Tommy Robinson on RT

Tommy Robinson, the former leader of the English Defence League, was interviewed on Russia Today this morning by Sophie Shevarnadze. Tommy talks about his reasons for leaving the EDL, his fight against Islamic fundamentalism, and his plans for moving his message into the mainstream.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this clip. Note: Vlad didn’t edit this video, so the two halves of interview are separated by commercials and promotions:

A full transcript is available here.

Previous posts about Tommy Robinson, Kevin Carroll, and the Quilliam Foundation:

2013   Oct   8   Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll Leave the EDL
        8   A Paradigm Shift in the British Counterjihad?
        9   Introducing W.H. “Abdullah” Quilliam
        10   Between a Rock and a Hard Place
        10   The Problem with Gates of Vienna Is…
        10   The EDL Will Survive
        14   Tommy Robinson Attacked in Luton

45 thoughts on “Tommy Robinson on RT

  1. I’ve just read most of Tommy Robinson’s interview. While he recognizes the danger that is Islam to all freedom loving peoples, he lacks a deeper understanding of what Islam is all about.

    He must also take on board that Muslims who are not practising Muslims are not ‘moderates’ in the sense that they practise a more moderate form of Islam. Most of the terrorist attacks world wide have been against other Muslims deemed to be unfaithful to the Qu’ran and therefore not Islamic enough! There is no moderate or radical Islam, only Islam!

    Tommy is also very naïve when it comes to the political spectrum. He needs to address this shortfall and urgently, if he is to fully understand the main players he is fighting against and what their political goals are!

      • I do appreciate where you are coming from, but cannot agree with your assumption. Tommy cannot win the masses over by being ‘careful’. which I believe is in your estimation. Remaining ‘careful’ will only keep his audience vaguely aware and still partly ignorant of what Islam is all about.

  2. Tommy has made what seems to be now, a smart move!

    Plus, The edl is still intact, they will go on with fresh leaders, they are a good foot soldier outfit who can draw attention and keep people awake across the uk and europe as to muslims and the evil islam!

    Tommy has taken on a chameleon quality, figting the same fight, but now from within a better and untainted enviroment.

    Its the same tommy, but hes infiltated the islamic scene from within, and now gets the mass media attention we need.

    Im worried about tommy, i hope he has better security, as it starts to look more dangerous as the more coverage and reach he attains, remember the others? Pim fortuyn? Theo van gogh? Hirsi? The list is large.

    The koran is a book of nazi facist hate ideology, and the lefts new little red book manual. The koran cannit be modified, there is only one islam!

    Therefore only one solution.

    Islam must be banned now and driven from the lands of westrn europe, and the western countries worldwide.

    There is no place for islam in our countries, cultures, it must, must must be outlawed now!

    Muslims deported, and we must stopbuying oil from middleast.

    Mosques must be all demoloished, this is the only solution.

    Dont believe me??

    Look at history………

    You know it is the truth, spread the word fast.


    • I agree with you. Islam is the soil that allows terror against non-muslims to grow. As long as we have islam, i.e. muslims, in the West, this will not end. It is the koran that commands subjugation of non-muslims so there will be no peace as long as there is islam.

