The Last Warning

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Résistance Républicaine (re-posted from Le Dialogue):

Riots in France: It’s the last warning

by Christine Tasin
July 23, 2023

Below is a new contribution from Driss Ghali, whom we regularly re-post in our columns. Born in Morocco to Muslim parents, he regularly denounces Western naïveté about Islam, whether on the part of the Americans or the French.

Driss Ghali,

The urban riots following the death of the young Nahel probably constitute the last warning before the rupture of civil peace in France. A rupture that can take the form of civil war or an outright and clear separation between the territories in the hands of France and others under the influence of communities of foreign origin.

Police stations and Gendarme barracks attacked, city halls set on fire, the particular residence of a mayor attacked in the middle of the night, so many insurrectionist acts, for which only a leader, an organization, and a manifesto are missing.

The thugs who terrorized France for a week have neither leader nor organization. But they have a claim, in the absence of a manifest on glossy paper: They cry their hatred for France. They attack its symbols with a relentlessness that underlines their primary motivation: To say to France that they are not French and they will never become French.

If there is a single lesson to be learned from the traumatic episode that just happened, it is that assimilation has not worked. The overturned vehicles and the broken windows cry out the absolute failure of a “Republican dream”, which consisted of making millions of Arabs and Africans into French in one or two generations. As if by “spontaneous generation”.

This failure is a narcissistic wound for France on two levels. She is no longer seductive, or seductive enough, to convert foreigners to her civilization. She is no longer able to understand human nature because she has seen in immigrants bodies and not souls. The bodies may be subjected to work or even seduced by social benefits, but the soul, she doesn’t want to hear about symbols and spirituality. France today is unfortunately a land devastated on the symbolic and spiritual level: the factories of symbols that were the churches are deserted, and nobody believes in anything anymore.

In addition, the soul of the immigrants, even those living in France for 40 years, is moving away from France. It is seeking its nourishment somewhere else, and this somewhere else is often the Maghreb, in Africa, and a little bit in the US. Thus, it is sufficient to open your eyes when you traverse Paris to see it, the number of immigrants and children of immigrants who take refuge in Islamic clothes, at the same time, mixed with Nike tennis shoes and Airpods that promote Beyonce. Islam and America, two powerful rejections of French civilization.

Has the political class understood the message?

The recent declarations by members of the government and by the president himself indicate not. The opposition from the so-called patriotic right questions immigration and judicial laxness. The extreme left opposition still evokes poverty and inequality.

Of course, we must stop mass immigration. Of course, we must take strong measures against the thugs. But that will not suffice. We must prepare to live with a population that does not want and cannot assimilate. The Republic is broken; it has on each side two peoples: the French people and the immigrant people. Within the French people, we find a number of assimilated immigrants. But within the foreign people, we also find some native-born French assimilated to this or that diaspora.

No one wants to admit it, but we do not govern two different peoples as we govern a sole and unique homogenous people, sure of its total possession of its territory.

An empire is different from a republic.

A new political era begins as the new France emerges.

Sooner or later, the principle of equality will snap because it is impossible to decree that a foreigner is equal to a French citizen. But France accepts hundreds of thousands of foreigners, their customs, their values, and French passports.

It is essential that the French people maintain supremacy, and that demands a total re-do of the social pact.

A number of painful changes will be necessary. They will end up by liquidating the Republic as it was forged in 1789.

It is well-understood that the political class will not budge. The changes will take place under the effect of urgency and catastrophe.

Le Dialogue

22 thoughts on “The Last Warning

  1. That the politicl class has no clue whatsoever of what really is going on, because of them living in a seperate ivory towered Universe, is a problem all over the world.
    Although, in the West, there’s not only Power and Greed the sole driving force behind this, it’s utter ideological retardation through the academented educational system.

    I live in South Africa for the last 27 years now, and in Africa for 34, and what I’ve seen during that time is that Africans are utterly tribal and will support any dictator ass long as he is from their tribe and supresses the other tribes.

