Trans is a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Report24:

Incredible verdict from Bavaria proves: Trans madness serves pedophiles and child molesters

A 52-year-old man was on trial in Hersbruck (Bavaria) for possession of child pornography. Meaningful: The man is said to have had the files in question “always at hand” on several devices. Although the criminal code provides for prison sentences of up to five years for the possession of child pornography, the defendant got off lightly with a suspended sentence: he stated that he identified as a trans woman and that he had used the images to “discover his identity”. That earned him a penalty bonus.

The Nürnberger Nachrichten reported on the case behind the paywall on February 5th, and headlined that the defendant was a woman. In reality, it’s about a 52-year-old who was still a “Jürgen” at the time of the crime, but now wants to identify as a “Beate”.

The man is said to have had more than 70 files on several devices, which the public prosecutor viewed as a sign of the defendant’s strong desire to be able to view the images at any time. The images showed half-naked children “in a clearly sexualized” way, as well as young people with naked genitals and during sexual acts. As an example, there are reports of recordings of a 14- to 16-year-old girl having forced oral sex with a man.

It was only after the raid that the man suddenly wanted to be a trans woman

The investigation began in 2021 after the BKA received a tip. The raid took place, during which the officers responsible found an apartment that was completely neglected. Explosive: It was only after the raid that the man publicly stated that he considered himself a transsexual.

The 52-year-old now admitted in court that he owned the files, but claimed that he did not feel sexually attracted to children and young people, but rather used the material to “find his identity”: they were “part of his transsexual history.” He allegedly “felt like a woman even as a child.” He also referred to his “difficult childhood” in a home and stated that with child pornography he wanted to “make up for” something that had “always been denied” to him. He was said to be sincerely sorry because he “didn’t want to have sex with anyone.”

Alleged transsexuality appears to have had a mitigating effect on the court’s sentence, as the man was sentenced to only one year and two months of probation. The public prosecutor’s office had pleaded for one year and six months, the defendant’s defense attorney for one year. The law allows for prison sentences of between one and five years for possession of child pornography; probation is possible for a sentence of less than two years.

What do pedophiles learn from this? If you get caught, do you quickly identify as the opposite sex and style yourself as a victim? How is the judiciary supposed to check whether the trans label is just a welcome pretext when in Germany every person can change their gender on paper at will once a year and everyone is criminalized who does not deny the simplest biological facts in full blind obedience?

Significantly: The portal “” just complained on February 4th that the evil AfD and other “right-wing extremists” were exploiting the issue of child welfare for “transphobic propaganda” and that they were not interested in the children at all, but only wanted them in order to restrict the rights of the poor and fundamentally harmless transsexuals. Nothing more needs to be said about this at this point.

Afterword from the translator:

Up until now I thought that pedophilia was punishable. It’s amazing how wrong one can be in this assumption!

It shouldn’t matter whether this crime is committed by a man or a woman or a “paradise bird” or by people who don’t yet know what they are. In any case, the abused children probably don’t care.

But then, the trans people are also allowed to do everything that would lead to severe punishments for the average Joe.

This “best Germany of all time” is probably in the final stage of neglect. Agony in the final sprint towards the edge of the ideological Abyss. Shame on these left-wing judges!!!

But perhaps an Islamic party will soon be founded and, thanks to unchecked immigration and birth rates, will gain influence in the near future. Then exactly such judges will no longer have a place in “law”.

Somehow I’m still not looking forward to this scenario, either.

3 thoughts on “Trans is a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card

  1. Give him her it, s wish castigate this thing without painkillers .He stated he did not want to have sex with anyone give him his wish. Send him Afghanistan ,he could be one of the “dancing boys” entertaining the Talban troops in full make up. He is a little old at 52 ,but he can get the “feel” that children that are force into sexual slavery get when they made child porn he enjoyed in his western lifestyle life in Germany.

  2. “I am waiting for the democrats to take on necrophilia (deceased Americans are consenting adults also), and later, cannibalism.” —posted to fb by friend (March 2019)

    “As history’s proven, as soon as those two groups—necrophiliacs and cannibals—declare themselves victims and The Party’s focus group testing reveals empathy, your wait’ll come to an end.” —my fb response (same day)

    If people make you sick, you need to cook ’em longer. Just sayin’..

  3. The people who rule Europe are schizophrenic. They encourage both Islamisation and LGBT activism, feminism and lots of other things that are incompatible with Islam.

    What do they want Europe to be – a new edition of Saudi Arabia or one big freak show of perverts? Can’t they make a choice?

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