Child-Raping, Beheading, Forcibly Converting, and Beating Women Because, You Know, Islam

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Child-Raping, Beheading, Forcibly Converting, and Beating Women Because, You Know, Islam

by Clare M. Lopez

“Uttarakhand: Maulvi Shabbir Raza arrested for raping and sexually exploiting 5 minor girls inside illegal Madarsa [sic, “Madrasa”] in Rudrapur, police say there can be more victims” by OpIndia Staff, 24 August 2024

  • These little girls were aged 5-9 years old.

“India: Muslim cleric arrested for raping and sexually exploiting five girls aged five to nine inside illegal madrasa” by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, September 11, 2024

  • Robert Spencer’s explanation for why such abominable behavior is all-too culturally common in Muslim societies even if not strictly legal per sharia.

Iran escalates crackdown ahead of ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ anniversary” at Iran International, September 6, 2024

“Honour killing in Uttar Pradesh: Naeem beheads 17-year-old daughter for having an affair, dismembers her body in multiple pieces; arrested” by OpIndia Staff, 3 September 2024

  • We’ll recall that according to Islamic Law (sharia), there is no penalty for a parent or grandparent killing their offspring.

“Germany: Muslim migrant kills his ex-girlfriend to ‘restore his honor’ while screaming ‘I have the right to do this’” by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, August 30, 2024

“Diyarbakir cafes faced with Islamist attacks over alcohol sale, women’s clothing” at, August 27, 2024

  • Of course, there’s no such thing as “Islamist attacks”, here taking place in Turkey. These are strictly observant Muslims, taking enforcement into their own hands of Islamic dress codes for women and the Islamic ban on alcohol.

“12-year-old Christian girl forcibly converted by Muslim man who kidnapped her in Pakistan” by Christian Daily International Morning Star News, August 28, 2024

  • More “Love Jihad”… the girl’s family is Catholic.

Taliban Dismisses Criticism of New Islamic Law Targeting Women, Citing Quran, Hadith as Justification” by Pamela Geller, 23 August 2024

  • New Taliban regime laws forbid women’s faces and voices to be seen/heard in public. And with millions of U.S. dollars pouring in from the Biden/Harris administration, why should the Taliban care what infidel Westerners think?

Kamala’s Legacy: Three Years After the Botched Biden-Harris Afghanistan Withdrawal, Taliban Announces New ‘Vice and Virtue’ Laws Banning Women’s Voices and Bare Faces in Public” by Margaret Flavin at Gateway Pundit, August 25, 2024

“New Taliban Laws Turn Women Into ‘Faceless Shadows’: UN Human Rights Chief” by Chris Summers at The Epoch Times, 08/27/24

Taliban Enforces Harsh New Rules on Afghan Women, Forbids Looking At Unfamiliar Men, Speaking Loudly At Home, Reading Koran In Public” at, August 23, 2024

“Another Coptic Christian Girl ‘Disappears’ in Egypt” by Raymond Ibrahim at Coptic Solidarity, August 27, 2024

  • The family is desperate, but this is an all-too-often occurrence in Egypt, where the authorities do nothing to find the perpetrators or stop the practice.

“Video from Turkey: Muslim beats his wife in public” by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, August 26, 2024

  • Yes, sadly, this is perfectly legal under Islamic Law (see Q 4:34).

“Iranian police seize journalist’s motorcycle, citing ‘female rider’ offense” by Mina Akbari at Iran International, 08/22/2024

  • So, apparently in Iran under strict Islamic rule, females may not ride alone on a motorcycle; who knows what she might do unchaperoned by a man?

“The Taliban Killed a Female YouTuber, then Invented a Story to Cover Up the Murder” by Zan Times at Women’s eNews, August 8, 2024

  • “Moral corruption”, you know.

Has Islam Really Improved the Lot of Women?” by Hugh Fitzgerald at Front Page Magazine, July 31, 2024

  • Just to sum it all up, Hugh Fitzgerald explains the history of Islamic misogyny but doesn’t hold out much hope for change any time soon.

For previous essays by Clare Lopez at Sharia TipSheet, see the Clare Lopez Archives.

2 thoughts on “Child-Raping, Beheading, Forcibly Converting, and Beating Women Because, You Know, Islam

  1. Re: ““Kamala’s Legacy: Three Years After the Botched Biden-Harris Afghanistan Withdrawal, Taliban Announces New ‘Vice and Virtue’ Laws Banning Women’s Voices and Bare Faces in Public” by Margaret Flavin at Gateway Pundit, August 25, 2024”

    “Botched Withdrawal”? Ms. Flavin is either unwilling or unable to look at the unvarnished truth of the matter, which is that the disaster of the pullout was planned happen that way.

    I do not know if she is old-enough to recall the equally-ignominious U.S. withdrawal from Saigon, South Vietnam, in 1975 – but the Nixon administration had negotiated “peace with honor” in the Paris Peace Talks of 1973 by promising U.S. aid if there should be further communist aggression against the South. A promise a Democrat-controlled U.S. Congress reneged upon in an utter betrayal of our former South Vietnamese allies.

    Democrats stabbing the nation and an ally in the back, then just as now. The Democrats so despise the United States that they are willing to condemn innocent people to death, hardship and suffering in the name of political expediency and partisanship.

    It gets worse: If the abandonment of our forces and former allies was treacherous – what do we then call the gifting of hundreds of billions of dollars of our finest military weapons and technology to our former enemies? Thanks to Biden and company, the Taliban now have access to our latest imaging technologies – such as NVGs and IR gear – and through them, undoubtedly the Iranians, Chinese and who knows who else?

    Fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, APCs, small arms, vehicles, etc. – the Christmas list gifted to the enemy was so extensive it seemed endless. Sort of like the capacity of the communists/Democrats to commit treason….

  2. “Has Islam Really Improved the Lot of Women?”

    In a weird kind of way – Islam is not delusional about the genders but it stops at the basics – men are stronger, so men rule over women. But many men are raised by those same women. This creates circles of vindictiveness, I am sure there is a real war of the sexes going on in Islam, behind the scenes, also…

    But in a weird kind of way – Islam is still not delusional. Like some other ideologies…

    The Progresives tried to invert the natural order in the west as if now we are all equal, but we ended up with uchained hypergamy, where few atractive men have sex with most women, and the women still desire them, because rich Sultan is desirable to women even though he has 1000 concubines. But then there are the poor working slaves, utterly unatractive to the female gender… It’s a whole different gender dynamics – we are not in Kansas anymore.

    But for this unchained love Islam came well prepared. Thousands of years of experience, Islam rides the wave of natural instincts of men and women.

    This problem cannot be solved unless men and women rise above their beastly nature, and keep “higher purpose thinking”, pretty much like Christianity teaches, IMHO.

    Recognize the differences between the genders, but use them – not abuse them, like Islam does. Islam very cleverly plays the tune of natural instincts, but not always on the “loving side”. Jesus “let him who has no sin throw the first stone” – is not really Islamic doctrine.

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