  3. Hello GOV
    Something I wrote about the situation within the EDL. I thought you may be interested.

    Kill the EDL and we will throw you a fish

    Everyone except the former leaders and decision makers within the EDL was very surprised when Tommy and Kev quit with what seemed to many as a huge amount of disregard for the thousand and thousands of people who have worked hard to make the EDL what it is today ( we don’t need you any more so will you now kindly all just f@ck off )
    The way this was done was very badly handled in my opinion and their departure could have been handled in a far better way. ( not the first time the leadership mad a bad decision )
    Many ordinary members like myself were left not knowing what to think, were their actions just a straight forward betrayal or was there an actual plan of action being put in place ? It now seems that the latter is what the ex-leadership intended and Tommy has now been given more air time and a less rough ride by the media and our politicians. The timing of all this is very significant as public support for the EDL has steadily been growing and greatly increased after the murder of Lee Rigby. The name calling and the old tricks from the media and our politicians ( far right, racist ) were beginning to have less effect on the general public and even the loony left UAF which the government have been using against the EDL from day one was loosing a lot of support and more importantly the general public were now beginning to see the truth that our politicians use the UAF as a tool against the people of this country.
    From our politicians point of view the EDL were becoming far to powerful, maybe not in numbers on the street or in actual members but we were begging to worry them because the shift of public opinion was beginning to move more towards the EDL and so it seems the offer was put on the table. Kill the EDL and we will give Tommy Robbinson more airtime ( the fish ). Tommy has always been very useful to the media while he has improved as a speaker a Peter Hichin or Robert Spencer he is not and that is why the media have always given him a little airtime, easy to manipulate in an interview. He is now enjoying far more airtime and many people are seeing that as a good thing but at what cost ? The price was the EDL. Tommy has never worried our politicians but the EDL did. While Tommy is enjoying another fifteen minuets of fame and is being allowed to speak more we need to look at what is actually being done by the media in the interviews. In every interview the it is being done it is still being suggested that the EDL ( back to the old tricks ) are far right racists and fascists and Tommy is then given a little time to speak about his “journey”. While the ex-leadership may think this is a positive change the purpose of the interview Im afraid is not to let Tommy speak but to kill any support for the EDL from the general public. I have seen many positive comments about Tommy’s Russia today interview but we need to look at a bigger picture. In every main stream TV interview with a large audience the damage to the EDL is still being done ( so Tommy you were part of a right wing, fascist, racist organization and now you are not, lets chat ) where as in interviews with a smaller viewing audience Like Russia Today ( would you have watched it if Tommy was not on ? ) Tommy is given a smoother ride. ” Great interview on Russian today Tommy ” more back slapping, but Im afraid few of the people in this country watched it. As I have stated the number one aim for our politicians and the media is to try and kill the EDL and while the ex-leadership may think they are on a new journey and moving forward they are actually taking one step forward and feeling good about it but then taking two steps back without even knowing it. Once the damage to the EDL has been done the interviews will become less and less and the phone will stop ringing because they don’t need to use you anymore. One documentary on the BBC in a few days is not going to repair the damage and will be quickly forgotten, the deal may have looked good on paper ex-EDL leadership but you forgot to read between the lines.

    • “He is now enjoying far more airtime and many people are seeing that as a good thing but at what cost ? The price was the EDL. Tommy has never worried our politicians but the EDL did. ”

      It’s up to the EDL to decide if the EDL was sacrificed. If Tommy can walk away and EDL collapses, then EDL was nothing more than Tommy.

      In the past 3 years, there must have been a dozen people who stormed off from EDL and created their own splinter organisation. Having done that, they never put forward a spokesman for their little splinter group. These splinter groups achieved nothing, except cause another bump in the road for the main vehicle in Britain opposing islamisations.

      Tommy had to deal with carping lower-level leadership, he had to deal with neo-nazis and racists on the fringes, he had to deal with muslim death threats and a hostile media. As things stand now, he has removed 3 out of 4 of those liabilities.

      If whoever is left leading EDL has any sense, they will not try to create a carbon copy of Tommy. They will look at how the media ignored EDL’s attempts to become a politically-correct (Mission Statement), non-violent, well-stewarded organisation, and ask themselves: “why did we bother”?

    • To anonymous: I think your summation is closer to the truth than most would like to admit, including myself. If what you say is correct then it only remains to see what happens over the next few months.

      It will be a huge propaganda coup by the ‘establishment’ if the EDL splinters and then disappears. Tommy and Kevin will then become insignificant in the public’s eye and may at some future time be finally ‘dealt with’ by the ‘establishment’ without causing too much of a public disturbance.

      While the EDL had Tommy and Kevin’s back no real harm would have befallen them. Now I am not so sure!

  4. “It has to be interpretation” [of the Koran], announces the interviewer, thus high-handedly dictating the subject matter. Here is Walid Shoebat’s “Question for the West” for her:
    “What part of “kill” don’t they understand?”
    The Koran forms part of Islamic Law. It mandates killing of and violence against the kuffar in over a hundred verses, as in Sura At-Tawba (the 9th sura, or chapter), the one cited by the self-proclaimed Woolwich soldier-murderer, “Kill unbelievers wherever you find them” (9:5).
    Denying any verse in the Koran calls for the person to be killed (Manual of Islamic Law o8.2, o8.7(7)), because the person makes himself an apostate. The killing may be carried out without penalty by anyone, “since it is killing someone who deserves to die” (ditto o8.4).
    The verses of the Koran cannot be altered or reformed: “None can change His words” (18:27). Doing so makes the person an apostate. The Koran says “if they turn their backs, take them, and slay them wherever you find them” (4:89). All the schools of Islamic jurisprudence agree that apostates are to be killed. Mohammed said, “If somebody discards his religion, kill him.” (Bukhari (52:260), at

    The Koran instructs violence: it is the source. “Violence is the heart of Islam” says Ayatollah Yazdi, adviser to Ahmadinejad (
    This is why there is and can be no reform movement in Islam, as hoped for by Tommy Robinson.

