When Tommy Met Mo

On Monday night the BBC aired its long-awaited documentary about Tommy Robinson and his departure from the English Defence League. The film features Tommy’s association with Mo Ansar, a Muslim who gained notoriety by demanding that the EDL be banned. It also discusses his introduction to the Quilliam Foundation.

One of the notable incidents in this video occurs when Tommy and a group of concerned parents in Lancashire confront Mr. Ansar and another Muslim about the sexual enslavement of underage white girls by Muslim pedophile gangs. The BBC not only allowed this footage to aired, it did not attempt to refute or relativize what the “Islamophobes” said — which may be a first for the Beeb.

There are some other interesting moments in this documentary. I recommend watching it all the way through:

Previous posts about Tommy Robinson, Kevin Carroll, and the Quilliam Foundation:

2013   Oct   8   Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll Leave the EDL
        8   A Paradigm Shift in the British Counterjihad?
        9   Introducing W.H. “Abdullah” Quilliam
        10   Between a Rock and a Hard Place
        10   The Problem with Gates of Vienna Is…
        10   The EDL Will Survive
        14   Tommy Robinson Attacked in Luton
        25   Tommy Robinson on RT

22 thoughts on “When Tommy Met Mo

  1. Why did this mock documentary come across as so banal and dated, ended up hoping that the appearance Tom Holland was the cut in for a real documentary.

    All the participants looked out of place and uncomfortable in the deceptive media lighting of consensus, doubt the general public were fooled by the retrospective hand shaking and the moderate muslims v. the religion of peace mind loop.

    Having marched the British public up to the top of the hill even Tommy’s likeable persona can not march them down again into the multikulti swamp.

  2. When you sup with the devil you need a long spoon.. and to keep to your principles.

    One does realize that as learning continues is not that principles and basics change but you build on them. Whether this is the right path remains to be seen.

    The ideal of looking for British (reform) Islam is fraught with difficulties and I fear will be swamped with true Islam as evidenced by the elderly muslima being upset and not wanting changes to the koran that Tommy mentioned where he had issues with.

    Can Tommy get on this wave and ride and push it or will the wave dump and bury him?.
    Will this just be a time wasting energy sapping with quilliam?
    I doubt that quilliam will be much noticed by the rest of Islam in Britain.

    The EDL will have to sort it self out and come out a bit cleaner and then changes may happen in Britain, between the velvet glove and iron fist.

    A good deal of growing up is required all round as those principles are learnt and honed. In learning much more, I hope Tommy stands firm.

    Can only say good luck to you all in Britain and hope Tommy’s effectiveness increases against islamisation. Time is against you.

    • Regarding the above quote:

      “. . . the elderly muslima being upset and not wanting changes to the koran that Tommy mentioned where he had issues with.”

      There’s the rub which should be capitalized upon. As audiences watch Quilliam’s efforts inadvertantly unveil uncomfortable truths in their attempts to mask it, Tommy and company should not miss these opportunities to capitalize upon these useful discoveries. Discovery is a legal process/tool in the courts. The media, in it’s vain efforts to perpetuate this preposterous narrative can prove to be quite useful providing such discover in video format for future dissembling. This video was productive beyond their producers wildest dreams.

    • Regarding the above quote:

      “. . . the elderly muslima being upset and not wanting changes to the koran that Tommy mentioned where he had issues with.”

      There’s the rub which should be capitalized upon. As audiences watch Quilliam’s efforts inadvertantly unveil uncomfortable truths in their attempts to mask it, Tommy and company should not miss these opportunities to capitalize upon these useful discoveries. Discovery is a legal process/tool in the courts. The media, in it’s vain efforts to perpetuate this preposterous narrative can prove to be quite useful providing such discover in video format for future dissembling. This video was productive beyond their producers wildest dreams.

  3. The problem that almost every human on our planet faces does not come from other people but the ideologies that they follow. The danger in Islam does not come from the peaceful and laudable humanitarian passages but from the many that are negative, violently expansionist and totalitarian. The crux of the problem with Islam is that as “The direct word of God”, the Koran cannot be altered and therein lies the problem – Islam cannot reform without reforming the Koran. And those that attempt to do so are unsurprisingly then considered to be apostates, liable for a death fatwa.

    The other mountainous obstacles are the acceptance from muslims en masse of Islamification of the Western societies they emmigrated to for a better life and Taqiyya, the concept of lying to advance your cause.

