Magdi Allam: The Islamization of a Decadent Civilization

Magdi Allam is an apostate from Islam who was born in Egypt and now lives in Italy. He converted to Roman Catholicism and was baptized during the Vatican’s 2008 Easter Vigil service in St. Peter’s Basilica, which was presided over by Pope Benedict XVI. Long-time readers will remember that Mr. Allam was a featured speaker at our Brussels Conference in 2012.

In the following video Magdi Allam talks about Islam’s demographic conquest of Europe. Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:01   We risk having to submit, first of all because of the demographic collapse.
00:06   Then because we are a decadent civilization,
00:10   and eventually because our institutions are inadequate in the face of the threat.
00:16   The demographic collapse implies that our societies are older and older,
00:23   and more and more unfit to face, on the demographic level, what turns out to be
00:30   a prevalence of young Muslims among us.
00:34   Our decadent civilization makes us put everything on the same level.
00:38   We are becoming more and more de-Christianized, atheized societies,
00:43   and we consider Islam on a par with Christianity.
00:48   This obviously benefits them.
00:51   The inadequacy of our institutions means,
00:54   basically, that our law enforcement and our defense
00:58   are not suitable to face a threat which is present within our territory.

10 thoughts on “Magdi Allam: The Islamization of a Decadent Civilization

  1. The rise of Islam in Europe and the rapidly changing demographics have nothing to do with decadence or secularism. It’s a political driven agenda to turn the continent into a melting pot of completely failed cultures and demographics for various nefarious political reasons.

    It’s not a result of poor church attendance on Sundays or due to a lack of people praying. It’s the result of very driven and political determined political actors who have been very successful in their endeavours.

    Politicians want more votes and believe the newcomers will reward them with this once they’ve been granted citizenship. The media who is mostly left wing (a political ideology) has been pushing for this destruction for a long time, and our enemies (foreign and domestic political adversaries) have facilitated it in order to destabilise our societies even further.

    It’s primarily the Marxists, and their allies that have been destabilising our societies with their long march through the institutions, and as we all know Marxism is a very evil political ideology that seeks to control every aspect of a citizen’s life.

    The only way we could have possibly averted this catastrophe was if the west was vehemently anti-communist. Which unfortunately it’s not, which again proves my point. The Marxists and their allies are responsible for this demographic disaster, no one else. Politicians make all the decisions, not religious individuals. Pietism and devotion to God would have had no effect whatsoever.

    • capitalism is the main driver for cheap labor and immigration, since the industrial revolution (importing foreigners to work in factories in big cities in the north of america led then to the civil war). being anti communist does not solve anything.

      in italy since there is a centre right ruling coalition party, the immigration numbers ofillegal boats has boomed. but meloni and others are not happy ant continuosly talk to raise the number of legal immigration too, because they are never enough to sustain this rotten meat grinder of a socoety.

      european union is even worse, the bankers and the finance rulers all they want to run anything is to import more and more, and they are not communists.

      if you go to some last communist country existing on earth, like bielorussia, you will see that there are no migrants at all.

      for the note, i am not a communist apologist. just noting that there is no link by marxism and immigration in reality and it is allthe immgration is driven by economic purpose.

  2. Re: “The rise of Islam in Europe and the rapidly changing demographics have nothing to do with decadence or secularism. It’s a political driven agenda to turn the continent into a melting pot of completely failed cultures and demographics for various nefarious political reasons.”

    Correlation does not prove causality, but it is highly suggestive that Europe only began to accelerate its demographic decline when it became secular after the Second World War. Some parts of Europe remain more religious than others, but we’re speaking of large numbers and general trends here, not exceptions – of which there are always some.

    Writ large, Eastern and SE Europe have resisted the Islamic demographic invasion more-successfully than western and northern Europe, which are also the most-secular and post-modern parts of Europe at present.

    I don’t know how things are now, but not all that many years ago, the Poles filled Warsaw with a million people in the streets in a peaceful demonstration affirming their identity as a Christian nation. The Poles, along with their fellow Visegrad Four nations of Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic/Czechia, have thus far resisted the globalists & Muslims more often and more successfully than their more-secular counterparts to the West and North.

    Based upon the historical record and the evidence therein, it is my belief that Christianity functioned in traditional (old) Europe, as a sort of cultural and civilizational immune system. It formed in large part the basis of European identity and its sense of self. This in turn allowed it to tell friend from foe, and enemy from friend, for over a thousand years.

    It is also no accident that the pivotal defeats inflicted against the Islamic invaders at places like Tours in 732, the Battle of Lepanto in 1571, and the Siege and Battle of Vienna in 1683 were fought and won largely by armies of Christians.

    Our enemies during this long period of history, whether the Moors, the Arabs or the Ottomans, had no illusions about the centrality of Christianity in the defense of Europe and the West. For centuries, various caliphs, emirs and sheiks have dreamed of using the Basilica at St.Peter in the Vatican in Rome as a stable for their horses.

