Changing the Berlin Constitution to Protect Culture-Enrichers

A move is afoot, led by (Muslim) socialists, to change the constitution of the state of Berlin to protect Muslim migrants from criticism.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the Austrian portal Heimatkurier. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Constitutional change in Berlin: SPD leader vows to “fight against Islamophobia”

Raed Saleh, parliamentary group and party leader of the SPD Berlin, wants to declare war on alleged “Islamophobia” and change the state constitution to do so. According to the native Palestinian, anyone who “crosses the borders” should have to deal with “defense ready democracy”. Is law and order coming under pressure due to ongoing replacement migration and Islamization? [It’s already at the bursting point towards sharia is all I can see here.]

Saleh, 46, is a native Palestinian and pursues politics based on his own ethno cultural interests in the migration-addicted client party SPD. In the current case, the Social Democrat wants to expand on a constitutional change that has already been considered: the city of Berlin, which is already swamped by Afro-Arabs among other things, must not only take a position against anti-Semitism and racism, but also take Muslim interests into account. “We do not tolerate Islamophobia, we do not tolerate racism,” said Saleh. Statements critical of Islamization and references to the ongoing replacement migration should ultimately become anti-constitutional. There has been no talk of German interests for a long time; instead, the well-being of the replacement migrants must come first. [The time to start the Reconquista of Europe from the menace of Islam and Marxism is almost beyond the grasp of the native Europeans by now.]

Protection of minorities in the constitution

Months earlier, the governing mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) and the social and integration senator Cansel Kiziltepe (SPD) had proposed giving the “fight against anti-Semitism” constitutional status. The highest legally formulated goal of Berliners should therefore be the representation of minority interests — dissenters must expect consequences. Saleh literally: “And whoever crosses the borders will have to deal with the defense ready democracy.” The practicing Muslim’s statements leave no room for interpretation: his people should be beyond reproach and anyone who violates this is violating the constitution. This distorts the fact that a threat to the Constitution comes from the opposite direction.

Islamic danger to state and order

When the SPD official says, “Islamophobia is part of everyday life in our society. We hear reports of attacks on Muslims every day. And we constantly hear about structural racism,” he then deliberately plays the role of victim. As the Heimatkurier reported, citing the Federal Prosecutor General, the greatest danger in Germany clearly comes from growing Islamism and its terrorist side effects. In addition to Islamism, however, there is another danger that threatens the German constitutional state: the required change to the state constitution is one of them. The constitution, laws and jurisprudence are to be undermined with the help of smokescreens such as “structural racism and used against the actual creators and supporters of the constitutional state — the German people! [Since that guy is a Muslim and a politician to boot, why are people so ignorant of the practice of taqiyya that’s been elementary to both criminal “professions”?]

SPD wish: indoctrination at school

However, in order to undermine the self-assertion of Germans, their self-image is to be damaged by highlighting “migrant stories” and turning away from their own history. Saskia Esken, also an SPD official, promotes “dealing with the history, culture and the political and social situation of the countries of origin.” Schools’ educational plans must therefore make room for the stories of migrants, which, however, are often referred to as “passion stories” against “racism” and “disadvantage” by locals. As the Freilich magazine wrote, the chairwoman of the federal SPD received a lot of criticism for her proposals. “German history obviously has no priority in German schools if you want to emotionally, mentally and ultimately physically erase the country whose history you shouldn’t teach about,” said one user. [It’s a simple cultural genocide perpetrated by the political class in Germany and the entire Western Hemisphere, and people need to start to realize that and fight back.]

Self-assertion instead of minority preference

Resistance and the assertion of one’s own interests is interpreted as “racism” or “Islamophobia” and should ultimately be given the extremely dangerous stigma of “anti-constitutionalism”. The demands for remigration and de-Islamization, on the other hand, actually promote the integrity of the constitutional state and give a constitution back its actual meaning: the state order given to itself by the people. If Mr. Saleh and his migration-addicted comrades do not agree with this, then the problem lies with them, not with the Germans.

Afterword from the translator:

People should think about something to eliminate the anti-German sentiment on the part of the Muslims and their client puppeticians. They’re only good enough to finance their lavish lifestyles. Otherwise, the hard working Germans are just infidels and potatoes to be robbed, raped and murdered in the name of their death cult. But you can’t say that anymore in Germany openly without having a “friendly” knock — with a sledge-hammer — at your door by the local “constitutional” thug force.

Where is this all going to lead? some might ask. Look at the history of Islam, and you’ll know what is in store from that corner of the circling satanic enemies of humanity. Tolerating those who are utterly intolerant is a disastrous recipe for your own bloody extinction.

I’m going have to quote Milan Kundera again:

The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture, its history. Then have somebody write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new history. Before long that nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was… The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.

2 thoughts on “Changing the Berlin Constitution to Protect Culture-Enrichers

  1. And just like that, the German Nationalist is born, and his hatred shall seethe until he cannot stomach it any longer, then the fun and horror games begin. Let it rain.

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