    The irony of muslims in Western nations is that they have a more peaceful existence than they would in ANY Islamic nation. If they succeed in allowing literallist muslims to become dominant they will destroy those nations from within, either by sitting back as society is altered (thinking they will gain from being muslims in an Islamic state)from within or by civil war and the ensuing utter destruction.

    The other danger is Taqiyya. This can be seen most clearly within the WH at the moment where there are PROMINENT members of the Muslims Brotherhood working nefariously towards their goal of a global Caliphate. It really means that thee are always doubts in the back of our minds as to what the true intentions of muslims that espouse peace and tolerance.

    Answers on a postcard.

  4. It is not Moslems that are the problem but the Political Metropolitan Class of Marxists and their brainwashed PC middle-class drones from Gaza on Thames. These are the dopes, that are taken in by the “Islamists” and the so called “religion of peace”….

    The above “useful idiots” have destroyed British culture- not the Moslems. They have allowed to propagate an aggressive Islam that is naturally filling the void, where a strong culture and Christianity once stood. These metropolitan pig ignorant white hooligans- and they are iconoclast hooligans- have turned against their own ancient culture, freedoms and faith in exchange for a weird immoral pot pouri of God know’s what, like queer “marriage”.

    I have met Moslems- I even used to have friends who were “Moslem”- and in truth, I have never met one I dislike. They are better educated than native Brits, even good company and incredibly hospitable. However, thanks to the idiot British “Establishment” and their disgusting Marxist media like the BBC, who childishly and unthinkingly, demonise any sign of the slightest patriotism in Britain in folk like myself and I am even married to a black woman with children and grandchildren.

    A Tory MP- Robin Walker told myself and my black wife to leave Britain, as there “was no place for people with my views in a civilised UK”….This from an elected MP to one of his own Electorate? In the Tory Party?

    I used to be a Tory- no longer…I despise it, because of ignoramuses like him. I even challenged him about his “knowledge” of Islam by asking which of its 74 + sects he meant by “Islam”. He simply resorted to online abuse “racist” etc….

    I studied Islam and Rome for 30 years and was once engaged to a Moslem. Yet this jumped up ass had the nerve, like so many of his ilk to claim to be a “champion” of multiculturalism and “Islam”, while displaying all the worst aspects of his political class and its inverted racism. I had a word with the Police and they told me they could investigate him for his comments, against myself and those inferred against my coloured wife.

    I am not a hypocrite so I did not push my complaint. Like so many in the joke that has become “Parliament” he is infantile in the extreme, appallingly ill informed and a clear and present danger to our society. These pests are the real enemy of what was once the UK and if we do succumb to Islam, which is what I predict, I hope and pray he and his fellow idiots come to regret their stupidity and hypocrisy.

    They are the most dangerous of all – nothing worse- they claim a moral self-righteous moral authority about subjects they know nothing about, a superior “intelligence” and social position to which they have no claim, they are ignorant of reality but also incredibly vain and arrogant….They are a menace to Britons of all colours and religions, including Moslems, whom I would trust over these disgusting creatures any day.

    • @Bishop Dr Guy Leven-Torres

      “They are better educated than native Brits, even good company and incredibly hospitable.”

      Underestimating the foe is a fatal mistake, they have proven to be more than capable at usurping the lowborn indigenous subject from the socioeconomic status of favoured soul.

  5. Edl must keep going!!!

    They are the only true voice and spirit of the english.

    Edl needs new charismatic leaders, where are they??

    They must move quickly to regroup, and go on with the national street protests against the nazism of islam and the marxist traitors supporting them to overthrow the uk!

    Muslims are being used by the marxist leftwing nazis as there new proxy army to overthrow the uk, and europe, usa.

    Islam cannot be reformed, its not a religeon in anycase, its a front for fascism death and violence towards ordinairy peaceful peoples.

    Islam must be banned by law outright!!!

    The koran, like mein kampf must be banned as hate literature, and anyone who possese this evil hate book arrested, imprisoned and deported.

    Anyone who supports the evil islam and supports the allowing of this nazi ideology, must be arrested under treason and traitor laws.

    This includes the likes of traitors who are enabling the destruction of our way of life, cultures, and christianity, like david cameron and the rest of them past and present.

    Jack straw is one of these traitors, a extreme left wing marxist nazi, who needs to be rounded up pronto, theres a big list of them.

    In the eu, the extremist left wing marxist nazis traitors working against us like, jose manuel barroso, yes, hes president of the eussr, he needs rounding up, and put in shackles and led into the dock.

    The other eu nazi, martin schulz, another traitor and enabler of the genocide being committed against the european indigenous peoples.

