The Plight of a Kafir in a Muslim Prison

In last night’s post on the anti-immigration riots in Britain, Paul Weston left the following important comment:

One thing little mentioned is that British prisons are essentially run by Muslim gangs. Jailed dissidents once had only to fear incarceration. They now have to fear violence. Vide Tommy Robinson — not that it unduly concerns this astonishingly brave man.

The British government has effectively stated this: “We will import (against the wishes of the native population who elected us) a foreign people and culture in such numbers as to eventually take control of the country. We will ignore the many atrocities they commit. Indeed, we will make them a legally protected class, unlike the natives. And should the natives show their displeasure about this literal invasion and conquest, we will incarcerate them in prisons for “offences” against the very culture which now violently controls the prisons. This will cause a great deal of fear with regard to voicing dissent. This is good. If we (the government) must become terrorists in order to destroy the country, then so be it.”

I think that pretty much sums up where we are now. As Mark Steyn recently stated: “I used to fear there would be civil war. I now fear there won’t be one.”

And speaking of civil war, all eyes should currently be on Ireland. In the year 2000 there were approximately 500,000 Irishmen aged 0-20. At that time, the population of Ireland was 3.8 million.

Today, the population stands at 5.3 million. This increase was driven by immigration, not births. So there are 1.5 million immigrants in Ireland. As we know, most of them are male and of fighting age. Camps have been set up all across Ireland to house them. Most are centred around towns and cities. The security guards on the gates of the camps are not Irish.

The 500,000 native Irishmen aged 0-20 in 2000 are now aged 20-40. If civil war should erupt, they are the ones who would fight. How do their numbers compare to the incomers? We don’t know, but it is highly probable they are already outnumbered. Worse, the Irish government intends to bring in another million before 2040.

These are all good points, especially the part about Muslim control of British prisons. I was aware of this fact, but in the interests of brevity, I didn’t discuss it in my post.

The plight of kafirs Muslim prisons was highlighted by the experiences of Tommy Robinson more than ten years ago. I combed through the archives from the EDL/British Freedom period, and found this post from early 2014, which contained excerpts from messages I received that day from an EDL source:

Tommy is now at Winchester, which I thought was a Cat C, but was he told be today it is a Cat B and isn’t really much better. He is in the Reception wing and already has had 8 Somali muzzies come up to his cell demanding to know if he is Tommy Robinson from the EDL and making threats. The guards don’t seem interested at all.

Please do anything you can to highlight his plight, as I’m convinced he is a marked man and the authorities know it.

Q: Can you give us a little more information for public release about what happened in Woodhill?

Tommy had been on a legal visit and was returning to his cell, but instead of taking him straight there they put him in a holding room, locked the door and went off.

There were four Muslim converts in there, that’s what Tommy said anyway. I don’t know how he knows for sure, but deffo muzzies anyway. One of them he had already had a run-in with in the visiting hall the previous week as they sat his wife and the kids next to his table. Then when they brought Tommy out the muzzie kicked off and his wife and the kids had to be taken out whilst they found somewhere else, and that really upset her and the kids.

Anyway, the muzzies saw him in the room and started mouthing off about what they were going to do to him. You know our Tommy, he won’t back down, and they started on him. He had black eyes, bloody nose and sore neck as one of them seemed intent on trying to rip his head from his body. The guards came back and took him to the medical wing. They are lying about it now, as Tommy has been charged with having a fight, but previously they said he was attacked and had it all on CCTV, but now the CCTV apparently isn’t working. They also reported it to his brief and the probation person as an attack.

Also his brother-in-law was at the same prison. Although they no longer shared the same cell, he was there when Tommy left for his legal visit, and when Tommy got back on the wing he found out that whilst all this had been going on his brother-in-law had been moved to another gaol. Call me suspicious, but it sounds like a stitch up to me.

That’s the kind of treatment an “Islamophobic” infidel can expect in a prison where Muslim gangs run the place, which is true of most prisons in the UK today.

However, Tommy Robinson had the advantage of his connections with working-class ethnic Irish networks. Those provided him with some degree of protection. I met some of those guys when they were acting as his bodyguards, and they were impressive fellows. I would expect that any one of them would be more than a match for two or three of the low-life Muslims, who are basically cowards that only attack in packs.

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I only know a few people who have been in prison, so my information about what happens inside is limited. And I regard any media information on the matter with more than a grain of suspicion, especially concerning the “white supremacist” gangs that form in prison. So the following analysis is mostly guesswork.

