The Demonic Convergence of Communism and Islam

In the following video Major Stephen Coughlin (U.S. Army, retired) is interviewed by Vlad Tepes about the convergence of Islamic ideology — coordinated by the Muslim Brotherhood — and the ideology of Communism, as traced through the writings of Hegel, Marx, Lenin, and Mao.

In order to understand what is being done to us — the deliberate deconstruction of Western Civilization by the Demonic Convergence — it is necessary to pull our minds away from the narratives that have been thrust upon us by our governments, the media, and academia.

The task we face is described in this brief summary by Maj. Coughlin:

STOP — seeing what you know.
START — knowing what you see.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for conducting the interview and uploading the video:

See the accompanying article at the RAIR Foundation website.

44 thoughts on “The Demonic Convergence of Communism and Islam

  1. The “Muslim Faith” is basically that the best thing in the world is to eat, drink, and have sex for there is nothing better than that. In fact, that’s what muslims do in the “Paradise”…

    The Communist Faith is that one should work, eat, sleep, have sex… For you are not allowed to do much more anyway…

    It’s all part of the “World Religion”.

    “In the last days they were eating and drinking and marrying and given in marriage, and then the flood came and took them all away”

  2. What has struck me about modern Islam (at least among the younger set) is its convergence with contemporary American ghetto (or, “gangsta”) culture- the clothes, the attitude, the violence, the behavior toward women, and so on. Pure poison.

    • Islam is attractive to that demographic because it is a masculine and aggressive “religion”.

      There is a message in that attractiveness for those who profess to be Christians.

      One of the things I have found repulsive with regards to modern Christianity is just how soft and weak it is. Not just in the martial attitudes of its believers, but weakness on the part of the preachers of it. Almost every christian sect has this same flaw. Preachers are afraid to call a sin a sin or to take a stand counter to the worldly view.

      Perhaps Christ’s original example was more parts turning the other cheek and less part Old Testament eye for an eye. And in a perfect society that would be a fine ideal. However, ours is a world governed by the use of force, and weakness is provocative. Christianity is a dying faith everywhere in the West and is only holding its own in Central and South America and Africa where societies are much more traditional and leaders are not afraid to take a stand against the evils of secular westernism. Africa is particularly interesting, because there are many places where Christianity and Islam are in direct violent conflict with one another.

      Perhaps a martial spirit and more masculine form of Christianity in particular among young males could be achieved by sponsoring “missions” where young men travel to those African countries in conflict with islam and protect the churches and the schools and the villages at night. A year or two of service would be beneficial to the young men in teaching them a foreign language and culture while serving in a semi-military capacity but under the banner of Christianity instead of the alphabet globo-homo American military industrial complex.

      • That’s because “Christianity” has been feminized, even though the Bible speaks directly to Men, for Men are under Christ, not women…

        …my personal take on this is that Christianity IS the “Patriarchy”

        “Our Heavenly Father…” etc.

        But seeing the apostate churches today, churches where women teach even though the Bible discourages from women being teachers of the spiritual, (because women are in essence “material” – i.e. “Mother-ial”)

        Now you get the secular people thinking Christianity calls upon us to welcome refugees, even though the Bible clearly says that one of the outcomes of “leaving the LORD” is that your country will be ruled by foreigners…

        One could go on and on about this, but the point is – Today’s Christianity is not the Christianity of yesterday…

        Real Christianity is Masculine, but masculine in the “Keep your word” sense, and “worker is worthy of his reward” sense…

      • There was nothing soft and weak about the Christianity of the middle ages, the Templars, the Teutonic Order etc. We need to reawaken that old martial spirit – The Cross AND The Sword. But I must admit that I don’t know how.

      • In the New testament, people are encouraged to turn the other cheek if confronted with violence, in the Torah it states: if someone comes to kill you, kill him first. Which one makes more sense?

        • Jesus also told his disciples to sell their cloaks to buy a sword.

          Christianity was for most of its history an aggressive and warlike religion that like islam converted many at the point of a sword.

          That doesn’t mean that the central tenants are bad or that the religion on balance is bad. Churches after all are what happens when religion falls into the hands of men.

