did not. There is a fire coming and some have prepared, most not. The only question now is what will be the spark and how hot and hard the fire will burn. The fire I fought was bad and I still have the burn scars to prove it. I have doubts about the survivability of the coming fire but will still fight.

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