We Need More of Those Nigerian Nuclear Physicists

The German government is recruiting “skilled” Nigerians for immigration into Germany. Even if Nigeria has a large pool of skilled workers of that caliber — which seems doubtful — siphoning them off for careers in Germany will further impoverish Nigeria by leaching it of vital talent. Why is that considered a good thing?

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Apollo News. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Development Minister Schulze wants to bring Nigerian “skilled workers” to Germany

Federal Minister Schulze (SPD) is currently in Nigeria to bring skilled workers from the West African country to Germany. During her visit she opened the fourth center, which is intended to make it easier for people to enter Germany.

Federal Development Minister Svenja Schulze is in Nigeria to recruit skilled workers from the West African country. During her visit, the SPD politician opened the fourth center of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), which is intended to make it easier for people to enter and find a job in Germany. “We want to make migration a success for everyone involved,” said Schulze during the opening of the Migrant Resource Center in Nyanya, a suburb of the capital Abuja.

The head of GIZ, Sandra Vermeuijten, shows that the project is apparently well received in Nigeria. “Even before it opened, a lot of people wanted to come in,” she said. “That sounds like great hope for many people here. From now on I expect a tsunami,” shouted Vermeuijten during the opening ceremony, referring to the crowds that are now likely to head to Germany. [I doubt I’ve ever seen so much HATE against their own people from any government in the history of “civilization”.]

There are already three advice centers in Nigeria that are financed by German development funds. [a.k.a. the German taxpayers, who are forced to pay for their own demise.] These centers have so far offered support to returnees who have been deported from Germany, for example, to help them reintegrate. These centers also provided information about the dangers of illegal migration.

But there is a change in focus. “Here people can learn something about legal routes to Germany,” explains the minister. Now these centers, which initially warned about the dangers of illegal migration, are now supposed to show you ways to come to Germany legally.

Afterword from the translator:

So, taking desperately needed “skilled workers” out of Africa is their way to help Africa? How is that actually compatible with being a “do-gooder”? Shouldn’t Nigerian skilled workers rather stimulate their own economy in order to improve their own country’s GDP and infrastructure?

When you recruit these “skilled workers,” aren’t you weakening the Nigerian economy and thus the country? Why do they — the taxpayers — pay over half a billion euros in development aid for Nigeria that could otherwise be used for something else, if at the same time you weaken that country? Or are those not skilled workers who come to Germany here? Why doesn’t Nigeria want these “skilled” people? Why should Germany want people, whose “skills” Nigeria doesn’t want? Is it possible that these “skilled workers” will mostly receive citizen’s money from Germany? Is it possible that the taxpayer could pay hundreds of billions of euros to Nigeria, and nothing would change there? Could it be that the German government is simply trying to pull the wool over the German populations eyes again? Questions upon questions.

In a nutshell, what they are doing is a genocidal “neo-colonialism” as mandated by the WEF/UN/Soros.

9 thoughts on “We Need More of Those Nigerian Nuclear Physicists

  1. Re: “Development Minister Schulze wants to bring Nigerian ‘skilled workers’ to Germany”

    Someone ought to ask Her Schultz a simple question: Is he on the take from the globalists, or did he sell out his countrymen and fellow Germans for free?

    • “Someone ought to ask Her Schultz a simple question: Is he on the take from the globalists, or did he sell out his countrymen and fellow Germans for free?”

      Someone outta ask Herr Schultz, “Do you know the difference between success and failure?” I reckon that’d be alot more revealing. But I could be wrong..

      • Someone ought to ask Frau Schulze for her real motivation to recruit more swarthy future Germans rather than encouraging young actual Germans to form families that will not grow up to hostile to actual Germans. She is married to a man, but I see no indication of children… like so many other childless souls deciding to create a childless Europe so that the magic dirt and infrastructure can pass to their rightful inheritors.

  2. At one time in UK many NHS nurses were Nigerian, A good reason for this was that the schools set up under British colonialism all over the world were excellent, and did not suffer the degradations of the long march of communism as schools did in UK.

    As a result, the Nigerian ‘attitude’ and ‘work ethic’ are still positive.

    Nigerians also do not obsess about ‘slavery’ being well aware of the part Africans played in enabling and implementing slavery, independent of skin colour.

    But yes, these skilled people are much needed in Africa generally, but this has never worried the left (in UK), who are much more concerned with breaking the back of local ‘Judeo-Christianity’ than of any altruistic policies in East Africa.

  3. This freaking traitors , communist want bring them to Germany for voting , ! That why they want give them citizenship, ( German passport became like a toilet paper) and want them to vote for them .. it’s absolutely disgusting.. and now : “ Kampf gegen Rechts „ fight against the right extremism!, big manure nothing else ..

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