    You are correct that cultural marxism ~ a.k.a. communism applied to culture instead of economics and class alone ~ is also to blame for the ascent of Islam and the decline of European civilization, but this is entirely of a piece with the role of Christianity in European identity and history, since the communists tend to virulently anti-Christian.

    Indeed, if we venture back in time to the period immediately before, during and right after the Great War, and look at Antonio Gramsci and Georgi Lukacs, the two guiding lights of cultural marxism of that time, both specifically asked what was to be done “about European civilization and Christianity”… They, too, harbored no illusions concerning what they wished to do.

    Both men had looked at World War One and asked why classical Marxism had failed to predicted the war or its outcome. Marx, Engels, et al. had predicted that when a major war like WWI erupted, that the “oppressed masses” (the proletariat) would rise up against the hated ruling class or bourgeoisie and overthrow them rather than allow themselves to be marched off to war.

    But that is not what happened: The common man, all across Europe, rushed to the flag of his country, and singing patriotic songs, donned his uniform and marched off to die in the millions in the mud of Flanders and elsewhere.

    Working along similar lines but independently of one another, Gramsci and Lukacs both asked why this occurred, and arrived at much the same answer. Europe would not be ripe for the take-over of communism until its strong foundations in western civilization (of the past) and Christianity were weakened if not entirely destroyed first.

    And that is how the century-long “Long March” through the institutions of the West by the communists began shortly after the Great War, and reached its objectives early in the 21st century. Cultural Marxism was to prove especially potent, since it emphasized culture and society as the focus of its efforts, rather than strictly class and economics alone as classical Marxism had done.

    We are all familiar with the various offshoots of cultural marxism – or the ‘woke’ movement as it is now often termed. Multiculturalism, diversity, equity, feminism, race-consciousness, critical theory, and all of the rest of the grab-bag of radical leftism in today’s world all originated with Gramsci and Lukacs a bit more than a century ago, and of course, their acolytes in the Frankfurt School of Social Research, who carried on their movement not just in Europe, but in the U.S. and around West/Christian world.

    • “Writ large, Eastern and SE Europe have resisted the Islamic demographic invasion more-successfully than western and northern Europe, which are also the most-secular and post-modern parts of Europe at present.”

      It is true that the Eastern European countries are not as culturally enriched as their Western European neighbours. I don’t really know if the countries in the east are more religious or not. Maybe they are, maybe they’re not.

      But I do know that Spain, Portugal and Italy are more religious than say the Nordic countries. But this hasn’t proved to be a strong bulwark against the non-stop forced immigration that we’ve witnessed in the last few decades. The aforementioned countries have all been thoroughly cultural enriched despite their religiosity.

      I would also venture that the US has a larger, devout religious population on a per capita basis than Western Europe. But even so the cultural enrichment is continuing at an astonishing pace there as well. Official numbers are in the 8 million range during Biden’s disastrous tenure.

      I think the main reason why the Eastern European countries haven’t been overrun by individuals from the third world is that up until very recently most of them were dirt poor. That’s why huge numbers of Eastern Europeans moved to Western Europe after the fall of the iron curtain. Their nations’ economies were in ruins after decades of communist mismanagement. Close to eight hundred thousand Eastern Europeans (mainly poles) moved to the UK in the early 2000s after the UK government foolishly granted citizens from the recently added EU member nations the right to work in the British isles.

      I was working on building sites in Norway in the late 1980s up until the early 2000s, and I saw with my own eyes the influx of poor workers from Eastern European countries on these sites after the “official” collapse of communism. They were working for a pittance, mostly cash in hand and without the proper work visas. This process sped up in the 2000s, and these days I would say that Eastern European construction workers are in a majority on Norwegian building sites, at least in the big cities.

      Which brings me back to my main point. People from the third world come to the west primarily to reap the economic benefits. They tend to flock to the countries that can offer them the most generous handouts, and that means that they tend to end up in the more affluent nations. And in Europe the more affluent nations are in the western part of the continent and on more northerly latitudes. And the numbers clearly show that these are the countries that have been more heavily culturally enriched.

      After Angela Merkel’s treasonous decision to let millions of cultural enrichers march into Europe in 2015, we’ve been able to observe this in great detail. The migrants have entered Europe in the south and migrated north, primarily to Germany and Sweden, and in the process they have passed through several Eastern European countries. Why didn’t they settle down in these Eastern European countries? They did so exclusively because of the meagre benefits they would be given there compared to the way more luxurious benefits that would be bestowed upon them in the more affluent countries in Western Europe. The Eastern European countries more religious nature had nothing to do with this decision, and I sincerely doubt that the migrants themselves even realised that the populations were more religiously devout in those countries.

