Campaign Pays Off: Sex Offender Allowed to Stay in Sweden

Campaign pays off: Sex offender allowed to stay in Sweden

by Svenne Tvaerskaegg

Swedish feminists and left-wing activists are celebrating. Their intensive six-month campaign for the right of an Afghani immigrant and convicted sex offender to remain in Sweden has been successful. The immigration authorities have finally caved in to their demands, lifted his deportation order and granted him the right to remain in the country.

Arif Moradi arrived in Sweden in 2014, eighteen years old and claiming to be an “unaccompanied minor”. He quickly rose to prominence. He became an activist and spokesman for the campaign organization “Afghani Unaccompanied Minors” and was soon a darling of the Left. In his capacity as spokesman he traveled around Sweden giving talks in schools about the situation of “unaccompanied minors”, and was the subject of glowing newspaper articles. He even had a meeting with Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven.

In November 2016 the now twenty-year-old Moradi attended a confirmation camp for young Swedish teens as a coach and, amazingly, he was appointed to share a cabin with three young girls, two aged fourteen and one aged eighteen. Arif Moradi was a man of character, a high-profile activist who campaigned for the rights of migrants and had met the Prime Minister. What could possibly go wrong?

What did go wrong was that one evening in the shared cabin Moradi sexually assaulted one of the 14-year-old girls; he held her down and intimately groped her. The girl says she was terrified and asked him to stop, but the attack continued. After a while the girl managed to break free and ran to a bathroom, locked herself in and frantically texted a friend, asking her to get help. The two girls immediately went to the camp leaders and reported what had happened, but they got no support. The camp leaders’ first priority was to cover up the incident and no action was taken. They did not even inform the girls’ parents about what had happened to their daughter, and it wasn’t until later the following day when their distraught daughter telephoned them that they got to know of the assault.

The girl’s parents immediately reported the incident to the police, and Moradi was arrested and charged with a sexual offense against a minor. He was convicted in the subsequent trial, given a suspended sentence and fined 1500 Kronor. The verdict was passed on to the migration authorities, and they decided he should be held in custody awaiting deportation.

Left-wing and feminist activists were outraged at the decision to deport the Afghani migrants’ rights activist and sex offender, and immediately sprang to his defense, demanding the deportation order be rescinded. Twitter and Facebook were flooded with messages of support for him, many from women expressing their affection along with hearts and other emojis. Contempt was hurled at the court that had convicted the poor Afghan, and worst of all, at the girl who reported him and her family. One activist wrote of the girl’s family, “What goes around comes around, they will get their punishment.”

The girl’s mother says her daughter has read some of the comments about her and she feels very bad; she is having nightmares and is on anti-depressives and can only attend school half-time.

But the frenzy of support for the sex offender has now paid off. The migration authorities have given in to pressure and announced that the deportation order against Arif Moradi has been rescinded and he will be allowed to stay in Sweden. The left-wing and feminist activists who campaigned so long and hard for him can now uncork the champagne.

Who will be held responsible if the sex offender claims another victim is unclear.


Previous posts by Svenne Tvaerskaegg:

2018   Feb   11   Immigrant Gang Attacks in Sweden Escalate
        16   Sweden: The Policeman Who Dared to Speak Out
        23   Sweden: Ripe for the Taking
    Mar   13   Sweden — It’s Now or Never
    Apr   2   Sweden: A Warning to the World

35 thoughts on “Campaign Pays Off: Sex Offender Allowed to Stay in Sweden

  1. “Left-wing and feminist activists were outraged at the decision to deport the Afghani migrants’ rights activist and sex offender, and immediately sprang to his defense, demanding the deportation order be rescinded. Twitter and Facebook were flooded with messages of support for him, many from women expressing their affection along with hearts and other emojis. Contempt was hurled at the court that had convicted the poor Afghan, and worst of all, at the girl who reported him and her family. One activist wrote of the girl’s family, “What goes around comes around, they will get their punishment.”

    Fascinating mind-set. Truly fascinating.

    • To show true welcoming, “migration authorities” could order this Afghan criminal to rape a daily quota of Swedish teenagers. And transgenders should not be excluded from his rape list.
      After completing his rape assignment, the “feminist activists” should volunteer to be raped or molested, depending on the Afghan’s mood.
      To conclude the Afghan’s sentence every Swedish politician should be raped by this Afghan. They could pass a law to increase welfare for rapists.
      Isn’t this what the Swedish people want?

