German Tax Dollars to Pay For Mosques?

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Boris Reitschuster’s website. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Real satire? Spahn wants to finance mosques with tax money

“I don’t want to know what this country will look like in ten or twenty years”

Even as health minister, today’s deputy leader of the Union parliamentary group Jens Spahn was always good for surprises and absurdities. No measure or harassment of citizens seemed too absurd to him when it came to paying homage to the Corona cult and appeasing Karl Lauterbach.

Now Spahn is continuing his course when it comes to Islam. He is outraged that the largest proportion of mosques in Germany is financed from abroad and that imams are Turkish state employees. “This has to stop,” said Spahn.

And quite rightly so. In fact, on the one hand, foreign influence all too often causes radicalization, and on the other hand, the members of the relevant Muslim communities are regularly sworn to loyalty to a foreign state — in the middle of Germany.

“We need German mosque communities, not Turkish ones,” Spahn continued in an interview with the newspapers of the Funke media group.

So one could only agree with Spahn if it weren’t for another suggestion from him: He wants the financing to change. “It would be even better to step in with German tax money, even if this may require a constitutional change,” said the CDU politician.

I’m sorry, WHAT? Has Spahn taken leave of his senses?

He is probably simply a victim of the escapism evident in large circles of our politics. [After all, it’s so in vogue.]

Because the reality is as follows: Even where the state pays, for example with Islam lessons in schools, radical ideas are all too often taught, as the journalist Constantin Schreiber vividly shows in his book Kinder des Koran [“Children of the Koran”].

If the German state were in a position to have a moderating effect on the communities in return for financing the mosques, there might still be a few arguments for biting the bullet. [Those morons. Are they really that stupid? They’d have to rewrite the entire Quran in Arabic and replace it WORLDWIDE without any Muslim scholar noticing it.]

But our state has demonstratively proven that it is unable to do this. I recently reported here on the way a project with radical imams continues to be financed with tax money. [What a surprise, NOT. After all, even the Taliban isn’t outlawed in Germany and can operate unhindered.]

In the final analysis, Spahn’s proposal would therefore very likely lead to the same radical ideas being preached at relevant mosques as before — only no longer financed by foreign states, but by the German taxpayer. Erdogan &. Co. could be happy.

Spahn’s request to Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) to no longer issue visas to foreign imams could make more sense.

But is “counter-right” [Interior Minister Nancy] Faeser really ready for this?


Spahn is also right when he says that it is “a shame that Jews can no longer feel safe in Germany.” But this is no surprise. “We have imported anti-Semitism on a large scale through uncontrolled immigration,” said the CDU politician. [And whose fault is this? Spahn was one of those who supported Merkel in the Open Borders debacle and helped with the invasion. What a LYING hypocrite.] Hatred of Jews is often learned from childhood. “At the lunch table, in front of the television, among school friends — too often exactly this anti-Semitism is taken for granted; it is part of everyday culture.” [A 1,400+ year old cultural practice, just like the raping of infidel females is another cultural practice of theirs.]

I’m sorry, what? For years, the CDU, for which Spahn speaks, promoted or at least tolerated people being defamed as “right-wing” for precisely such statements. And now a 180 degree change. Out of opportunism. And without apology to all those who were previously dehumanized for expressing uncomfortable realities.

The same people who now wish Jews to die also agitate against gays and lesbians and think little of equality between women and men, said Spahn in the interview, according to ZDF. [Since he’s gay, I guess the camel-hair noose is slowly tightening around his own neck for a change. Should have read the Koran before opening the floodgates.]

Such statements were also previously considered heresy.

His call for greater commitment in enforcing the law is less of a 180-degree turn, but entirely in the spirit of the CDU politician. “Unauthorized demonstrations must be disbanded, the rule of law must not waver.” Spahn campaigned against peaceful Corona demonstrators when he was still a minister.

But the CDU man is definitely right in at least one thing — in his demand to do “something about this cultural influence”: “If we don’t manage to get these many children and young people to accept our Western, enlightened values, then I don’t want to know what this country will look like in ten or twenty years,” said Spahn. [The easy and simple answer would be to send them all back whence they originated. But for that they do not have the balls or the will. They would rather sacrifice their own people to the vultures and hyenas of Islam.]

What he is actually saying is nothing different from what Thilo Sarrazin said, who was declared persona non grata and expelled from the SPD for his wise warnings.

Unfortunately, the idea seems completely unrealistic that our desolate state — which puts all its strength into combating dissidents among the “original Germans” (“Zeit”) under the guise of the “fight against the right”— can really successfully combat “the cultural influence” of the immigrants. Nor win them over to “Western, enlightened values”. Which Spahn himself trampled on with his Corona policy.

In this respect, one can unfortunately only agree with Spahn’s statement — albeit completely differently than he intended: “I don’t want to know what this country will look like in ten or twenty years.” [It will be GONE and never return, since its native population was deliberately murdered for greed and sick immoral ideology by the likes of Jens Span.]

A joke in history will be that the new Islamic zeitgeist will then come down harshly upon those who in particular promoted it: the red-green coalition. Because the sacred cows of the Red-Greens, such as sexual minorities, diversity, etc., will then be enemy number one — alongside the Jews. [And then they’ll come for the rest…]

Afterword from the translator:

Lenin once said that the capitalists would sell the Soviets the rope with which they would be hanged. Germany has politicians who hand them over to the Islamists and pay money so that they can take over the state little by little and degrade its population to second-class citizens in their own country.

Paying up and keeping your mouth shut is the first duty of citizenship. So basically the same as before, only more extreme. The biggest mystery for me is not that the “indigenous” population, worn down by Corona, softened, neglected, robbed of their wealth and lulled by the media, is apathetic about everything. But that those who will suffer most from the emerging Islamist rule, enthusiastically demand and support it. Only a psychologist might be able to explain this. Mr. Jordan Peterson, please take over!

2 thoughts on “German Tax Dollars to Pay For Mosques?

  1. I believe that’s Professor Peterson!

    The state should not be financing houses of worship at all, since taxes are paid by people of all faiths and none, except perhaps to maintain historic buildings. The awesome Church of the Holy Family (Sagrada Familia) being built in Barcelona receives no public subsidy.

  2. I once heard the phrase:
    “First it happens as reality. The second time it will be a farce.”

    I never expected to see this become reality.

    I am reminded of the bible, where with Babel it is said that God punished them with insanity etc.

    If I look at our politicians even a curse of God wouldnt explain their behaviour. And even Satan must be dumbstruck.

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