Travel in Groups, Stay Under the Streetlight, and Wear Hijab

The last part of my title — about hijab — is only sardonic hyperbole. But still… it’s coming: eventually kafir schoolgirls in Regensburg will have to cover themselves to avoid being raped, as is the case in parts of London. But even that is just an intermediate measure: the end stage of the process is for girls to be kept out of schools entirely, as occurs now in certain Islamic countries.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Apollo News. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

After rape: Regensburg school warns against girls going to school

After a rape in a nearby park, a school in Regensburg has now sent a letter to parents about school safety for girls. This points out that girls should travel in groups and never in the dark. The headmaster defends himself against the misuse of the letter by “right-wing circles”.

After a 27-year-old was raped by two men with “Arab appearance” in broad daylight in Regensburg’s Fürst-Anselm Park (Apollo News reported), the nearby St. Marien School sent a warning letter to parents on Tuesday. The school management warns parents that girls should ideally only go to school in groups and, if possible, only move on illuminated sections of the street. Darkness should “be avoided at all costs.” [How times have changed since I went to school in Germany, and since Germany has become the “Best Germany of all Time”. We never had those problems; one wonders WHY?]

Because “safety on the way to school” is important to the school management, parents should ask their children to avoid the train station area and the aforementioned Fürst-Anselm Park, despite the increased police presence, as both are still “crime hotspots during the day.” The school is only some one hundred meters away from both focal points. Furthermore, at a school ball that took place on Wednesday, the school management asked parents to “pick up their daughters at the end of the event.”

The letter emphasizes that there will be an increased police presence in the school area for this event last Wednesday, but access to the school ball can only be gained by purchasing a ticket in advance. The event is not an event for young people, but rather a “lower elementary ball” in which children also take part.

The headmaster, Hans Lindner, told the Mittelbayerische [newspaper] that he had only published the letter for “appropriate reasons”, that it was purely a preventive measure and that he did not want to cause panic in any way. Lindner emphasized that nothing had ever happened at the school itself in recent years. And yet the school management is now clearly warning people not to go to school.

The school therefore also offers self-defense courses, is under video surveillance and has discussed the alleged rape “in a sensitive way” in class, says Lindner. But “nothing ever happened — and it should stay that way,” explained the headmaster. [He deliberately forgot to say: So far!]

He was annoyed that the letter was circulating on the Internet and being misused by right-wing circles. But of course something happened: the recent rape — even if it wasn’t a student — was the trigger for the school route safety letter.

Afterword from the translator:

This looks to me like Third World practices have finally been firmly established in Germany. BRAVO.

We just took in my wife’s niece so that she can go to school here in the countryside of South Africa instead of that holding pen for juvenile criminals in Cape Town where she had been. A school in which guns and knives are more common now than exercise books, where the promise of rape is seen as an way to blackmail boys and girls into paying protection money to these thugs. A school where drugs are sold and used openly. A school where the teachers can do nothing — thanks to the ANC government, woke bureaucrats and George Soros — and are afraid for their own skins and families. And all this happened in a short time through the massive influx of “pupils” from, lets say, a different cultural “Rainbow Nation” background. Europe and Germany are already overtaking South Africa with massive strides. No half measures there. Well done.

7 thoughts on “Travel in Groups, Stay Under the Streetlight, and Wear Hijab

  1. “Welcome the muslim immigrant!” Do the westerns who shouted and wrote this phrase still agree with this? Do they feel regret for doing so? Will they admit that they were wrong? Will they apologise to the people who they called racist? Will they change their ways towards having a better future? Sadly, I am doubtful.

    • the Germans who asked what was wrong with me when I pointed out the obvious at the beginning of Merkel’s invasion now occasionally talk about the bearded god warriors and the culturally enrichment of car theft. Later they will talk about greater levels of horror but never will they acknowledge an earlier responsibility. Never.
      The Masters of the Universe as always know where things stand via their monitoring devise aka the internet. At the moment they will be seeing an upsurge in virtue signalling from the anti-rightwings, and a new absence of signals from the comfortable conformists who are memory-holing their past signals. Sociology has moved from opinion of the opinionated with a torturing of statistics into a real-time measure of generalised self-deceit with a sample-size of billions.

  2. I think a reader will misunderstand “And yet the school management is now clearly warning people not to go to school” as a translation of “Und dennoch warnt die Schulleitung jetzt eindrücklich vor dem Schulweg.” Isn’t the school director specifically warning about the dangers of walking to school, and not about dangers within the school itself? Conditions within German schools that have a German minority have deteriorated, but they have probably not yet descended to Cape Town levels.

    It is sad to read about your niece having to study in the countryside. A neighbor’s daughter, once a vivacious, blonde middle schooler, complete with waist length ponytail, recently had to transfer out of one such school because of “mobbing”. I did not ask her Mom who was doing the mobbing, but I am pretty sure their names did not start with Hannah or Lukas.

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