          My issue with Christianity is that it has become so effeminate and weak in a world that is dominated by force and violence. Young men look for guidance and direction, standards that are set and are strict and to which they will be held accountable, and the church offers pablum that it doesn’t matter what you do or how much you sin because as long as you say you believe you’ll be saved.

          To me thats just like these broken homes these males are forced to grow up in, where there are no standards and anything goes because father isn’t around with his belt or callused hand to spank backsides that have disobeyed. Why would a male go to these weak standardless churches? Too weak even to condemn sodomy, or fornication, adultery, bastardry, women ruling over men and taking positions of authority?

          I can’t condemn Islam on this. It is unambiguous about who’s in charge and how his followers will worship him. And the role that males will take in ruling their families and their duty to spread their faith, violently as required. Amd Christianity needs to get out of its funk and aggressively push masculinity, standards for men to follow in leading their families and policing those who are breaking them. And aggressively spreading the faith and protecting it from other religions if they don’t want to fall into irrelevance.

      • It’s not masculine at all. It’s crybaby through and through. Moslem males are the biggest whiners and cowards on the planet.

  3. “Islamophobia has no meaning”

    — True, in a sense. On the other hand it also seems to be a sort of initiate language for “counter jihad”, “counter sharia” and “counter revolutionary”.

  4. All sorts of collectivisms are like that, whether they call themselves a religion or something else. You’re “in” as long as you (pretend to) toe the line, and “out” otherwise. Not to believe what their respective elites or priest caste tell you to believe is simply immoral, and consequences most often depend on what your potential is to pull others along. A village idiot nobody listens to may as well be, but if you appear to be somewhat convincing, you ought to be skinned alive.

    It was already in the worst of times, that Nazis and Muslims considered each other as useful idiots. Since there were hardly any intersections before, it was easy for either side to ignore the other one’s real ambitions, and history preempted their eventual clash. This is different now. We are more and more interwoven, but this time one side is aware and the other is not. Or rather, the Lefties are just so abysmally stupid and willfully ignorant of reality about so many things, that they don’t understand what’s happening and what their own role is in bringing it about even when the knife is already cutting their head off. They are no match for brutal barbarians from the 7th century who know exactly what they are doing and why.

    One begins to wish those stories about the US government and UFOs were true. It takes a real one to deal with our demons. The result may be the same, but we didn’t have to blame ourselves. If there was a god who actually created this mess, he’d say: This experiment has failed, let’s start another one…

  5. Hitler hated Christianity and Judaism but was disappointed that Islam was not the religion of Germany as it was warlike.

    Pictured about is Haj Amin al-Husseini (3rd from Left) who lived in Berlin during the entire WWII and broadcast daily to the Arab world about how evil Britain and the USSR were and who at the end of the war sealed the fate of 400,000 Hungarian Jews. Lastly, he organized the Muslim “Handschar” Division who fought for the Nazis.

    Communists, Nazis, Muslims – they are all evil.

    • Hussein visited the UK to try and persuade the UK to join forces. If you are ever in the Harewood Arms in Yorkshire, in one corner you can see a photo of him alonside the Earl of Harewood. A film, ‘Remains of the Day’ hints at the flirting with Nzm prevalent at the time as the UK establishment was fearful of the Commies.

      • Oswald Mosely – a British fascist prominent in the 1930s – was for a time quite popular in Britain. Including amongst the ruling classes and the aristocracy. Mussolini was spoken of in glowing terms; he “made the trains run on time,” was the oft-heard claim. Hitler – before revealing who and what he was – was also spoken of quite favorably by certain prominent Brits.

        Before our British friends get hot under the collar, the same was true of the U.S. During the interwar period, The so-called “American Nazi Party” held rallies in Madison Square Garden – full-decked out in national socialist regalia and goose-stepping around like they owned the place.

        Max Aitken, better known as Lord Beaverbrook, the wealthy and influential British newspaper publisher and political power-broker – spoke and published favorably about the new national socialist regime in Germany, at one point even claiming that Hitler was the “George Washington of Germany”!

