One Final Spasm of Defiance Before the Lights Go Out

More than a thousand people have been arrested in the UK for public order offenses since three little girls were stabbed to death in Southport on July 29. I don’t have the exact statistics, but a fair number of them have already been tried, convicted and sentenced.

The mug shots above comprise a representative sample of those recent arrestees. Compare and contrast them with the distinguished gentlemen below:

The main difference between the two groups, besides the obvious one of ethnicity, is the nature of the crimes they were charged with. The men in the first group (plus a few women, not shown here) were copped for throwing rocks and bricks, carrying bats, and screaming insults at police and Muslims. Or simply posting “racist” content on social media.

To state it more succinctly: they were arrested for opposing mass immigration into the UK.

In contrast, the men in the second group were charged with raping, torturing, and pimping out underage teenage girls. Their victims were from a different ethnic group (they were white) and a different religion (they were not Muslims).

Another difference between the two groups of criminals is the length of time it took for British “justice” to process their respective cases. The top group were banged up immediately, many of them charged and convicted almost before the charred skeletons of the police vans stopped smoking. In contrast, it took years, even decades, of negative publicity and public outrage before the civil authorities reluctantly arrested and prosecuted the bottom group.

It’s a case study in Lenin’s famous dictum: Who, Whom? (Kto kogo?) That is, what’s important is who is doing what to whom.

The discrepancy between what is happening to the Southport rioters and what happened to the Rotherham, Rochdale, and Oxford groomers is commonly summarized as “two-tier policing”, but the phrase hardly does justice to what is going on. A more accurate description would be that Britain is now operating with a new caste system, consisting of a master caste and an inferior caste. The two castes are distinguished by race and religion: the masters are “brown” and largely Muslim, and the outcasts are white and either Christian or “unchurched”.

I didn’t make a comprehensive survey of the names of the people who have been arrested in the Southport riots, but what I noticed when I skimmed the various news reports were English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, and occasional German names. Nobody had a Christian name of Ahmed or Mohammed, and I didn’t see Singh or Choudary among the surnames.

And this is the hard part: when I looked at those faces in the mug shots, I thought, “These are my people.”

I probably wouldn’t be inclined to sit down and have a beer with them, but still — I recognize them. I know who they are. They come from the same general ethnic stock that I do. The main difference between us is that my ancestors migrated across the Atlantic centuries ago to what eventually became the USA, while theirs stayed at home in the British Isles or on the European continent. Otherwise, we’re much the same.

And they are doomed.

The young men of street-fighting age among the invaders will soon outnumber the same demographic among the natives, if they don’t already. What you see now is the last gasp of the native whites of the British Isles. It won’t be long before large groups of Muslim men (probably formed into “Community Defence Patrols” with the backing of the State) beat down any spasms of defiance by white rioters.

At this point, organized resistance by the autochthons is all but impossible. The moment that anything more organized than the current street riots begins to form, it will be infiltrated by MI5 agents and Special Branch provocateurs, who will nudge the group into pointless and self-destructive actions, or set it up for mass arrests.

Within the next three or four decades the blacks and “Asians” will form the majority of the population in the UK. Their globalist masters will be running things from the safety of their redoubts, mostly abroad, while their Paki and Jamaican overseers keep the servant class in line. The servants will, of course, be the remnants of the original white inhabitants. Many of the latter, especially the females, will “revert” to Islam to raise their socio-economic status. There will be a gradual attrition of the non-Muslim white males, who will have a high suicide rate and tend to drink themselves to death. And they may of course be beaten to death with impunity by the Community Defence Patrols.

That’s the pattern of the incremental takeover by Muslims, as seen repeatedly over the last 1,400 years. I don’t see why it will be any different in Britain, and there’s no obvious way to avoid it — the natives have long since been sold out to the Caliphate by the ruling class.

Twenty years ago, when I first started doing this work, it might still have been possible to turn things around in the UK. But the requisite awakening of the populace to what is going on has never occurred, and now it’s too late. The pie is all but fully baked.

Below are some of the details behind what I posted above.

This quote, which concerns a riot in London, was among the more poignant that I saw: “Another Whitehall protester was jailed for 20 months after chanting ‘You’re not English any more’ at police.”

This one was a “There but for the grace of God go I” moment for me: the unfortunate fellow is almost as old as I am, and joined the mayhem when he was drunk. Now he has to spend two and a half years in prison for carrying a bat and cursing the police:

A 69-year-old retired widower has been sentenced this week to 32 months in prison for involvement in the anti-mass migration riots after being arrested for failure to disperse from the scene.