  5. Much to disagree with and much to agree with. Main thing is though that Tommy Robinson is proceeding down the right road in the right direction. He’s got the ball rolling.

  6. Everyone except the former leaders and decision makers within the EDL was very surprised when Tommy and Kev quit with what seemed to many as a huge amount of disregard for the thousand and thousands of people who have worked hard to make the EDL what it is today ( we don’t need you any more so will you now kindly all just [buzz] off )

    The way this was done was very badly handled in my opinion and their departure could have been handled in a far better way. ( not the first time the leadership mad a bad decision )

    Many ordinary members like myself were left not knowing what to think, were their actions just a straight forward betrayal or was their an actual plan of action being put in place ? It now seems that the latter is what the ex-leadership intended and Tommy has now been given more air time and a less rough ride by the media and our politicians. The timing of all this is very significant as public support for the EDL has steadily been growing and greatly increased after the murder of Lee Rigby. The name calling and the old tricks from the media and our politicians ( far right, racist ) were beginning to have less effect on the general public and even the loony left UAF which the government have been using against the EDL from day one was loosing a lot of support and more importantly the general public were now beginning to see the truth that our politicians use the UAF as a tool against the people of this country.

    From our politicians point of view the EDL were becoming far to powerful, maybe not in numbers on the street or in actual members but we were begging to worry them because the shift of public opinion was beginning to move more towards the EDL and so it seems the offer was put on the table. Kill the EDL and we will give Tommy Robbinson more airtime ( the fish ). Tommy has always been very useful to the media while he has improved as a speaker a Peter Hichin or Robert Spencer he is not and that is why the media have always given him a little airtime, easy to manipulate in an interview. He is now enjoying far more airtime and many people are seeing that as a good thing but at what cost ? The price was the EDL. Tommy has never worried our politicians but the EDL did. While Tommy is enjoying another fifteen minuets of fame and is being allowed to speak more we need to look at what is actually being done by the media in the interviews. In every interview the it is being done it is still being suggested that the EDL ( back to the old tricks ) are far right racists and fascists and Tommy is then given a little time to speak about his “journey”. While the ex-leadership may think this is a positive change the purpose of the interview Im afraid is not to let Tommy speak but to kill any support for the EDL from the general public. I have seen many positive comments about Tommy’s Russia today interview but we need to look at a bigger picture. In every main stream TV interview with a large audience the damage to the EDL is still being done ( so Tommy you were part of a right wing, fascist, racist organization and now you are not, lets chat ) where as in interviews with a smaller viewing audience Like Russia Today ( would you have watched it if Tommy was not on ? ) Tommy is given a smoother ride. “ Great interview on Russian today Tommy “ more back slapping, but Im afraid few of the people in this country watched it. As I have stated the number one aim for our politicians and the media is to try and kill the EDL and while the ex-leadership may think they are on a new journey and moving forward they are actually taking one step forward and feeling good about it but then taking two steps back without even knowing it. Once the damage to the EDL has been done the interviews will become less and less and the phone will stop ringing because they don’t need to use you anymore. One documentary on the BBC in a few days is not going to repair the damage and will be quickly forgotten, the deal may have looked good on paper ex-EDL leadership but you forgot to read between the lines.

    • One thing to pursue the Quilliam path of moderation, another to booby trap the vacated political territory with charges of “extremism”.

      Please close the door quietly when vacating the premises.

  7. The hoped-for reform of Islam cannot be achieved.
    An attainable alternative is that foreseen by Mohammed himself:

    “The strongholds of Islam will be knocked down, one after the other…”.
    “Faith [Islam] will crawl back to the Madina like a snake crawls back to its hole”.
    “Islam will crawl back to the land of Hejaz like a snake crawls back to its hole”.

    (Hadith refs nos. 17, 18, 20, at

    • We have the power to smash the chess board over the head of these barbarians. We don’t need to play games of thrones. It could be done in a flash.

      • OK, for the sake of argument, I’ll accept your premise.

        Tell me, then: Why doesn’t it happen? Why isn’t anyone already doing it?

        How come you’re not out there leading the charge yourself?

        • I am not an elected executive with the power Truman had back in the day.

          If you repeatedly claim that the Muslim horde is like the Nazis or Imperial Japan, then the machinery of war needs to be deployed with absolute decisive effect.