  2. Again, can someone give me some insight on how people develop this vehemence toward supporting criminals at the expense of victims? I know I seem to ask this a lot, but the usual answers (we’re in the grip of Marxism, Post-Modernism, etc.) aren’t really cutting it for me. I mean, these are women, most of whom could easily experience sexual assault themselves. (Didn’t we just have a worldwide flurry of #metoo cries?) Or is it that people have lost their imagination for suffering?

      • It’ll be hard to feel sorry for any of them if he assaults them in the aftermath of a “victory party” or whatever celebration they’ll all have together. In fact, much to my chagrin, I won’t be able to feel sorry for them. I’m just not that good of a person.

        I think that you’re right: they just can’t imagine that they themselves would be the victims. I’m afraid that nothing short of actually *being* the victim of this specific criminal would change their mind. This is a collective insanity. How it’ll end I don’t know, but it’s looking more and more obvious.

        Feminists celebrating the “rescue” of a rapist. That’s a whole new low.

    • “… can someone give me some insight on how people develop this vehemence toward supporting criminals at the expense of victims?”

      Stockholm syndrome?

    • I’m sorry that you don’t like the replies you get to your question, but it happens the replies are correct. For a factual question, you can’t just keep asking the question until you get the answer you like. The answer is the answer.

      The fact is, most feminists care nothing about women, but use the label as “feminist” as a front. A front is an organization that appears to have one purpose, but was really created for a hidden purpose.

      Most or all feminist organizations are fronts for cultural Marxism. Cultural Marxism takes as its highest purpose the destruction of Western culture and civilization. It fits in very well with the tenets of cultural Marxism to have legally-sanctioned rapists running free. It promotes a sense of alienation and distrust in everyone, particularly in women.

      People are surprised that women who label themselves as feminists would support the ability of a rapist to run free. But, in fact, the term ‘feminist’ now has no more attached meaning than a set of random keyboard strokes: “slkje0ojeifn”. It means no more than the phony testimonials you see in the tv advertisements.

      So, there is no mystery as to why people labeling themselves as ‘feminsts’ support the freedom of rapists, or the wearing of hijabs, or the mutilation of young, helpless girls. They are simply cultural Marxist shills using whatever gets the most ‘oomph’.

      • It’s not a matter of not LIKING the answer. It’s that those answers are insufficient. I don’t think that these women go home and read Marx every night. And even if they are in the unconscious grip of ideology (a la Althusser’s “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses”) being engulfed in an ideology doesn’t function like a drug. People can still think, and make choices. If we were not able to do so this website wouldn’t exist and none of us would be having this conversation.

        This scenario entails the belief that many, many women CHOOSE the refugee as worthy of their consideration over a young girl. My inability to comprehend this scenario lies in my inability to accept that that is a conscious, deliberate choice.

        • What about the authorities who put the Afghan male in a cabin with three female teenagers? is that behaviour normal in Sweden?

      • Feminism is the final stage of cultural Marxism preceding conversion to Islam.

    • The metoo thing was about being assaulted by white westerners with power. Feminists apparently see being raped by poor people of color an enriching experience. That, or penance.

      • Maybe the question of economic resources is not that relevant either for them. As I suspect, for them the only criteria that matter are skin colour and religious affiliation. White and Christian or Jewish equals “bad”. Black or brown and muslim equals “good”. And then they have the chutzpah to accuse others of “discrimination”.

    • Mr. Plum, the “me too” movement is a pathetic farce, just media theater. Western intelligentsia promotes the rape of Swedes, Germans etc., preferably by Somali and Eritrean sheep herders. But North Africans jihadis are always acceptable.

      Remember the elites know best, and your family deserves to be raped. And you will vote for these elites, otherwise you are a racist.

  3. Here I go with one of my all over the place comments.

    To borrow from a new addition to our culture, Milo Yannopoulis, “feminism is cancer.” It was this statement that made Trigglypuff famous.

    Well yes, until recently I listened to all the viewpoints I could on You tube. Recently You tube has begun to restrict some of the voices but not others. Now I listen less.


    Feminism, environmentalism and immigration should NOT have become cancer, but I suppose it all depends on who the cook in the kitchen is, if I may use such an analogy.

    A pinch of salt or oregano can be great, but in the same serving size, a cup of salt or oregano would ruin the meal entirely. Or to overdo my point, one or even two slices of apple pie at one sitting might be great, six apple pies would not be.