    For instance, when I was living in Togo, the ruler was/is Kabye, and the members of the Police and Army were Kabye.
    And I seriously doubt, since Gnassingbé Eyadéma died and his son Faure took over, things have fundamentaly changed.
    Then I lived in Rwanda, until the genocide against the Tutsi by the Hutus (backed by the UN Bureaucrats in my opinion from what I saw first hand).
    Now I live in South Africa, with the utterly corrupt ANC ruling for almost 30 years now – on behalf of their Globalist Masters -, and in that time the only thing they managed, was to destroy the educational system, the Health System, Infrastructure, Economy and Business.
    What they created instead was, for themselves and their pals untold riches, utter poverty for the masses and rampant crime.
    Why they stay in Power some might ask, especially with so many different people and tribes?
    Quite simple it’s a form of Tribalism all over again.
    No matter how bad living gets for the poor and uneducated blacks, and no matter how the over-fed and mostly OBESE ANC-flunkies flash their riches in front of them, they will vote for them, because the ANC still uses Apartheid as their calling card, and it doesn’t matter that many of the old ones, that lived under Apartheid – and are slowly dying out -, say that their Lives under that regime was much better, since they were SAFE, had work, a roof over their heads and food on the table.
    The younger generations, that never even experienced Apartheid, just get the narrative drummed into them, don’t listen to the elderly, they listen to those that lay the blame for their failures at the minorities doorsteps, mostly Whites and Indians.
    No ethnic minority will ever take over South Africa under the current system and mindset.

    • The political elites KNOW.
      They import those “enrichers” to bait us to do something stupid, so they can arrest or kill us.

      Looking back I think that “integration” was never meant to succeed.
      Divide et impera – Divide and rule.
      Thats what they did.
      We original Europeans hate the “enrichers” and some of us act against them. But in reality we should act against the TRUE enemies – our politicians.
      Because if they were loyal, our army wiould have orders to shoot any “enricher”.

      • It was always about destroying the nation states.

        If Europeans read the Bible, they would know how “integrating foreigners” went, even as far back as 2700 years ago.

        “The Republic” by Plato speaks about this as well. Socrates said that it is inevitable in a democracy, that criminals, foreigners, women and children will end up in positions of power, simply by the virtue of craving it, democracy will let them have it…

      • “The political elites KNOW.
        They import those “enrichers” to bait us to do something stupid, so they can arrest or kill us.”

        I disagree. I believe these commie-toddler sophisticates BELIEVE they’re just putting Lennon’s “Imagine” into practice. Trouble is that Lennon was “just having fun with words….You take words and you stick ’em together and see if they have any meaning…some of them do, some of them don’t.” Of course, ‘toddlers’re too ideologically-BENT to get the joke.

        “Imagine there’s no countries
        It isn’t hard to do
        Nothing to kill or die for
        And no religion, too
        Imagine all the people
        Livin’ life in peace
        You may say I’m a dreamer
        But I’m not the only one
        I hope someday you’ll join us
        And the world will be as one
        Imagine no possessions
        I wonder if you can
        No need for greed or hunger
        A brotherhood of man
        Imagine all the people
        Sharing all the world
        You may say I’m a dreamer
        But I’m not the only one
        I hope someday you’ll join us
        And the world will live as one” —John Lennon, “Imagine” (excerpt)

    • Hellequin I wonder if it’s some kind of Stockholm Syndrome, what you are describing – worshipping your own captors etc… I guess it’s kind of common in human psychology, this weird twisting of logic people chose to worship and serve the people who treat them like “excrement”

    • @ Hellequin

      Re: “That the political class has no clue whatsoever of what really is going on, because of them living in a separate ivory towered Universe, is a problem all over the world.”

      That effect does come into play: Few of the monied European elites live with all of the “wonderful diversity” they have had such a large part in creating. Many of them live behind walls, armed guards, and security cameras… and well away from the immigrant ghettos and slums. This distance allows them to play the mental games of denial, to pretend that things aren’t as bad as the common people claim – or for that matter, that there is any problem at all.

