Don’t Lose Your Head

Rüsselsheim am Main is a city in the German state of Hesse. During this year’s festive, culture-enriching winter holiday season, Rüsselsheim experienced a spot of bother when the life-sized figurines in a nativity scene were decapitated by persons unknown. The major figures in the display are now headless, but it’s not clear what happened to the Baby Jesus.

There’s no indication of the possible ethnicity of the beheaders. However, given that the act involved the decapitation of revered Christian symbols, I wouldn’t bet any money that the perpetrators were named Hans or Dietrich or Wilhelm.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this post from Instagram:

Tragic “headless night” for our Christmas nativity scene

Rüsselsheim, December 17, 2023

In an unfortunate turn of events, the festive atmosphere surrounding our human-sized nativity scene figures was disrupted on the night of December 17th. Unknown perpetrators apparently indulged in a macabre joke and cut off the figures’ heads.

Despite the unfortunate incident, we would like to try to approach this situation with humor and use the Christmas story as an analogy for solidarity and cohesion. Similar to the Holy Night, which was marked by unexpected twists and challenges, we see this “Headless Night” as an opportunity to stand together and bring light into the darkness together.

The Rüsselsheim 1888 e.V. Trade Association calls on the community, like the wise men from the East, to demand that the perpetrators to make amends for their actions. We invite you to make your contribution to the reconstruction of our Christmas nativity scene and thus carry out a symbolic act of reconciliation. In the Christmas story we learn that community and compassion are stronger than any darkness.

We would be happy to provide you with further information or tips on the perpetrators.

Happy third Advent everyone.
With Christmas greetings
The board of the Rüsselsheim 1888 e.V. Trade Association.

Afterword from the translator:

Ah, yes, more “cultural enrichment” in which, in this case, a nativity scene was destroyed in front of a church in Rüsselsheim, next to the yearly Christmas market.

Since the figures were beheaded — a form of execution for non-believers in Islam — we can make the educated guess that the perpetrators weren’t disgruntled old white men expressing their privilege after a night out at the local pub and with to much local Glüh-wine in their heads and bellies. And the reaction of the Trade Association is also extremely predictable, and to my mind plays right into the hands of Islam and its cohorts of EVIL.

Don’t they realize that these “people” are testing German society to see how far they can push them before they really strike hard? I guess not. Their perpetual fear of being called meaningless names by those that have no compassion or tolerance towards them, has them frozen like rabbits in the headlight of an oncoming truck of “peace”.

When a Polish MP recently sprayed a Hanukkah menorah with a fire extinguisher, there was an international outcry. Where is the condemnation of the crime in Rüsselsheim by the Central Councils of Jews and Muslims in Germany? What if Jewish or Muslim symbols had been destroyed?

An attack on Christmas is not just an attack on the Christian churches, but on European traditions. Atheists celebrate Christmas, too! Rüsselsheim is located in the middle of the Rhine-Main area, and when the Opel factories still needed workers, many people came from Turkey and Morocco. Church taxpayers are a minority there by now, and only a few of those are believers. The natives, and especially old white men, are slowly becoming a discriminated-against minority in their own country which they had helped build with their labour. And that country, along with its native population, is being sacrificed by their own government on the blood-soaked altar of multiculturalism, a.k.a. ISLAM — and at the behest of an utterly EVIL, PARASITICAL global “elite”.

If the police find the perpetrators — which I seriously doubt they will — they will be described in the press release as young “Germans”. But that doesn’t mean anything today; German citizenship is available at a discount price and can be “bought” at your local mosque — for a Halal Macon sandwich.

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