          • You’re making my point for me.

            You say, “We have the power” and “the machinery of war needs to be deployed”. Well, who are “we”? Who is to do the deploying?

            Because what you recommend is not happening, and the political will to carry out such actions is not even on the horizon.

            If “we” have the capacity to do these things, yet “we” fail to do them, then there must be a reason for such an egregious dereliction of duty.

            It’s easy to say that “we” should do such and such. But it’s much harder to figure out how the “we” that now exists can become the “we” that it should be.

            This is the primary task.

          • Oh I see what you are getting at.

            I suppose it is quite true that the US knocked out Japan with the bomb as a last ditched effort to prevent 100,000s of US casualties.

            This leads to the answer. The current levels of violence directed at us is deemed to be acceptable. Mark Steyn pointed this out in a recent op Ed. The point is valid however,no matter where it comes from.

            To get the policy rolling you’d need to convincethe public that Islam is 10x worse than Japan in 1945.

          • I’m at a point of revelation, where it’s become clear that the Oxbridge set are actively using Islam as a way to ethnic cleanse the Oiks.
            The English were disposable in the 17th, 18th and 19th century, the ruling classes happily tipped Tommy Atkins into the dysgenic hell of ww1.

            I have no reason to think that people like Clegg, Cameron or Milliband even see themselves as English. Same goes for Blair, Thatcher, Heath, Wilson, Churchill, Asquith…

            The entire political class is moribund.

            The US? A nation of indentured Servants and slaves shuffled around by Oligarchs.

        • The argument is equally valid no matter who makes the argument. Whatever the point of origin the argument stands of falls on its own merit.

          • I don’t think we’re talking about the same argument.

            If we have the capability to do the things you describe, and we don’t do them, then why is that?

            To me this is by far the most important question.

            Leftist indoctrination is only one aspect of the problem. The explanations are deeper and more subtle than that.

          • 1. Alarm has to be raised.

            2. A solution needs to be offered.

            The stumbling blocks to this solution are quite obvious. We have an elite that see’s these depredations on us as acceptable casualties. Or acceptable levels of violence. Or the violence is being inflicted as means toward eventual extinction and is actively encouraged.

            It could be all three. People who go to Eton, Oxford and then sit in parliament see the English as scum anyway. So it’s not too much of a stretch for me to think that Islam is being actively used to ethnically cleanse the oiks.

          • Baron,

            You’ve been at this longer than me.

            So who is standingin the way of a mass mobilization and a decisive assault on the Muslim heartland?

          • Napier —

            That’s a question that has been discussed here and in other places a number of times, and — at the risk of appearing evasive — I don’t think there is any simple answer. Some people like to put it down to “leftist indoctrination”, or the Frankfurt School, or various other reasons. I think it may be a combination of several, or all of them.

            In order for the vast majority of people to believe the PC Multicultural party line, or at least be willing to go along with it, there has to be some sort of generally accepted normative view throughout the West. A cabal of NWO enforcers is simply not capable of exerting mind control over hundreds of millions of people. Most people, including well-meaning model citizens, must have picked up their ideas from the cultural water we all swim in, internalized them, and believe them to be true and good and morally valid. Immigration enriches us; a multicultural society is a positive good, and in any case is already here; all cultures are equally valid; to feel otherwise is to be a racist and a xenophobe.

            Shaking off those memes is difficult. It takes deprogramming. Or, as Conservative Swede used to say, it requires an exorcism.

            External control is largely exercised through financial means, rather than via a police state or a gulag. People can lose their jobs or their state benefits if they stand up and voice dissent against the PC/MC line. Their children can be taken from them. They become permissible prey for gangs of anarchist thugs.

            So the biggest change will occur when the currency collapses and the welfare state fails, which it must, eventually. At that point there will be millions upon millions of people who have nothing left to lose. They will suddenly be free of external inhibitions, and may express their feelings as they see fit, short of outright guerilla warfare.

            At that point all bets are off. I can’t tell you what will happen next; I don’t think anyone can.

          • The paradox is that at the moment the population is ready to get rid of the pox, the fiscal basis for raising the right military force will have vanished.

            Funny innit?

  8. If an EDL foursome strolled into a Mosque and proceeded to do what Buruch Goldstein did, I emphasize a group not just a lone nut, and imitated Sturm 33 activities in Berlin in the late 20s and early 30s then I’d consider them to be far right.

    So far you only have loutish looks and beer bellies combined with a yelling crowd.

