Dhimmitude Comes to Europe

Bat Ye’or is a Counterjihad emerita.

She was already renowned for her contributions to the field long before I ever got into the Islamophobia business, and I became familiar with her work even before we founded this blog. A few years after that I was privileged to meet her at the first Counterjihad Brussels conference in 2007, where she was one of the featured speakers.

In the following excerpts from a video interview, Ms. Ye’or discusses the institution of dhimmitude, on which she has done considerable research. She also discusses Eurabia, the planned fusion of the Arab world and the EU, which was proposed in the 1970s as a way to resolve the oil crisis.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

45:23   If I give the example of Recep Erdogan, the actual president, well,
45:29   actually the new president of Turkey, since he has just won the elections,
45:35   we used to believe for long time, that Turkey could be really secular, in the wake of Atatürk,
45:44   and that it could liberate itself, and somehow achieve the spirit of Enlightenment.
45:50   Nevertheless, throughout a decade and a half, one single man has succeeded in overturning it all,
46:02   to the extent that even the great cathedral, Hagia Sophia has been turned into a mosque.
46:09   And eventually, they covered history with a veil,
46:14   including the history belonging to the Ottoman and Turkish heritage.
46:21   And eventually, that man, a follower of the Muslim Brotherhood,
46:27   has an ambiguous approach towards Israel,
46:33   and an ambiguous approach towards the Islamized Jewish community, as well.
46:39   Producing, as a consequence — and you point it out in your books as well —
46:45   the reactions of local Jews, who are willing to make compromises
46:55   — that’s what dhimmitude is, you need to understand what dhimmitude is — who are willing to submit.
46:58   Yes. Submission is not just any submission.
47:01   It’s a conditional submission.
47:09   If you don’t submit to sharia regulations,
47:15   which always entail Islam’s conquest, Islam’s victory over the non-Muslim world,
47:27   you must be undone. You need to submit, otherwise you lose your life.
47:33   Then you must pay a tax, which is called the ransom for your head, the jizya,
47:40   which means that you ransom your own life.
47:46   It’s not just any submission. You need to pay a ransom every day, through pacts of allegiance.
47:52   So you need to know this condition, the dhimmi condition,
47:57   which has never been studied thoroughly.
48:03   I am sorry for not sounding very humble,
48:09   but you need to study it thoroughly as I did.
48:12   Back then, I didn’t know so many analyses which covered all aspects of the dhimmi condition.
48:23   What I wanted to point out is that Jews have been persecuted within Christendom.
48:32   But why is this problem coming back, right now?
48:36   Because Jews have been persecuted under Islam as well,
48:40   and I don’t know where the persecution has been worse.
48:45   It depends. For instance, in certain places within Christendom, they were fine,
48:49   like in the United States, where they have never been persecuted.
48:53   So we cannot generalize about Christendom.
48:57   On the other hand, they have been persecuted very harshly under Islam,
49:08   in certain places, at certain times; less in other places, at other times.
49:13   And within Christendom, as well. For example,
49:18   there were three million Jews in Poland before their extermination.
49:23   But in the Muslim world there could have never been three million Jews.
49:29   Because of the dhimmi condition, it was not allowed. There were very small communities,
49:35   who were tolerated under unbearable conditions.
49:40   Another word that has pushed people to ostracize you is “Eurabia”.
49:48   The term Eurabia deals with the submission of Europe;
49:52   I am going to use a slightly crass expression.
49:56   Europe’s submission to this dhimmitude, imposed by the Arab world on them.
50:05   Even if this term sounds virtual, it is real.
50:10   Through the so called strategy carried out by the Muslim Brotherhood,
50:15   which is a sort of soft power,
50:20   by means of which they mean to enter countries not as invaders,
50:27   but through little hit-and-run events, here and there,
50:32   aiming at changing the Judeo-Christian climate — if we speak of France or other countries —
50:41   in order to make it, eventually, more ghettoized, first of all,
50:47   and then take over, in the end.
50:50   Since we see that certain sports have already bowed to their imperatives, today.
50:58   I want to point out that I didn’t invent the word Eurabia.
51:05   It’s the name given to several newspapers, which have been published by European groups,
