László Földi: How Will Citizens Defend Themselves When They Feel the Law No Longer Protects Them?

László Földi is a Hungarian national security expert, a former intelligence service agent, former operations director. We’ve seen him here several times in the past.

In the following TV interview (this first of two parts), Mr. Földi talks to the popular journalist Zsolt Bayer about the migration crisis, George Soros and his NGOs, and other pertinent issues.

Many thanks to CrossWare for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

More on the Röszke terrorist Ahmed H.:

Previous interviews or discussions featuring László Földi: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5.

Video transcript:

00:10   Good evening. You are watching the Deep Hungarian. My guest tonight is László Földi,
00:14   the national security expert. Hi, welcome here. —Thanks.
00:18   Well, this is a political show, but
00:22   let’s bring a personal note in here. The fact, you are sitting here
00:26   In this studio with me
00:30   is signalling something. It signals that
00:34   obviously you are finished with your [job]
00:38   at the city hall [in Budapest],
00:42   because the Lord Mayor told you
00:46   if you give another interview, then you are finished [there].
00:50   I guess, then, that you have chosen this. —If you allow me,
00:54   I would like to answer with a “székely” anecdote [Hungarian folks living in Transylvania]
00:58   I have a friend in Farkaslaka [village in Transylvania],
01:02   Géza Hadnagy, who told me the following:
01:06   Some time ago some Székelys visited Germany,
01:10   [unintelligible] city there,
01:14   where those guys —who had never been outside of their village — were in a foreign environment.
01:18   They did not speak the language, and food was scarce, too, at that time.
01:22   They said the following: “Such a case,
01:26   when our good Lord does not help us,
01:30   could not happen!” … This connects to us here…
01:34   that the European invasion,
01:38   not to talk about it, could not happen! —Clear, precisely.
01:42   Then let’s cut to the chase, and let’s be very up-to-date.
01:46   It is very fresh news, and maybe
01:50   a ray of hope, in Italy
01:54   the Forza Nuova — that is a right-wing
01:58   political organization — sued,
02:02   reported [to the police] George Soros and
02:06   the NGOs financed by him, for
02:10   the simple fact that on the Libyan coast
02:14   their picking up migrants and bringing them to Italy
02:18   violates all relevant Italian laws,
02:22   from the policies on migration, border laws
02:26   internal security laws, thus everything,
02:30   and this must be stopped. So they reported him.
02:34   So thus far this is a normal political issue,
02:38   but the new difference is that in Catania, Sicily,
02:42   the Prosecutor General has taken the case and ordered an investigation.
02:46   I think… well, I am not naïve, and I don’t think
02:50   that George Soros will be cuffed and brought over to Catania,
02:54   and that after appearing at a trial, he will get five years in prison
02:58   for this. But the pure fact that there is an investigation
03:02   for “organizing migrant transport”
03:06   signals that something has begun.
03:10   Well, yes, but let’s think about it:
03:14   he has had all kinds of cases opened against him in the past years and decades.
03:18   As a result, he can’t enter some countries.
03:22   The essence of the thing here is that they created those systems
03:26   with a dual purpose. There is a cover part of this.
03:30   That is what the people can see, what the NGOs are doing.
03:34   Many people join their cause and have a positive experience
03:38   in the movements, and even in humanitarian issues,
03:42   they can do something for the less fortunate. However,
03:46   we can now see that something else happened,
03:50   that over decades — under the nose of the authorities,
03:54   — and that is a big question for me — they built up
03:58   such systems, networks, that on the surface
04:02   are NGOs, with legitimate purposes, and in the background
04:06   a system, which is clearly economic by nature, representing
04:10   the interests of a small group, and capable of being consciously manipulated.
04:14   Well, that is a punishable crime,
04:18   under present European law, independent of the fact,
04:22   that they collect people who migrate illegally and,
04:26   defying all existing immigration laws,
04:30   transport them to Italy or anywhere else in Europe.
04:34   So here I think the fact that
04:38   the prosecution began an investigation in Italy — first of all, they are late!
04:42   Second, there is very little political power in
04:46   Europe to embrace this and create a defense.
04:50   But let me add that not only could the legal systems
04:54   and surface defense prevent this,
04:58   but I see a lack of such measures.
05:02   Let’s stay with the NGOs a little bit longer.
05:06   You phrased it: nowadays
05:10   these NGOs are fooling well-meaning people,
05:14   who truly believe that they are doing something humanitarian,
05:18   that they help people in the time of dire need.
05:22   That… is one side of the issue,
05:26   how this happens, but the other part, what you just said,
05:30   that under the nose of the authorities, an entire network is built up,
05:34   — let’s call it a “shadow-power” — is created.
05:38   Nobody elected them; nobody
05:42   has any checks on them. They are not
05:46   dismissible. Nobody
