Unintended Consequences

In addition to an update on Sderot, MC’s latest essay discusses the sequelae of late-stage socialism.

Socialism always involves spending more money (usually other people’s) than the socialist entity can afford, which in turn increases poverty, and, in many cases results in a goodly proportion of the economy being driven by debt and slavery, and the need to eliminate those ‘useless eaters’.

As the Nazis (National Socialists) swept through Poland, they arrested young (mainly Catholic) men and herded them into (slave) Labour Camps, with many ending up in the notorious Auschwitz labour camp.

We are taught about Auschwitz in its later role as a death camp, but before it was a death camp (1944) with massive extermination facilities, it was a huge labour camp where young men and PoWs were put to hard and cruel work. Many had to work alongside the Jewish inmates in housed in the notorious Birkenau camps and were exposed to the same radiation and toxic substances such as mercury and cadmium. There was no ‘health and safety’ for Polish slave labour.

Conditions in these camps were primitive, food was scarce, and many did not survive. Nearly as many Poles and Slavs generally died in the camps as did Jews, Gypsies and Christians (Jehovah’s Witnesses and Evangelicals).

Socialism is expensive, and the Nazis needed to rob Piotr to pay Paulus.

The unintended consequence of Nazism was eventually total and utter defeat as the Anglophone and Communist world turned on Nazi Germany and its vile excesses. Germany needed the slaves and the treasuries of Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland to pay for the ‘welfare’ of the ‘master race’

Is this a familiar picture?

Wokism is Nazism with colour, and although many of the people of Israel are ‘non-white’ they are still Jooz, and thus honorary ‘white supremacists’.

Someone out there is bankrolling ‘Wokism’, bribing people of influence to ignore the rape and murder, the baking of babies and the kidnapping of children. I assume that the usual rent-a-mob has been well-rewarded for their efforts across the civilized world.

Staff sergeant Abraham Wovagen fell in battle in Gaza

Of course, Wokism, is like any other socialist venture, and is a total anachronism. Under Wokism, the white liberal establishment, ‘the deep state’, keep their jobs and their power and their patronistic mentality whilst paying lip service to skin colour prejudice. Jim Crow is back in the form of D’avon Pidgeon. This time Jews or people with white skins are the victims. It is thus acceptable to our elites, even while it is still deeply racist. But in a world that has adopted secular humanism as its main belief system, there are no depths to which a progressive liberal will not sink in order to get their ‘moment in the sun’.

The New York Governor Kathy Hochul thought she had a ‘gotcha’ moment when a dubious and victimless ‘fraud’ case against President Trump brought about an egregious fine. But now the Governor has to try and stem the flood of money out of New York City, real estate, banking and other finance business interests are fleeing the state, in her rush to put one over on the Donald, she and her cronies crossed a line. She blasphemed the rule of law and made President Trump a special case where opinion and emotion were substituted for the required blindness of Justice. There is no justice in a banana republic, only whimsy. The woke New York governor now seems to be panicking because she has destroyed vital business confidence — “Who next?”, one must think. Who next might become a ‘special case’? Is it still safe to trade with New York City-based businesses? Is the state going to use lawfare to solve its deep, deep deficit problems?

Hochul forgot decency in her zeal to be the first get a Trump conviction. There are always unintended consequences when the ends justify the means. I also suspect that she has, by her actions, put the Donald in the White House for the next four years. Overzealous Democrats have only one option left.

I just hope that President Trump has good security (and avoids Arkansas or Dallas).

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The schools in Sderot reopen next week, but there are still few children around. Yesterday we took a tabletop to one of the new schools which only opened in September, but has been used by the army for the last three months.

Volvo 740s Station wagons have always been the car of choice for those, like antique dealers, who move furniture around. Mine is a 1986 model which we bought in 2009. It is battered — cars have a hard life in Israel — but it passes its road test every year…

As I watch the news, I see more and more anti-Israel propaganda, It makes me wonder where the money is coming from. I assume from somewhere in the Gulf, but I may be wrong.

