You Can’t Deport a Tranny

Second verse, same as the first.

This time it’s in France: a culture-enriching kiddy-fiddler can’t be deported to Algeria because he’s now transitioning to a chick, and would be persecuted if he were sent back.

Once again, you can’t make this [solid waste] up.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Sex offender Mehdi F. is allowed to stay: How practical if migrants can soon change their gender to avoid deportation

The mysterious transformation from sex offender to victim of transphobia is only one court ruling away. How convenient when migrants will soon be able to change their gender to avoid deportation.

Imagine that a migrant from Algeria is arrested for sexually assaulting a minor and sentenced to four years in prison. The authorities want to revoke his refugee status and deport him because he poses a threat to the local population. The Algerian appeals against his deportation and now claims that he is actually a woman and is undergoing a sex change operation.

His lawyer argues that he is at risk of persecution in his home country “because of his sexuality” and his trans identity.

Interestingly, she does not argue that he is being persecuted there because he has sexually abused children, but that is only a side issue. The country’s Supreme Court agrees with him because the judges considered his unfortunate situation serious enough to grant him the protection of refugee status.

The judges are impressed by the perpetrator’s “particularly spontaneous and well-founded statements” and rule that his sexual orientation and his transgender identity are to be regarded as proven. A doctor is then found who certifies that he is definitely not a repeat offender. He is allowed to stay in the country. As a refugee in need of protection. No joke. Soon in Germany too.

It is the case that supposedly cannot and will not happen, at least if you believe the ardent advocates of the German self-determination law, who label anyone as “right-wing”, “transphobic”, “TERF” or even a threat to the constitution, who points out the dangers for women but also the danger of misuse of so-called “self-ID” laws. What cannot happen does not exist in the rainbow world of queer-vegan no-border activists, because men and also trans people are not known to be capable of crimes, deception or other base motives — irony mode off.

The newly discovered femininity of Mehdi F.

Reality speaks a different language. The case of 31-year-old Mehdi F. is currently unfolding in France and is a textbook example of what could soon happen in Germany, exacerbated by the Self-Determination Act that comes into force on November 1: convicted sex offenders from Islamic countries do not have to do anything other than change their gender at a German office or simply claim to be a woman, and once again the queer community has a new group of victims to look after: Muslim transmigrants who rediscover their feminine side between pre-trial detention and court proceedings in order to avoid being deported to their Islamic home countries. [Taqiyya and kitman come immediately to my mind. Two well-used Islamic tools to fool the gullible kuffar.]

Queers for Palestine may soon have uninvited “comrades-in-arms” from those young men who can add the “trans” component to their already dubious refugee status in order to secure a right of residence or their refugee status even after sexual offenses. German law will make it particularly easy for all of them from November 1. Until now, one had to submit a report and actually go “under the knife” to change one’s gender in Germany; they do not have to cut off their best part or their full beard to verify their new-found femininity.

One or two deserters from Ukraine may also be taking notice and writing this down. After all, conscription in Ukraine only applies to men and no one has to fear being sent back to Ukraine to fight for their country as long as the Germans confirm that they are now a woman.

Convicted sex offenders in women’s prison? No problem!

The exciting question that remains to be answered is whether the convicted sex offenders will now end up in women’s prison as trans women, and the prognosis here is: Of course!

To put it another way, why shouldn’t it be like this? If this country soon prohibits us all from referring to a man who is officially made a woman as a man, under threat of investigation and fines, I would like to see those judges, prosecutors and prison officers who want to hand over a “trans woman” to the men. Even today, sex offenders are referred to as women in the press and in court, even when they have harassed women and children with their male genitals, as in the case of the paedophile Jürgen K., who mutated into the trans woman Beate K. in Hersbruck and allegedly only used the child pornography in his possession as part of his “identity search” as a trans woman, for which he was even given mitigating circumstances.

Sex offenders in the guise of trans women are also a confirmed high group of offenders internationally. Now, I don’t want to claim that every trans woman represents a potential risk of sexual assault, because that is simply not true. In many countries, however, it can be confirmed that half of all imprisoned trans people have already been convicted of sexual offenses. When even the British Ministry of Justice publicly confirmed in 2018 that of 125 prison inmates who identify as trans women and were housed in women’s prisons, a full 60, or almost half, had already been convicted of one or more sexual offenses, then the increased risk potential of such offenders for women in their vicinity cannot be ignored. Especially since quite a few of these offenders only miraculously discovered their female gender during the ongoing court proceedings. Hello, Mehdi! The authorities in the USA and Canada also report similar rates, such as the authorities in the US state of Wisconsin, where 81 of 161 imprisoned trans women were convicted of at least one sexual offense.

Afterword from the translator:

Well, that didn’t take long, especially after the latest ruling by the ECJ that all Afghan “women” have a RIGHT to asylum in Europe. I wonder how many will now define themselves as “Afghan women”? Taqiyya and kitman comes immediately to my mind. Two well-used Islamic tools to fool the gullible and uninformed kuffar. It really doesn’t get any crazier, now, does it?

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