From Jerusalem to Yerevan

As part of my work here at Gates of Vienna, I routinely have to read large quantities of material. That means I encounter many things I don’t agree with. I make a point of doing exactly that, because if I only read things I already agree with, I never learn anything new.

These days that also means I read a lot of stuff by people who don’t like Jews. Which is OK. I like Jews, but I don’t require that everybody else like them.

However, even though I’m a philo-Semite, that doesn’t mean that I think U.S. foreign policy should be subordinate to Israel’s. Even so, there are a lot of people who do think that, even if most of them never articulate it fully. They believe that the United States has a responsibility to make sure Israel wins its wars.

We don’t. We have a responsibility to take care of America’s interests. Period.

It’s quite possible that many American Jews will be appalled by my assertion. They may consider it an anti- Semitic position. Unfortunately, we live in a time when taking care of national self-interest is deprecated, and basing foreign policy on the loftiest moral principles is elevated to an absolute imperative. The concept of national interest is passé. It’s so 1945. It’s even — gasp! — Bismarckian.

The confusion of moral issues with those of national interest is one of the primary sources of our current political mess. Conducting foreign policy based on moral idealism rather than pragmatic national security is a guaranteed recipe for trouble.

And putting the interests of the state of Israel ahead of — or even on a par with — those of the United States is prima facie evidence of unseemly political influence. Tipping the scales in favor of a sovereign foreign entity can only be accomplished through the liberal application of money as a political lubricant at appropriate points in the machinery of state.

Tracking the various conduits through which mammon flows to corrupt political functionaries, and tracing that flow back to its ultimate source, is a project that would consume several lifetimes of effort, so I won’t attempt to get into it here. It’s just worth keeping the general rule in mind: if you want to learn why a politician acts against the interests of his constituents and his country, follow the money.

One way you can tell that money — rather than moral principles — guides US foreign policy vis-à-vis Israel is to look at a parallel case, that of Armenia.

On a strictly moral basis, Armenia’s case for assistance is every bit as strong as Israel’s. Like the Jews, the Armenians were targeted for genocide in the 20th century, beginning in 1915, with the Turks of the Ottoman Empire as the perpetrators. There are numerous photos of heaps of corpses of Armenian women and children, just as there were of the Jews during the Holocaust.

Like the Jews, Armenians had their property seized by the state. Like the Jews, the Armenians were deported en masse to concentration camps — in their case in the Syrian desert. Women and girls were crucified along the route. Their bodies were left to rot in the blazing sun.

At least a million Armenians were slaughtered or died of disease and starvation. The death toll was roughly half of the Armenian population.

Last September, Azerbaijan, a close ally of Turkey, ethnically cleansed Nagorno-Karabakh (also known as Artsakh), an ethnic Armenian enclave in Azerbaijan, taking over the property of the inhabitants and forcing them to flee to Armenia proper. Armenian cemeteries and churches were desecrated and destroyed.

Did the U.S. government send billions of dollars of aid and weapons to Armenia? It most certainly did not, nor did the Europeans. The destruction of Artsakh caused scarcely a blip in the Western news media. No sympathetic CNN correspondents were embedded in the columns of refugees fleeing from Artsakh.

Why? Obviously, the Armenian diaspora lacks the financial resources to successfully lobby Western political grandees. They just don’t have the bucks to steer policy in their favor. If they did, billions of dollars in aid would have poured into government coffers in Yerevan, and the term “anti-Armenism” would merit an entry in the style books of The New York Times and The Washington Post, ready to be trotted out whenever anyone objected to all the largesse being lavished on Armenia.

Alas, the Armenians just aren’t that well-heeled.

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My point in all of the above is that there is no moral or rational reason to lavish vast resources on Israel while neglecting Armenia. The Armenian Holocaust got a twenty-year head start on that of the Jews, but in other respects the two atrocities are roughly equivalent.

This is not an argument if favor of replicating in Yerevan the assistance given to Tel Aviv, but rather an argument in favor of leaving both countries to their own devices, unless there is a compelling American interest at stake.

A neocon might insist that massive support for Israel is necessary in order to further the endless Middle Eastern wars that he is so keen on. If so, let him argue the merits of that case, rather than base state policy on lofty moral principles or simple human pity. If those last reasons are paramount in your mind, then by all means open your wallet and send your hard-earned money to Israeli charities. But don’t demand that the pockets of all American taxpayers be emptied to buttress your moral rectitude.

Alternatively, it’s possible that someday someone may make the case for bankrolling Armenia as a buttress against the evil designs of Satan himself, a.k.a. Vladimir Putin. If so, make the argument on those terms, rather than pulling on our heartstrings about the plight of children driven out of Nagorno-Karabakh.