51:16   who would call themselves “Eurabia”.
51:20   So I named such a policy “Eurabia” after them,
51:24   the policy which was an expression of that party, Eurabia,
51:29   that is, the European Coordinating Committee of Friendship Societies with the Arab World.
51:36   So, this committee, which existed in all EU countries,
51:44   and which was taken care of by the governments, dealt with impulsion,
51:47   and they would meet with the Arab world’s representatives ,
51:52   over the partnership between the European Commission,
51:59   so therefore at a very high political level within the EU,
52:06   and the Arab League, the OIC, which is the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
52:16   So all the work done by this Committee Eurabia was done at an extremely important level,
52:24   concerning both the politics of Muslim countries,
52:29   since the OIC is made up of 55 Muslim countries, and for EU politics.
52:35   In my opinion, it is this Committee’s work that has led to the change of policy,
52:45   and their vision consisted in getting rid of the Judeo-Christian culture,
52:52   making the Church break away from Judaism —
52:57   since the Church used to proclaim itself “the new Israel” —
53:01   and, through Islamic immigration, facilitating multiculturalism.
53:10   There are so many texts I quote in my book “Eurabia”
53:14   and in my book “Europe and the specter of the Caliphate”,
53:19   promoting these policies, so I didn’t make them up, which is what I have been accused of by many.
53:28   There are so many texts you can find.
53:32   Since we need to conclude, there’s something that should reassure you at least:
53:38   even if time has passed, and that exceptional man, David Littman, left us,
53:47   we still have you.
53:51   We have you, and you keep writing.
53:55   You are the living witness of a time which has known a golden age
54:01   of the contemporary persecution of Jews by the Arab world.
54:07   against Jews and Christians.
54:11   And today, despite all the ostracism you had to endure —
54:16   you spoke of the OIC, we could speak of 2010, back when they canceled a conference of yours —
54:24   they have always canceled my conferences.
54:28   In the headlines they wrote “fake news”, as they say nowadays,
54:32   Eventually the Arab world’s influence is preventing us from hearing your voice.
54:40   Not only the Arab world. Yes. The Christian world too.
54:44   In my opinion, and this is something I examine in my book,
54:49   it’s the continuation of Nazism.
54:52   During Nazism, we have seen this strong cultural, military and political fusion,
55:02   united in the extermination of Jews in all the countries occupied by the Third Reich.
55:09   It dealt with creating a union between Europe,
55:16   entirely under the aegis of Hitler and Nazism, and the Arab-Muslim world.
55:23   It was a partnership, a fusion, and has always existed,
55:29   despite the interruption of the war which was lost by the Nazis, etc…
55:35   But they had really deep ties, created since First World War,
55:41   as the alliance between Wilhelm II’s Germany and the Ottoman Empire shows.
55:49   So it was a historical continuation of this alliance.
55:54   But I am not a geopolitical analyst.
55:57   And I don’t like meddling into politics.
56:01   What has kept me interested in my job is the discovery of a world,
56:07   which was totally ignored, the world of dhimmitude.
56:13   And to me this world of dhimmitude is the Judeo-Christian world, both Jewish and Christian.
56:19   And in that persecution of the Jews by Europe, I detect the same persecution towards Christians.
56:28   I know about all those Christians who strive in African countries, in Muslim countries,
56:37   like the Armenians, nowadays, for example,
56:42   and in Europe, in order to defend their own culture, to defend…
56:47   their own identity, in order to defend their own civilization, their own ethics,
56:52   and who are as persecuted as I am.
56:57   One shouldn’t think of Jews’ plight only.
57:03   I see Christians as my brothers, my brothers in history.
57:08   And if we watch the Arab-Muslim world nowadays,
57:12   we realize that both Jewish communities and Christian communities have disappeared.
57:18   Besides the normal, ordinary citizens,
57:23   even priests, who are supposed to stand for the respect for religions,
57:29   either have disappeared or have been completely Islamized nowadays.
57:35   Because they have been betrayed by their own brethren.
57:40   And that’s what’s very difficult to grasp.
57:44   And that’s why many Christians asked me to bear witness on their behalf.
57:48   Because their voice wouldn’t have been heard.
57:51   They have asked a Jewish person to speak on their behalf.

