Kamala Stomps Her Little Foot — ‘Don’t Call It Radical Islamic Terrorism’

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Kamala Stomps Her Little Foot — ‘Don’t Call It Radical Islamic Terrorism’

by Clare M. Lopez

As tensions mount across the Middle East and the world awaits what is expected to be a massive Iranian-regime-coordinated attack against Israel, we note in several of our links here the wavering Biden administration support for Israel as well as administration’s penetration by antisemitic, anti-Israel and pro-Iranian operatives.

“Are You Sitting Down? It Turns Out Kamala Has Ties to a Far-Left, Hamas-Linked Islamic Group” by Robert Spencer at PJ Media, July 27, 2024

“Kamala Harris Calls for ‘Courage to Object’ to Term ‘Radical Islamic Terrorism’” by Robert Spencer at PJ Media, July 26, 2024

  • As Robert notes in this piece, the real issue here is terming mainstream, normative, orthodox Islamic jihad doctrine as something “radical” — a word, like “extreme”, that signifies a deviation from the norm. Jihad terror in fact is the norm within Islamic doctrine, law, and practice.

“Biden/Harris Regime Colluding With Iran U.S. to Oust Netanyahu — Report” by Pamela Geller, August 4, 2024

“GOP lawmakers probe Kamala Harris adviser for ‘connections’ to Iranian influence operation” by Josh Christenson at New York Post, August 1, 2024

Federal probes of campus antisemitism have flopped” by Jonathan Tobin at the Jewish News Syndicate, June 24, 2024

“Two Jordanians Pose As Amazon Drivers, Try to Breach Gates at Marine Base; WH and ICE Response Is Unreal” by Nick Arama at Red State, May 17, 2024

  • The Quantico Marine gate guards acted swiftly to prevent these two from gaining access to the base. The problem is rather with the belated and very muted White House response to what could have been a serious terror incident. The broader issue, of course, is the wide-open southern border policy of the Biden administration.

“DHS Says ‘Privacy Interests’ Of Illegals On Terrorist Watchlist Outweigh Americans’ Right To Know” by Luke Rosiak at the Daily Wire, May 16, 2024

  • As U.S. reporters tried to learn the facts about the attempted breach of the Quantico, VA Marine Base, the Biden White House stalled in response to direct questions about whether the two Jordanians’ names were on the federal terror watchlist.

“The State Dept, CIA, FBI Are Colluding and Shielding Palestinian Reporter Who Cheered Oct. 7 Massacre — He Was Then Brought to US and Participated in Riots at Columbia University — And Now He Is Honored as Time 100 Most Influential People…UPDATE: MUST SEE VIDEO” by Jim Hoft at the Gateway Pundit, May 19, 2024

  • Gazan reporter moonlights as a HAMAS supporter — both in Gaza and here in the U.S.

“It’s By Design: Democrats Let Iranian Hostiles in Pentagon Conduct Spying Operations” by Roger Stone and Shane Trejo at Big League Politics, May 18, 2024

  • More on the Iranian Experts Initiative inside top levels of U.S. national security.


  • Is there an Iranian regime connection to the July 13, 2024 attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump at the Butler, PA rally? If so, what, if anything, are the Biden admin and its security agencies doing about it?

“The Trump Assassination Attempt: Iran Wants the Democrats to Remain in Office” by Jill Bellamy and Clare M. Lopez at American Greatness, July 30, 2024

  • We know that U.S. intelligence agencies are aware the Iranian regime has plotted since January 2020 to assassinate former President Donald Trump. But is it possible the Iranians somehow reached and perhaps influenced the shooter, Thomas Crooks, possibly via an online gaming app?

“Anti-Israel Congresswoman’s Extraordinary Ties To Palestinian Terrorist Exposed” by Shay Bottomley at Woke Spy, July 25, 2024

  • California Rep. Sara Jacobs is nominally Jewish but chose to boycott Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress in WDC on July 24, 2024. Turns out, she’s got multiple anti-Israel connections.

US House Committee probes funding of National Students for Justice in Palestine” by the Jerusalem Post Staff at The Jerusalem Post, June 2, 2024

  • The U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Accountability is probing the Muslim Brotherhood front group American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) for its funding sources. AMP, a founding member of the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO, the Muslim Brotherhood’s U.S. political umbrella group) is the parent organization of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), its campus branch. AMP and SJP, both founded by AMP’s Hatem Bazian, are the target of multiple lawsuits as well. It may be hoped that both the Congressional and legal inquiries focus on AMP and overall USCMO connections to Turkey and its ruling AKP (Justice & Development Party), founded by stridently pro-HAMAS President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

For previous essays by Clare Lopez at Sharia TipSheet, see the Clare Lopez Archives.

One thought on “Kamala Stomps Her Little Foot — ‘Don’t Call It Radical Islamic Terrorism’

  1. ““Biden/Harris Regime Colluding With Iran U.S. to Oust Netanyahu — Report” by Pamela Geller, August 4, 2024”

    “The U.S., under a past or future Democrat administration, can be counted upon to do no more than wring its hands in frustration and dim the national Christmas tree lights in response to the ultimate destruction of Israel. It is a great irony lost on most American Jews that only Republican administrations can be counted upon to take aggressive action in support of Israel; THE LATENT “PROGRESSIVISM” OF THE DEMOCRATS REQUIRES THEM TO ACTUALLY SECRETLY SUPPORT THE NON-EUROPEAN/WESTERN/CAUCASIAN PARTY (read general history, and Jimmy Carter’s memoirs in particular, if you doubt this).” —”Terrorism Isn’t Rocket Science” (July 2002)

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