    The list is long.

    These traitors know who they are, and what there doing, i doubt if they sleep comfortable at night.

    Sooner or later this lot are going be swept up, like [excrement] from a toilet floor, rounded up in leg irons and shackles, led into the dock of the new nuremburg trials that await these filthy anti white racsist nazi commie marxist scum traitors.

    People are waking up……

    The eussr will soon collapse, and the revenge will begin against those who betrayed the western civilised countrys in the name of petro dollars and self enrichment.

    Islam must be banned now!!!

    The koran, book omurder and hate must be outlawed and banned now!!

    Muslims must be banned and or deported to muslim countries, because islam will be made illegal, like the nazis.


  6. Edl must keep going!!!

    They are the only true voice and spirit of the english.

    Edl needs new charismatic leaders, where are they??

    They must move quickly to regroup, and go on with the national street protests against the nazism of islam and the marxist traitors supporting them to overthrow the uk!

    Muslims are being used by the marxist leftwing nazis as there new proxy army to overthrow the uk, and europe, usa.

    Islam cannot be reformed, its not a religeon in anycase, its a front for fascism death and violence towards ordinairy peaceful peoples.

    Islam must be banned by law outright!!!

    The koran, like mein kampf must be banned as hate literature, and anyone who possese this evil hate book arrested, imprisoned and deported.

    Anyone who supports the evil islam and supports the allowing of this nazi ideology, must be arrested under treason and traitor laws.

    This includes the likes of traitors who are enabling the destruction of our way of life, cultures, and christianity, like david cameron and the rest of them past and present.

    Jack straw is one of these traitors, a extreme left wing marxist nazi, who needs to be rounded up pronto, theres a big list of them.

    In the eu, the extremist left wing marxist nazis traitors working against us like, jose manuel barroso, yes, hes president of the eussr, he needs rounding up, and put in shackles and led into the dock.

    The other eu nazi, martin schulz, another traitor and enabler of the genocide being committed against the european indigenous peoples.

    The list is long.

    These traitors know who they are, and what there doing, i doubt if they sleep comfortable at night.

    Sooner or later this lot are going be swept up, like [excrement] from a toilet floor, rounded up in leg irons and shackles, led into the dock of the new nuremburg trials that await these filthy anti white racsist nazi commie marxist scum traitors.

    People are waking up……

    The eussr will soon collapse, and the revenge will begin against those who betrayed the western civilised countrys in the name of petro dollars and self enrichment.

    Islam must be banned now!!!

    The koran, book omurder and hate must be outlawed and banned now!!

    Muslims must be banned and or deported to muslim countries, because islam will be made illegal, like the nazis.


  7. I watched this polite staged discourse for 22 mins, then to prevent a medical emergency, i stopped it.
    Up to then, those two [persons of despicable character] were in complete denial about the grooming issue, both by WHAT they said in defense of their Muslim grooming mates, and by their silence, same with the young fellow wearing the T shirt concerning the treatment of gays, visibly tying themselves in verbal knots while trying the “Relativism” argument.

    The clear point to this charade is this, these people cannot be tolerated OR lived with here one moment longer, they are completely unwilling to admit they’re wrong in ANY way at all, they’re also NEVER going to reform what they learn in mosques to suit a Western viewpoint, to expect them to do so is an exercise in futility and wishful thinking. As Robert Spencer clearly said “Political Correctness costs lives”, and he’s right. Ann Cryer can add and verify, the subjugation, misery and murder of our young girls too.

    To watch two British people being so polite and deferential made my blood boil, when i summoned 8 constables to hear me remonstrate with their Inspector in public for 20 min over the issue of the behaviour of the police when behind the wheel of their cars, they listened in shocked silence, during the year in question, police drivers killed 40 innocent people in the UK by virtue of their furious and inconsiderate driving.
    All escaped serious consequences.

    How i would have loved to be there, I would have given them the same respect as i would two of Hitlers worst henchmen, believe me, as two excusers of Islamic inspired and Muslim delivered actual and cultural terror they would have been under NO illusion about the limit of MY patience and the lack of appeal of THEIR message.

    Those people in that audience would have been justified in tearing both of them apart, verbally with the appalling record of Islam and Muslims in this country, and later with their hands too but they were all too young and compromised by the PC agenda.

    Western establishments love to sneer at and lecture the leaders and Buddhist people of Burma about the treatment handed down to incoming Muslims as a result of their Jihad rampage, like here and everywhere, designed to subjugate by terror those who REFUSE to submit. Those natives of Burma are right, their response may not be to Western liberal taste – but it will prove to be effective if kept up.