      One has to keep all of these things in mind when debating these issues.

      Here’s another thing to consider. Many of the Eastern European workers that moved to Western Europe for work in the 1990s and early 2000s have since returned home as their nations have become more prosperous. These individuals got to see up close the very negative effects that non western migrants have had in Western Europe, and more than likely they did not want to see this happening to their own nations. I would also venture that media/social media reports of the conditions in Western Europe have had a massive effect on the people in the east, and have acted like a warning of what will happen if they should choose to embark on a similar journey. Victor Orban has mentioned several times that he doesn’t want Hungary to end up like Western Europe with a large and unassimilable third world population.

      So this leads me to my next point, and that is that this migration is facilitated by political forces. It’s the politicians that dictate a nation’s immigration policies, not a nation’s religious leaders. In Europe these policies are primarily driven by various EU laws and regulations, and there is not a whole lot that individual member states can do about it.

      The EU is also primarily a left leaning organisation, which again proves my point. It’s the left that are sitting in the halls of power in Europe. Like it or not, but the left is a whole lot better at organising, acquiring and seizing power than the right, and the results are that they get to dictate how the rest of us live our lives.

      I’ve never lived in the US, but from my own observations (from afar) I’d say the same is true there as well.

      So why is this the case? Well, the long march through the institutions hypothesis is probably the main reason. A nation is run by politicians, who are then influenced by the media and various lobbyists. They also have to abide by the whims of the judiciary, which is also dominated by leftists. And why are these individuals all left leaning? I’d say it’s a result of this long march, and thus the hands on the steering wheel belong to individuals with a leftist world view.

      Anyway, that is my take.

  3. It is germane to note that concerns about the state of the West (Christendom) are not at all new. German historian/author Oswald Spengler wrote/published his famous book, “The Decline of the West,” in 1918.

    The difficulty lies in separating natural causes of civilization decline with artificially-induced ones.

    Like individual humans, great nations and civilizations have life-spans. They are born or created, grow into prosperity and success, age into maturity and finally begin to become corrupt and decadent and to trend downward towards death or at least a sustained period of weakness and irrelevancy. This cycle is seen over and over again in history, and it repeats endlessly.

    The British Empire, once so vast that it was said that the “sun never set on the British Empire,” began to weaken and decline after the Second World War. That nation was all-but-bankrupt due to the war, and most of its dependencies and colonies wanted independence after the war, i.e., India, Kenya, etc. Today, Great Britain still exists but is but a shadow of her former self.

    The United States is today roughly where Britain was in 1945. The same is true for most of the nations of Europe which have been in the orbit of the U.S. since 1945. One of the conditions commonly found in late-stage empires is a weakening of the currency and a decline of economic vitality. Indebtedness, sometimes on a vast scale, is also quite common during this stage of the life of an empire.

    Of course, the long era of the global economic and financial dominance of the Bretton Woods economic regime and the USD (U.S. dollar), which has been so central to the position of the U.S. during its reign – much as the British pound sterling was for that empire – is also now apparently reaching an end.

    Not only it is failing of its own accord due to all of the usual reasons, but if the BRICS nations succeed in building a better alternative, then the rush will be on to escape the fiat money of the late-stage global American empire, and adopt their sound money based on real-world commodities and precious metals.

    This last, of course, is the underlying reason for all of the aggression and war-making by the GAE this late in its life: Its financial dominance is being threatened, and thereby its political, geopolitical and economic dominance. “GAE” being more-or-less synonymous with the western ruling elites at this stage of the game.

    The usual mouthpieces of the leviathan say that “we are at war with Russia,” etc. – but it is much more-accurate to state that the ruling class of the West is at war with them. The common person on the street by and large emphatically does not want war with Russia, the PRC, Iran or any combination thereof.

  4. But it is precisely because we are decadent and secular we are letting them get away with it. This couldn’t have happened in the middle ages.

    • @ Randers

      Re: “But it is precisely because we are decadent and secular we are letting them get away with it. This couldn’t have happened in the middle ages.”

      Europe five-hundred years ago was not handicapped by rulers who hated their own civilization and wanted to see it destroyed, unlike modern Europe, whose “elites” have turned against her.

      The Saracens have always been hostile to European civilization; the key variable which has changed is the status of the ruling class of the West, namely from being loyal to disloyal to their own civilization, nations, people and birthright.

  5. The identity came from religion .
    The wars against the Muslims was a religious war
    So when we do not have religion
    We have less reason. To fight
    Plus all this trans gay ideology
    Is ruining minds
    Another issue may be the oil producers that with money are buying the upper classes and keep them tied to their comfortable way of life

  6. Out of this weak feckless so called leadership we have now will be the rise of the strongmen who will ruthlessly rule in the old ways, all because weak men brought us to this point. It’s all over now except for the shooting and the burning of cities and mass graves.

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