    The cooks in many of our western national kitchens can now virtue signal about how generous they are with the salt but they do not partake of their food themselves.

    I am not sure how virtue signalling came to be so much more important than simple virtue, but clearly it has.

    A restaurant could not long tolerate that, the immediate loss of customers would be an immediate consequence.

    One more casual thought; it may be that deficit spending has been the means to immunize governing officials from consequences, and all at the same time that voters are pleased to avoid the costs, and all at a time when deficit spending is the only kind our governments can afford.

    • “The cooks in many of our western national kitchens can now virtue signal about how generous they are with the salt but they do not partake of their food themselves.”

      Yes. It’s relatively easy to call out ‘multicultis’, one needs only to ask them where they live; if migrants really are as ‘vibrant’ as the ‘multicultis’ say, why don’t they live amongst them?

      What percentage of Sweden’s political and social elite actually put their homes where their mouths are? 2%, 3% maybe – does anyone know?

      And I’ll wager the same applies to much of the rest of Europe.

  4. “He was convicted in the subsequent trial, given a suspended sentence and fined 1500 Kronor.”

    Not overly keen on sending sex offenders to jail either in Sweden it seems.

      • I just thought the same. It’s a laugh (albeit a very bitter one), and a grave insult to the victim and her parents. What a country, where the court spits you right in the face when your daughter gets raped.
        If a hard-working native white person happens to be late for handing in his/her tax declaration, he/she can become victim to fine which is multiple times higher. Justice? NO!!!

    • Maybe the judiciary (on command of their masters) see his behaviour as simply that of performing a public service by breeding new swedes to replace the old ones….

      Fascinating….. Almost at the backlash tipping point.

      What interesting times we live in.

  5. I believe the feminists and the left have beaten down the Swedish white mail so much that this white male no longer cares what happens to the country or it’s women. It will happen to all of the west eventually.

  6. I don’t actually think Sweden is anywhere near a tipping point yet and even if it were the law abiding Swedes have no way of tipping their system. Swedes are used to absolutism. The power may have gone from a king to a parliament but the idea of limited government was never part of the equation and given that there is no real daylight between the major parties there is no likely voting pattern that would result in anything other than the same small group of like-minded politicians running things. The train will continue running full speed until it hits Deadman’s curve and goes off the rails entirely. At that point full blown authoritarianism if not totalitarianism will be instituted.

    • ” At that point full blown authoritarianism if not totalitarianism will be instituted.”

      Yep, and by the Muslims.

      • Absolutely correct Paul. England is competing with Germany and Sweden to replace their native populations with 3rd world scum. Where will the elites go when this happens? I wonder if they’ve thought this out?

  7. Management who allowed this man to sleep with young girls, should be prosecuted. As for him, some sort of consequence should be administered, but really I don’t think he deserves the maximum punishment.

    And I would normally say ANY and ALL MOSLEMS should be deported IMMEDIATELY, even if they’ve done NOTHING illegal. Simply because the koran defines all moslems as the mortal enemies of all non-moslems. Moslems should not be allowed into any “Western” countries. In the USA, we have the McCarran Walter Act, which prohibits the immigration or even visits of totalitarians such as moslems. But we don’t enforce it. We should.

  8. Sweden 2018.
    If you are a white man, and innocently try to flirt with an adult woman, she may call you a male-chavinist pig, even insinuate that you are a rapist, and maye even call the police.
    In the worst case, you can expect hostile visits from angry brain-washed feminists and get your reputation destroyed for life.
    However, if you are black or a muslim man from the Middle-East or North-Africa, and rape young under-age girls, traumatizing them for life, these same feminsts will forgive these horrible crimes, even defend you in court, and rage against the victims of the crimes.
    This is the tendency in the entitre West. Sweden is just the worst example. Our civilization has become sick and suicidal. History does not know of any other example of a civilization whose authorities discriminate againts their OWN people in favor of HOSTILE invading strangers.
    Could any one explain what is the cause of this collective mental disease, and how to cure it?

  9. The so-called feminists protect a sex-offender! They are not women but self-seeking left-wing bimbos who have been brainwashed by Satan!
    Now I know why they talk about the Stockholm syndrome! Started in Sweden! Poor Sweden!

  10. My questions may sometimes seem only rhetorical, but they can get me started on trying out answers of my own making. Maybe I can be useful to others in the process. A bit wild though…possibly outrageous.

