The Rise of the Fourth Reich

Our English correspondent Seneca III wrote the following essay just before the Southport riots began.

The Rise of the Fourth Reich

by Seneca III

This is a pocket primer for those confused by the treacherous actions of Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and today’s Labour Party following the brutal murder of three little girls in Southport on Merseyside.

First, it helps if one can visualise that sometimes history does repeat itself, and thus the template for understanding our current Socialist reincarnation may be found in 1930s Germany, where Hitler and his closest henchmen, Himmler, Bormann, Göring, and later the psychopath Reinhardt Heydrich, created a Nazi State from out of the ruins, chaos and bitterness of the Kaiser’s lost war.

The immediate postwar German State, with Hindenburg as its titular head before he was replaced by a newly minted Führer, Adolf Hitler, was unstable and directionless. Thus did the Nazis come into being under the banner of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP, the ‘National Socialist German Workers’ Party’. (Remind you of anything?). Two of the pillars of this new regime were the SS, the Schutzstaffel, or ‘Protection Squadron’ and the Geheime Staatspolizei, the Gestapo or ‘Secret State Police’.

Fast forward to 2024 in the UK. After 14 years of infighting in the political wilderness, resentful and full of hatred for the people whose traditional support had once put them in office but no longer (having been replaced by the Demented Slaves of Allah) they came into power at a time of a losing war against a barbarian invasion which, to their delight, they found could be leveraged and weaponised on their behalf in order to help meet their ideological ends — total control. Make no mistake about it, Starmer’s new ‘Police Task Force’ is shaping up to be a combination of a Schutzstaffel and a Geheime Staatspolizei designed to put the boot into those whom he calls ‘extreme far right thugs’, the modern Untermenschen. Feel free to draw your own conclusions, dear readers, but I am firmly convinced that Starmer and his acolytes are now definitely in the process of becoming 21st-century Nazis, complete with Starmtroopers.

Furthermore, I hear an unsubstantiated rumour that the Southport killer’s defence counsel are or are going to claim that he is autistic (the ‘mental illness’ card). The clinical definition of autism, also called autism spectrum disorder (ASD) describes a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by symptoms of deficient reciprocal social communication and the presence of restricted, repetitive and inflexible patterns of behaviour that are impairing in multiple contexts and excessive or atypical to be developmentally and socioculturally inappropriate. It is also, perhaps inadvertently, a loose definition of Islam, because such things are always a matter of degree and the vector of their expression.

— Seneca III, in a surrounded Middle England on this 6th day of August in the year of our Lord 2024.

For links to previous essays by Seneca III, see the Seneca III Archives.

6 thoughts on “The Rise of the Fourth Reich

  1. I just want to say that YOUTube has changed it’s reporting feature that does not allow you
    to report “Terrorism”

    YOUTube now sides with the terrorists.

  2. It won’t stop until you force them to stop. The globalists are motivated solely by money. Whatever money you have, they are trying bit by bit to kill you off and take it. That’s it. That’s the entire agenda. Sowing chaos via barbarians and degenerates is just a means to that end.

    • “The globalists are motivated solely by money….That’s the entire agenda. Sowing chaos via barbarians and degenerates is just a means to that end.”

      Sadly, true….and nothing new.

      “‘Toddlers LIE and LIE and LIE and, then, they LIE about their LIES. Then, they point their collectivist fingers at their opponents and accuse them of lying, which is a LIE..
      Remember: There’s no law that can’t be broken, no lie that can’t be told by Bolshevik two year-old commie-toddlers in their blind pursuit of “social justice” (FOR PERSONAL GAIN).” —posted to fb (Nov 2021)

  3. This video “Ex – Police Detective Reacts to U.K. Riots – Peter Bleksley”, is actually interesting from a psychological perspective. I don’t know if he did this to defuse some people or hoping some people he speaks of may learn something. He doesn’t represent the government but he does admit things that people already know where the government name calls.

    TLDW; Head of government and police live in a bubble and don’t have experience outside of their world and don’t know what the reality is.

  4. Britains’ laws and politics support the rise of State totalitarianism, with statute laws prohibiting any speech against the .gov policies, and highly selective enforcement of what were once laws of general application.

    I expect that the current political forces (I do not refer to the nominal political parties, but rather to those controlling both sides of the aisle) to expand on the playbook from the US Democrat Jan 6 operation, and use electronic footprinting, surveillance, and spoofed cell towers to identify political targets to stomp on hard, in an effort to terrorize the rest of the white British population.

    To some extent, this type of terrorism has worked in the US, though our .gov forces are getting far too close to the point where individual action becomes reasonable.

    In a surveillance environment, the basic defenses are to be unseen, unnoticed, or individually unidentifiable, like the black bloc troops.

    This limits direct action to individuals and _very_ small groups, because of the surveillance / informer presence, so researching the points where small inputs may have wider effects nay be useful.

    Still trying to work within the system, but not sanguine of the chances for success.

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