Hair of the Dog

After the knife jihad attack in Mannheim, the governing “traffic light” coalition in Germany wants to solve the country’s problems by importing more Muslim migrants.

Of course! What an elegant solution! Why didn’t I think of that?

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Migration Conference

After Mannheim, SPD and FDP want to bring more Muslims into the country

SPD migration conference: More Syrians and Afghans should come. The traffic light representative for migration agreements (FDP) wants to “encourage people from Islamic countries to immigrate”. Everyone condemns the division of society, but no one condemns the terror. [They only condemn the first because they want DIVISION and TERROR]


At its migration conference in the Paul Löbe House in the Bundestag, the SPD largely ignored the terrorist attack in Mannheim. One day after the death of police officer Rouven L., the threat of Islamism played no role, according to a report by Die Welt. Instead, the prominent speakers, including SPD parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich, warned of a “division of the country” and opponents of immigration policy.

The Federal Government’s special representative for migration agreements, Joachim Stamp (FDP), spoke out clearly against deportations to Syria at the conference. Returns there would be impossible “since butchers like Assad are in power there.” Administrative courts would not go along with this either. According to a new law by the traffic light coalition, before being deported every migrant must be given a lawyer who can file a lawsuit against the deportation. [And I’m pretty sure these puppeticians are getting a healthy commission from those liars.]

FDP wants to spread “positive migration narrative”

The FDP politician believes that the solution to the criticism of refugee policy in the “tense debate” is to spread a “positive migration narrative” in society. He reported that he is currently trying to persuade more young people from Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan to immigrate to Germany. More than 90% of the population in Uzbekistan is Muslim. In Kyrgyzstan, the figure is 75%, and Islamic fundamentalists are carrying out attacks. [Well, that clinches it for me — they’re importing fighters to do their dirty work.]

Stamp justified his approach as follows: “These countries have a large surplus of young people, so we are not taking anything away from anyone.” He also said that cooperation with Morocco was very important.

Why the minister mentions “Mannheim”

According to the report, Development Aid Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) demanded in her speech at the Paul Löbe House that Germany continue to accept many people from Syria, Afghanistan and other countries as asylum seekers. The aim is to “reduce the imbalance between the main receiving countries in the Global South and the countries in the Global North, instead of placing even greater strain on them.”

In contrast to the speakers preceding her, Schulze used the word “Mannheim” once: She said that a trained sanitary and air conditioning technician from Morocco had been placed in Mannheim with the help of her ministry. [How does he condition the air flow of natives? With a knife through their gullets? And I guess that’s also where the “sanitary” part comes in. Sounds ominously like a job description for a concentration camp warder.]

Afterword from the translator:

“Since butchers like Assad are in power there”? Then why are these so called “refugees” going there on holiday at the German taxpayers’ expense? We all have seen their videos that they so It should be made mandatory in future for these politicians to act as human shields instead of the police to protect any events that are at risk to cultural enrichment, such as Michael Stürzenberger’s or Christmas Markets or Bierfests or any other gathering where traditional German people come together. I’d lay a bet that then their opinions would change very quickly. What is going on in these heads? How much can you despise and HATE your own country and people? Maybe that’s why these selfsame puppeticians are also so hell-bent on WWIII?

5 thoughts on “Hair of the Dog

  1. I’ve seen these three vapid German girls for a decade or more (was it Dymphna who put it up first?). It would be a grand social experiment to interview these three, if they’ve not been slaughtered yet, and see if they’re ready to recant. My instincts say “nein”.

  2. I once visited an insane asylum. Then the insane were locked up.
    Now it seems they run the country.
    How did they escape?

    And yes, I once hasd a dream where I was watching TV and I saw a lot of ambulances before Parliament and nearly all politicians were in straightjackets and put into those ambulances and the TV presenter said: The escapees from the insane asylum have been captured.
    When I woke up I started my PC and looked if there had been a mass outbreak of inmates of an insane asylum some time ago. Maybe my dream was showing me the truth.
    Unfortunately I was wrong.

    • “I once visited an insane asylum. Then the insane were locked up.
      Now it seems they run the country.
      How did they escape?”

      “When dealing with the insane, the best method is to pretend to be sane.” —Hesse

      I’ve never really trusted sane people anyway..

  3. “After the knife jihad attack in Mannheim, the governing “traffic light” coalition in Germany wants to solve the country’s problems by importing more Muslim migrants.
    Of course! What an elegant solution! Why didn’t I think of that?”

    Because you’re not a commie-toddler. If you were, such “solutions” would be clear and “final”.

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