“The Legitimization of Satanic Terrorism”

Santiago Abascal is the leader of the anti-immigration Vox party in Spain. The following video shows Mr. Abascal on the floor of Parliament upbraiding Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez for his recent decision to recognize a Palestinian state.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

15:23   Also, we have been told
15:27   that you have spoken at the European Council
15:31   about the Middle East. And Mr. Sánchez has come here
15:35   to become an international leader, announcing that he recognizes
15:39   the Palestinian State. Look, all that you have done, so far,
15:43   is to take a non-partisan stance between a satanic terrorist entity
15:49   and a democratic state
15:53   like Israel. Yes, satanic terrorism.
15:57   Do you think it’s too much? Maybe it’s because you haven’t…
16:01   Maybe it’s because you haven’t watched the videos. Yes, [the video] of that short version
16:07   they handed to the Prime Minister. That he was supposed to watch, but not see.
16:13   And what I want to tell you
16:17   is that that non-partisan stance is simply
16:21   complicity with evil, and what I want to tell you is that evil, which is Hamas,
16:25   has applauded you. And it has shown it today with your decision.
16:29   In the middle of this conflict caused by
16:33   the worst terrorist attacks in the history
16:37   of humanity, you have decided, unilaterally,
16:41   to recognize the Palestinian State. It doesn’t surprise me at all.
16:45   Until recently, there was
16:49   a minister here, Mrs. Rego,
16:53   who the other day made a very grave statement. She said
16:57   that the Palestinian State is from the river to the sea, that is, from the Jordan
17:01   to the Mediterranean, that is, the disappearance
17:05   of Israel, the destruction of Israel. That’s what you have in your government.
17:09   That’s what you have in your government.
17:13   And besides, you have done something else. Permanently, you have been accepting
17:17   Hamas’ reports and data, as you have ended up accepting ETA’s reports.
17:22   A little while ago I said, “What a barbarity, they are going to talk about ETA”.
17:25   Yes, it happened ten years ago. Yes, and the civil war does more.
17:29   And you continue with the old tune. That is your international policy
17:33   in the Middle East, Mr. Sánchez. The legitimization
17:37   of satanic terrorism, the recognition of the Palestinian State
17:41   just after October 7, despite those terrible images
17:45   of rape of women, of murder of parents
17:49   in front of their children, in cold blood, of murders
17:53   broadcast through social media. And you want to tell Israel
17:57   that it has no right to defend itself. What the Spanish people need to know
18:01   is how Sánchez would act if a terrorist organization
18:05   did the same things against Spain and had 130 Spaniards kidnapped,
18:09   as there are still today 130 Israelis,
18:13   women, children and elderly in the tunnels of Hamas.
18:17   We already know how Sánchez would act. He would defend neither the Spanish, nor
18:21   the interests of the Spanish people. He would put himself in an unbearable non-partisan position.
18:25   Stop tricking, therefore, because precisely
18:29   the historical obstacle for the recognition
18:33   of the two states has not been Israel. It has been precisely Hamas.
18:37   Those whom you are now going to reward in a retroactive way.
18:41   Because in 2005 Gaza was given to the Palestinian National Authority.
18:45   What has happened in Gaza after all this time, with so much humanitarian aid
18:51   and what have its applauders done? Well, I think it is very evident
18:55   in terms of prosperity, in terms of respect for women
18:59   and also in terms of respect for homosexuals. And it is convenient
19:03   that this is also discussed, Mr. Sánchez.

6 thoughts on ““The Legitimization of Satanic Terrorism”

  1. Satanic terrorism inspired by a Satanic religion. There’s a documentary movie out just now called “Nova” and all the time these Satanically inspired terrorists are acting, we can hear them shouting out “Property! Land! We want title deeds!” Oh no, hold on . . . they’re shouting out the takbir. Which kind of gives their true motivations away . . .

  2. These invaders make me puke.
    What an utterly sick degraded inhumanly stupid way to be!
    Are they even human or actually alive?
    I ask this in all seriosity.
    The British population is also incredibly stupid.
    Islam and Britons will go well together. They fully deserve each other.
    I hate Britain today and its utterly depraved population.

  3. Israel really screwed up when they didn’t give Gaza the Shermans March to the Sea treatment and really make those ragheads howl.

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