It’s very difficult to have a calm, reasoned public discussion about these matters. On the one hand, anyone who takes my position risks being branded an “anti-Semite” by the bien-pensants of both the left and the right — which effectively forecloses any further argument. On the other hand, the real Jew-haters may decide to borrow my arguments to support their cause.

A plague on both your houses! I am sped.

42 thoughts on “From Jerusalem to Yerevan

  1. That is a very poor text, cultural weak and overall “Socialistic” argument resorting to “financial” factor. The reason Israel is supported is because of several factors:

    – Israel fought in Cold War, Armenia did not it was a mere Soviet state.
    – There are very close intel and industrial military ties between Israel, USA and some Euro countries and a long shared history. None of that happen with Armenia.
    – Armenia diaspora is small
    – Armenia logistics are much more difficult.
    – Armenia leadership has been disastrous for Armenia
    – Armenia is much closer to Russia than Israel
    – The Marxist Left sees Israel as an icon of Western Civilisation to destroy.
    – If Israel falls, democracy that have been taking successive hits will fall in much of West. The symbolism of it cannot be overstated. No one will trust USA.
    -Íf Israel falls, Lebanon falls to Heezbollah, suddenly 2000km Iranian ballistic missiles in Beirut, Islam with Leftist support will be emboldened all over the world. Greece suddenly will have an even more assertive Turkey that is developing a strong own military and will probably take over Cyprus expelling British sovereignty from their airbases.

    • These are excellent arguments. Thank you.

      And they are precisely what I asked for: PRAGMATIC arguments, rather than moral ones.

      The rationale for our aiding Israel is currently based on war porn stories about beheaded babies and raped schoolgirls. That is, it’s a combined moral/emotional debate, rather than a rational and pragmatic one.

      That needs to change.

    • I do agree with you on many points.
      One that stands out is the apathy of the armenian leadership.
      They complain but dont do anything. They ask Russia and nothing more.
      If I may be evil:
      Si vias pacem para bellum (If you want peace, prepare for war.)
      Armenia should build up an arms industry.
      If they dont have the means you go for WMD.
      If you cant build nuclear bombs you go chemical.
      If you cannot go chemical, you go biological.

      I once read that many years ago they wargamed the use of anthrax bombs against Nazi Germany as Churchill threatened to do(long after WWII and with modern knowledge of biological weapons etc).
      According to 90% of the simulation that would have eradicated all human life in Europe, Asia, Africa. And in the rest 10% all of humanity was wiped out.
      So, I would say that if Armenia would go down this way, then everybody would sit up and take notice. Then Azerbaijan would get a very strong message from both Washington and Moskva to leave Armenia alone, because God doesnt play with dice.
      But to go down this path you need a leadership thats strong and cares about its population. Neither is the armenian government.

  2. Jew here, though not American.

    I fully agree with you.

    If I were Israel, the only thing I would really want from the U.S. would be (a) sale of weapons on commercial terms and (b) vetos at the UN.

    The first is a profit for the U.S., the second is a no-cost item.

    • Look at all the enemies and emnity we have amassed in the Middle East since 1948. Don’t EVER claim supporting Israel is a no cost proposal!

  3. Armenia may very well warrant more US support, on moral grounds, but the US does not “support” other countries on the basis of morality–never has and never will.

    Regarding US interests in Israel (strategic, military and economic, but not moral), versus Armenia, I offer the following:

    The US has practically no strategic or economic interests Armenia, has virtually no trade with Armenia, has virtually no private US investment in Armenia, and has very little cultural interaction with or influence from Armenia, although we have important Armenian immigrant populations, particularly in the Los Angeles area, (Glendale, to be specific). I see this last point as a positive for the US.

    Israel is chock-full of major US high-tech companies. Intel, alone, employs more than 6,000 people in Israel, and is home to one of Intel’s most important R&D facilities and major chip manufacturing plants. Israel provides an astonishing amount of technology to the US and the rest of the world. The US relies upon Israel for important (not just “helpful” but critical) defense technology, components and hardware, required for such platforms as the F-35, the latest F-16s (wings!), infantry night vision gear (latest contract of $700 million of gear, manfuctured by the US subsidiary of the Israel defense contractor, Elbit), the Trophy System to protect tanks and other armored vechicles, guided missile technology (the US Army is evaluating Israel’s SPIKE missile for its attack helicopters), ground-based anti-missile systems (Iron Dome, etc.), automated gun turret systems, and the list goes on and on. US high-tech companies are heavily dependent upon Israeli tech and Israeli manpower. Now, consider all the other scientific, medical, industrial, academic and cultural contributions and interrelationships between the US and Israel. The US and Israel are fundamentally intertwined. This is fact, not opinion.