8 thoughts on “Dhimmitude Comes to Europe

  1. .
    Translation of transcript to Swedish.

    Om jag tar Recep Erdogan som exempel, den faktiska presidenten, ja,
    faktiskt Turkiets nya president, eftersom han just har vunnit valet,
    Vi brukade länge tro att Turkiet kunde bli riktigt sekulärt, i Atatürks kölvatten,
    och att det skulle kunna frigöra sig och på något sätt uppnå upplysningens anda.

    Men under ett och ett halvt decennium har en enda man lyckats omkullkasta allt detta,
    till den grad att till och med den stora katedralen Hagia Sofia har förvandlats till en moské.

    Och till slut täckte de över historien med en slöja,
    inklusive den historia som tillhör det ottomanska och turkiska arvet.
    Och slutligen har den mannen, en anhängare av Muslimska brödraskapet,
    har en tvetydig inställning till Israel,
    och även en tvetydig inställning till det islamiserade judiska samhället.
    Som en följd av detta – och du påpekar det också i dina böcker – produceras
    reaktionerna från lokala judar, som är villiga att göra kompromisser
    – det är vad dhimmitude är, du måste förstå vad dhimmitude är – som är villiga att underkasta sig.

    Ja. Underkastelse är inte vilken underkastelse som helst.
    Det är en villkorlig underkastelse.
    Om man inte underkastar sig sharia,
    som alltid innebär islams erövring, islams seger över den icke-muslimska världen,
    måste ni bli omgjorda. Du måste underkasta dig, annars förlorar du ditt liv.
    Sedan måste du betala en skatt, som kallas lösensumman för ditt huvud, jizya,
    vilket betyder att man löser ut sitt eget liv.

    Det är inte bara vilken underkastelse som helst. Du måste betala en lösensumma varje dag, genom trohetspakter.

    Så du måste känna till detta villkor, dhimmi-villkoret,
    som aldrig har studerats grundligt.

    Jag är ledsen att jag inte låter så ödmjuk,
    men ni måste studera det grundligt som jag gjorde.

    På den tiden kände jag inte till så många analyser som täckte alla aspekter av dhimmis tillstånd.

    Vad jag ville påpeka är att judar har förföljts inom kristenheten.
    Men varför kommer detta problem tillbaka just nu?
    Därför att judar också har förföljts under islam,
    och jag vet inte var förföljelsen har varit värst.

    Det beror på. På vissa platser inom kristenheten gick det till exempel bra,
    som i USA, där de aldrig har förföljts.

    Så vi kan inte generalisera om kristenheten.
    Å andra sidan har de förföljts mycket hårt under islam,
    på vissa platser, vid vissa tidpunkter; mindre på andra platser, vid andra tidpunkter.

    Och även inom kristenheten.

    Till exempel, fanns det tre miljoner judar i Polen innan de utrotades.
    Men i den muslimska världen kunde det aldrig ha funnits tre miljoner judar.

    På grund av dhimmis villkor var det inte tillåtet. Det fanns mycket små samhällen,
    som tolererades under outhärdliga förhållanden.
    Ett annat ord som har fått människor att utestänga dig är “Eurabia”.

    Termen Eurabia handlar om underkastelsen av Europa;
    Jag kommer att använda ett något grovt uttryck.
    Europas underkastelse under denna dhimmitude, som arabvärlden påtvingar dem.

    Även om denna term låter virtuell är den verklig.
    Genom den så kallade strategi som genomförs av det muslimska brödraskapet,
    som är en sorts mjuk makt,
    genom vilken de avser att gå in i länder inte som inkräktare,
    utan genom små hit-and-run-händelser, här och där,
    i syfte att förändra det judisk-kristna klimatet – om vi talar om Frankrike eller andra länder
    för att så småningom göra det mer ghettofierat, först och främst,
    och sedan ta över, i slutändan.
    Eftersom vi ser att vissa sporter redan i dag har böjt sig för deras imperativ.

    Jag vill påpeka att jag inte uppfann ordet Eurabia.
    Det är namnet på flera tidningar som har getts ut av europeiska grupper,
    som skulle kalla sig själva “Eurabia”.

    Så jag döpte en sådan politik till “Eurabia” efter dem,
    den politik som var ett uttryck för det partiet, Eurabia,
    det vill säga den europeiska samordningskommittén för vänskapsföreningar med arabvärlden.

    Så denna kommitté, som fanns i alla EU-länder,
    och som sköttes av regeringarna, handlade om impulser,
    och de skulle träffa företrädare för arabvärlden ,
    över partnerskapet mellan Europeiska kommissionen,
    så därför på en mycket hög politisk nivå inom EU,
    och Arabförbundet, OIC, som är Organisationen för islamiskt samarbete.
    Så allt det arbete som utfördes av denna kommitté Eurabia gjordes på en oerhört viktig nivå,
    som berör både de muslimska ländernas politik,
    eftersom OIC består av 55 muslimska länder, och för EU:s politik.

    Enligt min mening är det detta utskotts arbete som har lett till förändringen av politiken,
    och deras vision bestod i att göra sig av med den judisk-kristna kulturen,
    att få kyrkan att bryta sig loss från judendomen –
    eftersom kyrkan brukade utropa sig till “det nya Israel” – och
    och genom islamisk invandring underlätta mångkulturalism.

