Wokist Socialism

MC includes a discussion of various types of socialism as a preface to his latest update from Sderot.

Wokist Socialism

by MC

Marxism is just the most successful of a long line of ‘socialisms’ and most people have been programmed to perceive Marxism as the only socialism.

This is simply not true. In the period after the First World War, three socialisms started competing against each other for popularity: Class-based socialism (Marxism), Race-based socialism (Nazism) and Nation-based socialism (Italian Fascism and maybe FDR-driven Americanism).

The US Supreme Court scotched ‘Blue Eagle’ FDR’s version of full on socialism pretty quickly.

National Recovery Administration (NRA) logo from the 1930s

Also, other centuries had other forms of socialism; Islamic (religious) socialism and Jacobin (equality-based) Socialism stand out as being highly lethal in their respective heydays. The Spanish Inquisition could also qualify as religion-based socialism, but was by no means as lethal as other forms.

Under pressure from Marxist class-based socialism, Nazi race-based socialism was contorted into a supposed ‘right-wing’ slot, and yes, compared to class-based Marxism, it was a little bit to the right.

Marxists have proven to be extremely good at lies, and their propaganda reflects it. Marxist propaganda creates a fictional fantasy of Utopian ideals, much like the Star Trek picture of the planet free from religion and capitalism.

As Marxists began to grab hold of the institutions, so Marxist socialism began to dominate Western culture, and the other ‘socialisms’ were suppressed and (relatively) demonized.

Race-based socialism (Nazism) was somehow equated to conservatism because of a perceived ‘racism’ amongst conservatives. But it was Democrats (Marxists) who demonstrated this particular racism: Jim Crow, the KKK, etc.

This race-based socialism of the Nazis was particularly focussed on Jews, but also Slavs (whose land was needed for Lebensraum) Gypsies, gays and Jehovah’s Witnesses. Those with non-white skin colours were perceived as just a slave class of Untermenschen.

Jews were ‘dangerous’ Untermenschen and a threat to the Aryan culture, whereas Africans were compliant Untermenschen.

Marxism redefined ‘socialism’ in its own image. To many, it became the only standard of socialism, and Marxism became “king of the castle” as such.

The Moral High Ground of ideas has always been a feature of Marxism. It is like a Wild West street at Universal Studios, a theatrical foreground shielding the Gulag mass killing machine behind the façade. The stars were Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin, all mass murderers with a smile for the camera.

They had many acolytes in the West. They infiltrated Defence, Administration and the executive and probably even the FDR White House (Hopkins).

All socialism is a death cult where unbelievers forfeit their right to life and can be exploited as slaves, or just plain exterminated.

But the 21st century brings us a novel form of socialism, based upon the eclipsed Nazi form of race-based socialism. We have Wokism as a re-hashed form of Nazism where the despised groups are defined by skin colour, binary gender, sexual orientation and (inevitably) whether ‘Jewish’ or not.

Jews are a special case in Wokist victimology, as they are deemed to be ‘colonialists, settlers and oppressors’ even though they were the prime victim group of Nazi oppression. Even Israelis with black skin are deemed to be ‘white’ supremacists.

Whilst Islam is blatantly colonising and settling the West, wokists in their cognitive dissonance blame America and Israel for their historical origins whilst being totally ignorant of history.

Wokism is little different from Nazism, but has yet to start any mass extermination of its victims. Recently, however, it has provided support for Iranian proxies (Hamas) in their desire to kill all Jews. We have yet to see a wokist Fuhrer, but we have the SA in the form of Antifa and BLM.

Socialists of all hues feel the need to meddle. They need to inflict their rules and rituals on society as a whole, and to do this they must take power. The Nazis told people what they wanted to hear, but also spent huge amounts of money appeasing the ‘Volk’, so much so that they broke the bank and had to resort to taking gold from Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland.

Wokist socialism is still at an early stage. They have infiltrated the halls of power, but are finding the financial side difficult: get woke, go broke seems to apply. But most of all, I suspect that their support for Islam and Hamas will bring them down. Rumour is that Israel is going to retaliate no matter what Brandon does or says…

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On the home front, apart from an anxious night, the Iranian incursion has made no difference. Judging by the various booms, bangs and ratatat-tats, there is still a lot of activity in Gaza.

We had a volley of missiles over just an hour ago.

Israel is realizing just how blessed we are. 99% of the Iranian missiles failed to land, those that did were confined to an airbase in the Negev desert.

Ironically, a young Bedouin girl was injured and died from her wounds; score -1 for the bad guys. Killing children seems to be fair game to jihadists. I do not hear howls of rage on her behalf, but then she wasn’t in Gaza. Even so, she was an Israeli citizen and had a right to life.

What is perhaps more alarming is the accusations of White House complicity in events. On the night itself, we had the feeling that this was being stage-managed. The RAF had jets pre-positioned in Cyprus — fluke or fraud? Can Britain even afford the petrol to get there?

I am left with a bad taste of having been used by the WH and the deep state as a punch bag, there was no way for the WH to predict the results of a 300 missile launch, the likely outcome being mass Israeli casualties….