05:50   could ask questions about this network.
05:54   So the second question is: how it is possible that
05:58   such things [organizations] can be built up all over Europe and the world?
06:02   While all the secrets in the world…
06:06   the intelligence services today
06:10   can know everything. Everything,
06:14   exactly when I brushed my teeth. So something
06:18   is not OK. Something stinks here; either there is collusion,
06:22   or everybody is nuts! —Well, let me start with the second one.
06:26   I completely rule out that the intelligence service community
06:30   would not be able to see this, using their capabilities. The question is speculative,
06:34   as you asked: “Why do we not defend ourselves?”
06:38   From that moment only a political answer can be given. But let’s raise the stakes.
06:42   We are not only talking about NGOs being built up all over the world,
06:46   and usually at the national level; in those countries
06:50   they circumvent the local laws.
06:54   I meant by raising the stakes that in recent decades
06:58   in the world such systems have been created. Let’s start with the UN
07:02   and many similar specialized institutions,
07:06   but we could mention Brussels here, who
07:10   make decisions that influence the world, related to political events,
07:14   whether they be economic or any other nature. But let’s
07:18   say “they have a major screw-up”, they do not take any responsibility.
07:22   From that moment, they devolve to either the member states,
07:26   or even the impacted countries, abandoning all responsibility.
07:30   So say it straight: such systems
07:34   in the 20th century — and for now let’s just stay in there;
07:38   there are established systems that can make decisions and influence our lives,
07:42   but in the meantime, they take zero responsibility.
07:46   This automatically brought the opportunity for the NGOs to be built up.
07:50   Why? From a professional standpoint,
07:54   I have to say, they built them very well, impressively,
07:58   because the NGOs really carry out those [cover] activities,
08:02   which are written on the “signboard”. So in the green
08:06   movements, in human rights issues, they help people.
08:10   In Africa, doctors are moved there to help,
08:14   with the local health situation, etc, etc…
08:18   And then the covert systems will enter later.
08:22   So the thing does not start in a way where the intention
08:26   is immediately clear; it starts just like recruitment in the intelligence services,
08:30   — if I can bring this example — an intelligence service recruits
08:34   everyone they can, not because they need everybody now —
08:38   let me paraphrase The Godfather here:
08:42   “Someday we will call upon you to do a service for us.”
08:46   So in the shadow of the world systems, and using their logic,
08:50   they are so invisible, because their secondary intentions
08:54   only emerge in cathartic situations like the present one.
08:58   So this only becomes apparent now;
09:02   two years ago it was not that visible
09:06   that these NGOs were supporting illegal movements,
09:10   that they agitate people to leave their homes, so they go
09:14   against the authorities. And here comes another very important sentence:
09:18   Not only do they build up their network, to be present as widely possible,
09:22   — to have so many people join — but they build up their defense as well.
09:26   Let me borrow again from my own line of work:
09:30   I will not attack until I have my line of retreat established.
09:34   So in this case, “I will not press forward with my NGOs until
09:38   my defensive system is working.” This defense
09:42   is built of lawyers, political influence,
09:46   financing positions [bribes] and some other things.
09:50   You yourself could bring a million examples, when
09:54   something happens. A jihadist
09:58   can be easily brought out of the prison with prepared propaganda,
10:02   well-prepared lawyers, and the whole
10:06   well-established setup,
10:10   and honest citizens are wondering what just happened.
10:14   Let’s stay with this concrete example
10:18   you mentioned at the end. I can’t help thinking of
10:22   Ahmed H. [Arab provocateur arrested and jailed for terrorism after the Battle of Röszke, 2015].
10:26   With common sense
10:30   and with our natural-born sense of justice,
10:34   we scream at every single moment when we can see
10:38   what is happening. There are the video recordings,
10:42   from the last two years — we saw them six million times —
10:46   of what happened that day at the border.
10:50   There in the first row is this guy — in his pocket by the way,
10:54   his own valid EU passport from Cyprus, allowing him to travel freely,
10:58   and God knows how many other [passports].
11:02   He was screaming into a megaphone, threatening the police.
11:06   Everything is visible. Then he starts throwing rocks, and finally gives an ultimatum to the police,
11:10   stating: “if you do not open the border in two hours,
11:14   we will break through using force.” These are the FACTS.
11:18   In the meantime, in Hungary, there is a law
11:22   that if someone tries to coerce any state organization,
11:26   to force their will on them,
11:30   it meets the legal definition of terrorism. They jail this guy for ten years,
11:34   Then come the NGOs.
11:38   They protest in Brussels; the representatives of the
11:42   European Parliament are standing there like idiots with small signs in their hands,