    Det finns så många texter som jag citerar i min bok “Eurabia”
    och i min bok “Europa och kalifatets spöke”,
    som främjar denna politik, så jag har inte hittat på dem, vilket är vad jag har anklagats för av många.

    Det finns så många texter som ni kan hitta.
    Eftersom vi måste avsluta, finns det något som åtminstone borde lugna er:

    även om tiden har gått och den exceptionella mannen, David Littman, har lämnat oss,
    så har vi fortfarande dig.

    Vi har dig, och du fortsätter att skriva.
    Du är det levande vittnet till en tid som har upplevt en guldålder
    av den nutida förföljelsen av judar i arabvärlden.
    mot judar och kristna.

    Och idag, trots all den ostracism ni fick utstå – ni talade om
    du talade om OIC, vi skulle kunna tala om 2010, då de ställde in en av dina konferenser –
    har de alltid ställt in mina konferenser.
    I rubrikerna skrev de “falska nyheter”, som de säger nuförtiden,
    I slutändan hindrar arabvärldens inflytande oss från att höra er röst.
    Inte bara arabvärlden. Inte bara arabvärlden.

    Den kristna världen också.
    Enligt min åsikt, och det är något jag undersöker i min bok,
    är det en fortsättning på nazismen.

    Under nazismen såg vi denna starka kulturella, militära och politiska sammansmältning,
    som förenades i utrotningen av judar i alla de länder som ockuperades av Tredje riket.

    Det handlade om att skapa en union mellan Europa,
    helt under Hitlers och nazismens beskydd, och den arabisk-muslimska världen.

    Det var ett partnerskap, en fusion, och har alltid existerat,
    trots avbrottet av kriget som förlorades av nazisterna, etc…

    Men de hade verkligen djupa band, skapade sedan första världskriget,
    vilket alliansen mellan Wilhelm II:s Tyskland och Osmanska riket visar.
    Så det var en historisk fortsättning på denna allians.

    Men jag är ingen geopolitisk analytiker.

    Och jag gillar inte att lägga mig i politik.
    Det som har hållit mig intresserad av mitt jobb är upptäckten av en värld,
    som var helt ignorerad, dhimmitudevärlden.
    Och för mig är denna dhimmitudevärld den judisk-kristna världen, både den judiska och den kristna.

    Och i Europas förföljelse av judarna ser jag samma förföljelse av kristna.
    Jag känner till alla de kristna som kämpar i afrikanska länder, i muslimska länder,
    som armenierna nuförtiden, till exempel,
    och i Europa, för att försvara sin egen kultur, för att försvara…
    sin egen identitet, för att försvara sin egen civilisation, sin egen etik,
    och som är lika förföljda som jag.

    Man bör inte bara tänka på judarnas svåra situation.

    Jag ser kristna som mina bröder, mina bröder i historien.
    Och om vi tittar på den arabisk-muslimska världen nuförtiden,
    inser vi att både judiska och kristna samhällen har försvunnit.
    Förutom de normala, vanliga medborgarna,
    till och med präster, som ska stå för respekt för religioner,
    antingen har försvunnit eller har blivit helt islamiserade nuförtiden.

    Eftersom de har blivit förrådda av sina egna bröder.
    Och det är det som är så svårt att förstå.

    Och det är därför många kristna bad mig att vittna å deras vägnar.
    För deras röst skulle inte ha blivit hörd.

    De har bett en judisk person att tala å deras vägnar.

  2. .
    One way to, if not escape, then at least mitigate the

    effects of Islam’s dhimmitude in urban centres

    in the 2040s, is perhaps to move to the countryside.

    At the risk of offending a lot of people, I would like to take the city by storm, at least today’s city. The big city, I might add. That it should be needed. That people in general do not see what I see. It is surprising. On the other hand, no.

    Considering that people have been more than happy to flock to and in big cities ever since the first one was created. The inevitable filth – both spiritual and physical – has not been a deterrent. Nor has the inevitable end of every great city.

    Sooner or later, cities fall. And on their ruins, new ones are built. It is in our nature, pack animals that we are. And it is true that up to a certain point, the ‘city’ (i.e. a large village where people are alone together) is beneficial to us. But when that limit is crossed, the city only fuels the worst of human behaviour.

    It didn’t surprise me when the words “get out of cities” started appearing on social media. Often linked to news from the American cities where one insanity replaced the other. It is not only Berlin that we can call Babylon, but every major city in the West has elements of the Weimar era degeneration.