        And U.S. Ambassador to the U.K., Joseph P. Kennedy, the patriarch of the Kennedy family and scion of its political and economic dynasty, was pro-fascist even after the war started. He only flipped over to being anti-fascist when the prevailing political winds changed after December 1941.

        There was then – just as today – a strong undercurrent of anti-Russian sentiment (even bigotry) in the Anglo-American establishment.

        To be sure, part of it dated to the October revolution of 1917 and the triumph of communism in the Russian civil war, but these attitudes predated that. Much of British aristocracy feared Russian influence growing into becoming a legitimate rival of the British empire. Memories of the Crimean War were still relatively fresh in those days as well.

        These attitudes only abated somewhat when the Soviets allied with the West in the war effort against the Axis powers, but as soon as the war was won, they reasserted themselves forcefully and what we now remember as the Cold War was the result.

      • The Brits are pretty antisemitic jncluding now. And British liberal Jews are anti- Israel.

    • John, The higher folks in the Reich might have liked the muslims but the rank and file never took to them and when the war turned, the muslims turned on the Germans who had them properly shot for their efforts, not to be outdone, ole Tito shot hundreds of thousands of them for fun, for even that commie SOB knew you cannot let any of them live to fight another day. It is good to be historically accurate.

  6. Two two ideas are on a collision course just like I$lam and everything else. In an almighty battle between N. Korea and I$lam who would win?

    • “In an almighty battle between N. Korea and I$lam who would win?”

      The bad hair day that rules North Korea would likely BEGIN by nuking Mecca and Tehran—a move both strategic and decisive that’d leave the Mohammedanists speechless. I reckon the Islamist in Chief’s reaction would be akin to Emperor Hirohito’s reaction to “Fat Man”. Of course, like the Japanese subsequent to the destruction of a second major Japanese city, I’d expect there to be pockets of resistance that the bad hair day’ll need to weed out, which he’ll likely do with both efficiency and glee.

      Moral: Don’t palter with sociopathic lunatics donning awkward hairdos (or tinted eyeglasses, a la Jim Jones) and nukes.

  7. Every leftist seems to have forgotten what happened to leftists in Iran when Khomeini took over. It’s strange that people who obsess over microaggressions would have forgotten the slaughter of so many leftists.

  8. Major Coughlin’s reasoning and conclusions are sound, as they so often are. The alliance between the left (communism) and Islam is simply one of convenience, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend…”

    Islamic doctrine and tradition tell us that Muslims often form false or fake treaties or agreements with the infidels by which they, the believers, can benefit. Such false truces were used by the prophet himself, and have been employed again and again over the centuries by his followers. As soon as the need for such an arrangement has passed, the believers can then resume the status quo ante, i.e., revert back to their normal behavior.

    It is quite clear in Islamic jurisprudence that such false treaties and truces can be entered into even with those normally regarded as enemies of the faith, if it serves to protect Muslims or advance the cause of Islam.

    That this is so can be proven many ways, but perhaps the easiest is to recall the debauched and corrupt behavior of the 9-11-01 hijackers prior to that day. They had indulged in the worst excesses of behavior their creed normally condemns, in order to deceive their enemies and would-be targets.

    The Islamic-communist alliance, such as it is, is already starting to show the signs of strain and the cracking of its edifice, especially here in the U.S. where Muslims are protesting in large numbers the latest perversions being pushed by the domestic left upon children in schools, etc.

    • 9-11 was not done by a bunch of debauched muslims.

      There are so many inconsistencies, falsehoods, and outright lies concerning almost every aspect of the official story.

      Not a single video has ever been released showing a single one of the alleged hijackers boarding an aircraft. All that there is to support that story with video evidence is a short clip alleged to be the mastermind Mohammed Atta walking in an airport.

      Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth has an extremely thorough and detailed website as well as a YouTube channel that mostly deals with the forensic and engineering aspects of the destruction of the WTC and the outright lies surrounding the collapse of WTC 7 which has never been adequately explained by NIST or any of the government’s lackeys.

