The Cultural Enrichment of Michael Stürzenberger

The mujahid who stabbed Michael Stürzenberger yesterday in Mannheim has been identified as an Afghan “refugee” named Sulaiman A. Like so many “New Germans”, Mr. A has a one-letter surname. A number of reports said that he was killed when police shot him, but the latest word is that he is recovering from his wounds in the hospital.

Mr. Stürzenberger is also recovering from his wounds in the hospital. The photo at the top of this post shows what he looks like after surgeons finished sewing him up. RAIR Foundation quotes a message posted to Telegram by the Counterjihad stalwart:

It was really close yesterday. Four doctors had just arrived for their rounds.

The stab wound to the side of my chest, which went towards my lungs, could have been life-threatening.

The stab wound to my thigh hit veins and caused considerable blood loss. There was a second stab wound to my leg above the knee, fortunately without injuring the tendon.

The injury to my upper arm is relatively minor.

The stabs to my face were different. I have staples in the side of my jaw. My upper lip was stitched up, and I had a gaping open wound right up to my teeth.

A big thank you to all the doctors and the facial surgeons who came all the way from a specialist clinic.

What a single Afghan ‘refugee’ can do with a knife…

Below are two videos concerning the attack in Mannheim. Many thanks to Brunhilde for the translations, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling.

The first video is a message from Stefanie Kizina, a fellow board member of Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa:

The second video features remarks by Rainer Wendt, the head of the German police union, who basically says that if Michael Stürzenberger hadn’t been so Islamophobic, he wouldn’t have been sliced and diced:

Video transcript #1:

00:01   Hello, I’m Stefanie Kizina from the Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa (Citizens’ Movement Pax Europa).
00:06   We are all in shock about what happened today.
00:09   That was a terror attack, not a knife attack, a terror attack targeted against Michael Stürzenberger.
00:14   The perpetrator not only struck Michael Stürzenberger hard on the leg and also in the face with the knife,
00:20   but he also struck a policeman very hard.
00:23   The police officer was even transported by helicopter. I assume his life is in danger.
00:32   It’s just terrible what is happening here in our formerly peaceful Germany.
00:39   We are a human rights organization.
00:42   For us, it’s not about Muslims. It’s about political Islam.
00:45   And we have to inform people about political Islam.
00:48   We just saw that today, with this terrorist attack.
00:52   And it can’t be… The religious criticism…
00:57   Religious criticism has always been an element, a main element of the European Enlightenment
01:03   And this religious criticism can’t stop before political Islam. That can’t be.
01:08   A good improvement to Michael and also to the policemen and everyone else involved.
01:12   Thank you.

Video transcript #2:

00:00   And what Rainer Wendt of the German Police Union says about this incident is absolutely scandalous.
00:07   A real scandal. [Woman’s voice: Please share what we know about this case so far.]
00:11   [Rainer Wendt] Yes, according to what we know, several extremists clashed with one another.
00:15   Obviously the victim and the perpetrator.
00:19   That at least could be one of the reasons
00:23   that the victim was attacked — because he is such a radical Islam critic.
00:30   The victim’s previous convictions and history at least indicate that.
00:34   We don’t know anything yet about the perpetrator, about the accused.
00:38   I must say it’s unfortunate that the whole incident was immediately shared in the social networks.
00:43   That’s not good for a criminal case, it’s not good for the police either.
00:47   One can only hope that the prosecutor’s office will now look at all these things.
00:52   The prosecutor’s office will lead the case, but now it’s all about the colleague who was stabbed.
01:00   He has to get well again, that’s all we can hope for.
01:04   And now it’s time for the investigators, that is, evidence will be collected, witnesses will be questioned.
01:09   And there will certainly be a call for those who were around
01:14   with their cell phones and made recordings to please make them available to police. [End of Rainer Wendt]
01:18   Unbelievable! So the guy says, in other words, that it was Stürzenberger’s own fault
01:24   and the good wishes for a recovery are directed only at the police colleague.
01:27   Unbelievable, this guy!

For links to previous posts about Michael Stürzenberger, see the Michael Stürzenberger Archives.

5 thoughts on “The Cultural Enrichment of Michael Stürzenberger

  1. Mr. Sturzeberger is fortunate that the shadid’s knife did not go a few inches lower and sever his carotid artery like it probably did with the cop who tackled the wrong person (due to PC training). Or hit is femoral artery in the groin. But he is higher risk of deep venous thrombosis in the femoral vein now due to disruption.

    How far away were the police when this started…. they were already there for the public assembly so they did not know who the group of blue shirted staffers were? Were they not trained to notice the young man with Mo’ beard approaching as maybe fitting a “profile” of people that might be trouble.

    American cop would have mag-dumped the afghan. The footage would be appearing on Donut Operator’s vlog channel with hilarious quips!

    I wonder if the stupid Ranier chief dude even has read the Govt. crime stats about how immigrants are national security risks??? Or did he agree that that one German lady journalist should have been arrested for publicizing and commenting on that very report? German cops are taking drug money bribes from Turk and Syrian gangs just like Midland UK police were on the take with Pakistani drug bribes. Follow the Deutschemarks/Euros.

  2. Excellent coverage. I love this qoute, from the second video:

    “I must say it’s unfortunate that the whole incident was immediately shared in the social networks. That’s not good for a criminal case, it’s not good for the police either.”

    Obviously, the solution to this sort of attack is to take away everyone’s mobile phones and cameras.

  3. What about the police officer who was also stabbed, was he also warned by Reiner not to be so pizlamofobic?

  4. Please note that, the deceased German cop followed his training and ignored the attacking foreigner with the weapon and tackle the Good Samaritan. For this error in judgment, he paid for with his life.

  5. Cop jumps on the wrong guy because he has been taught, told and ordered to only jump on native Germans because to jump on the bloody raghead is racist, he paid for that stupidity with his life, now the next cop is going to just sit there and just take a report after all is said and done, time for you Germans and Europeans reading this to arm up and don’t be afraid to use it, your bloody lived depend upon it and spare me the GD excuse of well the so called laws says such and such, the choice is there, sheep or Wolf, which one are you!??

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