Rope For Sale

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, a.k.a. Vladimir Lenin, is a apocryphally alleged to have said: “The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”

An Islamic version of the same suicidal process has been well underway in the West for many years, as exemplified by the story below, which reports that the German government is paying for the training of radical “Islamist” imams. You can’t make this **** up.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Scandal report! Nancy Faeser trains an Islamist as an Imam who is under the surveillance of her authorities

Now the traffic light government’s Islam policy seems to be completely blowing up in its face!

As part of the German Islam Conference (DIK), Islamic scholars have been trained as imams at the so-called “Islam College” in Osnabrück since 2021. The Federal Ministry of the Interior [of the INFERIOR kuffar] is funding this with taxpayers’ money. The total funding costs: €5 million.

The Lower Saxony Ministry of Science also provided an additional €500,000 in funding. Politicians from the CDU, SPD, FDP and Greens also have a seat on the Islamic College’s board of trustees. The support is therefore cross-party.

Imam training in Germany through DITIB*

It was only in 2023 that Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) renegotiated imam training on German soil. The result: Germany’s largest Islamic association, the politically Islamic and anti-Semitic DITIB, should train its Imams in Germany and no longer have those sent from Turkey by the state. Instead, the Islamist DITIB should run imam training through a program in Dahlem (North Rhine-Westphalia) and through cooperation with the Islamkolleg.

Explosive: An Imam who is already known to the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution as an Islamist has now completed his training at the state-supported Islamic College in Osnabrück. This was made public in a media report by the Bild newspaper.

In plain language: Nancy Faeser trained an Islamist who was targeted by her own security authorities. Of all things, at a government showcase project on Islam!

This is the Islamist who was trained at state expense; specifically, this is the Islamic scholar Ebadullah Maulawy Abdullah.

Abdullah (second from left) has his photo taken with his certificate after completing his Imam training at the Islamic College. Photo: Mawlana Ebadullah Abdullah / Facebook

The devout Muslim has been the imam of the Tawheed Mosque in Hamburg for eight years. The Hamburg mosque scene has been attracting attention for years with references to Salafism and Islamism. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution has also observed that Islamists come and go in this association — including supporters of the Islamist Hizb ut-Tahrir movement, which is banned in Germany.

Abdullah is already known to the German security authorities as an Islamist. When receiving the training certificate from the Islam College Osnabrück, Ebadullah Maulawy Abdullah thanked Germany in a Facebook post for having “launched this program”.

What is striking is that his Facebook channel contains hateful posts against Israel. For example, he writes about the Jewish state: “Damn the oppressors and their bloodthirsty supporters.”

For Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, this Imam training was an important issue on her integration project list. After the first graduating class, she praised the training facility as “academically sound and based on our free and democratic basic order.” But now we have to ask the controversial question: How many Islamists have been and are possibly still being trained at the Islam College in Osnabrück at state expense? [My guess: ALL OF THEM. It’s called taqiyya.]

The Interior Ministry told the Bild newspaper that it was not “involved in the selection of trainees.” However, it was “in close and continuous communication,” wanted to “discuss the matter together” and, if necessary, modify the “selection process for trainees.”

*   DITIB: Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (Turkish: Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı; German: Türkisch-Islamische Union der Anstalt für Religion)

Afterword from the translator:

What is the Islamic ruling on having non-Muslims as friends again?

The Quran Shareef prohibits Muslims from taking kuffar as their bosom friends. Allah Ta’ala states: “O Believers! Take not confidantes from people other than Muslims (i.e. unbelievers). They will leave no stone unturned to harm you.” (Quran 3:118)

Again: “Let not the Believers take the disbelievers as close friends to the exclusion of Believers. Whoever does that, shall have no favour with Allah, except if you fear some danger from them.” (Quran: 3:28)

And imbeciles like this ideological retard Faeser believe they can come to an understanding with them? How much hubris do she and her ilk have? Islam is the mortal enemy of all free people, it’s as simple as that. And since Faeser and her cronies hate free people, they believe they can use Islam as a tool. Why don’t they ask the Iranian Socialists/Communists how well that worked out for them in the ’70s?

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