    Far right means that you have gangs of toughs shooting up opposition meetings and mass stabbings. The only group doing that stuff are Muslims.

  9. The British squeezed middle psychologically fettered by the double envelopment of moderation and social cohesion.

  10. Tommy is a good and intelligent man. I for one wish him all the best as he did a lot and has educated many on Islam. I trust he knows what he is doing and as I am not in his position, i refuse to judge him.

    A shame he did not answer about the Crusades. I am so sick of hearing criticism of the Crusades as if they went off to kill for the fun of it. Or the anti-Christian LIES spread far and wide that they wanted to Christianise Muslim lands , as if Egypt, Persia, Syria, Turkey etc had always been Muslim !! No, they had been slaughtered and conquered by Muslims since the 7th century and the Byzantine Emperor had had enough of repeated attacks by Muslim hordes and begged the Pope for help. Many do not even know Islam is NOT an ancient religion even.
    So few know history .

    The Crusades were launched in reaction to 400 years of Jihad, FOUR hundred years before the church decided this has to be stopped before Europe was also taken over.!
    I notice when I educate people on this,especially the young ,they are surprised and tell me they had never been told this. They all realise though that it makes sense suddenly. This is all we can do, educate educate educate, as TR has done to his credit.

    • The Crusades are used by libs, atheists and Muslims and not a few fellow travelers to brow beat whites.

      I believe that a rechristianization of the ME would have lead to a more peaceful ME.

      • Napier, your description of ‘far right’ couldn’t be further from the truth, as the only thing that is ‘far right’ on the political spectrum is Anarchy. The greatest purveyors of violence have always come from the ‘far left’.

        And your little fling against the Baron’s logic missed the point to a large degree. You see, there is an ‘elite’ that controls what the West does and when it will do it. Today’s education system gives the astute observer a direction for where the ‘elite’ are pushing us and it ain’t good!

        Ask yourself why it is that the West is controlled by a tight cabal of money merchants, such as the IMF and the World Bank?

        Why did the U.S. institute the Federal Reserve, and why was the Gold Standard abandoned?

        Why was President Kennedy assassinated?

        Do some research, the truth may shock you!

        • I’ve already alluded that stuff.

          You are just arguing semantics. Hitler was an example of right wing extremism.

          You can’t just use the left as a synonym for everything you don’t like the look of. Sometimes Conservatism and the right wing can fail to act like gentlemen. I’m guessing you are a libertarian? As if Rand isn’t a perfect example of the source of the problem.

          • oh yes he can. The modern left is just as bad if not worse than the nazis, tattling on people for poking fun at homosexuals and brainwashing Europeans into hating themselves and their countries.

          • The Communists were vastly more deadly than the
            Nazis. The Nazis wouldn’thave even come into being if the spectre of Communism hasn’t taken corporeal form in the USSR. The Gestapo had about 40,000 officers enforcing their totalitarian brand. The Stasi with a vastly smaller population to exploit and oppress needed 120,000 plus an occupation force of millions of Russians. I can’t even begin to quantify the proportion of Cheka, KGB and civvies in the USSR.


            The Nazi party whateverelse it did, had practically no use for its security services apart from rounding up Jews and Communists, it didn’t need to, because it did represent the interests of most of its population. You only need the sort of invasive police state of the Soviet era or the modern PC state if the country is being run for a completely hostile ruling group.

          • Valjean,

                To ensure that the people would become and remain submissive, East German communist leaders saturated their realm with more spies than had any other totalitarian government in recent history. The Soviet Union’s KGB employed about 480,000 full-time agents to oversee a nation of 280 million, which means there was one agent per 5,830 citizens. Using Wiesenthal’s figures for the Nazi Gestapo, there was one officer for 2,000 people. The ratio for the Stasi was one secret policeman per 166 East Germans. When the regular informers are added, these ratios become much higher: In the Stasi’s case, there would have been at least one spy watching every 66 citizens! When one adds in the estimated numbers of part-time snoops, the result is nothing short of monstrous: one informer per 6.5 citizens. It would not have been unreasonable to assume that at least one Stasi informer was present in any party of ten or twelve dinner guests.

            We are basically tat Stasi like levels if you think about the continual informant like behaviour of the enrichers. Emma West was effectively turned by a Commissar armed with a phonecam. This is quantifiably worse for natives than the Nazi period.

      • Napier, what is the difference between National Socialism (NAZI) and Communism?

        Your proven lack of comprehension of the political spectrum makes you very naïve if you believe the Nazi’s were right wing!

