Stop the Mosques!

Finally, after more than fifteen years, a leader of the Sweden Democrats is saying in public what needs to be said about the Islamization of Sweden.

I think it’s too late — the process is already too far advanced. When I first met with the Sweden Democrats back in 2007, a reversal of the trend was still barely possible. But not any longer.

Or maybe I’m being too pessimistic. Maybe, despite the fact that young Mohammeds now outnumber young Svens and Olafs in Modern Multicultural Sweden, the situation can somehow be salvaged…

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Samtiden:

Åkesson: Takes a stand — demolish Islamists’ mosque construction

by Dick Erixon
November 25, 2023

It was a strong speech for Swedish values, and with it, against Islamists’ pretenses. Sweden must stop excusing Islamists and their progress. Instead of more mosques, Åkesson wants to demolish mosques that harbor extremists.

During the Sweden Democrats’ National Days in Västerås, Jimmie Åkesson gave his speech after he was entrusted with the party leadership for two more years. The election committee said that there was not even a discussion over the issue of party leader. His position was so clear.

On Swedish streets people celebrated that women and children were slaughtered and raped.

After giving thanks for the trust and giving a situation report on everything that was going to happen through the Tidö Agreement and cooperation with the government, Åkesson went onto a hard attack against those in Sweden who celebrated the attacks and murders of children, women, and men in Israel.

“On the 7th of October this year the Islamist terror organization Hamas staged a cruel and inhuman attack directed primarily at civilian targets in Israel. Women and children, small children, were slaughtered, raped, and kidnapped.”

“People celebrated this in Sweden! With fireworks.”

“People who chose to move to this country. People, who, for some extremely unclear reason, have been allowed to move to our country.”

“They celebrated. They cheered. It is so macabre that it is hard to take in.”

Stop mosque construction

It is noticeable that this behavior disturbed Jimmie Åkesson deeply. He wants to take a hard line against the Islamization that has been allowed to happen in Sweden.

“We need an immediate and total stop in the establishment of new mosques in Sweden,” Åkesson said to strong applause.

“In the long term, we need to start confiscating and demolishing mosque buildings where anti-democratic, anti-Swedish, homophobic, or anti-Semitic propaganda or general misinformation is spread about Swedish society.”

Åkesson wants to ensure that security police can use covert means of enforcement, such as covert wiretapping to get to extremists who break Swedish laws.

Tear down minarets

Along with the security threat that Islamists pose against the Swedish people, Åkesson also wants to save Sweden from the imperialist features that drive Islamism.

“Minarets, domes, half-crescents, or other attributes that serve as Islamist monuments in our city landscape should be completely removed. There is absolutely nothing in our constitutionally protected religious freedom that gives someone the right to build such monuments in the name of religion,” stated Åkesson.

He stressed that religious freedom includes the right to be free from having a religion imposed. Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Atheists, and others have the right to avoid calls to prayer and changes in the city landscape.

Sweden will not become a Muslim country

Åkesson said that Islamists cannot be excused. There is no gray area. Either stand with the Western side or with the Islamists. Here Åkesson sent a direct call to the Social Democrats and Magdalena Andersson. Choose sides!

Åkesson was crystal clear about his and his party’s ambition:

“Sweden is not, and Sweden will never become a Muslim country. And Islamism must be opposed before it eats its way even deeper into the body of society.”

12 thoughts on “Stop the Mosques!

  1. Repatriate all Muslims now while you still have the ability to.
    Or do nothing and pass the problem off to your grand children whereby they will eventually be slaves in their own country.
    Not taking action now is a mistake. Remember it’s never to late to do what is right. Do some research on the real history of how Islam has conquered and dominated country after country.

    • Far to late and expensive to deport these bloody savages, bullets, bayonets and rope are far cheaper and more effective to get them to move back to where they crawled out of. Until none are left. 3rd worlders only respect and understand the mailed fist, delivered with hammer blows and utter ruthless efficiency, any sign of compassion or empathy will be used as a weapon against you.

  2. I wrote the folllowing to my MP (in the UK) ten years or more ago. I don’t think I got so much as an acknowledgement, even though the proposal is for a small, but important step.
    “ In the light of last week’s atrocity in France, it seems to me that it would be useful for organised religions to clearly acknowledge their constitutional place in our democratic, secular, and free societies.
    In a manner similar to how many companies and government departments have mission statements that they publicise, I think there is a case for religious organisations to be compelled by law (or face closure) to prominently display in every place of worship a signed statement that the responsible priest/rabbi/imam (or other, as appropriate) happily acknowledges, recognises, endorses, and approves the fact that
    –– this worship is taking place in a free and secular society in which
    a) any or no religion may be held freely,
    b) every person has the right to hold any religion or political affiliation he so chooses and also to criticise any religion or political affiliation he so chooses
    –– that only persons enrolled in the brand of faith practised in this place of worship may be additionally held to further tenets of the place’s particular brand of faith, and that only so long as this does not conflict with the overriding constitutional and legal tenets of the country in which this faith is being practised.
    –– that as the responsible priest/rabbi/imam (or other, as appropriate), it is undertaken that these views will be proselytised constantly in this place of worship.
    This, of course, is merely to state out loud what it was vainly hoped was a given, but I believe that it might help everyone, in the words of the Captain (the Man with No Eyes) in Cool Hand Luke, to “get your mind right”.

    • You forgot to take into consideration that both Islamic and the Talmudic laws abrogate any of ours. So they will sign but wont adhere to such agreements or laws.

  3. I recently watched a video where it was said that the most popular name in Galway, Eire, is…
    The Irishmen fought against the English for centuries but they seem to be reluctant to confront and oppose their latest invaders.
    Why is that, what has changed in the Irish psyche. Is it because they are no longer a Christian country and this is God’s punishment?

