So Here There Be Dragons! (Part IV)

The essay below is the fifth in a series by our English correspondent Seneca III. Previously: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.

So Here There Be Dragons!

by Seneca III

Part IV — Lacunae

This part of the series is a short list, with commentary, of some factors contributing to the moral, cultural and political dilemmas we face today, i.e. those either not covered in the preceding parts in detail, not at all or at best only alluded to. A Summaries and an Afterword follow in Parts VA and VB.

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”
— William Pitt the Younger — Speech in the House of Commons (18 November, 1783).

“The tyrant’s plea, / excus’d his devilish deeds”
— John Milton — Paradise Lost, Book iv, line 393.

1. Language — its function and evolution

Language uniquely separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. It enables us to organise and cooperate in complicated ways, to clearly communicate ideas (even abstract ones), emotions, intentions, and much else. It is not a sessile but a motile, dynamic construct constantly being expanded by the introduction of neologisms and also contracted through words and definitions, ‘archaisms’, falling into disuse. Language allows and inspires us to jointly explore and mutually contemplate ourselves and the world and universe around us in a variety of ways practical, philosophical and metaphysical. In competent, successful speaking or writing, language and thought are contiguous, and the words chosen offer us an immediate presentation of some aspect of reality.

Yet, we simply don’t know how language originated. We do know that the ability to produce sound and simple vocal patterning (a hum versus a grunt, for example) appears to be in an ancient part of the brain that we share with all vertebrates, including fish, frogs, birds and other mammals. But that isn’t human language. It is suspected that some type of spoken language must have developed between 100,000 and 50,000 years ago, well before written language (about 5,000 years ago). Yet, among the traces of earlier periods of life on Earth, we never find any direct evidence or artefacts relating to the speech of our distant ancestors. Perhaps because of this absence of direct physical evidence, there has been no shortage of speculation about the origins of human speech. An understanding of how and why human languages developed is a rich field. Darwin was of the opinion that:

“Music, rhythms, frogs, birds, the nightly howling of canis simensis across the Ethiopian high plateau, the song of whales, communicate in ways limited to their immediate environment, establish but limited or for mating purposes, not that our ways in that circumstances are worthy or would stand well under scrutiny.”

2. The use and abuse of tone poetry and figurative language

Languages come in many variants and from different roots yet most are composed of nouns, verbs adjectives, etc. expressed through vowels and consonants. One exception is the ‘click languages’ of Africa, a group of languages in which clicks function as normal consonants. The sole example of a language using clicks outside of Africa is that of ‘Damin’, a ritual vocabulary of the Lardil tribe of northern Queensland, Australia.

In written language punctuation primarily serves to create sense, clarity and stress in sentences, to indicate pauses in the flow and to emphasise or explain certain ideas or thoughts through words, facts and phrases that are presented in the text, thus structuring and organising the written word. If punctuation is missing, as in the [paragraph] below, and as it is in many legal documents, or in what passes for modern journalism, then the use of emphasis, obfuscation, opinions, conflation, relevance and disambiguation can lead to different or preferential interpretations thus, permitting a situation where to precisely define what is true and what is not is difficult or near impossible.

[In written language punctuation primarily serves to create sense clarity and stress in sentences to indicate pauses in the flow and to emphasise or explain certain ideas or thoughts through words facts and phrases that are presented in the text thus structuring and organising the written word If punctuation is missing as in the paragraph below and as it is in many legal documents or in what passes for modern journalism then the use of emphasis obfuscation opinions conflation relevance and disambiguation can lead to different or preferential interpretations thus permitting a situation where to precisely define what is true and what is not is difficult or near impossible.]

However, oratory and rhetoric, which are essentially verbal streams of consciousness used to educate, motivate, deceive or misinform are slightly different, whereby emphasis or the lack of it, pauses, tautologies, gesticulations and responses to audience responses can and often do project and affirm falsehoods favouring the position supported or being proposed by the orator. Skilful lawyers can and do utilise such techniques during the course of a trial and when making closing statements to juries; politicians, particularly on the hustings when trying to con the electorate, do the same, which is why so many of them manage to slither into Parliament in the first place. Media audio-visual presenters do this as well, and they are pretty good at it. Instead of actually addressing the argument itself they focus on a rhetorical flourish that you may consider overly dramatic, inappropriate or irrelevant then, if you question this, they imply that your emotional response invalidates your case. That is tone poetry.

Figurative language refers to the use of words in a way that deviates from the conventional order and meaning insomuch as to convey a complicated meaning. In essence, it uses an ordinary sentence to refer to something without directly stating it.

The reason most of our politicians sound the same is because they are all reading from the same script. Structurally, the politicization of language revolves around describing things in the most persuasive way possible instead of accurately depicting the underlying issue(s) and revealing the facts that do or don’t support the matter at hand. The manner in which the false justifications for ‘Hate Crime’ legislation are being used as a cover for censorship is an excellent example thereof. It’s a way of closing down dialogue they disagree with or which exposes their real motivations and objectives. Instead of actually addressing the argument itself, they trick you into focusing on a rhetorical flourish you consider to be overly dramatic, or a word you find preposterous, and use that to publicly excoriate you.

Hence, where human social intercourse and discourse are discouraged, limited or forbidden by law then the scope and depth of how language can be used is also limited — ergo, the enforced silence of the mask-muzzled and the locked-down is, by design, a vital part of the grand global social re-engineering project, because ill-informed or misinformed and often deliberately isolated drones are easily controlled and can be manipulated in any way and for any purpose their controllers wish.