        And I don’t deal in semantics! You would be well advised to study up on those questions I have put to you if you truly wish to understand where the whole world is heading.

  11. Finally, Tommy’s move is beginning to make sense… how much airtime was he getting before, and how much is he getting now? As to Quilliam – whether they are true moderates or wolves in sheeps’ clothing is beside the point. They profess to be against “extremism”, and Tommy and Kevin have joined forces with them. Quilliam are also funded by the government – and hence part of the “establishment”. Therefore, Kevin and Tommy are now in a way also part of the establishment. So have they “switched sides”? Perhaps… but then, can they also not achieve more by being part of the “other side”??

    And as Joe says, what happens to the EDL is down to them… they can always find a new leader – and who’s to say that new leader won’t be even more effective than Tommy? The ball is in their court…

  12. You folks probably won’t like this, but I always thought that Robinson never had the intellectual capabilities to run the EDL and turn it into something bigger, broader and more powerful, to make it more mainstream and reach the 60% of Brits and Europeans who are against the islamisation of our countries. This doesn’t mean he didn’t do a good job until he switched sides, basically betraying his own people (what else would you call it?). Running such an organization takes more than a few demonstrations: you need money, many good lawyers, people from your own group running for higher office, a good PR department to win broad public support, collaborations with other groups and politicians etc. With the rising anti-Islam tide all across the western world, such an organization would have huge potential.

    I think what we should do is build a new organization which does just that.

    The islam-appeasing politicians know we can prevail, otherwise they wouldn’t make new laws like the EU which is trying to pass “A EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK NATIONAL STATUTE FOR THE PROMOTION OF TOLERANCE SUBMITTED WITH A VIEW TO BEING ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURES OF EUROPEAN STATES”, basically making any opposition to islam illegal.

    • The ‘elite’ in Europe are really getting desperate now. Legislation to ban any opposition against what common sense dictates needs to be criticized was always going to fail. If multiculturalism and it’s fascist enforcer, political correctness, can on longer corral the masses into accepting and tolerating the intolerable, then this latest piece of policy panic is doomed to go the same way.

      • The worst part of the panic is going to be the TV schedule. Expect more “Luftwaffe: the Washington Generals of the History Channel” wall to wall on Canal +, BBC, PBS and whatever it is they watch in Germany.

        • Napier, I don’t watch what passes for entertainment these days because the mind is better used for researching and writing.

    • Post-multiculturalism nudges the debate into the politics of identity authenticity or identity fundamentalism, when all associations are counterfeit and vulnerable to post-multiculturalism then the declaration has to be sovereignty of the individual.

  13. The sub-discussion Baron Bodissey (BB) and Napier are having became a thread which can’t be technically replied to I guess, so I’ll post my comment at the end here, quoting a third person (“Anonymous”) who got in the mix up there:

    “The stumbling blocks to this solution are quite obvious. We have an elite that…”

    Napier and Anonmyous both seem to be of the DEE persuasion (“Dastardly Elites Explanation”), while BB is trying to massage their tunnel-vision to loosen it up enough to see a wider possibility. From past experience when this subject has been palpated at Gates of Vienna (or inadvertently allued to), however, I feel even BB tends in the end to fall back to the default DEE position.

    Put as simply as possible, the Problem of the Problem (the second Problem being the primary problem — of Muslims enabling their Islam — while the first problem is the problem of the West persisting in its reckless myopia to the primary problem) cannot be primarily nor significantly one of “Elites”. It is, in fact, precisely a problem of non-Elites — the hundreds of millions of more or less ordinary people who have come to be true believers in an amorphous, yet quite influential, worldview which includes PC MC in various degrees.

    However, another wrinkle pertains here: namely, that this business of bracketing out “Elites” seems to be predicated upon an antiquarian notion of sociocultural strata, as though we were still living in the Middle Ages with a rigid and not very diverse class system of royalty, a wealthy mercantile class, and the masses of Unwashed Serfs and other assorted sundry toothless peasants — as though there doesn’t exist in our modern West a vast complex granularization of that stratification such that one can no longer meaningfully distinguish “Elites” from non-“Elites”, except with regard to a very tiny almost microscopic minority. To then magnify the dastardly demonic superpowers of that tiny almost microscopic minority gets one very quickly into the insubstantial waters of conspiracy theory in the pejorative, eccentric, fantastic sense.

  14. Pingback: When Tommy Met Mo | Gates of Vienna

  15. Pingback: Tommy Robinson Attacked in Woodhill Prison | Gates of Vienna

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