      Once you see the holes in the official story regarding the engineering evidence against the official story; holes big enough to fly an airliner through; it matters not whatever the government claims the rest of the story is since anyone who can conspire to destroy three skyscrapers and kill thousands of innocents can easily lie about, ignore evidence, or plain destroy it to accomplish their goals of starting decades of war in multiple countries around the world while making a select group fabulously wealthy.

      • I’ve seen the evidence, and heard the claims that the towers were wired with demo to bring them down, and it is unpersuasive. Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t easy to bring down a modern skyscraper. Buildings much less-substantial than the WTC Towers take days or even weeks of preparation by demolitions specialists to be brought down, and in the towers, we’re not talking about some ten-story block of flats being razed.

        The towers were filled with people working. There’s no way that they could have been prepared for demolition under those circumstances. Not without someone seeing something suspicious.

        Remember, to demolish a building, even with state-of-the-art explosives and equipment, you’re talking about the placement of not one or a few charges, but hundreds of them, that is if you want to do a really thorough and professional job (like a demolitions expert would do).

        I’m willing to consider theories which actually have some basis in logic, but thus far, I haven’t seen anything but fringe nutjobs and crackpots trying to sell their version of it.

        Then there’s the fact that hundreds – thousands – of people on the ground in the vicinity saw with their own eyes the airlines hit the towers. Did all of those people imagine that? I don’t buy it. Not to mention the millions watching live on cable TV around the world.

        Skeptics claim that av-gas does not burn hot-enough to melt steel. It didn’t have to melt it, merely weaken it enough to cause the structure to collapse.

        The WTC Towers were vulnerable also in the somewhat unique manner they were constructed, which rather than using the standard steel and reinforced concrete frame of most high rises, the architects opted to use the floors and the outer skin of the structure itself as the primary load-bearing components of the towers.

        There may be skeptics who are highly trained specialists, but that in itself proves nothing, since there are plenty of equally high-trained specialists who have renounced the skeptics claims.

        The biggest problem with the 9-11 conspiracy theory is explaining how such a public event was manufactured in secret without anyone knowing or discovering the plot. Such an undertaking would have been massive, and at a minimum, it would have taken the cooperation – in my estimation – of hundreds of people, perhaps more. And the more people who know a secret, the more difficult it is to keep it.

        I am open-minded enough to believe that some sort of conspiracy was possible. There are a lot of very bad actors in the world, including some who wouldn’t flinch at such a destructive act.

        However, the other side of that coin is that until there are enough pieces of hard and real evidence – and not speculation – the conspiracy theorists are just that – theorists. There are also many forms such a plot could have taken, including some the conspiracy types themselves may not have considered.

        But Occam’s Razor compels us to select the least implausible explanation for an unexplained event, and right now, in my view, it is that the hijackers did precisely what it looks like they did.

        P.S. – If the 9-11-01 attacks were a conspiracy, then what about the first WTC attacks? I’m referring to the ones carried out by the Blind Sheik and his followers in 1993? How to explain them? That was a classic fertilizer + fuel oil (ANFO, as people in the forensics business call them) charge, massive at 1336 lbs. and concealed in the back of a rental truck which was then parked in the basement and set off.

        Sometimes the simple explanation is the correct one: The jihadists didn’t succeed in their first attempt, and so they tried again and the second time, their attacks worked.

        • There is a tremendous amount of misinformation and deliberate misdirection and discrediting of legitimate observations through flooding the space with nut job conspiracy theorists – or those masquerading as them.

          I thought as you did for many years precisely because those pushing it being a controlled demolition contained many less than reputable figures from the fringe. Art Bell and that InfoWars crazy being key among them. And it’s pretty easy to believe what your eyes see with the videos of airplanes crashing into the towers followed by the extremely picturesque slow motion collapse with girders flying hundreds of feet outward as the entire tower disappeared from the top down in billowing clouds of dust. And muslim arabs were the perfect villain for the story. What red-blooded american doesn’t despise dastardly muslim terrorists? Whatever doubts your mind might have are easily overwhelmed by an almost instinctive hatred of such figures with such an evil sounding language and appearance and heretical religion.

          Focusing on trying to explain how the towers were destroyed if they weren’t brought down by aircraft is the primary method that the plotters count upon to misdirect. The method of destruction isn’t as important as the observation that characteristics of the collapse do not match with the engineering and physics possibilities.