    Those who are wise leave the big cities. Now.

    The violent riots around France in recent days should convince those living in Megalopolis that it’s time to leave. You don’t stand a chance when the [excrement impacts the circulation device]. You and your family will be screwed. Imagine this:

    The riots that began earlier in the day in the suburbs a few miles from your quiet street have come closer. A few hours ago, you heard police cars driving by towards the trouble zone. It was as if the column of flashing blue lights never ended. But it finally got quiet. Very quiet. The last time you looked out from your balcony, the fire had started some distance away, just a few kilometres. But no flashing lights, no sirens. On TV you hear about protesters marching against injustice. But everything is under control, says the woman in the studio. You wonder who was in those helicopters that left the city centre and flew over your street 20 minutes ago. Didn’t they come from the government quarters? You go out on the balcony, looking out into the darkness. The fire is even closer now.

    You hear sounds. They are getting closer. Around the corner, up towards your street, some figures appear. They carry oblong “things” in their hands. A shot burns off. The “things” are rifles. More and more and more people come round the corner. You go in. Your wife is curled up on the sofa, your children are in her arms. They are looking at you. You pick up the phone. You dial 112. No one answers.

    This is how it will end for many city dwellers in the future. Others will just be mugged or raped and left in the gutter. You don’t believe me? Look at America’s big cities. How many years into the future before it, like everything else, from the US is here? As I said, look at the riots in Paris.
    Get the hell out of the cities. Or don’t bother. It’s up to each of us. Do what you want. We have our own responsibilities. Some of us also for our children. So what you are not willing to do for your own sake, maybe you should do for theirs.

    God created the land while man created the city. And now “we” will create the city of the future, the 15-minute city. I don’t know which is worse. Babylon Berlin or WEF Stockholm where “no one owns anything but everyone is happy”. This time too, the utopia will be a nightmare. It will again be the Tower of Babel when pride takes precedence over fall.

    Get the hell out of the cities.

    On the fringes of the great empires, people lived simply, and hardly realised when ‘their’ empire fell. I know that I’m embellishing. But I also know that in the French countryside there was peace and quiet. In short, the fewer non-Europeans in the area, the calmer and safer it has been.

    If we then add the national aspect – i.e. that the countryside we have in mind is filled with national men and women and children – then the security and defence capability increases exponentially.

    The future belongs to the countryside and small towns. I am convinced of that. If you don’t want to hear it, I don’t mind. I wish you well, brother, and I hope I’m wrong in my prophecies.


  3. One of these days, we need to get an authoritative, incontrovertible, proven number of Jews that actually lived under the times of worst persecution. In sources I’ve seen the total count of Jews in Europe around 1930 was reported as 5.5 million, which included 3.9 million in the Soviet Union. This makes a number of 3 million in Poland alone impossible. Census counts in Germany reported just over a half million in 1930, and ca. 130,000 in 1938. It seems unlikely that there was motivation to underreport them at these times. Even under the greatest expansion of German occupations during WWII, it seems impossible to find the ominous number of 6 million that were mandated by law to believe to have been murdered. To note, I don’t believe anything, neither the officially enforced version nor any of the whitewashing attempts floating in the underground. Some really bad things have happened. The crux is that proper research and proof is prohibited to this day. Until this changes, nobody tells me anything about what our ancestors did or did not do.

    • I’m no expert, but I believe one of the (typically German?) charactertisics of the Nazi regime was keeping accurate records?

      • Yes, and just a look into Wikipedia is enough to show that something is amiss:
        https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volksz%C3%A4hlung_im_Deutschen_Reich_1939#Angaben_zu_Juden (the page has no english version)

        One could say that the Wiki is easily manipulated, but a) anyone could double check the sources, and b) wouldn’t it be more likely that numbers got inflated if that happened, and how would they think to get away with it while sources are still available. And with all this being so easy to find, there is still the law that says the official version is “obvious” (“offenkundig”) and uttering any doubt is prosecuted as holocaust denial. This is a deep, deep rabbit hole…

        • It is indeed. I recently read a review of a new book by a Hungarian (sorry, I don’t have the details) based on his researches into his family history.

          In (I think) early 1945, there was a gathering of his aristocratic ancestors and Nazi officers at the ancestral home; after a social gathering, they all went out and shot 150 Jewish labourers. I doubt whether these killings are in the official statistics. The author’s curiosity was aroused by the mound over the graves; I suspect this was not a unique incident.

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