    As the lessons of history prove, sustained and superior violence is ALL those Jihadists respect, this IS where we are, in an unequal street based slugging match where the powers of the state machine are actually working against those natives fighting the fate intended for them.
    Don’t bother looking to “Moderate” Muslims for support, you will never find it. Those who refuse to learn the lessons of history, ARE condemned to relive them, and by God, we are.

  8. I have watched most of this – what I would term BBC propaganda – but couldn’t see it through to the end due to the lavish sprays of Taqiyya that seemed to be overwhelming Tommy’s BS detector. It was certainly overwhelming me!

    In fact, I felt that Tommy’s resistance to the Devil’s own religion has been somewhat weakened by the flat out lying that has been told to him by those who would think nothing of slitting his throat given the right opportunity. His stance appears to be somewhat weakened by the Muzzies adept telling, and I might add in a very beguiling way, the things that Tommy wishes to hear!

    So what was Tommy thinking when he decided to take part in this propaganda exercise?

    And what was offered to him when he spent those three months locked up on Her Majesty’s pleasure?

    I have taken copious notes of what I recall about this program that really stood out as having to be mentioned. One of those notes relates to the introduction by the BBC toward the EDL which is described in the usual terms as using violence, racism and Islamophobia, also mentioned later was the EDL’s part in street fighting?

    Street fighting? If pushed to present an example of street fighting involving the EDL, I wonder if the BBC could give an honest account?

    Mo is very good – in fact he is excellent and should think about taking up an acting career when presenting the stealth Jihad face of Islam. All Tommy has seen to date is the fundamentalist side of Islam and I guess Mo’s approach would not only be refreshing, but also disarming to those who are not fully conversant with how Islam operates!

    And in being disarmed by Mo lies the inherent danger of falling into the Islamic taqiyya trap – which goes a long way to explain, but should not excuse, our own leaders failings!

    One of the things that has stuck in my mind was the nonsense statement from the Quillian representative who is hoping for a British form of Islam? I say this is nonsense simply because Islam is an ideology that consists of a political/social/ religious construct, and because Islam is an all encompassing and supremacist ideology, and just like Nazism and Communism, it cannot be divided and can never be altered or reformed. It must be killed!

    Tommy appears to not be fully aware of what Islam truly is and that could be his undoing.

    • I think that the documentary exposes even more about the lies that muslims use and any one who has any connection with the edl would see how the bbc tilts things.

      “. . . the elderly muslima being upset and not wanting changes to the koran that Tommy mentioned where he had issues with.”

      There’s the rub which should be capitalized upon. As audiences watch Quilliam’s efforts inadvertantly unveil uncomfortable truths in their attempts to mask it, Tommy and company should not miss these opportunities to capitalize upon these useful discoveries. Discovery is a legal process/tool in the courts. The media, in it’s vain efforts to perpetuate this preposterous narrative can prove to be quite useful providing such discover in video format for future dissembling. This video was productive beyond their producers wildest dreams.

      Sure in Tommys disconnection with edl seems disappointing but perhaps it is more a play to the bbc and quilliam. After all I do not think Tommy would believe that if he left and after what he said (which was more of a guiding direction to take care of who is using edl and to keep it clean) that edl would just pack up and cease.

      For the ones who did not watch to the end, Tommy did not even eat the hahal meal they were supposed to share, and he stiffed an upset Mo out of the lime light.

      I think it is a breather with 1 or 2 steps back for Tommy and a regrouping and education about Islam (whose spots do not change). Sure he is now going to learn more of Islam even if going down the path of a British reform Islam that will end in tears. It is always a risk it could be his undoing but I do hope that he has not burnt his bridges to some of his mates where he can still have a beer and have time to reflect, away from the higher political pressures that he is now involved with.

      If he can keep to his principles, be earthed in reality and so not be brainwashed, and come out the other side he may prove to be very effective with what he learns.

      Others should step up in EDL may be like a multi head, just like Islam or the US tea party and take it to the next stage. Perhaps with more of a broad range of skills and energy as others join and increase the numbers,as face book on the edl has increased likes on it after the documentary.

      • I believe the question that needs to be asked about that BBC program is this:

        Why would the BBC go out of its way to provide a platform for the person it has been hounding via its media outlets ever since TR and the EDL came on line?

        I guess we can all gauge that the BBC like all Western government paid for propaganda media has an agenda? But what is the BBC’s agenda in allowing this program to be produced and then broadcast to a very diverse audience – what does the BBC hope to achieve out of it?