  4. It’s the people who are the problem; not the buildings.

    Also, there should be some comdemnation for the immigrant-hugging Swedish political parties who allowed these people into the country in the first place.

  5. Re: “It was a strong speech for Swedish values, and with it, against Islamists’ pretenses. Sweden must stop excusing Islamists and their progress. Instead of more mosques, Åkesson wants to demolish mosques that harbor extremists.”

    Great sound bite, good fodder for the TV cameras, but not enough. Åkesson apparently does not comprehend the full dimension of the problem Sweden is facing. Quite literally, demographics is destiny.

    Even if the government had some fool-proof means of separating the proverbial wheat from the chaff vis-a-vis the violence-prone Muslims from the more-or-less peaceful ones, closing down the “extremist” mosques won’t really matter much and will amount to nothing more than security and political theater.

    Why? Because if even the peaceful Muslims continue to have large families (larger than those of native Swedes) they will out-number native-born Swedes within a few generations and will gain control that way. And once Muslims have a firm majority, they will remodel Swedish society by instituting sharia law and in other ways making the land of the midnight sun into a copy of the nations in Africa and the Middle East.

    Mr. Åkesson ought to study the famous “paradox of tolerance” which was formulated by the philosopher Sir Karl Popper around the time of the end of the Second World War. It states:

    “Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.”

    The hour is very late, and Sweden may already be too far gone to be saved from conquest and rule by the Muslims. Having said that, if there is to be any hope whatsoever, Sweden must immediately stop admitting Muslims into their country, and should immediately begin programs designed to encourage Muslims to return to their ancestral homelands.

    The government should also stop subsidizing Muslims who come to their country expecting and getting a free ride at the expense of the taxpayers. These policies have been tantamount to cultural suicide, and must end forthwith. Do Swedish authorities not know that the imams in the mosques are telling the young Islamic men that this “good jihad,” to accept handouts and refuse to work while inflicting damage in other ways upon Swedish society?

    The great military theorist William Lind – one of the originators of the “generations of warfare” model and an acknowledged expert on fourth-generation conflict, has written that an invading army wearing uniforms and carrying weapons is less-dangerous to a nation than a demographic invasion by apparently unarmed “refugees” since whereas the former sooner or later depart back to their homeland, the latter can and often do come to stay. Which is precisely what the Muslims are now doing with Sweden.

    They are quite frank and forthright that they are not in Sweden because they love the country as it is has always been; they are there to claim it in the name of their prophet and their creed, for Dar al-Islam as the Koran, Hadiths and Sira proclaim. Sweden is a territory of Dar al-Harb, or “The House of War,” and as such, being an infidel land, they are ordered to conquer it in the name of Islam and the caliphate.

    • Where islam is concerned, bloodshed is always the end result. As westerners are concerned with the 3rd worlders in our western countries, our motto should be, until none are left and use whatever means to accomplish it, no matter how ruthless the means. Because this is what it will come to when the bloodshed begins.

  6. @G

    The famous Churchill quote comes to mind…

    “Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

    Such pessimism is warranted in the case of infidels who find themselves under attack and possible domination by Islam, since other than saying the shahada and converting to the faith, the options for a kafir are bleak: Subjugation as a de facto slave and status as a dhimmi or death.

    And history shows that those conquered by Islam are not always offered the choice of becoming a dhimmi to escape death, in particular if they are males. Oftentimes, in the wake of a Muslim military victory, the enemy males were slain out of hand, while the women and children were taken as captives to be held for ransom, as slaves or as concubines for the harem.

    And in those areas where subjects of Islam were permitted to survive, they had to pay onerous taxes, as well as endure the seizure of their Christian sons to be converted into Janissaries, via the practice of devşirme.

    Those practices took place a long time ago, but given the opportunity, there is no reason that the caliphate could not revive them at its discretion. The Muslims are the biggest slavers in history.

  7. In order to preserve the old Sweden, so to speak, it may be necessary for heritage Swedes to do things that violate their most-deeply held principles concerning things like multiculturalism, diversity and tolerance. Or DEI as they are abbreviated these days.

    They will also have to realize that they have believed in a bright-shining lie about the nature of humankind, i.e., that people are pretty much the same everywhere. The truth, as politically-incorrect as it may be, is that human societies are a direct reflection of the people who build and inhabit them.

    Africa is Africa because it is inhabited by Africans and built by Africans; the same goes for the Middle East and anywhere else. Historic Sweden, the Sweden of old, which was world-famous for its low crime, high standard of living and quality of life, was the way it was because of the people who built it, namely the northern Europeans we identify as “Swedes.”

    If, on the other hand, “migrants” ~ i.e., de facto conquerors from the Islamic world ~ establish demographic dominance as they now seem poised to do, they will end up running Sweden and everything in it. They’ll enact sharia law, and in every other way turn the country into a mirror of Dar al-Islam, which means “The House of Islam.” Historic Sweden will, in a few generations time, cease to exist.

    The next step will be the hardest: Reclaiming their ancestral homeland will mean physically expelling the invaders ~ peacefully if at all possible, but by whatever means necessary. Those Muslims who have sired children in Sweden will be considered, under current laws, as Swedes. They pose an even greater dilemma, morally, legally and otherwise.

    At least under current political and legal conditions, I do not see such actions as plausible. Especially since Sweden would have to turn its back on the EU and perhaps NATO as well, in order to act independently.

    Speaking strictly for myself, I am not at all optimistic that native Swedes or for that matter Scandinavians in other nations, possess the self-awareness, discipline, fortitude and brutal intellectual honesty necessary to confront this problem. Their prospects are therefore rather bleak.

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