          The biggest one for me was the heavy beams being flung hundreds of feet from the building as it began to collapse. The known weight of those sections and the observed distance they were projected outward as verified from the video evidence does not match up with the available energy from a structural collapse. That is mathematically provable. Those hideously beautiful clouds of dust billowing outward from the top as the collapse of the structures began also are an impossibility if the structure came down purely due to heat weakened steel I beams allowing the upper section to fall onto the lower portion. The reason this is is that those billowing clouds of dust (and what is that dust from btw? Pulverized concrete floors and their floor pans? What caused the complete pulverization of that concrete into dust?) represent a tremendous amount of heat present which caused the clouds of dust to grow outwards many multiples of the original size of the structure. It is more akin to a pyroclastic flow which cannot be explained by the energy available from one floor falling on top of another. There was something which was adding heat energy which caused those clouds to billow out many times larger than they should have been.

          Those are the simplest illustrations and the most easily verifiable by someone with a minimal knowledge of physics and energy. Another key piece of evidence that one can add is how few bodies were found. Most of the remains recovered were scraps of flesh so tiny that they had to be DNA tested to determine to which victim it belonged. If the official story was true then one would have expected to find actual bodies; crushed beyond recognition, but still bodies, as is the case in other verified examples of building or structure collapse.

          As I said, focusing upon the “how” if the official story is a bunch of bull is irrelevant and misdirection. That the official story is full of holes and contains verifiable flaws from engineering and physics standpoints is more important. The “how” it was done will in time eventually come out.

        • “The WTC Towers were vulnerable also in the somewhat unique manner they were constructed, which rather than using the standard steel and reinforced concrete frame of most high rises, the architects opted to use the floors and the outer skin of the structure itself as the primary load-bearing components of the towers.”

          That is a very important piece of obfuscation and misdirection on the part of NIST. It is most decidedly untrue as well.

          The WTC had a central core which consisted of numerous continuously welded hollow heavy steel sections that became progressively thinner towards the top of the structure. This central core formed a structural element that also comprised the utilities and elevators, and to which the individual floors were affixed. The core was strong enough that it could support the weight of the building on its own, with a safety factor of several times the heaviest loading. The outer walls were a lattice-type construction which added rigidity but did not support the weight of the building. It had been designed to withstand the crash of the largest airliner at the time, which was only a little less than the aircraft that crashed into it. The columns were of course severed and without the structural support of the columns the towers came down, but it most certainly wasn’t due to some cockamamie explanation of jet fuel and weakening from fire.

          The aircraft possibly severed several of the columns in the first tower and likely didn’t sever any in the second due to the oblique nature of the impact. Regardless it wasn’t anywhere near the amount of damage that would have resulted in structural failure. So the jet fuel story was concocted to explain the theory that the heat from the fire weakened the columns enough to lose structural strength. The problem with this theory is two-fold. One, almost all the jet fuel was consumed in the giant fireball immediately following the impact. Two, there was fireproof cladding on the columns designed to withstand the heat of fires, even if the whole building had caught on fire, which many high-rises have experienced without collapsing. Steel is an excellent conductor of heat as any welder could tell you, and it conducts heat away almost as fast as it was being applied. There was a huge thermal mass in those columns and it just wasn’t possible with the fuel available from the aircraft and the office furnishings to reach the sustained temperatures necessary to weaken enough columns for structural failure to occur. Regardless, even were it possible it doesn’t explain how the 80+ undamaged floors underneath could have collapsed so rapidly, as a collapsing structure loses energy crushing the structure underneath it. Even with the weight of the building above the fire, it would have only been possible to crush an equal number of floors before running out of energy to cause further collapse.

          The investigation obfuscated these facts by not doing physical tests and instead relying on computer models to try and explain how the structure was brought “to the point of collapse” at which point further investigation into just how it was possible for all the undamaged floors to fall through themselves was ignored. Even with that fraudulent investigation the models had to be heavily manipulated to cause any kind of movement in the structure. Even to this day the structural drawings of the WTC towers are unavailable to researchers and of course the general public. However, there is a good deal of photos available from the construction that show these details that it is possible to precisely see how the computer models do not match up to the physical building, omitting in many instances important structural details that made the towers far stronger and more resilient than the NIST computer models would have one believe.

