Why is Nationalism Good in the Middle East, But Evil in Europe?

A version of this essay was previously published in Norwegian at the website Document.

Why is Nationalism Good in the Middle East, But Evil in Europe?

by Fjordman

What exactly is a right-wing extremist? Robert Fico, the Prime Minister of Slovakia, was nearly assassinated by a left-wing activist on May 15, 2024. Fico later indicated that the attempted murder was a result of “political hatred.” He criticized hostile media, especially outlets co-owned by companies linked to the billionaire George Soros, as well as foreign-funded NGOs and the opposition. Robert Fico is a Social Democrat in economic terms, and was a member of the Communist Party in Czechoslovakia in the 1980s, but he is critical of mass immigration.[1]

Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands was homosexual and had a left-wing background. He was murdered by a left-wing environmental activist on May 6, 2002. The mass media had whipped up hatred against Fortuyn after he criticized Islam and immigration.

It seems that any European, regardless of economic and social agenda, who opposes mass immigration to their country is automatically branded a “right-wing extremist.”

The most basic instinct of all living creatures, right down to bacteria, amoebas and other single-celled organisms, is self-preservation: You want to continue existing. Are Europeans now worth less than amoebas, since we are labeled as extremists if we want to continue our existence?

Why are Europeans evil, racist extremists just for wanting to preserve their own nation and culture? And how long will Europeans put up with being treated like this?

People in large countries such as Pakistan, India, China, Egypt or Ethiopia can assume that their countries will still be reasonably intact in the next century. China may have a low birth rate now, but Chinese people are not being displaced in their own cities.

Unless the whole world is ravaged by an extremely deadly disease, or the Earth is hit by a large asteroid that wipes out human civilization, Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese, Egyptians and Ethiopians can be fairly certain that their nations will still exist in a hundred years.

Can the same be said of the English, Germans, Italians, Spaniards, French, Greeks, Swedes or Dutch? It is no longer certain that European civilization will exist in a recognizable form in the next century.

Mass immigration from other continents is so huge that vulnerable European nations risk being dissolved completely. Some of the most dynamic and inventive peoples in world history could disappear from history forever. This threat is now very real.

Which is more extreme: Replacing the population of an entire continent, or resisting this?

Across an entire continent, especially in the western half, the indigenous population is being displaced by peoples that do not historically belong there. They are also being forced into a state-supported marriage with Islam, a totalitarian and violent ideology of conquest. To support this is evil.

The destruction of European nations would have been considered a major crime if it had taken place in another part of the world. The only reason why it is accepted, and indeed celebrated, to dissolve the native population of Europe is that they have white skin and are subject to demonization because of this.

Many of those who support Palestinian Muslims having a nation state also believe that Norwegians, Italians, Finns, French, Germans, and Portuguese should not have a nation state. Why is nationalism good in the Middle East, but evil in Europe?

We are seeing a kind of nationalism by proxy. The less you are allowed to protect your own nation, the more you do so for distant peoples in other parts of the world.

Ireland recognizes “Palestine” at exactly the same time as the native Irish protest against massive immigration that displaces the natives in their homeland. The Irish government dissolves the Irish nation state, but at the same time recognizes a nation state for Arab Muslims, in a part of the world where Arab Muslims already have many states.[2]

Similar tendencies can be observed in other countries in Europe. If Europeans can mobilize half as much passion for preserving their own nations as they do for conflicts in the Middle East, then perhaps European civilization can still be saved.


1.   www.bbc.com/news/articles/c899yq888jeo Slovak PM blames shooting on opposition’s ‘hatred’. June 5, 2024.
2.   www.reuters.com/world/spain-ireland-norway-set-recognise-palestinian-statehood-2024-05-28/ Spain, Ireland and Norway recognise Palestinian statehood. May 29, 2024. www.euronews.com/my-europe/2024/05/08/protests-erupt-in-dublin-over-migration Anti-immigration protest brings central Dublin to a halt. 08/05/2024.

For a complete archive of Fjordman’s writings, see the multi-index listing in the Fjordman Files.

5 thoughts on “Why is Nationalism Good in the Middle East, But Evil in Europe?

  1. “We are seeing a kind of nationalism by proxy. The less you are allowed to protect your own nation, the more you do so for distant peoples in other parts of the world.”

    this is a very good point – what’s the word? “Misguided” – yea, that’s the word for this state of affairs…

    I heard something similar, just recently, maybe offtopic here but someone was going through the numbers and found out that women and gay men completely took over some bureaucracy somewhere – the writer concluded that the only people discriminated against in such environment are straight men who like women – as these men are being replaced by “creatures” that “like men” – strangely enough…

    Anyhow – shifting the blame is a common thing in this age of strong delusion, every problem seems to get the wrong solution: aircraft cover the sky with the high clouds called “chemtrails” which has been shown to be true when they stopped the air traffic after 911 and during corona lockdowns – yet – climate change is because of cars emiting co2

    modern robotized agriculture, according to the slogan “better living through chemistry”, kills more diversity in fields then the most dirty communist smelly oily smoky tractors with their oil changes in the middle of the fields – yet it’s your drinking soda through a straw that kills small animals through “plastics”

    And the poor palestinians fighting for their own statehood deserve all our support, while we over here dismantle ourselves and dissolve in the ether…


    I believe that for every true problem these days – there is a completely nonsensical solution that is both hypocritical and stupid at the same time – and it is because it was planned this way by the disinformation departments in CIA, KGB, – wherever they try to “nudge” the population into doing some stupid stuff…

    Methods first developed in Nazi Germany – radio and tv propaganda – has been perfected during the cold war and all those methods are being used today – we just don’t see how evil they are because we got used to it.

  2. i do not think xix-xx century nationalism (mainly based after french revolution) is any good and only brought infinite wars among christians, who found the excuses for criminal behaviour and stabbing back each other, just for the sake of their own language (i would not speak of races) and some artificial construcys like literature, music and culture.

    i think the only reason why there is more nationalism spreading by the main stream media is because the elites need to prepare the people for big wars, which is not at all good. they will not even cut mass migrations, they will simply resurrect the iron curtains and divide the east from west.

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