Michael Stürzenberger: Enemy of the State

The above photo of Michael Stürzenberger was screen-capped from an interview he gave Junge Freiheit from his hospital bed. The man you see there is considered by the German state to be a danger to the country’s constitution.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Mannheim assassination attempt

That is why the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution is monitoring Stürzenberger

Because he is calling for a ban on political Islam and for Afghan immigrants to be screened, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution is keeping an eye on the stabbed Stürzenberger. Further unpleasant truths make him an enemy of the state.


The Bavarian State Government’s “Bavarian Information Center against Extremism” explains on its website why the Office for the Protection of the Constitution is monitoring Michael Stürzenberger, an Islam-critic who was almost stabbed to death in Mannheim. The Afghan perpetrator murdered a police officer.

According to the statement, there are “actual indications that Stürzenberger and the Bavarian BPE regional association are pursuing anti-Islamic efforts that are relevant to the protection of the constitution and are aimed at abolishing religious freedom for Muslims.” “BPE” refers to the citizens’ association Pax Europa [Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa], for which Stürzenberger warns against political Islam.

But what exactly does the Office for the Protection of the Constitution accuse Stürzenberger of? The state-run “Bavarian Information Center against Extremism” has compiled several quotes that are supposed to prove the 59-year-old’s hostility to the constitution. [These bureaucrats will stretch anything to justify their own existence, even if it is to the detriment of all.]

Screening of Afghan migrants “violates human dignity” [Wow, and my wife had to go through a rigorous screening when we thought some twelve years ago to move to Germany from South Africa.]

First of all, there is this statement: “Every Muslim who comes to Germany from Afghanistan as a supposed ‘refugee’ must first be carefully examined for his or her attitude towards Islam.” This demand, the authority claims, would “violate human dignity” and is likely to “treat Muslims as ‘second-class citizens’ and exclude them.” [Does that statement mean that Afghans will get German citizenship by default? Because that’s exactly what this sounds like to me.]

Because Stürzenberger said that supporters of political Islam were pursuing the goal of “transforming Germany into an Islamic country in which Sharia law prevails,” he was spreading a “conspiracy theory approach,” according to the secret service. The critic believes that Islamists are working “at all levels in society and politics to help spread and gain increasing influence from their ideology, which is aimed at seizing secular power.” [Well, they’ve been saying this from the word “Mohammed,” and that our so called “intelligence services” do not believe what they have been saying for the last 1400+ years, while having successfully implemented this vile ideology in many countries around the globe in various ways, shows clearly that the word “intelligence” is to them not what it means to most of us. It’s definitely ABSENT when it comes to Islam and its aims for world domination.]

Stürzenberger: “Islam is not only religion, but also politics”

The state also sees evidence of Stürzenberger’s “anti-Islamic efforts relevant to the protection of the constitution” because he wrote on PI News: “Islam is a total and totalitarian system. It is a political religion with a claim to superiority and power. Allah is the supreme legislator and his laws are contained in the Koran and thus in the Sharia. And in the Koran, Allah calls for tolerance and peace on the one hand, and on the other hand he promises paradise to those who fight against the infidels with violence. Islamic terrorism is based on this.” [It’s the absolute truth, it’s been written clearly in the Koran and the Hadith. Just because the “intelligence” service cannot read doesn’t make it into a LIE, now, does it?]

Stürzenberger’s statement that the terrorist attack on the Israeli Olympic team in 1972, in which 17 people died, was the first attack by political Islam also makes him a case for the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. The accusation is that he “reinterpreted” the crime. The information office does not write what religious-ideological background the terrorist attack actually had or what it might have had instead. [And we’re supposed to believe this? Are they serious? Well, they’re the ones that are definitely giving the German people the Long Kiss Good Night here.]

Banning political Islam is subversive

In addition, Stürzenberger demands that the judiciary also include the component of “political Islam” in its decisions. While right-wing extremist views have long been aggravating factors in criminal prosecutions, Bavaria accuses the attack victim of violating “the rule of law” with this request. [There’s no “rule of law” when it comes to Islam by the looks of it. That statement made it absolutely clear.]

The Bavarian extremism experts also base their assessment of Stürzenberger on the fact that he describes the ban on “political Islam” as the “greatest social task of the 21st century” in order to “eliminate it from life here in Europe”. [And Stürzi is right; after all, millions of our ancestors perished while fighting to keep Islam OUT, and these people throw those sacrifices back into their faces for their own sick suicidal ideology. Not only Islam needs to be pushed out, but also everyone that makes apologies for Islam and helps them to infiltrate and conquer our societies. These people are TRAITORS.]

Afterword from the translator:

I just read this comment under the original article and have to admit that there’s something to his musings:

“And I can’t shake another suspicion. When Islamism became so extremely strong in the Middle East, it was said that certain services (from completely different countries) had a hand in stoking the fire. Are there any cross-connections here with the German Islamist scene? That they also enjoy unusual, secret official support?”

I mean, we all have seen how our so called “intelligence services” have in the past actively stoked the flames of rabid Islamists to throw entire countries into bloody civil wars… So why wouldn’t these selfsame “intelligence services” use those “tools” on us, who are forced to pay their salaries through our taxes? After all, they already attacked us several times on behalf of their masters in various ways — just remember “Covid”.

For links to previous posts about Michael Stürzenberger, see the Michael Stürzenberger Archives.

2 thoughts on “Michael Stürzenberger: Enemy of the State

  1. He will be recovering for long time , I don’t think He will be continuing this campaign against this death cult.:

    • He said he would in an Interview the other day, but who knows he might start to reflect and decide not to afterwards.
      We’ll see.

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