No Tannenbaum For Hamburg!

Under the reign of Political Correctness, the spirit of “Bah Humbug!” has really taken hold, even in the German city of Hamburg.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Boris Reitschuster’s website. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Christmas tree donor for daycare center faces up to one year in prison

After “Christmas Tree Waiver”: Dispute in Hamburg escalates

There was a time — it must have been before the turn of the millennium — when hardly anything upset the author of these lines more than when someone said: “Everything used to be better!” Now I not only know that that this is true in many cases, but I use this sentence myself more and more often.

Having grown up and been socialized in the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1980s, it was felt that every kindergarten was still under the administrative management of a church that had not yet been infiltrated by the disciples of a climate sect. Visits from Santa Claus there were normal, as were the corresponding decorations in the facilities. The crowning glory, so to speak, was a nativity scene and — of course — the obligatory Christmas tree.

Today, in the “best Germany of all time”, these are only childhood memories that are increasingly in danger of fading (see here and here). Even Christmas markets are often no longer called that, but have to be called “winter markets”. And Bible quotations now seem capable of endangering the public peace.

The report about a completely escalated argument over a Christmas tree in a Hamburg kindergarten fits in with this. The announcement by the management of “Kita Mobi” that this year they would forego a decorated fir tree “in the spirit of religious freedom” left many parents stunned. But what happened next probably finally broke the camel’s back. [I guess they mean by that the religious freedom for the followers of Islam and Marx. Every other religion and its adherents have no rights and must be destroyed.]

Criminal charges against Christmas tree donors

In public institutions, especially when children are looked after, donations are of course always appreciated. Really! Not so in Hamburg, at least not in the “Kita Mobi” and even less when the charitable gift consists of a Christmas tree and presents for the children. The owner of a garden center not only took the liberty of setting up a Christmas tree in the daycare center’s garden on the night of St. Nicholas Day, but also placed lovingly wrapped gifts for the children underneath it. For the “Finkenau Kindergarten Foundation” this was clearly too much — they filed a criminal complaint for trespassing!

Days before, the facility had informed the parents via email about their rejection of a Christmas tree as follows: “We as a team decided against it because we should not exclude any child or their faith.” Therefore, celebrating Christian festivals was ruled out. [I’m pretty sure that this is the same kindergarten that had been forcing non Muslim children to “fast” in solidarity with Muslim children during Ramadan.]

Are Christmas trees no longer part of Germany?

Florian Schröder, the noble donor, has already admitted his “crime” to Bild. The gardener said about his motive: “We believe that all children have the right to a Christmas tree. In our eyes, a Christmas tree represents warmth and community during contemplative times.” And further: “Having to do without a Christmas tree actually works against integration.”

Schröder is definitely speaking true words. Which, on the other hand, is of course only true if you assume — and that’s how it used to be — that integration means the adaptation of the minority to the majority, regardless of whether it is on a social or cultural level!

Police and public prosecutors pay attention! Schröder speaks in the “we” form — so he appears to have had at least one accomplice when planning and/or committing his alleged crime. A spokeswoman confirmed that the police had received a corresponding criminal complaint. The gifts were “secured” and the “examination of the ownership structure” of the same had begun, it goes on to say. [Isn’t it amazing that they suddenly have police resources for this, but violent crimes perpetrated by migrants against native Germans… well, that needs to go on a slow, ever-so-slow back burner.]

In view of such reports, one wonders whether this woke nightmare will never end. Or should Christmas trees and ultimately Christianity as such no longer belong to Germany? And this of all times when everything and everyone is supposed to be part of it?

By the way: In Germany, trespassing may be punished with a prison sentence of up to one year or a fine according to Section 123 of the Criminal Code.

Afterword from the translator:

And again people are giving in to people who come to Germany uninvited — at least not by the people. They are in Germany, and Germany has its own customs and habits. Just like Turks, Syrians, Afghans, Ukrainians and Africans also have their own customs and rituals in their country. Does anyone believe that in those countries mentioned that this is waived? Just because someone from Germany might now live there and who needs to be taken into account now because their faith could be hurt? It’s a preposterous notion.

In Germany, everyone can do whatever he wants within his own four walls — sort of — and if he believes in the big yellow pumpkin instead of Santa Claus, that’s his prerogative. But when he leaves home, he has to adapt to the country in which he is living and not the other way around, just like I, as a German, had to adapt to living in South Africa. This is known as “integration”, not the other way around.

What’s going to be next? Ban on Christmas decorations and lighting in cities? Ban on Christmas markets? — even though some woke municipalities now call them “Winter Markets”? Ban on Christmas services in churches? Ban on Christianity? Or most likely a ban on every “faith” other than Islam and Marx… and then eventually a ban on Marxism.

Why not ban Islam and Marxism in Europe instead? After all they are an existential THREAT to humanity, sovereignty, freedom and a peaceful future.

4 thoughts on “No Tannenbaum For Hamburg!

  1. When the Irish fought against the British they were so courageous. Today they are obliged by muslim behaviour to fight, they turned into milk-blooded hares.

    When the Germans bombed London and fought against the British, they were brave. Against muslims they are fainting goats.

    Islam has taken Australia, New Zealand, Americas, and the Naive continent hostages. They are paralyzed against islam.

    They “dishonorable” members courage to support israel last 24 hours. Now

    They are losing muslim votes they are calling for a ceasefire.

    Over the last 1450 years Hamases of the middle east initiated attacks against israel and Jews. Othoman empire would send an order ( = firman in Turkish) every 30 years (generation) to reduce the number of Jews and Christians so as not to pose a danger in the future. Clever is it not.

    Today 1.2 m mohameds are born in Europe every year. we are celebrating diversity.
    and we are proud of our democracy. one put it very cleverly and aptly:

    Diversity and multiculti are miracles of western unlimited Stupidity.

    Stupidity that manifest itself in Ukraine disaster:

    Rejected Minsk agreement. Installing zel. as puppet.

  2. It looks like Germany is being run by a Satanist sect which hates Christianity more than anything and would use any pretext (tolerance, inclusion, climate change, Ukraine war, Covid epidemic, threat of invasion of flying monkeys from outer space…) to do another blow to what remains of Christian faith and culture (in fact, very little of it remains as it is).

    This is really dangerous. Christianity is the foundation of Germany. Its destruction will inevitably result in the death of the German nation. But the mad men and women who rule the country do not care two hoots about the nation. In fact, they appear to think that the eventual disappearance of the German nation is something positive. It is as if they were serving a ruthless occupying power rather than their own people.

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