38 thoughts on “What Will It Take?

  1. What will it take? It’ll take the kidnap and torture (to death) of Macron and his family by his “mostly peaceful” pets. Then, perhaps, ACTION will be taken on behalf of the French CITIZENRY by French military/LE. Aloha Snackbar, comrades!!

    • Macron is a Rothschilds asset, the Muslims are unlikely to bite the hand that feeds them.

  2. It will take the power going out and the stores running out of food before the average Frenchman or indeed, the average westerner to actually do anything more serious than protesting.

  3. Won’t happen. And even if the French hang some local globalist puppets that are currently executing the Kalergi plan, that won’t stop the Eurabia project. On the contrary. It will culminate in the synthesis of a totalitarian Marxist tech tyranny.

    • Your interesting, if dire, fortune telling may or may not come to pass.

      Is this a warning to the West?
      Is this an attempt to demoralize and paralyze the French people?
      Is this a call to arms?

      What exactly is this?
      Because you don’t know the future any more than any of the rest of us do.

      • All he’s saying is that the globalists will double down. One man’s opinion.

    • Defeating that project is much easier than you think. Attack the infrastructure. Just look at what blacks do when the power goes out. The problem with importing primitive people is that they are always ready to go off the rails and ruin a good plan. Take out the power, water, food distribution systems… they can deploy the full military but that won’t be enough to contain the chaos that will ensue.

      • Fred, you should have provided a link, at least, to the “Grasshopper” reference for those younger, or less familiar with US TV shows, than ourselves.

        It’s from the 1970s series “Kung Fu”, in which David Carradine plays a Shaolin monk in the 19th century American West; there were flashbacks in which his “master” called him “Grasshopper”. And yes, I did have to check someof the details; it was a long time ago.

        • “Fred, you should have provided a link, at least, to the “Grasshopper” reference for those younger, or less familiar with US TV shows, than ourselves.”

          Yes, you’re correct. My apologies.

      • Clicked the link … tbh, there’s nothing from Bill O’Reilly that I would find interesting.

        • “there’s nothing from Bill O’Reilly that I would find interesting.”

          Fair enough, Victoria…and I could be wrong (tho’ I doubt it), but I think he’s [finally] onto something (I’ve set it to run from the salient part, but feel free to watch his two-minute commentary from the beginning)..

      • You got to be kidding, you are counting on O’R’s presumption of crystal ball like abilities to make you comfortable about the future here. Sounds a lot like the return of Q.

  4. The French elites will wake up only when the vineyards have been uprooted. As long as wine and brandy are still produced, sold, and consumed, they can persist in the illusion that the fundamental character of France has not changed and the invaders are not serious about demanding shariah. By the time they do wake up it will be too late to do anything about it.

    • Winner winner chicken dinner!!!

      People take a very specific and pinpoint view of whats going on. Each action you observe is a part of a much larger plan that is coalescing. Pull back from the trees and see the forrest.
      We have a similar problem here in the states with our dindu’s and law enforcement. Your [fundament] is going to jail on BS charges while the rioters act with wanton abandon.
      Now throw in some M4s skimmed out of Ukraine, and you get martial law and gun confiscation and control. Like during hurricane Katrina.
      Its not the [Sons of Ham] rioting, thats the cover for the gun control.
      The kungflu wasn’t about a virus, it was about the injection! Do you see? You are being coerced into focusing on the wrong thing so as to distract you, like a magician with slight of hand.

      • That’s one reason why ppl here in US haven’t fought back. Once that fight commences, it’s a winner take all from then on. No going back.

  5. “Prediction: I believe there’s an international movement—which may become violent—that’s quietly intensifying AGAINST commie-toddlerism (aka socialism, fascism, Marxism, et al) and its practitioners (aka elites, sophisticates, the leftist ruling classes, et al). I believe my previous predictions of a Bosnian-style civil war in the US may’ve been too myopic, therefore missing the wider (i.e., global) scope of swelling outrage.” —Me (12 Sept 2022)

    Gosh, who could’a seen this coming?! Oh, wait..

  6. The masses in Europe and America will do nothing, their Bolshevik brainwashing has been a complete success.
    My father and grandfather had a long history of fighting them 80-100 yrs ago (for naught), now their grand-daughters embrace their handlers. They do exactly as told.

    • People are well fed, immersed in materialism, disconnected from a broader community, and brainwashed into thinking that they shouldn’t favor their own ethnic group.

      The most odd thing about it is that very few westerners are mean anymore. We have two generations of low testosterone males who can’t fight their way out of a paper bag. In most cultures, if a foreign tribe comes onto your territory and attacks your kids, you basically react like a hive of bees and massacre them (preferably with a lot of torture thrown in). Whites do absolutely nothing, it is like seeing a dog turn down a hamburger patty.

