Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 1

Paul Weston has kindly given me permission to serialize his recently published book, Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Below is the first chapter.

Mr. Weston includes this prefatory note: “The point of the book is to lay out the colossal fraud in such a way as to be easily read and understood by the average person. Without their understanding what has happened, it becomes so much easier for it to happen again. If the majority realised the extent to which they’ve been conned they would be marching on our government buildings by now, with pitchforks in hand.”

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 1: Introduction

Four years after the Covid-tyranny began, the jury is pretty much out. The whole world became a gigantic film-set, produced by Bill Gates, and directed by the World Health Organisation. Our politicians, scientists and journalists acted out their leading roles whilst all of earth’s citizens became unimportant, disposable extras in a global Truman Horror-Show.

The organisation involved to make this happen is staggeringly vast. It must have taken years to plan, and it must have cost unimaginable sums of money, all of which has been repaid many times over by now. What an investment that turned out to be. As Bill Gates has repeatedly mentioned, the returns on vaccines are up to twenty times the initial investment.

I don’t believe such a gigantic operation was ever going to be just a one-off. I am convinced another pandemic is just around the corner. The WHO and Bill Gates have both talked about the inevitability of another one, and the WHO is currently engaged in a power grab designed to put it completely in charge of sovereign nations when the much-anticipated next pandemic arrives. Disease X is just a matter of time, I believe.

In order to stop this from happening, or at least to try to stop this from happening, it is essential that the majority of people understand what happened post March 2020. I have written a short, succinct book in order to get my message and warning out. It is easy to read, but also highly detailed in its exposure of the global fraud involved in driving the last so-called pandemic.

The book basically answers the following questions:

1)   Was the Covid-19 virus as lethal as we were told?
2)   Did the PCR tests work?
3)   Were lockdowns, masks & social distancing an appropriate response?
4)   Did we really need the vaccine?
5)   Does the vaccine actually work?
6)   Is the vaccine safe?
7)   Is the mRNA even a vaccine, in medical terms?
8)   Were the vaccine trials conducted ethically, honestly, and impartially?
9)   Can we trust our Health Regulation Agencies?
10)   Can we trust Big Pharma?
11)   Does Pfizer have a track record of honesty and morality, and does it put the health and well-being of humanity before financial profits?
12)   Did our governments ever have our best interests at heart?
13)   Or were/are they instead, promoting a tyrannical Globalist Agenda?

If the answers to these questions are all “no” (save question 13) then further questions need to be asked — what on earth happened to the world after March 2020? Who drove it? Why did they do so? What does it mean with regard to our future in terms of freedom or tyranny?

The very first issue that needs to be addressed is the death rate seen across the world in 2020. We were told Covid-19 was a lethal virus that could kill millions of people globally. We were told this presented the greatest peacetime threat the world had seen in recent history.

Was this true? Government data in 2024 tells us it was not true. It was a lie. It was a crime.

Paul Weston is a British-based writer who focuses on the damage done to Western Civilisation by the hard left’s ongoing cultural revolution. For links to his previous essays, see the Paul Weston Archives.

2 thoughts on “Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 1

  1. I was NEVER fooled by what was unfolding before my eyes. When Canada shut down March 13th 2020, I knew no one who was sick, but all of a sudden I was being told by the media that we were all in grave danger of catching this “new” virus and dropping dead. It was a non-stop barrage of doom and gloom and when I went out onto the street, there was literal paranoia. It was like something out of a sci-fi movie. People selling masks and hand sanitizer were making money hand-over-fist. There were constant and continual messages over the radio urging people to get vaxxed and universities even offered students $100 cash to get the vax. I thought if it were so deadly, why would they need to offer money? What was this push to vax everyone? People who were skeptical and/or refused the vax were demonized at every turn. You could not express even an opinion without hysterics from others being unleashed on you. I knew enough about vaccines that they needed years to be tested to find out if they were safe. I knew not enough testing had been done to know one way or the other. It became evident quite quickly that some people reacted badly to the vaccine, but I had to go to alternate media to find this out. I knew if I were vaccine injured there would be no one to help or take care of me. I refused to take the vaccine. My family was furious. Still I did not budge. I am a teacher and if the union of teachers mandated it, I would refuse and would likely be fired. I was ready to accept this and made plans to possibly do something else. Fortunately, the union of teachers decided NOT to issue a mandatory vaccine. I am lucky. I have two cousins who are vaccine injured. This is MONSTROUS EVIL.

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