    • Much of the Armenian argument applies to Georgia and Kazakhstan too, but America is very interested in Georgia because “According to Lynch (2006: 8), Georgia “matters because of its importance as a transit route for energy goods from the Caspian Sea region”.
      US is interested in Kazakhstan supporting colour revolutions there,because it produces the most uranium in the world? US has no other connection and Kazakhstan is landlocked.
      So, the bottom line is if you are important in the energy business you get US support and attention otherwise get lost and die.

      • Yes, that’s a good summary of the geopolitical priorities. Add some nuance to it by including uranium production (Russia) and rare earths (China). Everything else is pretty much window dressing.

        • But partially cooked (rare) earths have been found in Imperial Valley in California and in the Central Cascades in Oregon. So who needs China when we can be Ore gone Imperialists

    • The US has been trying to get closer to Armenia as a way to insert themselves into the region. With the same intent as they did in Ukraine, to disrupt and eventually defeat Russia. Russia previously had been a peacekeeper in the area but had chosen Azerbaijan as more important in response to Armenia turning to the West.

    • Also Israel saves the US millions (maybe more?) testing American weapons under actual combat conditions rather than simulations or war games.

      • Actually, I don’t think the Israelis have been testing American hardware in peer-to-peer warfare, not in recent decades. Their actions have generally been against Hamas, Hezbollah, and the like.

        American hardware is being tested under peer-to-peer conditions right now in Ukraine, and it’s not performing all that well. The USA would be well-advised not to contemplate an actual military confrontation with Russia, not in the near future, anyway.

        Unless the PTB decide to just go nuclear from the get-go. Which is what the Nuland/Kagan axis seems to be slavering for.

        • Good point. In asymmetircal warfare, the Israelis could be using F-16s or-35s against their recent opponents, but would still have better equipment (and training).

        • “American hardware is being tested under peer-to-peer conditions right now in Ukraine, and it’s not performing all that well.”

          I’d add that much (most?) of that hardware is relatively archaic and poorly maintained (often by “social justice” freaks and sexually-confused ‘toddlers). Meanwhile, much of what the Russians’ve been bringing to the front is either modern or cutting-edge and maintained by warriors who’re both committed and well-trained (to warfare, not the latest dance-steps).

          “The USA would be well-advised not to contemplate an actual military confrontation with Russia…”

          An old co-worker, Richard Maltz, spent most of his career war-gaming for the pentagon. Going back as far as the late ’80s (when the US actually had a mostly warrior-based military), based on his first-hand experience DIRECTING many of these “games”, he wrote report after report WARNING high-level decision makers against getting into ANY military entanglements with ANY major power because we’d LOSE….and decisively so.

          In recent years, as the commie-toddlers’ve spent most of their time/effort cleansing the US military of its [mostly white] warrior classes—replacing them with affirmative-action hires, sexually-confused transvestites and outright COMMIE-TODDLERS (i.e., infantile Bolsheviks)—things’ve only gotten worse…..MUCH worse. NIGHTMARISHLY worse! But, then, I reckon I don’t have to tell you that..

          For those with interest, you might find some of Maltz’s articles on the subject “somewhat” enlightening.

    • “… the US does not “support” other countries on the basis of morality–never has and never will.”

      Well, that pretty well dismisses the War of Northern aggression: initiated to expunge the moral “sin” of slavery, or alternately to advance the moral imperative of “saving the Union”, even though the Confederacy had never threatened the United States.
      The Spanish-American War: sold as liberating Cuba and the Philippines from the immoral yoke of Imperial Spain.
      WWI: sold to stop the murdering (immoral) Huns from conquering France, again.
      All of the various Banana Republic incursions: sold as removing oppressive (immoral) tinpot dictators and their ilk.
      The support of China in the Second Sino-Japanese War: sold entirely as a moral obligation, thank you very much Pearl S. Buck, Elenore Roosevelt, et. al. thereby convincing the Japanese Imperial War Cabinet that war with the U.S. was foregone, merely a matter of when and who strikes first.
      All of the wars fought to check communism, going back to intervention in the Russian Civil War: All sold as moral obligations to keep various peoples from suffering in immoral communist shackles.
      Iraq again

      Americans, at least those who came of age pre-21st Century, will not go to war for money. For Americans a war must be righteous, the ComIntern successfully exploited this as a weakness during the Viet Nam era. Now it can be argued that all of the above had a profit motive by powerful people/cliques first and a moral glove was then tailored to fit, and that may well be true, though for the life of me I can’t imagine what American entity/interest profited from the Serbian debacle. In other words that, going back to the Treaty of Ghent, Americans have been bamboozled into sending north of 2 million young men to their graves for someone’s profit.