      You need a certain number of people in your population who are happy to commit violence against outsiders. I saw a video a few years back of a black guy in China who raped a Chinese woman, was hunted down by a mob of Chinese men, and then he was castrated. Those are Chinese people, who normally spend their time studying math and practicing piano. Even the Chinese have more of a killer instinct.

      • “The most odd thing about it is that very few westerners are mean anymore.”

        I reckon you’re excepting BLACK Lunatic Madness (BLM), so-called anti-Fascists (aka antifa)….Oh, and Prince Aricept (President Biden) and The [Democrat] Party, who, under cover, are being VERY mean to alotta Ukrainians, who’re currently being played, splattered and crushed by the Czar of Russia—who, like JFK before him, has been warning The Prince and his commie-toddler comrades to stop LYING, breaking promises and to start playing NICE….or else.

  7. Since from the point of view of your Christian worldview I am a pagan heretic (Hermeticism, Platonism), I think that the fate of this planet is a foregone conclusion. The fantastic layer of culture, mythology, archetypes and the like is wiped clean by the final (the most severe version) of Abrahamic monotheism.
    I hope the gods will be favorable to me and next time my soul will receive an incarnation on another planet. I have no hope for anything else.

      • For some time now, I have been captivated by the ancient philosophy of the Platonists, Stoics and Skeptics, and these concepts of the universe and ways of being seem to me much more convincing than the Abrahamic version invented to conquer and humble the non-Jewish peoples.

  8. Why is this asked of the French, when we Americans are not willing to do this for ourselves?

    And where is the SS Charlemagne when you need them?

    • Re: “And where is the SS Charlemagne when you need them?”

      What sort of nonsense is that? For those who don’t know the history, the “Charlemagne” or 33rd Grenadiers Division of the Waffen-SS – was a unit of the military arm of the German paramilitary secret police organization known as the Schutzstaffel, which was raised primarily from French, Belgian and Dutch volunteers.

      For your information, the National Socialists actively courted the favor of the Islamic world during the Second World War. Most-famously, Palestinian Arab leader Hajj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, broadcast a radio propaganda program intended to influence Arabs in the Middle East to support the Nazi regime and its goals.

      Husseini played a role in creating and implementing the so-called “Final Solution” adopted by the regime after January, 1942, which called for the extermination of the perceived enemies of the regime, most prominently the Jews of occupied Europe. The Mufti became well-known for his exhortations that the liquidation of the death camp inmates be carried out with utmost dispatch.

      Perhaps most-infamously, al-Husseini helped form and recruit for the 13th Mountain “Handscar” Division of the Waffen-SS, an Islamic unit recruited from Bosnian and Croatian Muslims which later compiled a blood-stained record of brutal atrocities in the Balkans.

      The Charlemagne Division, like the Handscar Division, both of the Waffen-SS, fought for Hitler and National Socialism and its goals.

      Hitler himself in his magnum opus, “Mein Kampf,” (“My Struggle” in German), opined that he wished that the Moors had triumphed at Tours in 732 and not Charles Martel and his army of Christians. Why? Because Hitler considered Islam to be a proper creed and religion for warriors, and also viewed Christianity as weak and corrupt.

      Thus, your implication that the Waffen-SS would in any way oppose what the Muslims are doing in France is risible and preposterous on its face. And your clumsy attempt to link the Nazis to anti-immigrant views utterly fails.

      Tell me, are you paid much for posting such [material that I deprecate], or do you do so for free?

      • [ad hominem redacted]
        My father was a Nazi (3 yrs Hitler Youth and 6 yrs Fallschirmjager) and a devout Christian, the Wehrmacht actually had rabbi’s for the Jewish troops too, but you wouldn’t get it anyway.
        To you they all just had horns, and Hitler, the Catholic atheist devil worshipper, right?
        Hitler hoped to unify all of Europe’s Christians against the Jewish Bolsheviks and was backstabbed when France and England sided with Russia, he truly thought they could eradicate Bolshevism together once and for all.
        And now the west buys into the Bolsheviks lies of over 100 yrs. May your grandchildren thank you.

        • Sorry sport, if it is rehabilitating the Nazis you are after – or the Waffen-SS for that matter – you’re knocking on the wrong door. They were flat-out evil. Period.

          It was/is not possible to be a Nazi and a genuine & devout Christian at the same time. Can’t be one and the other at the same time; flat-out impossible.

          Many soldiers in service of the Reich later tried to claim that they didn’t “really” support Herr Hitler; they were only doing it out of anti-communism. Yeah, and tell me another fairy-tale.