In most American prisons the gangs break out into three general groups based on ethnicity: blacks, Mexicans (and other Latinos), and whites. Russians and Ukrainians may form a fourth group by now, for all I know, but I have no information on that.

Any white man unfortunate enough to find himself in prison faces the likelihood of being beaten up or killed just because he is white. If he joins a white prison gang such as the Aryan Brotherhood and gets the tats, it will afford him a measure of protection and make him less likely to be raped in the showers. Prior to that point he may have been totally indifferent to the issue of race, but the need to avoid extreme violence turns him into a de facto white supremacist.

The situation in British prisons is similar in that there is an ethnic basis to the prison gangs. However, an important difference is that the largest non-white gangs are explicitly Muslim. There may well be separate factions for Shi’ites and Sunnis (or even Barelvis and Deobandis), but I’d be willing to bet there is a general solidarity among the Muslims against the kuffar prisoners.

Membership in the Muslim gangs is obviously defined by religious belief rather than race. A white American prisoner can’t decide to become a Mexican or an African, but a white British prisoner has the option to convert to Islam and join the largest and most powerful gang in the prison. There are some Christians among the white prisoners, but most have no particular religious affiliation, so becoming a Muslim may be quite an attractive option, especially for those who don’t like Jews.

Thus it’s not surprising that a substantial number of white British prisoners convert to Islam while they’re in the nick. It’s yet another front in the inexorable Islamization of Britain.

17 thoughts on “The Plight of a Kafir in a Muslim Prison

    • That is why the Prods and Catholics are working together now in Northern Ireland and is crossing into Ireland proper and spreading.

    • I think he would need to be pardoned as he is not allowed here because he came under another’s passport some time ago. Not likely under the current administration. He also got deported upon arrival to Mexico because UK wanted him deported under national security concerns. So I think they would try to pull that again with the US.

    • It is an open question whether or not the District of the Capital (aka DC, aka the Swamp) would extradite a U.S. citizen to the UK for posting a meme. Deporting an enemy of That Which Must Not Be Named would proceed at the speed of heat. His time on U.S. soil could be calculated in hours if not minutes.

  1. I agree with Mark Steyn. War, particularly Civil War, is horrendous and I pray it won’t happen but I think it is becoming inevitable, providing we, the indigenous people, are determined to take back our country.
    I actually think we all need to start praying to God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, for protection and deliverance from the evil that is levelled against us.

        • God does help everyone, especially those that seek Him. But God does not expect you to sit on your butt and wait to be delivered from the infidel (devils’ minions). We all need to man up and be prepared to fight, now.

          • NO wrong again.

            God does not show favor to to one over the other.

            He shows no more favor to those who seek HIM over the ones who do not.

            Apparently you really do not know God’s purpose at all and more than that he is not a respector of one over the other. You surely know nothing about what Gods Word says about HIM.

  2. In America, a pedophile was put into prison with everybody knowing what the prison population would do to him-usually a death sentence.

    In England, it appears they put citizens who have broken no laws, into jails full of Muslims and does anybody want to what the outcome might be? It is disgusting what England is turning itself into.

  3. Not sure if I’m banned here. I’ll know as of tomorrow I suppose, but I just want to say that even in Canada, with a minority of Muslims, they stick together in jails. They really do. It’s taken for granted.
    I got along with them because I was respectful and they knew I was a Christian. But at the end of the day, if some damn fool who happens to be Muslim gets in a tiff, right or wrong, they stick together. This is not to say I didn’t know Muslims who I didn’t respect. A buddy of mine was a Chechen. Some of the toughest and warmest people you’ll meet. But I’ve read the Koran. I’m not naive about that.

    Maybe this sort of thing is why I am banned – if I am: I was only in tier one security for violent offenders when I was in Isolation. Most of the muslim I met were pussies when they were alone.

  4. Anyone interested in this subject could do a lot worse than read the opening chapter of “No Beast So Fierce” by Ed Bunker. He lays it out very clearly.

  5. Some one pretty smart said, not that long ago, In the coming Civil War, your skin will be your uniform. Anyone doesn’t know that, or Believe it, is pretty naive, and religion is part and parcel of that uniform. Reality is a lot different than a bunch of baloney routines about being “nice”. What is slowly evolving right now into a dog fight, will take a lot of wimpy idiots with it, who can’t see the thing in front of them. Harden your hearts.

  6. Cool. So, if a white guy is going to get sent to a musloid gang-controlled prison hell hole for being “rayciss,” said white guy had better do something spectacularly and outrageously “rayciss.”

    Kinda simplifies things, don’t it?

    Mean tweets won’t cut it, and would be a dumb way to die.

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