Putting the Infidel Police Dog in Her Place

The increase in the number of Islamic culture-enrichers in Sweden has reached a critical mass that allows the “youths” to mock, insult, verbally abuse, and ignore the police — especially female police officers.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Samhällsnytt:

Here is the drug dealer who humiliated policewoman

December 27, 2023

On Tuesday, Samnytt showed a video clip that went viral during the Christmas holidays where two immigrants humiliated a police patrol carrying out a vehicle check in Stockholm. The patrol was filmed and a policewoman was told that she was a “F***ing dog” and should be hanged. Samnytt can say who the person was behind the camera.

In the past few years, Samnytt has drawn attention several times to the new phenomenon with gangs who mock, humiliate, and even threaten police on the streets. Earlier in the fall the Sweden Democrat Member of Parliament Adam Mattinen commented on this development and stated that such cases, as a rule, should be met with force.

In a new video that has gone viral, police attempted to conduct a driver’s license and sobriety check on two men who were operating a car. The men, who felt themselves offended by the police work, began countering the patrol and ignored a policewoman who was trying to communicate with them. She was called several times, “a little dog” and a “f***ing dog”.

“I will embarrass you. You will swear by Allah”

“Your little dog!”

“I will lay you out on all the platforms. F***ing dog, I swear on my mother.”

Below are images from the police stop that show the men in the car. It is the men themselves who film themselves in connection with humiliating the patrol.

In the images from the passenger’s side is shown 19-year-old Josef Gameel Hussen (blue hoodie) and his friend, “Jonas”, who is driving the car. Josef Gameel Hussen has made himself known on social media where he has thousands of followers. This video with the police patrol has also been uploaded on social media.

Connected to gang environment

Samnytt can report that 19-year-old Josef Gameel Hussen is registered as living in Vällingby and is a Swedish citizen. He has an immigrant background from Iraq and Kuwait.

He has a prior criminal record for several drug offenses and illegal driving. Police write in the preliminary investigation report that Josef is “involved in drugs” in West Stockholm.

It also appears from the preliminary police investigation report that Josef’s previous drug possessions are suspected to be drug sales. This is confirmed by mass mailings with price lists of drugs. But according to the Arab himself, it only involves drugs for friends.

Earlier in the fall, Josef Gameel Hussen was charged with aggravated assault. This after a man who had visited a pub in Hässelby was brutally assaulted with a snow shovel by an immigrant gang in the middle of the square.

The victim told police that the immigrant gang had asked if he wanted to buy narcotics, to which he refused and asked that they leave him alone. There followed an argument and a fight broke out on the spot. The victim did not want to flee from the gang without defending himself, but it ended with his face being destroyed.

According to police and prosecution authorities, Josef Gameel Hussen allegedly participated in the act of violence by “promoting the act and encouraging the intent of the perpetrators.”

Furthermore, the preliminary investigation writes that “Josef films from close up and runs around laughing. Josef is judged to be a participant in the assaults in his actions.”

But on 10 November this year, the Solna court announced that Josef Gameel Hussen was acquitted of aggravated assault. The court found that Josef did not participate since he only filmed while his friends beat the man on the square. Josef’s friends, on the other hand, were convicted of assault.

The Arab to Samnytt: “Whores”

Samnytt has been in contact with Josef Gameel Hussen to hear how he could humiliate police who were doing their job. Josef justified his behavior by claiming that the police were not carrying out a normal check.

“Why did you behave like that with the police at a check?”

“If you check the entire video clip, you can see that it wasn’t a normal check.”

“I saw your entire video. What is it that isn’t normal about police conducting a driver’s license and sobriety check? Then the police ask that you put away your cell phone so you can be checked, but then you theatrically say the police officer is a ‘dog’ and should be hanged. Can’t the police carry out a check?”

“If you saw the video, you see clearly that it was she who began to jerk the cell phone. Why do you skip over that part? The police have received criticism many times from the Justice ombudsman for preventing people from filming.”

The Arab goes on to say that Samnytt‘s journalist is both a “whore” and a “little dog that sucks dog d***.”

On Wednesday, the Arab also posts a video clip on social media with his explanation of the incident. He maintains that Samnytt “distorts” and twists” the incident when he himself films how he humiliates the policewoman and then puts the film on the internet.

“Then the Swedes will hate. This here Samnytt and whores — f***ing bums, wallah (swear by God —editor). You are little hayseeds. This is sick, wallah.”

16 thoughts on “Putting the Infidel Police Dog in Her Place

  1. ““I will embarrass you. You will swear by Allah”
    “Your little dog!”
    “I will lay you out on all the platforms. F***ing dog, I swear on my mother.””

    “Resettlement Jihad: Europe is kaput.” —posted to fb (2015)

  2. I think that some true police officers in Sweden should entertain the thought of Punishment Squads, you know arresting him in the middle of the night, drive him into the woods, where he receives some lessons in good behaviour and is asked if he will behave in the future. If he answers in the affirmative they bring him to the hospital. If not, he is free to walk home on his own.

    • “I think that some true police officers in Sweden”

      Are you suggesting that there actually are TRUE police officers left in Sweden (and other western “democracies”)?! Alert the media!!

  3. If only a few Swedes channeled their inner Viking and chose to die on their feet rather than live on their knees. The West had a short but good run. The West is dead: Doom to the regime that replaces it.

    • The regime that is going to take over will be western men of the hard ruthless sort who will have no mercy and no quarter on any and all 3rd worlders, for they won’t be in the mood to pander to their better angels, until none are left and any that protest will meet their same fate.

  4. It seems to have less to do with Islam per se and more in common with American “gangsta” culture, promoted by the media and music industry for decades now, personified in rap “music.” Absolute cultural poison.

    • Oh please..
      ”It seems”?
      Why don’t you start informing yourself, instead of muddying the already sadly muddied waters further with useless chitchat?!

      • “”It seems”?
        Why don’t you start informing yourself, instead of muddying the already sadly muddied waters further with useless chitchat?!”

        In my opinion, you’re both right….because both BLM (BLACK Lunatic Madness) and the Mohammedans’re feral cancers that’ve been rotting Obamerica (and other [previously] modern civilizations) since they morphed into “The Victims” courtesy of the benefactors of the 19th Amendment.

        As’s been said: Repeal the 19th and the nightmare will end.

      • I don’t usually descend to this level, but who the HELL are you and what is YOUR problem? What I said not only nails the issue but is something NEVER spoken of. The promotion of drug-centered black violent ghetto “culture” is a cancer that has rotted away Western culture in around six decades. Educate yourself about how Islam was advancing into the modern era until the corrupt, marijuana-addled United States set it in back on a path toward the Stone Age. https://archive.org/details/gov.archives.arc.651784 The “drug culture” was spread by the Communists to destroy us, and it has.

      • “Muslims will be bloody muslims and act accordingly.”

        You betcha. And they haven’t changed much in > 100 years.
        “How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia [rabies] in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.” —Winston Churchill, “The River War” (1899)

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