Putting Whitey in His Place

Based on the following article, the Culture Wars in Germany are at least as advanced as they are here in the Woke States of America. As far as “Deconstructing Whiteness” goes, Germany may even be ahead of us.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this piece from Apollo News. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Hatred of white people: Federal government finances new project that separates school children by skin colour

From March 11th, the “International Weeks Against Racism” will take place nationwide in Germany. Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Family Ministry, children in Stuttgart are separated according to skin color, white people are declared a problem and Migrantifa events are supported.

The “International Weeks Against Racism” will take place again in Germany from March 11th under the motto “Human rights for all”. [That means, since white people are excluded, that they had their humanity and right to LIVE rescinded, now, doesn’t it?] And according to the organizers of the project days from the city of Stuttgart, “in view of the current social situation,” these have probably never been as important since the first event in 2008 as they are today. The aim of its events is to show that “not all people agree with the continuation of white privilege and the exclusion of BIPoC”(Black, Indigenous, (and) People of Color). [Since when are the indigenous WHITE people of Europe NOT indigenous to Europe?] Funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Family Ministry, four different project groups were launched, which are characterized by one thing in particular: the demonization of white people and the criminalization of those who think differently.

Apartheid 2.0 in the classroom

You can quickly see this if you look at the “school program” of the “Stuttgart Action Week”, for example. A total of 24 different projects were set up so that children and young people “actively deal with the topics of racism, prejudice, tolerance, identity and solidarity” — and the first one basically embodies nothing other than woke apartheid 2.0. At the “Empowerment and Sensitization” workshop, the school children are divided into two groups: There is a “sensitization workshop” for white children and an “empowerment workshop” for children with a migrant background.

As part of the “Sensitization Workshop” of the “Black Community Foundation Stuttgart”, children from the 9th grade onwards should recognize their “involvement in power structures” in order to be sensitized to “different forms of racism in everyday life” — because for a “white person who had never been confronted with racism” it is “impossible” to empathize with such situations. Accordingly, 15-year-old children are persuaded that racism against white people does not exist, while they, their families and their entire culture are declared to be a problem. Meanwhile, the “BIPoC” students should talk about their traumatizing experiences of racism in order to then “heal” together. [Divide, sow hate, then conquer and rule by brutal force is the agenda here. Nothing more and nothing less the precursor for more genocide on the native European populace.]

In other workshops, school classes can at least learn something together about “the deeper causes of everyday racism” — about how to weave “thinking critical of racism into the DNA of our community” in order to create a “diversity-oriented” future together. But there are also projects that aim to combat “fake news,” “hatred on the internet,” and “conspiracy thinking” — for example, the theater workshop “Actually, complexity isn’t a bad thing,” in which children aged 14 and over are supposed to learn “racist devaluation patterns and stereotypes”, including in the context of conspiracy theories.

The organizer of this workshop is the “Once Off Brainwash and Back” project from the Turkish Community in Baden-Württemberg eV — which, according to its website, is funded independently of the “Weeks Against Racism” by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and by “Democracy Life!” Namely, to address the topic of “conspiracy myths” in all its facets: “Reptiles, the climate lie, the Islamization of Europe, Jewish world domination, chemtrails” or “Corona transmission through 5G”. So this means that children are being sold, that people who believe in alien lizard people, are just as crazy as people who don’t follow left-wing climate narratives or who warn about the consequences of mass migration.

“Decoding White Structures”

“High-quality” education like this is available as part of the Stuttgart Action Weeks not only for students, but also for their teachers and other “influencers”. In the “Further Training Program” project group, for example, there are workshops on “education critical of racism, culturally sensitive and appreciative of diversity”. The aforementioned “Brainwash” project also organizes two such “training courses”. In the event “Decoding White Structures in Educational Institutions” “people who are interested in creating safer spaces” as well as “professionals” and “interested people” will critically examine the “concept of whiteness”. The seminar will be led by Nilima Zaman, the creator of a group called “BiPoC+ Feminisms” and a university lecturer on the topic of “(post) colonial whiteness”.

Even more interesting, however, is an event organized by “Migrantifa Stuttgart” — yes, you heard that right: the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs are at least indirectly supporting events organized by a migrant offshoot of the left-wing extremist Antifa. The extremist groups not only took part in the violent riots around May 1st in Berlin, but also recently in the Palestinian demonstrations nationwide — they loudly attracted attention with anti-Semitic hate slogans and calls for genocide against Israelis.

And they now apparently want to infect German teachers with this extremist wraith — because the workshop is about “racist reporting” on the Middle East conflict and about how people’s suffering is used “to incite racist and right-wing sentiment here “and to move propaganda more and more into the center.” In addition, according to the group, the Federal Republic is partly to blame for the conflicts in “Southwest Asia” — “Middle East” which is a “Eurocentric term” according to Migrantifa.

