Enforcing Marxism and Sharia in the Name of “Tolerance”

Below is the prepared text for an intervention planned for September 24 by David Petteys, representing the Sea Jay Foundation, at OSCE Warsaw. However, he was unable to participate that day, so there is no video showing the intervention.

Sea Jay Foundation
David Petteys

Tolerance and Non-Discrimination
Human Dimension Implementation Meeting Session 13

Warsaw, Poland, Sept 24, 2019

Thank you, Mme Chairman:

Many groups push the idea that “Tolerance” is a virtue. But tolerance is a reaction to something else. We must ask what it is we’re being asked to tolerate. Certainly, toleration of evil is an evil in itself!

It’s easy to ascertain the motive for pushing such a notion: the Sharia proponent groups wish to deny us permission to disapprove of what they term Sharia “particulars”, such as the hudud punishments, polygamy, wife beatings and honor killings.

Such things are an anathema to our Judeo-Christian culture. Yet the Sharia proponent groups and the Marxists accuse us of “intolerance, bigotry, xenophobia, etc.” to shame our sense of propriety and common decency. They wish to destroy our culture and impose their systems upon us.

The Sea Jay Foundation recommends that the people in the OSCE Area resist these accusations. Two thousand years of culture, progress and humanity are nothing to be ashamed of. Look at societies where the Sharia or Marxism predominate. These are societies of poverty, oppression, suffering and death. No sane person would wish this for the people of the OSCE Area.

For links to previous articles about the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, see the OSCE Archives.

One thought on “Enforcing Marxism and Sharia in the Name of “Tolerance”

  1. It will be beheadings and stonings in the streets of Europe soon for the sake of religious tolerance and religious freedoms( their religon of course ,no one else`s) the way its going!! Only a matter of time!!)

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