William Nelson Morgan, 69, is believed to be the oldest person to be sentenced to prison as a result of the anti-mass migration riots that swept the UK following the killing of three young girls and the injuring of several others in a mass stabbing in Southport allegedly by a second-generation Rwandan migrant teen.

Morgan was sentenced to two years and eight months behind bars by the Liverpool Crown Court after he pleaded guilty to violent disorder and possession of an offensive weapon during a riot on County Road in Liverpool last week.

According to The Guardian, Morgan, a retired welder, widower, and father of three, did not have a previous criminal record.

Police body camera footage of his arrest shown to the court filmed Morgan, carrying a bat, saying to police: “I’m English, I’m 70, all right, leave me alone!” and: “Get off me, I’m f***ing 70, you p****s.”

Mug shots posted by the Liverpool Echo

Rioters from Rotherham — which is ironic, because Rotherham is where the most notorious of the “grooming and pimping” gangs operated.

Jailed for their behavior during a demonstration outside a mosque

Jailed for violent disorder in Southport and Liverpool

A 12-year-old boy becomes youngest to be convicted for rioting after the Southport killings

The “keyboard warriors”:

The Independent:

‘Keyboard Warrior’ Jailed for Posting Mosque Message After Southport Deaths

A 53-year-old woman who lived a “quiet, sheltered life” has been told by a judge that “even people like you need to go prison” after she posted an online message stating: “Blow the mosque up with the adults in it.”

“Keyboard warrior” Julie Sweeney was jailed on Wednesday for 15 months after she sent the comment to her local community Facebook group in Kidsgrove, Cheshire.

Sarah Badrawy, prosecuting, told the court one of the group’s 5,100 members became “uneasy” at a number of comments posted on the site in the wake of widespread violent disorder following the deaths of three young girls in Southport on June 29.

Following the posting of a photograph which showed a number of white and Asian people involved in the clean-up from the aftermath of the Southport disorder, Sweeney posted: “It’s absolutely ridiculous. Don’t protect the mosques. Blow the mosques up with the adults in it.”


UK ‘Keyboard Warrior’ Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison Over Posts Made on X

A so-called “keyboard warrior” has been jailed in Britain for three years over posts he made on the social media platform X.

Wayne O’Rourke, 35, has been sentenced to three years in prison for “stirring up racial hatred” during the recent anti-migration protests and riots.

According to the local Lincolnshire Free Press, O’Rourke had shared false information about the Southport mass stabbing attack that left three young girls dead, suggesting that the killer had been a Muslim or an illegal migrant, neither of which were true.

O’Rourke gave his 90,000 followers advice on how to remain anonymous during protests, something left-wing activist groups often tell their followers ahead of contentious protests.

20 thoughts on “One Final Spasm of Defiance Before the Lights Go Out

  1. The January 6 rioters in the US were also infiltrated and hunted down, even those with minor charges. In contrast, the George Floyd rioters and Hamas rioters were not charged and if arrested let go. Certainly, a huge similarity to across the Pond.

  2. @ Baron

    Re: “Twenty years ago, when I first started doing this work, it might still have been possible to turn things around in the UK. But the requisite awakening of the populace to what is going on has never occurred, and now it’s too late. The pie is all but fully baked.”

    Metaphorically-speaking and not just demographically, things look dark for the natives of Britain. It is tempting to lose hope, to just surrender and give in… but that is precisely what authorities in places like the U.K. want Britons to do.

    Britain’s back has been against the wall more than once in her long history. And if that history is any guide at all, her people are at their finest in such moments. There are still a few very elderly Brits who remember going down into the Underground – the tube stations and tunnels – during the Blitz by the German Luftwaffe during the worst days of the Second World War.

    In typically British fashion, they made the best of it: Singing songs, telling corny jokes, making a sleep-over party of it for their kids, and so on while the bombs fell over their heads. Far from breaking the spirit of the British, Hitler’s bombers strengthened it and focused it on the task at hand – the defeat of fascism.

    The point is that when all of the smart money set were saying it was over, and Britain was soon to be speaking German, the British dug deep and found a way not just to survive but to win.

    One could argue that those Britons were made of stronger stuff… but it is equally possible that there remains buried in the hearts of the British that same spirit of resistance and will to live. Only time will tell, of course but this drama is far from over. Indeed, it is just now getting interesting….

    Phrased differently, there is a saying in military circles that “the opposition always gets a vote…” Up to the present, the globalist oligarchs and their lackeys have had all of the initiative and have been the ones acting proactively to implement their agenda. Little has been heard or seen by the “silent majority” in Britain, those natives who oppose mass immigration and migration.