But Migrantifa can not only do anti-Semitic and anti-Western propaganda, they can also do “intersectional” feminism — i.e. feminism for “BIWOCS” (BIWOC = “Black, Indigenous, Women of Colour”), for “multiple-discriminated people”. A corresponding panel discussion “with a subsequent party” will be made available to the public in the third project group, “public events”, with state funding — so that the left-wing extremist scene can network over “music and drinks”.

Racist toys and ideals of beauty

And that’s not the only extreme “cultural event”: under the title “Playground of the Master Race”, those interested can, for example, address the question of how football can be decolonized. The spread of football would have been unthinkable without colonialism — the game was used for “oppression” and was part of “racial doctrine”. But it’s not just our football that is riddled with racism: our ideals of beauty and even our children’s toys are also shaped by prejudices and racism. This is how you can listen to the lecture “Toys and Racism. Perspectives that get under your skin,” for example, learn that we have toys “that disfigure, degrade and ridicule Black people.”

And it’s far from over: our coffee and the Pyramids also have something to do with racism. That’s why, if you still don’t understand it, you should register as quickly as possible at the information meeting of the “Network for Democracy and Courage” or “STELP Volunteer” — there you can then commit yourself to Lesbos (Greece) for at least four weeks, to help out in a refugee camp. But a good democrat should at least try to reduce his colonial guilt a little with a staged reading, an interactive theater workshop or participation in a Ramadan cultural night — if that is at all possible.

Either way, one thing is certain: Anyone who is white and German has no place in the fourth and final project group. According to the target group description, the “empowerment program” is aimed exclusively at people with a migrant background — only one event, a “FLINTA Brunch & Creative Workshop” by Migrantifa, is at least apparently aimed at women (and the remaining LGBT characters) of all skin colours. The left-wing extremist group not only “empowers” the poor, oppressed women, but in a second workshop of course also “people with experiences of discrimination and especially racism” who suffer from “imposter syndrome”. There you can then train yourself to have “self-love, strength and self-confidence” that the capitalist system, the patriarchy and probably also the colonialist concept of whiteness have taken away from you.

“BIPoCs” are supposed to exchange ideas, sing karaoke, cook together or hold discussions. There is a “three-step plan” only for Muslims, a “healing circle” only for black men and a safe space only for Asians — they are all being told, at the expense of our tax money, that they are being oppressed by Germans without a migration background and that their problems are our fault. Apollo News did not want to say exactly how much money the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs are investing in this obvious racism against Whites in the name of anti-racism . A spokesman for the Ministry of Family Affairs simply pointed out that “the local authorities and projects” would independently decide on “the use of their funding within the framework of the requirements of the federal program ‘Living Democracy!”.

Afterword from the translator:

“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” — J. Edgar Hoover

If you want to establish a dictatorship, you have to start indoctrinating the youth early on. From the perspective of the left-green Jacobins, whose goal is the abolition of Germany and utter annihilation of the native German people, such actions are predictable. These auto-aggressive cretins are sawing with great effort at the branch on which they themselves are sitting. For a normal thinking person it is difficult to understand why people want to throw everything they own and the future of their own offspring into the trash in order to give privileges to some minority group that wants them dead and gone. It remains to be seen whether the left-green crooks will succeed in anchoring their suicidal tendencies in the general population. Given the laziness and naïve obedience of many of the Germans, one has to expect the worst, and hope at the same time that their “revolution” will start eating their own soon, so that the rest can be rounded up more easily and start sneezing into the basket.

4 thoughts on “Putting Whitey in His Place

  1. Shouldn’t those with less skin pigment be regarded as being handicapped? After all, they cannot be out in the sun for extended periods of time without protective clothing and/or high-concentrate sun screen. They could survive in Africa or even Southern California without spending most of the daylight hours indoors. As a result, people with white skin deserve handicapped status and special consideration.

  2. The Federal Ministry of the Interior and Family Ministry must be using the UN definition of “indigenous peoples”.


    In short, “indigenous” in this context means “experienced white colonialism”. Since white people can’t have experienced “white colonialism” they are automatically excluded. The fact that Europeans are indigenous to Europe is nether here nor there for the UN, ECHR, EU or governments. This also means all the lofty UN declaration of human rights language that mentions the word “indigenous” also doesn’t apply to white people, hence the invasion-colonisation presented to us as “asylum seeking” and “refugees” when they are nothing of the sort.

  3. And just like that, they have single handedly made the white man begin to hate again, the end results are going to be fricking spectacular! All these leftist, 3 rd worlders and one world government types are going to be shocked, awed and horrified at the result of their machinations and plotting. Nature is vicious, cruel and very unforgiving and nature is going to be unleashed in all it’s glory. I really want to see the looks in their faces as fate visits them all.

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