          I’m betting that if your dad was in the Hitlerjugend for three years and then in the paratroops for six more, he was probably screaming his allegiance to Hitler just as loud as any of the other fanatics when it came down to it.

          He was probably an elite soldier, but they didn’t let in ideologically unreliable types into those prestigious formations. Just the “true believers”….

          No one forced your father to kill on behalf of the Nazi regime. Sounds to me like he was eager to do so. He could have fled Germany for a neutral country or elsewhere in the West, but he didn’t, did he? That tells you something right there.

          Hitler hated Christianity and considered it weak and corrupt, unlike Islam, which he admired.

          The only reason Hitler at times somewhat compromised his principles somewhat vis-a-vis Christianity was that he wanted the support of Protestants and Catholics alike during the early-mid 1930s consolidation phase of his rise to absolute power.

          After the Enabling Act, as absolute ruler or Fuhrer of Germany, he began repressing Christians again, and he threw a great many of them to the wolves, including some dissident German Christians such as Pastor Martin Niemöller and others. Real Christians and dissidents who risked – and in some cases sacrificed – their lives rather than renouncing their faith or silencing their criticism of the regime.

          Then there’s the problem that Hitler was a psychopath. Are you really going to state for the record that you believe supporting such a mad man made sense? Morally or otherwise?

          And don’t bother reminding me that Stalin was just as much of a psychopath as Hitler. I already know that, and have literally for years. It’s a coin flip as to which of them was the more brutal and bloodthirsty.

          Anti-communism is well and good, but if in opposing one poisonous ideology in communism, you adopt an equally poisonous one in national socialism, you can’t claim to be on the side of the angels.

          You don’t know your history, either. Communism and fascism (national socialist fascism in particular) fought not because they were opposites, but because of just how similar and alike they were. Two scorpions in a bottle.

          Stalin and Hitler were allies of convenience for a time in the 1930s when both the USSR and Germany were international pariahs, but they soon figured out that the “neighborhood” was going to be big-enough only for one of them.

          Historians now know that Stalin had plans to attack Germany and Hitler just beat him to the punch. Like I said, two scorpions in a bottle.

          Let me guess: You are also a Holocaust denier, too. My goodness, but are you people tiring and so utterly obvious!

          My mother grew up in Nazi-occupied Europe; she lost friends and people she knew – one of her secondary school teachers was sent to a concentration camp in Germany and never returned.

          He died there, even though he was neither Jewish nor a communist. But then, even something as simple as listening to the BBC or reading an underground pamphlet or leaflet could see you shot or tortured.

          You want to blame the Jews for everything that is wrong with the world. How does it feel to have such a tiny demographic group living inside your head, day after day, rent-free?

          I’ve called the bluff of neo-Nazis like you many times over the years. When they want to blame the Jews, I simply say if you have evidence of a crime, then let’s hear it. Name names, provide acts of criminality, that can be taken to the authorities for action. No one – including people who happen to be Jewish – should be above the law.

          And do you know what happens? Crickets…. absolute silence.

          Which in turn means that you are [ad hominem redacted], screaming “It’s the Jews!!” at the top of your lungs. And you expect people to take such stark raving nonsense seriously?

          Are there Jews who commit crimes? Sure there are, just as there are Muslims, Christians, Hindus and others who also commit them. But until you and your kind come up with something that actually meets the standards of a court of law vis-a-vis criminality and wrong-doing, no one will take you seriously. Nor should they….

  9. What do you mean dear French? This is happening to all of the western nations. This is an attribute to the globalist death cult’s “Great Reset”. Start paying attention to this folks since it was written about almost a couple of millennia ago. The “Great Reset” represents the “Great Tribulation”, a period of seven years that will bring in the ending of how the world has operated for the last six millennia.

    Ukraine is Magog and the west are its’ ‘hordes’ that will be destroyed as described in Ezekiel 38 and 39. What will arise out of those ashes are Ten Kings of ten regions who will give over their authority to rule to an individual described as a “beast”. But ah yes, you all believe that it’s just France who has a problem now and not every other western nation who has allowed a foreign national army to enter into it. So just as it was in the Days of Noah, everyone will continue on until the deluge arrives at their own doorstep. There’s where your answer has been: pick it up and read it sometime.

    • Thank you for posting this video. This wonderful Gentleman is in danger but he is a brave man for stepping forward.

  10. “[Repeat] Prediction: The question will be: Is Joe Biden [mentally] competent to stand trial?” —Me (fb post 25 April 2020)

    Questions, peanuts, popcorn….

  11. The mice cried bitterly and continued to gnaw on cactus.

    And here congregate the good folks, to end up hurling their religions at each other. What a fine mess.

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