    I did say I was not sure how virtue signalling came to be so much more important, better if I had said prominant, than simple virtue….

    Virtue signalling is much easier, especially for the lazy mind. Virtue, by the way, is an old word for what we call integrity.

    Integrity is essential for most of those who deal in product and services. Lack of it can be plainly seen.

    For those who deal in more esoteric business, as in maintaining a media narrative, virtue may seem far less clear. This may be why people in higher status occupations can seem to have less integrity than those in lower class occupations.

    Virtue signalling can crowd out virtue recognition. Here we get to those people who Ronald B described as fronts for cultural marxism. They have no use for Judeo-Christian-Greco-Roman virtues. No Aristotilian ethics for that crowd. No higher powers of God or logic for them. They want to be virtue its self, and for all others to conform to them. This may be why when their announced plan A fails, they always have plan B ready to fall back on. Plan B is always the same, they will try to kill all the people they do not like. They may seldom even know what their plan B is, because they prefer not to think about it, and surely it will be someone elses fault.

    Now as to those feminists mentioned in the past on GoV, ones who have themselves been raped and refused to report the migrants who did it for fear of doing harm to the migrant? I suspect that they believe that they are doing the highest virtue signalling of all. You cannot tell such a person anything.

    The ideologically driven mind is very far removed from those more simple folk who merely try to observe a lot by just looking(Casey Stengal).

    • As a perhaps obvious incidental, I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist, or even an amateur at anything like either one. If it seems so, I apologize for that. I am just observing outward things by looking. I like bottom of the column figures, as in black or red, good for all or not, etc.

    • Alec MacColl,

      Thank you for this, I like this comment a lot, specifically your thoughts about virtue.
      I think that the explanation for this asinine behavior is a vapid pursuit of piety, or seeming piety. I don’t think that any of the people who make such catastrophically stupid decisions as these feminists did are sitting at home, consciously planning their next moves according to Marxist doctrine. Rather, the cultural zeitgeist, informed by Marxism, Post-modernism, etc., has created a kind of piety that is learned unconsciously and then pursued with zeal not with ideological ambitions, but through the wish to be pious according to the religion of our time.

      I’m sure this is basically the idea behind most of the answers to my repetitive questions, but what I was missing was the conscious incentive for this degree of cruelty. Piety.

  11. If I read this in a book or saw this in a movie I would immediately think that this was TOTALLY unbelievable, that so called feminists and left wingnuts would defend a child rapist. But then I realized this happened in Sweden, the land of the brain dead. I sincerely hope that hte activists reap what they sow.

  12. Please add share buttons toyour articles so we can share these articles on twitter and facebook,

    • We used to have those on the button bar — it had Twitter, Facebook, etc. We had to remove the bar because it was generating problems, and made us more vulnerable to DoS attacks.

  13. The mindset is indeed fascinating. Do make the effort to understand it because it really is as terrifying as it looks.

    There are hierarchies of privilege needing to be redressed, so non-whites are allowed to rape as they wish because to stop them would only add to their already intolerable oppression. The girl, her family and the court are all guilty of white privilege.

    At the mildest level, the rapist can be seen as having been traumatised by being born Afghani, and so allowances must made. But at the mainstream level, even that’s denounced as patronising. He’s one of the priority oppressed and so incapable of moral error. We, ignorant, pampered Europeans, must learn not to judge the superior experience revealed in a life of suffering.

    Nietzsche would have something to say about this, because it is, sadly, one of the pits into which Christian asceticism is liable to fall, emerging as self-flagellation at the feet of Rousseau’s noble savage.

    Some commentators are amazed that the ‘feminists’ don’t think this through, but they don’t have the ability to think, only to feel, in accordance with the prescribed form of virtue-signalling. They have a falsely comforting image of what sustains their civilised lifestyle. Their mantra is that rape is about power, not sex, so a powerless refugee cannot commit the crime of rape.

    Other commentators suggest that the elite don’t care because they think this can’t happen to them. It’s worse than that. They don’t care if it does happen to them. A female helper at a refugee shelter, in Germany I believe, who was raped was told not to report it in case that harmed the cause. It’s just the price to pay for a better world. The elite will feel they’ve missed out if it doesn’t happen to them.

    Self-loathing and a longing for the mysterious and edgy east are not new elements in European culture. What’s new is the extent to which they now dominate intellectual thought and so exclude and demonise critical voices.

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