Israel has to be very careful with the idea of a ‘Palestinian’ state. Gaza was handed over to the Palestinian Authority at the behest of the USA and EU in 2006, and once more we are watching the unintended consequences. It is incredibly naïve to think that a state full of people brainwashed into Jew-hatred can live peacefully alongside a Jewish state. We tried that, but the T-shirt did not change its spots.

The PA is supposed to rule in Judea and Samaria under the Oslo Accords, but their hold is tenuous. If there were new elections, Hamas would win.

To repeat the Gaza exercise would be tantamount to insanity, but then Dr. Jill is desperate to get Michigan for sleepy Joe.

So where would that leave us here in Sderot? Waiting for the next invasion, I guess?

As the sordid details emerge, it would appear that the prison in Ashkelon was the main target. The liberating of a thousand terrorists would have been a shock.

God watched over us. The Pali fighters seem to have had difficulty following plans and obeying orders, and would rather join the looters… Israel might have been cut in half and the whole of the South occupied.

MC lives in the southern Israeli city of Sderot. For his previous essays, see the MC Archives.

18 thoughts on “Unintended Consequences

  1. “Hochul forgot decency in her zeal to be the first get a Trump conviction. There are always unintended consequences when the ends justify the means. I also suspect that SHE HAS…PUT THE DONALD IN THE WHITE HOUSE FOR THE NEXT FOUR YEARS.”

    I don’t share your confidence, but I hope you’re right.

    “Overzealous Democrats have only one option left.”

    The ‘toddlers’ve only ever had one option: GET “orange Hitler”.

  2. It seems to me that the possibility of civil wars are becoming more and more likely as wokeism (neo Marxism) spreads like wildfire in the nations of the western world. The goal of the Marxists has always been to tear down the societies where this poison is present and they are very successful.

    The populace in America is well armed, and so are the populace in a lot of other countries, even though they have to deal with draconian gun ownership laws. But at the end of the day, I think the military, in the majority of the cases will side with the people when push comes to shove, or at least large sections of the military.

    These are interesting times we are witnessing and I think everybody can intuit that something is about to happen. It’s like sitting on a powder keg with a very short fuse. What we do not know however is how it’s all going to end.

    I live in a regional town where life is still like it used to be in Europe forty or fifty years ago. Less than a handful of visible minorities, hardly any Muslims and relatively little crime (except for drugs). When the [excrement impacts the circulation device], this place will be relatively safe. The bigger cities are a different story altogether.

    My advice would be as follows;

    For anyone who has the choice and means to do so, relocate to a smaller area and prepare. Because trouble is just around the corner. And when it comes, you want to have the odds on your side.

    • “The populace in America is well armed, and so are the populace in a lot of other countries, even though they have to deal with draconian gun ownership laws.”

      In my experience, “well armed” and “draconian gun ownership laws” rarely go together.
      That said, Obamerica (hitherto America) does have a Second Amendment, which “GUARANTEES” “The right of The People to keep and bear arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED”, but that [constitutionally] GUARANTEED CIVIL RIGHT has been actively and progressively INFRINGED upon since 1934. It’s author’s intent was to GUARANTEE that The People would kitted-out and well-regulated (i.e., trained to competency) with equivalent (or better!) arms as the average professional infantryman might carry and use against them. With exceptions, relatively few Americans today have access or possess these weapons, which puts them at a disadvantage.

      “But at the end of the day, I think the military, in the majority of the cases will side with the people when push comes to shove, or at least large sections of the military.”

      Sure about that??
      With respect…I don’t know what country you live in, but the military of the country I live in is today “commanded” by commie-toddlers who’ve been actively chucking out its traditional warrior classes (mostly southern, white men) and replacing them with girls (and their genetically-male counterparts), ILLEGALS, transvestites, commie-toddlers and other “safe space” coming-outta-the-closet cases who hold no allegiance to either Obamerica or the [American] Constitution (“made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” —J. Adams).

      “I swear, if Imperial Japan attacked Pearl Harbor today, half the country would immediately and happily surrender.” —posted to fb (Mar 2020)

      Just fyi..