          I don’t mean to beat a dead horse by reiterating this point every time someone brings up 9-11, but this is absolutely foundational to comprehending and grokking just how evil and inhuman those who run the government and society truly are. It might be comforting to believe that the simple explanation of a bunch of muslim goat molesters in a cave in dirk-dirkastan were responsible for this evil instead of powerful members of one’s own government. Or that we didn’t go to war for several decades and lose thousands of soldiers over a complete lie.

        • “I’ve seen the evidence, and heard the claims that the towers were wired with demo to bring them down, and it is unpersuasive. Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t easy to bring down a modern skyscraper.”

          My late father’s construction company built two of the lower Trade Center buildings, one containing the walkway through which many tower inhabitants were directed to escape on THAT fateful morning. Both of those buildings were crushed when the twin towers collapsed.

          After his death, our family discovered a VHS he’d made touring through the site as the buildings were under construction. Ironically, the late father of an ex-girlfriend of mine owned the scrap metal recycling company that purchased much (most?) of the melted/twisted scrap metal from those buildings. Small world, indeed. Just fyi..

        • Georgiaboy,

          An analysis of the pulverization of the enormous amount of concrete present in the floor pans of each floor.

          The bottom line is that a regular collapse of the structure without any additional energy input is not sufficient to explain the complete pulverization of a hundred+ floors along with the corrugated steel floor pans which in a pancake-type collapse would be expected to be stacked up in a pile instead of turned to dust and barely recognizable scraps of twisted and shredded metal.

      • “9-11 was not done by a bunch of debauched muslims.”

        Aside from the fact that I believe two of the 9/11 hijackers lived next door to me in the 2000s (I REPEATEDLY attempted to report them to FBI, but was REPEATEDLY blown off….so much for “See something, Say something”…but I digress), I’ve seen 0 [credible] evidence suggesting the culprits were anything other than “a bunch of debauched muslims”. If you’ve got FACTUAL evidence suggesting otherwise, please post it here….and cc FBI (who’ll likely ignore it).

        You might wanna watch this interview with the psychologist who ran CIA’s enhanced interrogation program and “worked with” KSM and other 9/11 contestants..

        • I don’t doubt you or doubt that there weren’t goat molesters running around the country making a scene of wanting to learn how take off and not land. In fact, I would speculate that they were a critical part to pulling this off but not in the way that you think.

          These clowns were supposed to be visibly doing things that in retrospect would have provided unimpeachable culprits for what was to happen. However, I doubt that they actually flew the aircraft, or at least if they actually boarded the aircraft and perhaps actually did try and hijack the planes and even might have sat in the pilots seat they weren’t flying those aircraft. They flew them in the same sense a toddler with a fake steering wheel sitting in the backseat believes he’s driving the family car.

          Their role was to be a convincing patsy that would lend credibility and plausibility to the official legend that would grow from the destruction of the WTC. All those aircraft could be flown by autopilot and likely with the correct software upgrade could be taken over remotely. I am not saying that that was how it was done; I am just saying that there was no technical barrier to those aircraft being flown remotely or on a preprogrammed course by someone other than the pilot were it desirable.

          The “terrorists” were necessary as well to help secure passage of the “Patriot Act” and to infuriate the public enough that a series of long-planned neo-con wars could commence.

          • “All those aircraft could be flown by autopilot and likely with the correct software upgrade could be taken over remotely. I am not saying that that was how it was done; I am just saying that there was no technical barrier to those aircraft being flown remotely or on a preprogrammed course by someone other than the pilot were it desirable.”

            Certainly, what you describe IS possible, but, again, where’s the evidence? There’s plenty of FACTUAL evidence of Muslims being flight trained by US flight schools. There’s plenty of video/photographic evidence of the same Muslims going through airport security (with the last one being stopped by an alert airline clerk who “had a bad feeling” about the chap). And there’s audio recordings of at least one of the Muslims attempting to speak to passengers on an open mic. And there’s my having “had a bad feeling” about the Muslim chap (I believe may’ve been the Atta character) who, along with one or two comrade Muslims, resided next door to me in the months preceding the attack.