11:46   with their little finger held apart [snobbish way to hold something].
11:50   Local agents such as Bárándy [lawyer in a Soros org] defend him.
11:54   Now we are at that level. They brought him out; a new [judicial] procedure started.
11:58   It’s possible that he will be laughing all the way and be able to leave with his Quran in his hand,
12:02   walking free, wherever he wants to go.
12:06   Well, if this is how it is, and it is this way,
12:10   we can find numerous examples all over the world.
12:14   …Let’s just break away from
12:18   the concrete problem and the migration crisis.
12:22   This undermines at such a deep level the
12:26   the faith placed into the court system and the justice system,
12:30   undermines the entire society’s faith in the justice system.
12:34   This also brings national security questions to the surface.
12:38   If you will allow me, this does not just bring up these issues,
12:42   but let’s start with the meaning of democracy.
12:46   To get away from the practical part of my specialization.
12:50   Nowadays the most important challenge in Europe is safety. It’s not just me, everybody says this.
12:54   Anybody who tries to approach this issue with any intelligence.
12:58   Safety is the challenge, and safety is the basis of order.
13:02   Under order we can include laws, customs — what you mentioned —
13:06   also expectations concerning the authorities, too.
13:10   If this breaks down and
13:14   — because order is the basis of democracy —
13:18   then we are far away from the rules of play for democracy today;
13:22   then from that moment, everything is fair game.
13:26   They try to make believe it’s from the minorities toward the majorities,
13:30   that you should think about this too, and that it is worthy for you to join in
13:34   this anarchistic world, because this is real freedom for you.
13:38   From that moment, the tool could be anything: jihadist,
13:42   a terrorist — who they once released from prison — that will strike
13:46   back. Maybe not the one who will be personally put in a truck,
13:50   to drive into a crowd. Maybe not the one who will dress up in a bomb
13:54   to blow up a subway, somewhere in Europe. But he will be in
13:58   the group that prepares this,
14:02   for sure. Unfortunately, in that meaning, we bring this
14:06   wind of revenge even closer.
14:10   Thank God Hungary has avoided such things so far, because
14:14   it is not possible to make these people understand the systems of rules
14:18   we live in and use to think. And if we even help this,
14:22   use this example with… how to say, reproachful,
14:26   when someone is punished, you or me,
14:30   for breaking some traffic rule, like driving into a one-way street,
14:34   the camera records it and the $200 fine comes. In the meantime, masses of people
14:38   — that was a traffic violation — in the meantime masses of people walk
14:42   on the highways, which is traffic felony [more serious crime],
14:46   and the authorities do not act on it at all.
14:50   In that case order is breaking down. If the order is broken down,
14:54   — let’s step ahead — the biggest problem, if law enforcement internally
14:58   breaks down with its thinking, that’s one way
15:02   the law enforcement agencies can’t do their job.
15:06   We could mention a million examples; let me mention just a couple here
15:10   in Europe. In Berlin 20 thousand police officers requested reassignment.
15:14   Why? Because they could not carry out their duty;
15:18   they could not serve based on their service oath, because one person,
15:22   a native white German, they had to punish,
15:26   and a new migrant — who did not even have papers — had to be let go unpunished.
15:30   Well, they have to look the other way, because otherwise it creates a political issue.
15:34   From that moment, I think
15:38   we face a very dangerous path. The main danger
15:42   is not what the jihad fighters do in Europe,
15:46   but how those citizens will defend themselves
15:50   who feel the law no longer protects them.
15:54   That is what we call CIVIL WAR, but I do not want to use such ugly words.
15:58   But the scope of the problem unfortunately
16:02   escalates daily, more and more.
16:06   It would be high time to finally deal with this issue.
16:10   Well, how important it would be deal with it,
16:14   but as I am looking at the time, we will talk about it in the second part of our discussion,
16:18   talk about what is to be expected, but
16:22   let me say here a bit about anarchy,
16:26   the breakdown of order, as you mentioned. Not long ago
16:30   I saw a movie “The Circle” [2017].
16:34   Practically speaking, its about Facebook.
16:38   It’s an American movie, an ingenious discussion of how
16:42   we don’t realize what they are doing to us,
16:46   and this morning, as I was reading over my morning coffee,
16:50   reading the news, and one of the libsi [short for ”liberal-Bolshevik”] portals writes,
16:54   an enthusiastic article about…
16:58   I will try to tell it as precisely as I can, because I read it three times,
17:02   to believe that what I read, it’s part of reality.
17:06   Facebook and Zuckerberg are in discussion with the Australian government,
17:10   they sat down and started working on the issue,
17:14   that every Australian citizen
17:18   who is a Facebook user should send his/her
17:22   naked picture to Facebook.
17:26   They will use some kind of algorithm, and they will
17:30   create a database from these pictures,