    In plain English, of the two sides in this conflict, only one of them has been acting in any real sense of the word.

    The recent demonstrations, riots and unrest by regime opponents are – if anything – akin to a tea kettle coming to a boil, and beginning to whistle as the water boils and steam is generated.

    The response by the British government not only failed to relieve the growing pressure inherent in the population, the authorities arguably worsened it with their draconian response. In 4GW (fourth-generation warfare) terms, the regime just played right into the hands of their opponents.

    All of that steam accumulating is ratcheting the pressure up higher and higher; if it isn’t somehow released in a controlled manner, sooner or later the kettle itself will blow. Instead of giving the frustrated and enraged British public a means to vent their frustrations, the authorities crushed their dissent. In doing so, they just made it inevitable that worse is yet to come. All of that angst and pent-up frustration will sooner or later find an opening through which to escape… count on it.

    Of course, the regime is revealing its true colors. Tyrants cannot help but tyrannize; it is in their nature. They seem incapable of deescalation, when that is precisely what is called for.

    • Ah, but you forget — the brave Britons with the stiff upper lip who held fast in 1940 were led by the ruling class, which inspired everyone to rally behind them and carry on.

      But the ruling class has since sold the country out, and can no longer inspire anything but loathing and contempt. The middle classes depend on their sold-out betters for their relative affluence, and look down on the chavs, who form the inchoate mass that has recently taken to the streets.

      Without true leadership, the spontaneous uprisings end up going nowhere. And they can never become more organized, because they are infiltrated by agents of the state, who make sure they remain fractious and self-destructive.

      I’ve been watching all this for twenty years. I saw what happened to the EDL, and this is even worse.

      • That is true. There are no such thing as a “peoples revolution”, only sporadic rebellion and uprising. All revolutions have been led by a dedicated elite. Now they are going after every single individual who may become leader of such movements. It will be almost impossible to form a counter-elite.

      • The ruling class led us into that war and it’s disastrous consequences lid the foundations for the mess we are in today.

      • @ Baron

        Yes, what you say is true – and no, I haven’t forgotten the treachery of the British ruling class, but on the other hand, the opera ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings, right?

        And as far as the “cultural enrichment” being imported, history is littered with the corpses of leaders who believed that they could set loose the dogs of war and control them to their own advantage. Events can quickly take on a life of their own. So – IMHO of course – we’ll just have to wait and see what develops.

        I suppose what I am saying is that I believe in the innate human drive to be free, ultimately winning out in the end. It may be a long and difficult road to get there, but the destination remains the same.

      • Hence you will see small groups arm up and be the new Ulster Dense League sub rosa, known only amongst lads who have known each other since childhood, thus can be trusted, I am now waiting to see the targeted assassinations and bombings to begin.

  3. One thing little mentioned is that British prisons are essentially run by Muslim gangs. Jailed dissidents once had only to fear incarceration. They now have to fear violence. Vide Tommy Robinson – not that it unduly concerns this astonishingly brave man.

    The British governemnt has effectively stated this: “We will import (against the wishes of the native population who elected us) a foreign people and culture in such numbers as to eventually take control of the country. We will ignore the many atrocities they commit. Indeed, we will make them a legally protected class, unlike the natives. And should the natives show their displeasure about this literal invasion and conquest, we will incarcerate them in prisons for “offences” against the very culture which now violently controls the prisons. This will cause a great deal of fear with regard to voicing dissent. This is good. If we (the government) must become terrorists in order to destroy the country, then so be it.”

    I think that pretty much sums up where we are now. As Mark Steyn recently stated: “I used to fear there would be civil war. I now fear there won’t be one.”

    And speaking of civil war, all eyes should currently be on Ireland. In the year 2000 there were approximately 500,000 Irishmen aged 0-20. At that time, the population of Ireland was 3.8 million.

    Today, the population stands at 5.3 million. This increase was driven by immigration, not births. So there are 1.5 million immigrants in Ireland. As we know, most of them are male and of fighting age. Camps have been set up all across Ireland to house them. Most are centred around towns and cities. The security guards on the gates of the camps are not Irish.

    The 500,000 native Irishmen aged 0-20 in 2000 are now aged 20-40. If civil war should erupt, they are the ones who would fight. How do their numbers compare to the incomers? We don’t know, but it is highly probable they are already outnumbered. Worse, the Irish government intends to bring in another million before 2040.

    BBis not being pessimistic in his article above. He is simply being logical, reasonable and realistic.