    • “For anyone who has the choice and means to do so, relocate to a smaller area and prepare. Because trouble is just around the corner. And when it comes, you want to have the odds on your side.”


    • I disagree with you.
      The military is purged of normal people. Just look at the information from the secretary of defense who stood the US Army down to fight right wing extremism (read normal white people) which is the enemy . (Was about one or two years ago).
      So, the military will side with the regime.

      On the other hand:
      It will be fun to see how the Trans-LGBT Brigade (a guy named Big Country Expat with his own blog describes the new military with an expression I think the Baron will not allow here) will square off against a real army.
      I think the other army (read Russian or Chinese) just need to address them with the wrong pronouns and they either cry or try to attack. But as the other side is really trained for bloodshed after the first return attack, breaking the nose of a member of the Trans-LGBT Brigade they will fold, because they were protected and never were punched in the face or felt pain.

      And to guns:
      Guns and ammo are useless without WILLPOWER.
      The Willpower to use them.
      And that is lacking in all of Europe and the USA.
      Part is that we are under 24h surveillance because of cameras and smartphones and we are atomized.
      Just one evil look of a state employee and the accusation “RACIST!” and all will fold and tell the state everything.

      Yes, I think the government could hand out 16 inch naval guns, F-15 fighters, nukes etc, because they can be absolutely sure, we would never dare to use them.

  3. MC: JoeBama and his flying monkeys are talking as if a “Palestinian state” already exists (paperwork to follow). Part of the JoeBama junta’s typically leftist approach is to make everything and everybody standing in the way suddenly “illegal,” and a threat to peace and security. Thus, today’s announcement by flying monkey Blinken that the “settlements” are “inconsistent with international law.” All that’s left is to declare every Jew in Judea and Samaria an international criminal, freeze their bank accounts (Bank Leumi is waiting for the call), and seize their passports (which leftist-run Israeli agency would handle that?) I’m sure JoeBama’s junta cand find a judge, somewhere, to issue a ruling and make it so.

  4. MC:

    Always good to hear from you and know you are safe. Have you got a gun yet? Fill in the forms and get armed, you know it makes sense.

    Good luck to you and all the boys fighting the terrorists in Gaza.

    • Just take what you want from your dead enemy, paperwork and following laws that are immoral, especially for self defense are no laws any longer.

      • G:

        I agree that MC and his fellow residents need to obtain arms as a matter of urgency, making them if necessary. However, if a legal way of obtaining arms is open to them, they should take it. The imperative is to be armed.

          • Yes, I think we agree. But if a legal route is open, it may as well be taken. It is immoral to deny a free people access to arms.

  5. The source of funding is $Billions from the US Treasury under Fake #ActingPresident Barack Hussein Obama.

    Obama funds Iran. $60 billion alone just since his Pedophile Puppet was installed.


    He also funds the Houthis.



    Hamas. He funded the rape, murder, kidnapping and torture.

    The PLA.


    The Muslim Brotherhood.

    al Qaeda.

    The Taliban.

    ALL of them.

    Every Terror Cell on the planet is on Obama’s payroll. But he will face Justice, praise God!

    Nahum 1:

    9 What are you thinking of, Nineveh, to defy the Lord? He will stop you with one blow; he won’t need to strike again. 10 He tosses his enemies into the fire like a tangled mass of thorns. They burst into flames like straw. 11 Who is this king of yours who dares to plot against the Lord? 12 But the Lord is not afraid of him! “Though he build his army millions strong,” the Lord declares, “it will vanish.

    “O my people, I have punished you enough! 13 Now I will break your chains and release you from the yoke of slavery to this Assyrian king.” 14 And to the king he says, “I have ordered an end to your dynasty; your sons will never sit upon your throne. And I will destroy your gods and temples, and I will bury you! For how you stink with sin!”

    15 See, the messengers come running down the mountains with glad news: “The invaders have been wiped out and we are safe!” O Judah, proclaim a day of thanksgiving and worship only the Lord, as you have vowed. For this enemy from Nineveh will never come again. He is cut off forever; he will never be seen again.


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