Farewell to the Italian Scooter Girl

The Islamization of the Western world proceeds apace.

Some regions are farther along than others. Major urban areas in the UK, Germany, Sweden, The Netherlands, Belgium, and France are effectively autonomous enclaves ruled by sharia. Infidels must conform to certain norms of behavior when they enter those zones, but that is no guarantee that they will remain unmolested, since they are infidels, and therefore legitimate prey for Muslims under Islamic law.

Parts of Canada and Australia are in similar straits. Spain, Portugal, Italy, Austria, Finland, and Denmark are not as far along, while Central and Eastern Europe are mostly unscathed.

Here in the USA the situation is more complicated. Certain urban zones, such as Brooklyn, the suburbs of Detroit, and parts of New Jersey, are heavily Islamized, and look a lot like Tower Hamlets, Neukölln, or Marseille. But most of the cultural enrichment in the United States comes from various parts of Latin America, as the recent takeovers by Tren de Aragua remind us. Non-sharia enrichment can be just as devastating as Islamization in its own way.

My mind tends to veer away from considering the future of the Islamized cities of Europe and the European diaspora, because what lies ahead for them will be so ghastly. There’s nothing any of us can do to prevent it, so why think about it?

This is what parts of London look like today — indistinguishable from Dhaka or Karachi:

Most of Western Europe will be in a similar condition within ten or fifteen years — with a Moroccan flavor in Rotterdam, a Turkish flavor in Neukölln, and an Afghan flavor in Rinkeby. Life for the autochthons in those zones will be grimly different from what it has been, so it’s no wonder we don’t want to think about it.

I started mulling these matters over while I was having lunch this afternoon at a little Italian restaurant. My seat happened to be facing a replica of the “Viva Italia” poster featuring the iconic Italian scooter girl, as shown at the top of this essay.

Italy is better off than most of the rest of Western Europe. Although the majority of migrants that cross the Mediterranean land at Italian ports, most of them don’t hang around in Italy for any longer than they have to. Their sights are set on points north — Sweden, Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, and especially Germany, which gives the most generous handouts and almost never deports anyone, even when their asylum applications are refused. So Italy has its fair share of Muslim immigrants, but not enough to turn it into Rotterdam or Birmingham.

However, Italy also has some of the worst demographics in Europe: the birthrate for ethnic Italian women is barely half that necessary for replacement. One way or another, Italy will eventually become an Islamic paradise like France or the UK; it’s only a matter of time.

I sat staring at the scooter girl, and contemplated her future in the coming Islamic Republic of Italy. She represents the Italian spirit: a lighthearted healthy freewheeling young woman who goes where she will, confident in the civilized milieu that will support her freedom and leave her unmolested.

But not in the Islamic Republic, alas. Once the Caliphate arrives, if she goes tooling around the city on her scooter, unveiled and unaccompanied by any male relatives, she can expect to be pulled out of her seat when she slows for a corner, then dragged into a nearby alley and raped multiple times. That’s what happens to “uncovered meat” in an Islamic society. Even if the law still nominally forbids such practices, once a district is sufficiently Islamic, those randy young men will go unpunished, because what they do is not unlawful under sharia.

Muslims don’t even have to be in the majority in an area to turn it into a de facto sharia zone. Once they reach 30% to 40% of the population, the strictures of sharia will be applied. The nominal legal authorities will go in fear of what might happen to them if they dare to try to enforce infidel law when it contradicts Islamic law.

That’s how a society becomes Islamic. Such has been the pattern for 1,400 years, and there’s no reason to think things will be any different in Western Europe, especially given that formerly muscular Christianity has atrophied in those parts.

The scooter girl will eventually disappear from the streets of Rome and Milan. She’ll start dressing demurely and covering her hair when she goes out in public, which she will do less and less frequently unless she is accompanied by her father, brother, or uncle. Eventually she’ll probably convert to Islam to secure a better situation for herself, and marry an observant Muslim. Yes, he’ll beat her, and make her bear numerous children, and take other wives for himself. But at least she’ll have a more secure situation than she would as a female kafir in an Islamic paradise.

The native European women who used to look like this…

…will start to look like this:

And the changes will not affect only women, of course. Non-Muslim ethnic European men can expect to have their activities curtailed in certain ways. Public consumption of alcohol will gradually be eradicated. Eventually pork products will become completely unavailable in districts where Muslims approach the majority. The public expression of anything that contradicts Islam or insults Muslims will invite severe corporal punishment, administered promptly and extra-judicially.

As I mentioned above, these changes will be enforced even while existing non-Muslim law is still theoretically the law of the land. A man who insults the prophet, or openly consumes a bacon sandwich, or dares to assert the superiority of Christianity, can expect a vigorous beating by bearded men without moustaches wearing nightgowns and beanies. He might be able to take his assailants to court afterwards, and even see them convicted, but he will still be missing several teeth and have a broken nose and cracked ribs. And the court is unlikely to give his tormentors more than a slap on the wrist, so they will be back out on the street looking for him in a matter of months.

Infidel men will thus learn how to comport themselves if they want to preserve their teeth, or, in the worst case, their lives.

That’s how sharia becomes the law of the land.

Most poignantly of all, men will be denied the company of women who are not their wives or close blood relatives. They will no longer be able to commingle and converse with lovely members of the fairer sex. As I mentioned above, women who go out in public unveiled and unaccompanied constitute “uncovered meat”, and may expect to become sex slaves for the first Muslim male who encounters them.

This is an example from ca. 1909 of what the feminists consider extreme patriarchal repression:

But they ain’t seen nothin’ yet. This is their future:

The Italian scooter girl won’t stand a chance in the Brave New Islamic World. When you see her, make sure to smile and tip your hat, because she won’t be around much longer.

There’s nothing that can be done to stop the Islamization of most major Western European cities; the process is too far along. A man might decide to pack heat where it’s legal (or even where it isn’t) to protect himself and his loved ones from the immediate ravages of cultural enrichment, but the larger process is beyond our control. We were traduced long ago by those whom we trusted to preserve our way of life and guard our interests, and now the dismal consequences must unfold according to their own inexorable internal logic.

“Ah, but Baron,” you say, “there’s always the possibility of civil war.”

Yes, there is. But think about the conditions in, say, London, where Muslims of fighting age already outnumber kafir males of the same demographic. Even if the legacy Londoners had the sand to stand up against both the Muslims and the Metropolitan Police, how do you reckon their chances? How about in Amsterdam? Or Hamburg? Or Malmö?

I suppose the natives could decide to leave the cities and form white enclaves in more rural areas. But even those are being deliberately culturally enriched by the authorities, who have shipped in migrants to “diversify” villages and small towns to teach the benighted white folks the joys of multiculturalism.

As for me, I’m too old for the fight, and my eyesight is failing. My intention is to enjoy the beauty and bounty that surrounds me for as long as I can. Every moment that remains to me is a precious jewel to be treasured.

That’s how I felt this afternoon while I was eating a decidedly non-halal lunch in an Italian café, looking at the Italian scooter girl across the room. I drank my coffee and enjoyed my conversation with the lovely young waitress, whom I tipped generously. Then out to the street, to stroll down the sidewalk looking in the shop windows at the infidel goods, and chatting with people I knew.

Life is good, and I’ve been blessed to live in this place and time. I’ll continue to savor it for as long as it lasts.

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