      Then we get into the weeds of what is Morale and what isn’t. Every war that has ever been fought, going back to antiquity, had a profit motive somewhere in it. One side had a thing it wanted to wrest from the other; the other side would not let go. How long would Agamemnon have remained king if he allowed Paris to blatantly cuckold him. Could be Helen was a nightmare harridan and he was secretly relieved to be rid of her, but he couldn’t just let go under the circumstances.

      The Party will tell you that Morality is a matter of “context” meaning that what is Moral today might be Immoral tomorrow, depending on the whim of the Commissariat. Greek philosophers, Hebrew, and Christian teachers agreed that Morality was fixed and non-transactional yet something of a sticky wicket to sort out. Whose side do you take, Antigone’s or Creon’s.
      Where does profit turn into honor, where does honor become a Moral imperative? Nathan Bedford Forrest said, “War means fightin’, and fightin’ means killin’.” So what is more righteous, killin’ for profit or killin’ for Morality?

      For myself I view the state of Israel as a forlorn hope between Dar al Harb
      and Dar al Islam. The enemy of my enemy may not be my friend, Americans blather on too much about friendship in affairs between nations, but that doesn’t mean I can’t send a hot meal out to help them stand the watch, or at least not carp at them for how they stand it.

  4. Regarding Armenia. I have wonderful Armenian friends. But… in Russia there is still a huge problem associated with Armenian ethnic crime. It’s like a cancerous tumor. Armenians are quite smart and, like any Eastern people, they use cunning to penetrate all sorts of power structures. You know, there is great fatigue from them in Russia.
    For example, Jews are better integrated and contribute to the well-being of the country in which they live. Armenians most often work for the sake of their diaspora

    Until they themselves begin to defend their territorial interests with weapons, and not demand this from the Russians, I personally will not take their side. Although it would be correct to call me an Islam-hater. And I am definitely not on the side of Armenia’s opponents.

  5. The best case for supporting Israel is that the US has repeatedly obstructed Israel in its efforts to finish the existential war. Starting in 1948, Truman had to overrule the State Department to recognize Israel but then the Deep State obstructed further help. The early arms supplier was actually the Soviets, operating through their Czech cutouts. Then it was the French. The US torpedoed the 1956 Suez campaign seeking the moral high ground re the Soviet invasion of Hungary (and then proceeded to provide nothing but words for the Hungarians). Only after the French cut the Israelis off, did the US begin supplying meaningful amounts of arms but the 1967 war was still fought most with French aircraft and tanks. They had some British tanks left over from Suez. Not sure where the SuperShermans came from as the US never configured them that way. Surplus market probably. In 1973, the US may have kept the Soviets out after the Israelis started to win but it could also have been a distraction from Nixon’s political problems re Watergate. Then the US rescued the PLO when the Israelis had them trapped in Beirut. Then came the incessant pressure for the designed to fail two-state plan. The problem is that all of our pressure was on the Israelis when it was the Palestinians who refused to accept it. And this continues today.

    I suppose this is a moral argument rather than a pragmatic one but if you broke it, you bought it. The same would be true of Russia re Armenia but for Armenia cozying up to the EU and WEF. So Russia stood down during the latest attack.

    • The SuperSherman were WWII surplus from the U.S. The Israelis’ adapted a high velocity 75mm gun from the French AMX-13, upgrade the suspension, and converted them to diesel engines. A few were further upgraded to a 105mm gun in the early 60’s.

  6. It’s worth recalling that all U.S. expeditionary forces are always justified to the American public as moral crusades. It was so in WWII, and even in WWI.

    The American public will never support a war to keep oil cheap. The will go to war to save poor babies.

  7. The idea, as Americans, we should be supporting one side or the other in any foreign conflict is preposterous.
    Why should I support two cultures, Muslim and Zionist, that both regard Christians as sub-human? This is not conjecture, but written into their respective ideologies. I sincerely hope they wipe each other out, so the world may have some semblance of peace.
    We are no longer in a financial nor military position to be dictating foreign policy to others around the globe, and the rest of the globe, 90% of the global population, are now seeing their way out of those financial bonds.

    Until we start caring about our own people here at home, it is absurdly hypocritical to pretend we care about those in other countries.