17:34   organize it into some kind of library.
17:38   Once this database is complete,
17:42   then misuse of pictures will no longer be possible,
17:46   such as nowadays is in fashion,
17:50   when a stupid guy, once his girlfriend leaves him,
17:54   in revenge he posts naked pictures of her, which were taken while they were together.
17:58   And he puts those pictures on Facebook for his friends to drool over.
18:02   You send your own naked picture, of your own free will, to Daddy Facebook,
18:06   then they will block this, because they can see [who it is],
18:10   because your picture will be in the database,
18:14   and they can identify misuse. Hey, Laci [nickname for László]!
18:18   Seriously! This is the end!
18:22   I do not even know what to ask after this! This is today…
18:26   The Australian government is actually having a discussion about
18:30   this, with THEM! About THIS! —Well, I can only say
18:34   — while my children despise me for it —
18:38   I wasn’t going to say this now, but the Internet will be our death.
18:42   Not because… I myself use it, too; it has its advantages.
18:46   But still… yes, still death… yes, it will be,
18:50   in my preaching… but, yes, it will be our death, because
18:54   we have to understand, those systems that you have
18:58   no defense against, it’s not wise to introduce them.
19:02   In the past, this has shown up in little things, but now
19:06   it is settling over the whole of humanity. As an example,
19:10   let’s look again at the migration issue.
19:14   What would have happened without the internet? First, people would not know
19:18   the information that might have encouraged them
19:22   to look for a better world. In their lives
19:26   they would have sat in their coffee houses, talking to their friends,
19:30   relatives, feeling happy and having a good time in the Middle East.
19:34   And how would the logistics have been available in that system?
19:38   We talked about it a million times. The moving of the critical masses.
19:42   When they start heading in the direction of Europe. Because not
19:46   everybody is a born cartographer and
19:50   knows where and how to go. Also information management,
19:54   — I am not sure if we will talk about that —
19:58   the problem of the fourth branch of power: the media.
20:02   I mention this, because I would not treat them as the fourth branch of power,
20:06   because that is not working constitutionally, but as a background power [hidden power].
20:10   Which works outside the legislative, executive and judicial branches,
20:14   and they are able to exercise serious power outside of this.
20:18   With different techniques they can influence and practically direct
20:22   the other powers, and that is what we see
20:26   behind the Zuckerberg story as well, in practical terms
20:30   those power structures, which have constitutional powers,
20:34   which have the authorization to take care of us and collect information about us
20:38   or judge us — those powers from the background
20:42   will be treated as partners in discussions with legitimate powers.
20:46   Someone who is otherwise a simple businessman, who maybe invented
20:50   something, earned huge profits to put in his pockets,
20:54   and now from Merkel to Australia he is treated as
20:58   an important, significant person in the world. That is CRAZY!
21:02   … Yes, well… so
21:06   to bring the first part to a close,
21:10   let’s round out our discussion, let’s talk more about “The Circle” [2017].
21:14   If you did not see it yet, I recommend it highly.
21:18   So what is that about? In the movie they
21:22   call it the Circle, the movie alias for Facebook.
21:26   Same thing! Whoever joins that,
21:30   they force the person to make their life more open,
21:34   because “openness is freedom”. Then the
21:38   girl protagonist figures out,
21:42   in a wide agreement with the owners of the Circle,
21:46   that she will be the first in the world who will
21:50   place a camera on herself and will be
21:54   online 24/7, so everyone can see what she is doing,
21:58   because… — and they include the ideology behind it —
22:02   “a secret is a sin”, they display such slogans there.
22:06   “A secret is fertile soil for corruption”,
22:10   “who is fully transparent, is innocent”.
22:14   Then this girl starts living 24/7 online,
22:18   and all kinds of trouble are the result.
22:22   So I watched the movie a couple of days ago, and immediately I see
22:26   what Facebook is prepared to do in Australia, and yes, I have to say
22:30   this is the beginning of the end. But how far this really is from the end of the world,
22:34   we will continue to discuss in the second part.

3 thoughts on “László Földi: How Will Citizens Defend Themselves When They Feel the Law No Longer Protects Them?

  1. This is unbelievable, what is happening in Europe, In Germany they hiring criminals to the police forces, all this Arabs and Africans Muslims who respect women, and don’t speak German !!, I’m very very worry about my kids , I guess it’s done , You can’t protect Your self anymore, this is beyond my mind ..

  2. I have some confusion. Is the Australian government going to require citizens to send a nude photo to Facebook? Unlikely. Anyone who voluntarily takes Zuckerberg’s word about sending a nude picture to Facebook, actually deserves the consequences and will learn some credulity concerning governments and large corporations.

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