    • Mr. Weston,

      I am imploring you to read this essay I published on GoV last year. Not so much because I’d like the esteemed Mr. Weston to read my writing (!) but because I really want an answer to the question this piece poses.

      Most of us reading this site take the elites’ desire to eradicate whites for granted. But in this essay, I make a few points regarding the illogic of that choice. I’d really like to hear a counter-argument to my conclusion that they haven’t thought things through, even if it’s depressing. I think we need to know more about what we’re up against. Thank you.

    • I believe that if it came to some real “diversity war” inside the borders of the EU – the Irish against the Mohamedans for example – then the Irish would get so many volunteers from the continental Europe there would be a million new fighters in Ireland – overnight – and the mohamedans could sail back home…

      Therefore – I would reason – the real goal must be – to make chaos everywhere – at the same time or the globalists can’t suceed..

      Could this be the “Dark Winter” Joe was talking about?

      I may be wrong but it would just make sense, for the globalists, to release it all at once.

      And I believe that the ruling class of Britain knows all that – and I believe that’s why the mugshots of rapists vs. “commenters on facebook” look the way they are.

      This is the destabilization stage of the process – and they want the masses start fighting each other – like the red and black ants in a jar.

      • The problem with that line of thinking is, the elites did not take into consideration that their heads will be on the chopping block as well.

  4. Anyone who thought that voting for Labour in this past election would improve their lot, after so many years under the Tories, was deluding themselves.

    Starmer was always going to act as he has done. The situation was always going to get worse – far worse.

    But – Starmer will find that he cannot appease a certain demographic (which exists in his party and in the country) – it does not matter what he does, they will never be happy.

    So – Starmer is nothing more than a placeholder – he will set the scene and play a significant role in the larger story of the destruction of Britain. After he has become so despised he can never win another election, he will suffer the same fate as Joe Biden.

    He’ll be out and the real trouble will start. Because the next PM will be the current Mayor of London. Johnson showed that this was an acceptable route into the top job. Starmer will be out, and next up will be Sadiq Kahn – mark my words.

  5. For a small taste of the inversion of reality in modern day UK, we have had instances of extended families in court supporting their convicted child rapist family members, sometimes with cries of alluha akbar etc. Also of note were middle-class antifa outside certain courts after some trials for child-rape and forced prostitution gangs aka ‘grooming gangs’ , presumably in case any working class Brits* had the sheer temerity to protest against the quite astonishing numbers of almost exclsuively white children raped and abused, (despite the supremacism and branding, torture, rape and racial abuse towards children not one judge ever found a racist component in these crimes, another indicator of just how perverse the British establishment has become and how beholden it is to the far-left).
    Because obviously a naked, forcibly intoxicated, white child on the ground surrounded by four adult males of Pakisatni heritage in a vacant house, is the oppressor and the males were being oppressed by the white child.
    Or the white child who accidentally dropped a koran and was then subjct to an intense barrage of lies, intimidation and death threats until the Police Chief forced him to apolgise in a mosque in a grotesque Sharia compliant show trail, where a non-crime was treated more harshly than death threats twards a child.

    It sounds absurd but that’s where leftist ideology is taking us.
    Welcome to Intersectional Top Trumps Justice! where the white male gets nul points and the white female working class child even less it would seem.

    *the scale of snobbery among the New Labour created graduate class towards non graduate Brits is extraordinary and seldom remarked upon but it infuses modern British institutions (and antifa)- so much for the classless society.

  6. They willingly gave up their firearms. Now, they are in the streets getting beat up by Muzzie gangs while their “Police” stand by and then arrest them! What is wrong with this picture? Well, they gave up their firearms, their means of personal defense. Then, they did not take lessons from groups such as the IRA, the Chechens, or the Algerians-read WOLVES IN THE CITY.
    There is still a slim hope for these stupid white Brits, if they just get their act together and start thinking at a higher level than the soccer-mob mentality. They need another Michael Collins or Oliver Cromwell. They need to start thinking outside the box and strike back at the head of the snake. Bleib ubrig.

  7. The reason for the Arab Spring was to explode the very profitable “immigration” (human trafficking) industry and its attendent satellites. That was the stacking of the kindling.

    The reason for the Palestine protests is to light the match.

    The reason to start a regional war in the Mideast is to light the fire, to wit, to incite the Muslim Horde and their fellow travellers in Europe into outright jihad.

  8. When one group is a permanent minority, war is waged by a different means. You get your enemies to kill each other.

    (Then, swoop in and buy up all the assets and trade lanes at a steep discount.)

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