Dr. László Szabó: Immigration and the Preservation of European Culture

Further update: Now the video is working again. Which is weird, because it disappeared from the channel for about 20 minutes or so. Anyway, you should be able to watch it now.

Update: It seems that the Westminster Institute has pulled this video off their channel for some reason. I watched it a little while ago, but now it’s missing. I don’t know what happened.

As I reported earlier tonight, on Wednesday Dr. László Szabó, the Hungarian ambassador to the United States, spoke at the Westminster Institute in McLean, Virginia. His talk is now available on video, including the Q&A section at the end. The whole thing is worth listening to:

The most interesting fact that I learned from his remarks is that all the migrants who took the Balkan Route during the Great Migration Crisis of 2015 stopped in at certain bank in Belgrade to pick up an instruction leaflet (#1 on the list presumably being “throw away your passport”), a cell phone, and €5,000 in cash — at least until the money ran out. So that’s where all those €500 notes came from that the “Syrians” were spending that September in Nickelsdorf after they crossed from Hungary to Austria.

The question that we should all ponder is: Who put that money in the bank for those poor destitute “refugees” to claim? I agree with CrossWare — her opinion is that George Soros wasn’t spending his own money on the migration caper; he was simply acting as the distributor of the funds. That is, someone used his NGOs as a conduit, and he undoubtedly managed to turn a profit on the deal. I’m sure we can all make some educated guesses about who the ultimate benefactor was.

10 thoughts on “Dr. László Szabó: Immigration and the Preservation of European Culture

  1. How very different things would be in Europe had Merkel possessed this gentleman’s common sense. Her policies have created an unmitigated disaster for the people of Europe that they will never be able to fully recover from.

  2. “her opinion is that George Soros wasn’t spending his own money on the migration caper; he was simply acting as the distributor of the funds”

    I’m interested to hear that someone else has come to the same conclusion as I have about Soros.

    Here’s my guess:
    I remember his youth history as a collaborator. I suspect that he hasn’t changed modus operandi, Only changed whom his clients are. He’s like a large-size Tides Foundation, perhaps. It all merges in with an ability for him to profit from foreknowledge of events to happen.

    What I don’t know is whom his clients are. Same as with the Tides Foundation.

    Perhaps they’re not even always the same. I’d really like to know.

  3. It’s a world of difference to hear a government official with logic, knowledge and intelligence. I guess in most western countries, you are used to overlooking the idiocies, pandering, and just illogical statements our government officials routinely give us.

    I was particularly struck with Dr. Szabo’s graphic case for the assertion that the refugees are dangerous migrants seeking financial benefits and possibly political and physical dominance. He speaks of the piles of discarded passports they find at entry points, along with the very high proportion of refugees claiming to be Syrian. He cites the figure of 5,000 refugees actually employed in (Sweden?) of the hundreds of thousands admitted. And he makes an ironclad case that Hungary can be a Christian country, with a Christian identity, and not discriminate against anyone on religious or faith grounds.

    Recent studies have found evidence that the presence of Christianity prevented the upper classes from implementing birth control measures, thus facilitating the higher intelligence levels in the English and European populations.

    I didn’t know that the UN and EU have called migration a human right. I’m not in the least surprised: there is absolutely nothing that would do more to destroy countries and national identity. The UN, like the EU, is coming out as a coercive tyranny rather than a common market. The largest countries, like the US and even the UK, don’t really have to worry about the EU, but the smaller, more vulnerable countries like Hungary are in danger of financial and trade sanctions, and probably in danger of physical invasion down the road.

    I don’t really care if Soros is putting up his own money, or acting as a conduit. We know who Soros is and what he does. There’s no question on that. Whether or not Soros channels private funds, there is no doubt his agenda augments the power of vested bureaucracies, and thus Soros receives help from government and NGOs.

    Similarly, I don’t care if the European (and American) politicians say one thing in public and another in private. It makes no difference, because they act according to their public persona. Who cares what Merkel says in private? She continues to push for dissolution of borders and people in public.

    Apparently, the economic migrants didn’t even give the governments hosting them a fig leaf. Szabo describes how the Muslim migrants turned down the assistance that was offered to them. In other words, even the mild, diluted restrictions associated with taking free government assistance was too much for them.

    Hilary in particular, and the Democrats in general, are fully on board for open borders and the assumption of power by multi-national organizations such as the UN. So are the neocons, except the neocons are seeing themselves at a dead end unless they give a bit of lip service to Trump.

    • In the days of the Cold War, when people were not allowed to leave Communist countries, we might have been able to say that migration is a human right. In a sense, we can still say that (and we don’t have to think of North Korea when doing so)–it is, and should be, a human right to be able to leave the country you’re in. That is, a country shouldn’t restrain its citizens or residents from leaving it, or, indeed, the inside of a border should never be closed. What is not a human right, however, is the right to enter any other country. That is, the outside of a border can be as closed as that country wants it to be.

      • That was the one thing the USSR could never adequately address, i.e., people were willing to die to get out of there.

        The second part of your idea – that it’s never a human right to enter any other country – is now entering the realms of Hate Speak according to those who think they control Western opinion…my response reduces it to the level of family: one doesn’t get to decide to join another family; it’s a graft that doesn’t take.

        That’s why immigrants remain relative outsiders, no matter their enthusiasm for their new home. It’s not their real home and they know it in a visceral way when nostalgia for the old place overwhelms.

        I was born and raised in Florida. The weather never agreed with my DNA and I was quite happy to move to New England. But in March, when people around me were talking about the “lovely” Spring weather, I shivered. Where was this weather? It took me five years to acclimate, but I never did get used to February. I knew that in my old home, the azaleas and jonquils were blooming. Besides, those Bostonians didn’t talk right.

    • Re your third para, many Brits would be surprised to learn that intelligence is higher than average among our “upper” classes! Anyone remember Monty Python’s “Upper Class Twit of the Year”?

  4. I have been an immigrant, and it is true that immigrants remain outsiders, sometimes through the following generation, no matter how much a host society like Germany’s panders and grovels to them and tries to get them (and the locals) to believe otherwise. It’s one of the things you accept when you emigrate. You will be an outsider for a very long time.

    • It depends. Here in Canada, I see many successfully integrated FIRST-generation immigrants. We’re actually quite good at it. Largely because in the past, we picked people likely to integrate, instead of a mishmash of whomever could barge across the border.

      Many immigrants actually end up voting Conservative!
      A PRC-born friend just told me that he has joined the Conservative Party in disgust at what is going on nowadays. I can’t but agree with him, as I’ve done the same…

      A European visitor to my area once commented to me on how patriotic Canadian some immigrants were, and how this doesn’t happen in her country.

      So the Trudeau Liberals have now decided that they need to find immigrant populations that are harder to integrate, AND to do everything that they can to DISCOURAGE integration, apparently.

      So to make it clear, I’m against “that type” of immigration, but not against immigration on an overall basis, as long as the numbers are reasonable (i.e., not large enough to form permanent ghettos), the specific people are a benefit to the economy/society, etc.

  5. I can understand how it can be hard to pinpoint the clients of Mr Soros, if one assumes monetary flow such as that described in the OP. It’s a scheme open to everyone and is almost gauranteed to make money for those involved, precisely because it is highly predictable due to it running on the back of Western countries.
    “Here Mr. Hamid, have some money to travel on. When you get to the destonation, or even if you only get to a place near your destination, they will provide you with money every month. Send me so and so much of that, for so and so many months”

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