The Claimed Muslim ‘Right to Rape’

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

The Claimed Muslim ‘Right to Rape’

by Clare M. Lopez

The one-year anniversary of the September 16, 2022 arrest and murder of Kurdish-Iranian Mahsa Amini by Iran’s so-called ‘morality police’ is coming up. Her killing, supposedly for allowing her hijab to slip from completely covering her hair (while inside her family’s personal vehicle), set off months of street protests against the Iranian regime. These protests focus especially on the complete lack of women’s rights under the Islamic Republic of Iran’s draconian sharia regime. Despite a brutal crackdown by the regime against the protesters, those demonstrations continue today, often under the slogan “Woman, Life, Freedom”.

Iran Arrests 12 Human Rights Activists Ahead of Nationwide Protests Anniversary”, Foundation for Defense of Democracies, August 18, 2023

Iran Arrests Activists Before Anniversary of Amini’s Death” Voice of America Persian Service, August 19, 2023

Iran Detains Prominent Women’s Rights Activists As Anniversary Of Amini’s Death Nears”, RFE/RL’s Radio Farda, August 17, 2023

Raymond Ibrahim, an American of Coptic heritage, is an expert on Islam and a prolific writer about the history of Islamic conquests, expansion, and ongoing current-day threats. Here he writes about Muslim claims to a ‘right’ to rape and enslave non-Muslim girls and women that draw on doctrinal Islamic sources, including the Qur’an and Hadith. The Taliban are noted for savage treatment of Afghan women, but increasingly, such assaults are also taking place in Western European countries such as France.

“The ‘Right’ to Rape and Enslave Non-Muslim Women” by Raymond Ibrahim at Gatestone Institute, July 4, 2023

“Keep pressuring Taliban amid ‘unparalleled assault’ on women’s rights”, UN News, 15 August 2023

“Germany: Afghan Muslim migrant pays $7,000 for 13-year-old bride” by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, August 9, 2023 Remember, marriage to children, even babies (yes, babies), is entirely lawful under sharia.

French teen left disfigured by ‘Maghreb’ youth mob who attacked her with broken glass for wearing ‘immoral’ crop top on night out”, RE MIX —, July 21, 2023

This attack occurred in Toulouse, France. Left unspoken in this article is what ‘Maghreb youth mob’ is code for: Muslim immigrants from North Africa.

And finally, remember that for Islam, it’s about the bloodline. All children born of a Muslim father are held to be Muslim under Islamic Law, but those born to a Muslim mother, but with a father of a different faith, are not. This is why this kind of Muslim violence is so commonplace in the case of mixed faith relationships:

“20-year-old Afreen from Amethi killed by father and brother for being in a relationship with a Hindu boy, body buried to hide the truth: Exclusive FIR details” by Siddhi Somani at, 8 August 2023.

For previous essays by Clare Lopez at Sharia TipSheet, see the Clare Lopez Archives.

2 thoughts on “The Claimed Muslim ‘Right to Rape’

  1. I noticed a headline that reads “A Nations Shame.” It should really blame the politicians who let these Koranimals into our country and the leftist establishment – Particularly the so-called social workers and the police – that has enabled them to carry out their vile activities with both groups claiming that being accused of racism is worse than allowing young white girls to be systematically gang raped by backward savages. We the people have let things go too far. The establishment will not allow us to object. Look what they are doing to Tommy Robinson.

  2. And this is why Americans armed to the teeth, the more the 3rd world invades us, the chances of massive bloodshed is all but assured. History proves this to the outcome, without exception, so diversity be bloody damned.

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