      But the other side of the issue applies with full force as well: Many of those same so-called “elites” know full-well the destruction, chaos and violence their policies have caused, and yet they continue to demand that more “migrants” and “refugees” be admitted to their countries.

      The usual litany of excuses, rationalizations and so forth is by now predictable.

      Following the latest outrage by the soldiers of Allah, the official in question will say that he does not possess the authority to change immigration policy, or that the political will isn’t there to change it, or that there is insufficient funding allocated to solve the problem, or that he lacks the manpower to do anything to stop the destruction, and so on.

      It will be implied that incompetency at the highest levels is responsible. Usually accompanied by shrug of the shoulders and a resigned expression on the face of the person speaking, saying “It’s too bad but I have my orders…” or “This is official policy” or something along those lines.

      These explanations seemed credible for a while, but at some point the thoughtful observer is forced to conclude that they no longer suffice to explain events which keep occurring over and over again. As the late Ian Flemming, noted novelist and former naval intelligence officer once said, “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, and three times is enemy action…”

      In a nutshell, then, one is forced to conclude on the basis of the evidence that many of these officials and leaders are active participants in the greatest betrayal of modern times, and arguably the worst such act in the long history of European civilization.

      “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.” ~ Marcus Cicero

  2. Absolutely true.

    France was built on a Christian foundation, she had a Catholic soul. For three hundred years anti-Christian philosophers, revolutionary thugs, politicians, bohemians, etc. have fought against Christian faith, family, morality and culture. They tried to build a new France based on a godless individualist ideology.

    They have won – France is no longer Christian. But this is a Pyrrhic victory. Secular culture and morality cannot provide enough meaning. The quasi-religious worship of democracy and human rights is not firm enough to serve as a basis for a viable society. In a conflict with a living vigorous tradition, however primitive and barbaric, this materialistic quasi-religion will inevitably lose.

    It is very simple. For a materialist ideology the ideal is material well being, a happy life on earth. By its very nature such worldly approach to life makes people self-centered, individualistic and firmly attached to the pleasures of this world. Is a self-centered individualist for whom the greatest value is his own comfort capable of self-sacrifice?

    No, such a person will not die, for example, to prevent islamization of his country. He would rather convert to Islam and try to find a comfortable niche for himself in Islamic society. This has been very well described by Michelle Houellebecq in his brilliant novel Soumission (Submission).

    Whether we like it or not, a viable Europe is a Christian Europe. And I am not talking about the sweet liberal Christianity without Christ preached by the modern Church of England or the official Lutheran Churches or the progressive Catholicism of Pope Francis. No, only authentic, virile, courageous Christianity which is not afraid of pain and physical death, the Christianity of holy martyrs and warriors, of chaste maidens and selfless mothers can give Europe a reason to survive, only such Christianity can win a victory over Islam.

    But can such Christianity return to modern Europe? It would be nothing short of a miracle.

    For the time being, Europe seems to have not a chance in hell in the face of the ongoing Islamic conquest.

    • I”m not at all convinced Europeans behaved better when most of them were believers; the Middle Ages were especially brutal and violent.

      Also, while not a believer myself, I certainly have a moral code to live by; somef it derived from the Judeo-Christian tradition, some not.

      • Well we kept these bloody 3rd worlders out of Europe, so you definition of brutal is up for debate.

  3. Unfortunately, the riots in France resembled our George Floyd riots here in America, and so all the elites saw no difference between them. The riots in France, for its participants, were just another step along the way to shari’a being imposed. If you are a female in France, this should be very frightening, and the feminists should be sounding warnings about it, but as far as I know, they are silent.