        A leader of a grass roots organization that has ‘upset’ those who have caused the EDL to come into being are now openly courting that same leader and giving him air time on a national broadcaster? What gives and where is it supposed to be leading?

        • A very interesting question.
          It seemed to me that a number of issues were raised regarding islam if you had any knowledge of the people involved as it did not show islam in the best light.

          Did they think they were going to a hatchet job on TR?, so TR simply folded over to the government alternative quilliam.
          In the run of filming maybe TR saw a landing place with quilliam and out played them at their game, or had they successfully herded him over to there?
          He had managed to cut Mo out at the end and Mo certainly showed just what he was about and in subsequent tweets and shows.

          In the many hours of filming I partly do wonder if something else may have been filmed and then held over TR and his cousin?

          Was there money involved like a “sponsored career” ?

          Still you are right to ask about the bbc agenda. British Islam?? quilliam coup?
          I do wonder if they perhaps became a bit arrogant and now there is more questions being asked of so called moderate Islamic figure heads, particularly of when TR was beavering away at the foundation of Islam of the quran, and then Kohla Hasan, an islamic law consultant said that it makes her and muslims furious if the koran had to have parts dropped off or amended.

          How much money has the government poured into quilliam and similiar people? and is the bbc heading of some questions for value for money?.

          I can only hope that TR just plays it straight, does what he needs to take care of himself and family, and now with some skills gives the muslims enough rope to …. …… and with the publicity of every one seeing the dancing show on a pin.

          Sure we know where the weaknesses and debates are in the koran Mohammad etc but it must be shown out to the general public and in terms that they can simply take in and inspire more questions.

          Excuse my rant and I , like you still wonder about the bbc agenda, but play the ball TR still must, and a good whack or 2 as in the doco that has slipped thru.
          Just pleased that TR let others play their hand and showed up what they were about.

          It does seem that TR is onto other things to come up, so hopefully keeps ahead in this war.

      • You have got to remember, Simpleton, that the BBC ALWAYS edit these set up discussions with
        anyone who doesn’t agree with their twisted ideology. They will always be able to make Tommy
        look bad. This was Tommy’s only mistake, to
        EVER discuss anything with the Anti-British
        Broadcasting Corporation.

        • I do take your point.

          In the many hours of filming I partly do wonder if something else may have been filmed and then held over TR and his cousin?

          The doco is out there now with the

          Kohla Hasan, an islamic law consultant said that it makes her and muslims furious if the koran had to have parts dropped off or amended.

          all said in the quilliam setting, with these supposed moderate muslims.

          Whether bbc or not, I was surprised at then doing the filming. Still they give the veneer of credibility to certain audiences. Just what can be unwittingly worked out about moderate muslims, certainly if they take time to discuss and question what was shown. Despite the slant about the edl, up close they did come across a lot more rational and knowledgeable. Ok not perfect, but still raising warning signs of the situation in Britain.

          I do question what else is in the tapes.
          Perhaps an official information search could be asked, particularly later if other things are leaked.

          Any way it is done and from what I may naively see of it, it is a start and now documents who said what and when and can now be marker against what else happens as things inevitably will slide down hill in the UK. People will be able to refer to this doco even belatedly then getting the real glimpse of some truths.

          Other credible media might also be motivated now to take note. The door has been rattled and it is shakeable.

          Live and learn and play it straight TR

  9. Ali sina dissects the muslims on the doco show with pretty well what we know and can figure about those muslims

  10. From Jihad watch

    “Tommy is planning to start a new organization that is as free from Quilliam as it is from the EDL”

    All sounds interesting “is it the money or the bag?”
    In the repositioning of TR will he stay by his principles?
    Has be been blunted or honed?
    Remember that good cheese or wine is not made in a day and being human it is easy for us to be swayed even if only temporarily. Many others want to ruin him and hope he can find his way through their guile. Question will we learn from any mistakes.
    At this higher stakes game I just hope he has good true friends that he can relax with, bounce ideas, stay focused and take time to reflect.

  11. Oh come one everyone… It’s a play within a play within a play. And frankly I think Tpmmy did the right thing. Why? Because the EDL can choose another leader quite easily while his influence can be much greater when talking through a anti-exremist tube which he now has. Frankly Tommy has gained a lot of my respect because as far as strategygoes it’s a win for him. Every single thing that he said could have been dismissed as extremism until now. And thanks to this strange turn of events he can warn against pretty much the same things and has to be taken into account by the mainstram media.

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