The Greens Want It All

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Party conference in Karlsruhe

The Green Party base wants to stop deportations and abolish “prosperity”

The federal government is moving too far to the right for the Green base. They want to go back to “no person is illegal” and open borders. She wants to take completely new paths in economic policy.

The social debate has changed. The Greens, with their fantasies of open borders, are no longer setting the tone. The Chancellor, a Social Democrat, recently announced deportations “on a large scale”. The Green base is angry. [A large scale? That’s a sick joke, since it will only be 600 additional deportations per year, with a daily influx of over 1,500. Do the math; it’s all hogwash.]

The 49th Green Party Congress begins in Karlsruhe on Thursday evening and could get heated. The party leadership is re-elected, the candidates for the European elections are determined and an associated election program is agreed upon. There are already more than 1,600 amendment requests for this.

The party leadership wrote in the main motion: “We want returns to be carried out in accordance with the rule of law. Not everyone who comes to Germany can stay.” A no-go for the base. [“Base” is the right word for these leeches.] “There are no humane deportations!” says one application. They are always violent and should therefore be rejected. [Don’t let them in in the first place and there will be no violence from their side. Quite simple, Dumbo.]

“No person is illegal” instead of “repatriations”

Even the creation of the word “repatriation” instead of “deportation” would not change this. Rather, one must oppose the “progressive shift to the right”. The human right to asylum and the human right to freedom of movement — probably intended as a synonym for open borders — should not be restricted. “What we should fight for is a change in how we deal with migrants and refugees — towards fighting for every single person to be able to lead a new life here.” [Allahu Akhbar!]

Another amendment is directed against the phrase “humanity and order”. Instead it should say “No person is illegal”. Because people are not illegal, only their behavior can be illegal. For the Green base, unauthorized entry into Germany does not seem to be illegal.

Greens want to abolish “prosperity” [But only for those who aren’t in the higher echelons of the Politburo, and an abysmal “quality of life” will be for the rest.]

The Green base wants to say goodbye to the word “prosperity”. The party leadership named an entire chapter after it: “What Protects Prosperity”. The applicants argue that the term is outdated. As a synonym for material standards and goals, it is incompatible with the election program. Rather, the term “quality of life” should be introduced. Because the new wording contains much more than just material standards. “Healthy nature and food, external, internal and social security” is what the Greens stand for and also the new term quality of life. “It’s also a sign that the goals have to change.”

Germany should no longer “assert itself” in the future. Simply “being able to meet the international partner on at least an equal level” must be enough. This is what another motion from the party base would like to see. After all, the climate crisis must be solved together. Whoever stays on the sidelines is irrelevant. [And will be exterminated as an enemy of the NWO.]

Afterword from the translator:

Then where is the role model function of the Green faction duo? A little less prosperity would definitely have a positive effect on both of them.

Anyone who is let in to take a “test” must also be let out again after the “test” results come back with a negative result.

But it’s worse: Anyone who requests asylum at the German border definitely comes from a safe country and has not requested asylum there, but rather wants to enter Germany without a visa. And that is still against the law. I’ve said it before: there is not a single refugee in Germany. An escape ends when you reach a safe area in your own country or in the nearest neighboring country. However, anyone who crosses several borders and countries and even continents and chooses the country with the highest monetary social payments is no longer a refugee, but an economic parasite.

4 thoughts on “The Greens Want It All

  1. We had a saying back a decade or two ago, kill a commie for mommy, we should bring it back and scare the bloody daylights out of them.

  2. The green loonies and rainbow mafia will be the first people who loss their heads or are hung by construction canes if sharia becomes the law of the land. History in the 20 th century in Iran has shown..

  3. This communist “Greens’ will finished this country along with SPD , form new government is need it ASAP , I don’t just understand this naivety of Germans Voting for the same traitors over and over again,AFD is the last hope ..

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