  8. BTW, I have worked with the Armenians who live in SoCal, and Glendale. They are good, dependable, a bit rough, but the overwhelming majority are fundamentalist Christian and can be trusted to be good to their word. Now why do you think that world hates them and wants them gone? Why does the world want the Jews gone? Next question, who’s world is it?

  9. Turks are NOT Jews at all and there are no crypto-Jews at all. YOU are pulling this lie from a Roman Catholic site that praises a mary that is not Jesus mother.
    Of course, there was HITLERS poope, Eugenio Pacelli who aided Hitlers genocide of Jews.

    The turks genocided the Armenians many years ago.

    • And yet… you provide no contradictory evidence. I provided you a link to numerous VERIFIABLE sources that the perpetrators of the Armenian genocide were Jews and Dönmeh:

      Eugenio Pacelli was so much “Hitler’s Pope” that, because of Pacelli’s kindness in saving many Italian Jews, the Chief Rabbi of Rome converted to Catholicism and took “Eugenio” as his Christian name in honor of Pope Pius XII. Spend more time on my site and learn a lot:

  10. The Occupation Government of the United Banksters (even though they are mostly Jewish) couldn’t care less about Israel — or any of the little Jews anywhere, for that matter. After all, the PTB called Israel the “test lab” of the poison poke (Pfizer’s Albert Bourla said that at the time).

    Being seemingly supportive of Israel seems to be the part of just another globalist Circus after the Rona Circus and the Ukraine one.

    Because the “wee support Israel” narrative is just that: a narrative (even if it is real — again, who said that a narrative cannot be bloody). The same internazi banksters finance the “Wee Support Palestine” team as well: the U.S. Occupation Government has been sending and providing a lot of support for the “Palestinian cause” via the (occupied) EU (for instance)!

    So I take the Baron’s essay as an imperative to “end the occupation government” — I can only agree with.

  11. Dear Baron B.,

    I am a long time reader, a student of history and a strictly Orthodox Jew (Chassid). Your ideas are not anti-Semitic (I can sense one a mile away being a child of Holocaust survivors). I think you miss an essential point and that is that American interests and moral theoretical positions are one and the same.

    The West has grown and flourished based on Judeo-Christian principles (equal justice, fair measures in business and precise measures in industrial manufacturing etc). The “forces of evil” (Islamic radicalism, progressive leftism etc) are working hard to topple Israel (the Jews, as in “first the Saturday people then the Sunday people”). If G-d forbid Israel stumbles the West (US as leader) is next in line.

    As you see, it is the American interest to assist Israel. Unfortunate for the Armenians but there was no world reverberations and thankfully, they had a safe place to find refuge.

  12. A bit late to the party, but here is my comment as an Israeli who, like you, objects to American involvement in our affairs—most of all on “moral” grounds.

    My objection is that the US establishment is our mortal enemy just as it is yours. It has worked behind the scenes for decades to help grow our own deep state in its image, co-opt our military, business, and political establishment all across the ideological spectrum, and created a massive dependence of Israel on the US in every aspect, not only diplomatic but also in technical matters such as the supply chain of the most basic munitions.

    The dire results can be seen these days, when a Democrat administration is actively undermining our ability to achieve victory (as it has consistently done, both in Democrat and Republican hands, in all our wars since 1973) and actually collaborates with our enemies against us while ostensibly supporting us with the supply of weaponry. Not to mention sabotaging any action on our part against Iran, the real enemy that is guiding its proxy forces against us.

    This endless not-allowed-to-win war cycle with its concomitant weaponry bonanza benefits America, and only America; not us. The US, in fact, is already steering our conflict entirely out of its own interests, and the moral facade is indeed just a facade for the gullible. Alas, those American interests belong exclusively to your ruling elite. These aren’t the interests of the American people, and certainly not those of the Israeli or Jewish peoples, who do not wish to “fight the good fight” (in the nihilistic vein of “l’art pour l’art”) but to defeat the enemy once and for all.

    Israel is kept as a virtual protectorate that is only allowed to win just enough to survive to the next cycle while equipping itself with a new iteration of expensive American materiel. Our own political-military-industrial is entirely on board with this, hence its repeated inexplicable “failures” to finish the job.

    So, Baron, I’m with you on this, but I do suggest a more nuanced description to your case. As long as the US is itself just a kitschy potemkin village that merely pretends to belong to the people, what you are looking for is not national interests. Those are already amply served in the form of a death spiral that drives Jews into a smaller and smaller corral surrounded by Islamic hordes while selling them the tools to play a little longer in the arena before the Neo Caesar in the White House.

    What you want is for the county to serve the actual popular interest. That is also what I hope for, both in your case and ours. The day we are decoupled from the empire of greed that has hijacked America will be our true independence day.

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