Gerald Grosz: “We Have Abolished Ourselves”

Gerald Grosz is an Austrian politician for the BZÖ (Bündnis Zukunft Österreich, Alliance for the Future of Austria) and the FPÖ (Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, Austrian Freedom Party). In the following video Mr. Grosz discusses the knife jihad in Mannheim. He begins his remarks in a rather subdued manner, but then gradually moves into one of his more customary rants.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:00   A German police officer is fighting for his life. He will lose it because he was fatally injured
00:06   while on duty. More likely, critically injured.
00:14   An Islamist assassin stabbed him several times in the neck and in the head.
00:23   This is the result of the attack in Mannheim,
00:28   which the media want to keep quiet about.
00:32   While the police officer is fighting for his life, he will lose it.
00:39   While his relatives are mourning their friend, their son, their partner.
00:45   While police colleagues are in shock at the fact of this madness,
00:51   the attack is being celebrated on social networks.
00:57   Without any consequence, Islamists celebrate
01:01   on Facebook, on TikTok, on YouTube
01:05   the heroic act of the assassin
01:09   who is waging jihad, in the middle of Germany.
01:15   Austrian, German, German-language media sites, on the other hand are censored,
01:22   because the mere reporting on the assassination is deleted from Facebook, Instagram,
01:30   YouTube and TikTok, portrayed as an act of violence that cannot be shown.
01:36   On the other hand, the same platforms allow the assassin to be celebrated.
01:42   What is not, must not be, think Meta,
01:45   Facebook and YouTube and prevents the reporting in which, in 2024,
01:50   in the midst of our society,
01:53   in a civilized place of the 21st century, an Islam critic was stabbed, seriously injured,
02:02   and a policeman will lose his life. Yes, my dear friends,
02:05   the news transmitters now feel more sympathy for the perpetrator than for the victims,
02:10   when the crime can no longer be shown because it does not fit into the political concept.
02:17   Then, we are finished; then, we have abolished ourselves.
02:20   If we are no longer allowed to mourn the life of the police officer,
02:25   if we no longer draw the right political conclusions from the attack,
02:29   that it was Angela Merkel’s immigration policy that brought this attacker to our country;
02:35   when we are no longer allowed to discuss this attack because big data censors
02:40   on behalf of governments, then we are finished, then we have abolished freedom of speech,
02:47   then the Islamists have succeeded.
02:51   Meta, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and YouTube must slowly face the question:
02:58   Whose dirty work they are doing?
03:01   Are they doing the dirty work of the Islamists,
03:04   or are they supporting the people who are their consumers?
03:09   The big question in these hours is:
03:13   Where does everyone stand? Are you on the side of the victims,
03:16   or are you on the side of the perpetrators,
03:19   or are you on the side of a state
03:22   that has completely failed and wants to censor us using these platforms?
03:28   Questions upon questions.
03:31   We will answer them in the next few hours.

11 thoughts on “Gerald Grosz: “We Have Abolished Ourselves”

  1. It was not Merkel’s immigration policy that brought islamofilth into Germany. She was merely a politician who was bought and paid for by the World Economic Forum. She was slavishly carrying out the instructions given to her by the oligarchs of Davos. I saw this coming a long time ago when the Red/Green coalition was first formed and I got as far from it as I could. I cannot see any future for Europe while it is Governed by spineless, doctrinaire politicians and I will stay where I am.

  2. You will notice from this photo hat there are two men on the ground, one being pinned down by the cop who was killed. These two men had subdued the attacker, until the police came along and hauled them off him, after which he then murdered the cop. The cop is so busy subduing the citizen he does not even notice the man with the knife.

    I notice that the cop with the gun looks as if he may have an “immigration background”. I wonder if this is why he did not shoot the attacker as soon as he saw the knife? As it was, his colleague was killed and the attacker only wounded. I’d have emptied the mag into him. I don’t think I’d want that guy as my partner.

    • Quite a lot of people in Germany thought similar a few days ago. Meanwhile things got a little clearer:
      1) The policeman, who died, almost certainly misunderstood what was happening, and before him perhaps even the man with the blue jacket.
      2) At the moment that is shown, there was another person standing in that direction; the policeman who shot first had to change is position.

      • It looks to me like the cop with his gun drawn had a clear shot at the knife man. He did not take it until it was too late. German police doctrine? Perhaps. But he certainly looks like he has an “immigration background” to me. Is he called Hans?

        • »It looks to me …«
          Yes, but you don’t see what was beyond the left edge of the picture, you just can’t say anything about the background from this alone. The bullet might go through the body or the target might move.

  3. Yes the police off that shat at was a Muslim almost 100%
    He looks and like it and his hesitation and the fact that did not kill him makes sense now

  4. Addition: the man with black shirt and light grey trousers, raising from the ground, is a Syrian christian who had been very effective in saving Stürzenberger, but now had understood, it was time to save his own live.

  5. Re: “Gerald Grosz: ‘We Have Abolished Ourselves'”

    With due respects to Herr Grosz, what does he mean by “we”? Germans and the historic German nation are being imperiled not by some amorphous unidentified mass of faceless people – but by members of the ruling elite, individuals who have faces, names and addresses as well as titles or positions of office.

    Perhaps a simple analogy will serve to illustrate the point: Prior to the 1970s, the Italian Mafia or “The Mob,” as they were termed in popular culture, were a very big problem for the authorities and society at large.

    While it was (and still is) common to refer to the Mafia or the mob as a group in crime reports, newspaper stories and so forth, when it came time to go after them, the authorities didn’t attempt to apprehend and arrest something called “The Mob,” they investigated, arrested and charged individual members of that famous criminal organization. And that is how the Mafia was broken; one arrest and conviction at a time.

    The larger point being that if the people comprising the vast human resistance to globalism and its predations are ever to begin to make progress resisting against it, the day must come when names are named and individuals singled out for their responsibility in what is happening.

    By refusing to be specific, by failing to “name names,” those who would resist are only making the job of the globalists at the World Economic Forum and the EU that much easier.

    It is germane to note that, particularly in Europe and places like Germany, there is a vast effort underway to enact and enforce a comprehensive censorship regime, whose stated objective is to stamp out “misinformation” and “bigotry against migrants,” and the like… but whose real objective is to outlaw dissent of any kind against the powers-that-be. Including dissent about the emerging NWO (New World Order) and the deliberate destruction of Old Europe and the West.

    Those Europeans who now live in places that ban dissent may have to learn to do their protesting and dissenting in the underground, not unlike the partisans and resistance fighters of eighty years ago.

    • “The larger point being that if the people comprising the vast human resistance to globalism and its predations are ever to begin to make progress resisting against it, the day must come when names are named and individuals singled out for their responsibility in what is happening.”


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