Iranian President Dead, but Islam’s Abuse of Women Very Much Alive

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Iranian President Dead, but Islam’s Abuse of Women Very Much Alive

by Clare M. Lopez

Iranian Women Celebrate the Death of President Raisi ‘We Freely Dance and Celebrate on Your Dirty Grave’”, by Margaret Flavin at Gateway Pundit, May 20, 2024

  • Yet another indicator of how the young, especially female, generation of Iranians feels about their oppressive jihadist regime

“BBC Documentary ‘Nika’s Last Breath’ about 16-year-old Nika Shakarami’s last moments before being raped and murdered in Iran” by Dr. Rich Swier, May 1, 2024.

  • This is a BBC film about a young Iranian girl who was murdered by Iranian police after she’d been filmed burning her hijab during the “Women, Life, Freedom” protests that followed the September 2022 murder of another young girl, Mahsa Amini, for having allowed her hijab to slip enough to show some hair.

“A year ago, she drank battery acid to escape life under the Taliban. Today, she has a message for other Afghan girls” by Hilary Whiteman, Anna Coren, Abdul Basir Bina and Javed Iqbal, at CNN, June 30, 2024

  • Horrific story of an Afghan girl who despaired of life under Taliban sharia rule — but lived to tell her story

“The Sexual Assaults on October 7 Omitted From the White House Fact Sheet” by Hugh Fitzgerald at Front Page Magazine, July 10, 2024

  • The Biden White House issued a lengthy Fact Sheet that documented sexual assaults in ‘conflict zones’…but somehow neglected to include what HAMAS did on 7 October 2023

“Arifwala man kills divorced niece in the name of ‘honour’” at, July 8, 2024

  • He murdered her with an axe but motive beyond fact she was divorced is not spelled out, except that it was a so-called “honor killing” — which is generally condoned in Islamic sharia societies

“Nothing Compensates for the Stolen Years’: The Afghan Women Rebuilding Shattered Dreams in Iran” by Stefanie Glinski at The Guardian, July 4, 2024

  • Many Afghan women and girls fled Afghanistan when the Taliban seized power in 2021. Some went to Iran where they are trying to rebuild their lives…but under a likewise sharia regime, albeit perhaps not quite as oppressive as the Taliban

“GERMANY: Woman Convicted Of “Offending” Migrant Gang Rapists Receives Longer Prison Sentence Than The Rapists” at The Publica, June 23, 2024

  • Almost impossible to believe that such injustice could happen in 2024 in Germany! (Or is Germany now becoming a society ruled by sharia, too?!)

For previous essays by Clare Lopez at Sharia TipSheet, see the Clare Lopez Archives.

2 thoughts on “Iranian President Dead, but Islam’s Abuse of Women Very Much Alive

  1. It is so sick that the West ignores the violence against women from Islam. That corrosive ideology has no human rights and glorifies all manner of killing. There is no such thing as the golden rule or human rights. The adherents should be expelled from any civilized country and any of their countries that dare to threaten modern societies should be isolated. Israel is the front line and canary in the coal mine. We should be putting every resource at Israel’s disposal instead of demonizing the victim.

    • Those Islamic women are the ones who give each of their children a stuffed animal and a knife. They tell them to stab the Jew.

      They willingly follow the evil Koran.

      I have no empathy for them.

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