    • You are wrong
      Floyd disorder was started by blacks that have no ideology no intelligence of a higher world or. Believe
      They are just a bunch of monkeys manipulated by a wef traitor
      In France this is profound and inexorable
      The moneys in usa had some time on air but that is is
      Muslims in Europe are a hydra with multiple heads
      No comparison

  4. The so called elites have no clue as what is to befall them and their wretched families, they actually think that let the orcs loose to do whatever the hell they want will let the orcs get it out of their systems, Thus saving the elite from harm, but what they don’t realize is, the orcs are pushing to see how far they can go before the authorities act. The authorities seem to let them get away with more each time they riot. The people will act out in desperation to keep their families and businesses safe and then the death squads will come out to preemptively strike the orcs to keep them off balance. Then the possibility of strikes against elites will grow.

  5. France was booted out of Indochina and then, Algeria. Next, the French will be booted out of France, at least, in a cultural sense.

  6. I suppose its been a decade I’ve been saying- get the nukes out of Europe or they will be used against us.

    • America has become so degenerate that it would be a blessing in disguise for rural America were those nukes used against the cities.

  7. @ G

    The great Dr. Thomas Sowell once stated that “history is a vast early warning system,” and as usual, he was quite correct. The long record of human history and civilization records many “fourth turnings,” paradigm-shifts which occur and reoccur on a cyclic basis throughout the years. History also records the unfortunate ends which sometimes befall rulers and elites who abuse their respective peoples.

    Marie Antoinette, whose husband Louis XVI was king of France at the time, is alleged to have said “Let them eat cake!” when informed of the privation and suffering of her people. And we all know what happened to them. And in modern times, the long-suffering Romanians finally could stand the abuse and hardships inflicted upon them by communist dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu, and overthrew the regime in 1989. He and his wife Elena came to an unfortunate and untimely end during that upheaval.

    No one – least of all your humble correspondent – wants to see needless violence or bloodshed take place. None of these outcomes were in any way inevitable or preordained; they could have been avoided if only those in power had showed some small degree of mercy and compassion for their people. If only those in power had not tightened the screws quite so forcefully.

    And this is no less true of the European ruling class. It is not too late to reverse course and stop the chaos, destruction and violence. True, the hour is very late, but if those leaders were determined to do so, there is still time to save what remains of European civilization.

    But in order to do so, they must experience a profound change of heart and mind and back that up with action. The fires must be put out, the violence must stop, and the invaders must be expelled. And then the damage must be rebuilt and the wounds healed. In short, they must learn to follow the “better angels” of their natures, and not the worst, as they have been doing so far. Whether that happens or not is entirely up to them.

    • Georgia, I am afraid it is to late to avoid the massive violence and bloodshed that is coming, to save what we had has come and gone. There is going to be a massive Purge of ethnic and religious violence that is going to make the Crusades, the Balkans and other places that tried this diversity insanity pale in comparison in scope and scale. It is now inevitable. Even in America with the blacks demanding we pay them for existing is going to come to a head, especially with our borders open to the dregs of the 3rd world.

  8. @G

    To coin a phrase, be careful what you wish for.

    I hope you are wrong, but as a historian, I know that you may be correct. Still, no one can see the future, and nothing is preordained. I have my pessimistic moments as well, believe me, but I also have hopeful ones. Humanity doesn’t have to blow itself to bits; cooler heads can win the day. A little more than sixty years ago, the USSR and the USA found it within themselves to pull back from the brink of nuclear armageddon.

    Right now, it may look like the inmates are running the asylum in parts of Europe and the U.S. and around the West, but there are still level-headed and sane people around, plenty of them, and perhaps they will find a way to prevent what is coming. It has happened before. Indeed, the very name of this fine website makes reference to one such event.

    When in September 1683, the Siege of Vienna looked like it was finally about to crush the last resistance inside the embattled city, and see the Ottoman attackers take their prize, the winged hussars of Polish King Jan III Sobieski showed up to save the day. Though badly-outnumbered, the Christian armies rallied the resistance and beat back the Islamic raiders so thoroughly that they fled back from whence they came. For his failure, Pasha Kara Mustafa – the commander of the invading force – was beheaded by the order of Mehmed IV, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire.

    Hope, as they say, makes a good breakfast, but a poor dinner… but sometimes it is all that we have.

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