I hate being considered a Democrat plaything. What will they, the DNC, do next? Forcibly infect me with syphilis à la Tuskegee?

MC lives in the southern Israeli city of Sderot. For his previous essays, see the MC Archives.

10 thoughts on “Wokist Socialism

  1. Unfortunately, Israel is the testing ground for the West’s takeover of their native populations. Islam is the tool for the elites who help with the anti Israel and Antisemitic propaganda. How we react with complicity or revulsion is being studied for future groups’ demonization. First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people!
    They are grossly underestimating Islam’s need to conquer, and will be swinging soon from the cranes themselves.

  2. “Marxists have proven to be extremely good at lies”

    Practice—as well as a complete lack of logic or reason for their existence—makes perfect.

    • I tend to disagree with the “lack of logic” on the Marxist’s side – on the contrary – I know a few and I believe they suffer from “too much of logic”.

      You know what an overloaded computer can do? Not much.

      • “I tend to disagree with the “lack of logic” on the Marxist’s side – on the contrary – I know a few and I believe they suffer from “too much of logic”.”

        Can you cite ONE (1) example of “too much of logic” from any of the Marxists you know they tout as the explanation for Marxism’s existence? I’ll wait..

        • they overcomplicate things, they build sand castles on foundations of arguments that are based in arguments that were derived from some other arguments…

          Simplicity is lacking, but that’s because marxist argument is mostly a show of their intelligence.

          Anyhow, if you want examples this is how it goes:

          1 Everyone should be free to do whatever they want
          2 transgender people should be free to do whatever they want
          3 transgender people commit overall more suicide
          4 they commit more suicide because people around them push them to it, which is evil
          5 we must remake everybody so that nobody pushes transgenders off the bridge
          6 those who disagree with us are our enemies…

          …and so it goes, on and on and on

          I can’t fully recreate the whole thing because I don’t have time to write another 25 pages that go as I just shown in the example above.

          Marxism is purely theoretical construct.

          • “Anyhow, if you want examples this is how it goes:
            1 Everyone should be free to do whatever they want
            2 transgender people should be free to do whatever they want
            3 transgender people commit overall more suicide
            4 they commit more suicide because people around them push them to it, which is evil
            5 we must remake everybody so that nobody pushes transgenders off the bridge
            6 those who disagree with us are our enemies…
            …and so it goes, on and on and on”

            I get that these FEELINGS’ve become de rigueur within ‘toddler circles. But—and I’m sorry if I’ve misconstrued your original response—how do any of these CONTRADICT my original point that, [sans their ubiquitous LIES, Marxists’re unable to articulate any] “logic or reason for their existence”?

            “Marxism is purely theoretical construct.”

            Yes, that was MY point. There is NO logical or reasonable case one can make for the existence of ‘toddlerism (aka Marxism). It’s a fantasy constructed by infantile Bolsheviks in an effort to excuse their tantrum-based—often hysterically violent!—behavior.

  3. “What is perhaps more alarming is the accusations of White House complicity in events.”

    Alarming? Eh, not so much. At least, not for those who’ve been paying attention and have an objective view of history.

    “…the latent “progressivism” of the Democrats requires them to actually SECRETLY SUPPORT the NON-European/Western/Caucasian party (read general history, and Jimmy Carter’s memoirs in particular, if you doubt this).” —”Terrorism Isn’t Rocket Science” (2002)

  4. Yes – woke socialism – in my humble opinion it is the Pale Horse of the Apocalypse.

    As horse is a symbol for the economy… and our “green economy” is about to bring in a lot of death, as we will be saving the planet from humans…

    It might be off topic but there is a picture of a french administrator in Indochina being carried by an old woman sometime around the year 1900. Someone posted it on the internets the other day and the ammount of comments from Africans and Indians – but also a lot of Joes and Karens – commented on it without any knowledge whatsoever…

    maybe 95% of those comments were of the sorts: “The British are the most brutal people in the world, making poor indigenous woman carry him…”

    Well, I first commented something about it being staged, because photography in the year 1900 was not as simple as today. For my comment I got 100 comments saying BS, the british are the most cruel people in the world, they stole all the wealth of India, etc…

    Again: Indians, Africans, and western university educated Joes and Karens…

    So I googled the photo and found out – just as I expected – the photo was staged – the old woman was a wife of some guy and they made a bet if she can carry a man on her back – and she proven that she could – so they took a picture of it.

    But -> 99% of comments under it are about the british oppression of the whole world.

    Did I mention the guy on the woman’s back was not british, but french?

    Anyhow – this is the hell we are going into: People with preconceived ideas who are 100% sure they are right when in fact – they are complete opposite of right.

    It’s gonna be one hell of a ride.

  5. When I saw the picture I had to stiffle a laugh – no, scratch that. ROFL
    This dragqueen (on the right) could only kill a fascist if said fascist is bound in place and the dragqueen jumps off a 10 story building.

    If I may be evil:
    I just want to see those anti-fascists if they were put in a room with an equal number of nazi skinheads.
    Lets see who survives – no holds barred. And no Marquis of Queensberry rules.

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