            I think it far more likely (and logical) that, whilst America was distracted by the Chandra Levy story, a bunch o’ third-world monkeys trained to take-off, fly and direct planes into targets-in-the-sky than the scenario you’ve proposed. Again, it’s possible that I’m wrong, but I’ve just seen NO credible evidence to support your theory and NO credible evidence to DISprove my theory. Occam’s razor.

          • “Their role was to be a convincing patsy that would lend credibility and plausibility to the official legend that would grow from the destruction of the WTC.”

            Again, perhaps. But there’s just too much credible evidence and too many credible airport witnesses to ignore the simple and obvious evidence.

            “The first thing that came to me was that he was a hitman,” Melendez-Perez said.

            “He kept looking into my eyes with his little, black devil eyes. I thought, ‘something is not right. But I did not know what it was, because his passport is good, his visa was good. This guy was staring at me giving me this dirty look, and I say, ‘something is not right with this individual.” —Jose Melendez-Perez, immigration inspector at the Orlando International Airport

        • fredthreethreethree,

          Doesn’t mean that’s how it was done; just that it did not require a huge group of conspirators, and everything that is alleged is well within the realm of plausibility once you accept there are a variety of individuals who had strong motive and opportunity to make this happen.

          Also doesn’t mean that there weren’t hijackers, but they likely were played as well and if they gained control of those cockpits were powerless to affect the mission.

          Btw, the debris was never tested for the presence of explosive residue, specifically thermite, and the girders were shipped off to China for recycling as fast as they could be removed with only a token few retained for examination and memorials.

          Thermite residue was later found in WTC dust.

      • I’m sure Bugs Bunny or Elmer Fudd did it. It simply couldn’t have been moslems.

        • Yeah, and in the same vein it couldn’t have possibly been globalist reptilian neo-cons.

          Not like several decades of war and trillions of dollars to grift from couldn’t possibly be a motive.

      • “Not a single video has ever been released showing a single one of the alleged hijackers boarding an aircraft. All that there is to support that story with video evidence is a short clip alleged to be the mastermind Mohammed Atta walking in an airport.”

        Fortunately, we are not (yet) being surveilled 24/7, which is why there aren’t videos showing every move, in every location, of every hijacker. I consider it fortuitous that we have the videos that we DO have.

        Let’s not forget the witnesses who’ve placed some of the hijackers inside the airports. Take, for example, Michael Touhey, a former airline ticket counter agent who was checking Mohamed Atta and a second terrorist in.

        Touhey recalled HAVING A BAD FEELING (I know that feeling!). Atta had “the eyes of a killer—the devil”, he said. Unsurprisingly, that was precisely the feeling I got from one of the Muslim chaps (who I believe was Atta) that lived next door to me. Unfortunately, in my case, nearly 20 telephone calls to four FBI offices failed to get any of these nincompoops to “do something”….ANYTHING….other than to refer me (i.e., blow me off) to another FBI office.

        I kept begging them to just send a coupla agents over to knock and ask these cats if they’d seen a missing child or something just to get them to open their door. I was certain that any sentient agent having a 30 second conversation with these Muslims would instantly order a 24-hour stakeout around them. But I guess there were no sentient agents in the FBI then….or now.

        If you haven’t seen it, here’s Touhey telling his story…


    – No clearer evidence that the judeo-communists are using muslims to front their War against Whites and christians. Their Infiltration and Control of Governments, “Law” and Judicial systems insures that the ‘useful idiots’ suffer no real Punishment, but any White who dares to Defend themselves, either Physically or by Speaking Out, will be Persecuted to the fullest extent possible.

    • So, the Judeo communists are using the moslems? That’s cute. Watch the moslems slaughter them and eat their guts when they no longer need them.

  10. Unbeknownst to the commies, however, the moslems will kill them and eat their guts when they’re finished using them. Sort of a tin lining there.

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