No Longer Welcome in Arnhem

I’ve reported a number of times on the Islamophobic actions of Edwin Wagensveld (the leader of the Dutch branch of Pegida), most recently his attempt to burn a Koran in Arnhem. His activities sometimes provoke a violent response on the part of “Dutch” culture-enrichers, and on more than one occasion have caused him to be arrested by police.

Mr. Wagensveld has become persona non grata in Arnhem, to the extent that he is now banned from entering the city. The ban was issued by the mayor — whose first name is Ahmed, which tells you all you need to know.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Dutch online portal

Pegida leader gets 6-month local ban in Arnhem

March 21, 2024

Edwin Wagensveld, the leader of the radical-right group Pegida, cannot enter the city of Arnhem for six months. Mayor Ahmed Marcouch has imposed a local ban on Wagensveld. The ban goes into immediate effect.

Marcouch will reconsider the ban after three months, he has informed Wagensveld.

The Pegida leader wanted to burn a Koran next Saturday on Jans Square in Arnhem. On Wednesday, Marcouch forbade that on the advice of the police out of fear of chaos and because there would be concrete terrorist fears.

Wagensveld said on social media that he would definitely come to Arnhem on Saturday. The mayor reacted that the Pegida leader would definitely not enter Arnhem. Now Marcouch has imposed a local ban on him.

Wagensveld is not allowed to appear anywhere in Arnhem because of the ban. He is allowed to travel through Arnhem by train or bus but is not allowed to get off. Arnhem is a central station for trains to and from Germany, where Wagensveld lives. There is also an exception in the case that he might have to appear in the courthouse in Arnhem.

Police cannot guarantee safety

The mayor of Arnhem fears that the arrival of Wagensveld will attract groups and individuals who will try to stop him with violence or try to prevent his actions.

In addition, there are probably groups who also want to commit acts of violence. Marcouch speaks of a “high degree of probability.” There are concrete threats against the Pegida leader.

Marcouch expects that many more counter-demonstrators will come to Arnhem via calls on social media shortly before the demonstration, “which increases the unpredictability and thus, the uncontrollability of the anticipated serious disorder.” Police say safety cannot be guaranteed, even with the deployment of a large police presence.

Wagensveld tried to burn a Koran in Arnhem on January 13. That did not occur because there were many counter-demonstrators. The demonstration turned into riots and fights.

For links to previous articles about PEGIDA (Patriotische Europäer Gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes, Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West) and related movements, see the PEGIDA Archives.

5 thoughts on “No Longer Welcome in Arnhem

  1. The indigenous people in all Western countries must begin, with immediate effect, to stop selecting and electing ethnics to represent them. Unless, of course, they would prefer to be governed by those who are not like them and whose interests are not theirs.
    Just see what is happening is Scotland, Wales, Eire and England as examples of the indigenous being ruled over by ‘others’.

  2. For the time being, it is difficult to fully execute such territorial bans against the Enemies of the Order.

    That’s why the new tools of the NWO (CBDC, personal IDs, centralized total surveillance etc.) will come in handy!

  3. What about an “Auto da Fe” for that mayor and all those others that are deliberately and ideologically helping in the destruction of our Civilization?
    And the fuel for those Auto da Fe’s could be piles and piles of Qurans, Hadith, Das Kapital, Mein Kampf, Mao’s little Red Book and the like.
    Would solve quite a few problems in one go and with the strike of a “Lucifer”.

  4. Democracy is dead and gone and anyone who thinks you are going to vote your way out of this is wishfully denying reality, it all over now but waiting for the shooting to start.

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