This is the way of the Great Reset, and why the bastardisation, perversion and pornogrification of our education systems is replacing the intellectually independent systems which preceded them. As a result thereof, a significant percentile of the current generation now in education are mostly bereft of critical thinking skills and the use of logic; nor do they have immediately to hand the means to articulate them clearly should they develop them at a later stage. Their minds have been neutered by the weight of layers of carefully designed contradictions and ‘new thinking’, starting at primary school and moving upwards stage by stage to and through university. Perhaps only in the hardest of the science subjects has such indoctrination met resistance, but even there ‘newthink’ is beginning to eat away at observed reality.

3. Queer Theory and Transgenderism

Queer Theory

It was the 1960s that gave us the neo-Marxist concept of ‘Mea Culpa’, and with it the assertion that sexual acts and identities are social constructs rather than an extension of our innate reproductive instincts. The principal thrust of ‘queer theory’ is that what people deem ‘decent’, ‘normal’ and ‘moral’ is a regressive social construct. I have even heard it said that heterosexuality is a ‘minority preference’.

A couple of weeks ago my local NHS Trust put out a tweet that referred to women as ‘people with vaginas’. Yes, ladies, the NHS does not want to refer to you as ‘women’ because an inconsequential number of mentally ill ‘transgenders’ vocally object.

What is going on here is an attempt to destroy a culture by normalising and encouraging deviant sex, particularly amongst teenagers. These proselytizers of queer theory (teachers, the NHS and others) are actually promoting anal sex as a lifestyle choice for teenagers whilst promoting themselves as visionaries who are building a better, freer future, when in fact they are destroying the future of a whole generation. In any rational society they would be forced into silence and barred forevermore from influencing children in any way, shape or form.

As an aside, the following lesson in moral and political cynicism in Brussels, the capitol of the EU, takes some beating![1] A gay bar, rather carelessly located in the same street that was functioning as a large police car park, was holding a raucous naked orgy when, to their surprise, the police burst in and arrested the lot of them (sans erections as they marched them up to the lockup, I hope).

What is interesting here is at least one was an EU politician (MEP) and others diplomats and parliamentary functionaries, all of whom have diplomatic immunity from being publicly named. Karma being what it is, it has eventuated that the name of the MEP has been revealed as he resigned from his position before the incident was reported by the press. Apparently he attempted to flee through a window, only to injure himself and give up.

Even more fascinating is the fact that he is the Hungarian MEP József Szájer, who recently helped re-write the Hungarian constitution to include “Hungary shall protect the institution of marriage as the union of a man and a woman”… I would place this one in the ‘You couldn’t make this [expletive] up’ category.


There are two types of transgenderism. First are those who are naturally so resultant from an unfortunate genetic accident. They constitute a very small minority. The majority of the afflicted have been conditioned by their environment and upbringing, the effects of which are often further reinforced by supposed professionals in the social services and the medical sector. However, it is the medical sector that appears to have found the root cause of induced transgenderism[2]:


“This pilot study compared mothers of boys with gender identity disorder (GID) with mothers of normal boys to determine whether differences in psychopathology and child-rearing attitudes and practices could be identified. Results of the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines and the Beck Depression Inventory revealed that mothers of boys with GID had more symptoms of depression and more often met the criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder than the controls. Fifty-three percent of the mothers of boys with GID compared with only 6% of controls met the diagnosis for Borderline Personality Disorder on the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines or had symptoms of depression on the Beck Depression Inventory. Results of the Summers and Walsh Symbiosis Scale suggested that mothers of probands had child-rearing attitudes and practices that encouraged symbiosis and discouraged the development of autonomy.”

If you go to the paper quoted above you will find appended thereto a substantial listing of (free) associated research papers.

Puberty blockers, mastectomies, penis removal, artificial vaginas, testosterone and estrogen injections are the methods used to change a human being into something he or she is not and never can be. This is abomination on an unprecedented scale.[3]

4. Globalisation

Outside of the secret conclaves of Davos and Bilderberg, speculation as to the possibility and structure of global governance is to be found in the Sci-Fi genre and these ideas have been there for well over a century and a half…

…“The Annals of the Twenty-Ninth Century: or, The Autobiography of the Tenth President of the World-Republic” is a science fiction novel written by Andrew Blair, and published anonymously in 1874.

Blair’s work is one of a group of early science fiction novels that are now little known, but were influential in their own time—group that includes Edward Maitland’s By and By (1873), Percy Greg’s Across the Zodiac (1880), and John Jacob Astor IV’s A Journey in Other Worlds (1894).[2][3] Blair tells an extravagant tale of a future age in which the peoples of the Earth have been united in a Christian “Mundo-Lunar Republic”, and other planets in the solar system have been reached and their native inhabitants encountered.

One modern critic has called Blair’s book “a hodge-podge of interplanetary travel and super-scientific inventions” but also “a speculation of Stapledonian[4] magnitude.” In the view of another, Blair portrays “the union of science and religion… under the sign of a positivist Deism mixed up with various utopian socialisms, and progressing from one technological wonder to another.”[5]

In the modern era such novels as Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein and to a certain extent the Dorsai series by Gordon R. Dickson have explored several possibilities in detail. Many philosophers have done likewise with sometimes contradictory conclusions, but this only serves to further illustrate that this is a topic that occupies, for better or worse, the minds of many thinkers… and would-be dictators.

5. The paintings of Hieronymus Bosch

The emerging picture of what the Globalist cabal propose for us make the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch appear eerily prescient now, even though those masterpieces are somewhat visually overegged in the style of that time.

— Seneca III, still in lockdown in a Covid-free Middle England this month of December in the year of our Lord 2020.


And here:

For links to previous essays by Seneca III, see the Seneca III Archives.